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File: 41 KB, 569x539, images - 2019-06-29T132515.137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13383470 No.13383470 [Reply] [Original]

>Nietzsche was a nihilist

>> No.13383477

School of Life said he was nihilist you fucking retard.

>> No.13383479


>> No.13383490

you desu

>> No.13383492

British cuck on YouTube

>> No.13383498

What makes him an authority on the matter?

>> No.13383503

I'm pretty sure he was a unwilling nihilist.
You can be a virgin and still shout about how being a virgin is terrible. I assume most of you know about that lmao.


>> No.13383505
File: 141 KB, 1230x633, will to power.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one guy who is really certain about what nietzsche was, before finishing his oeuvre

>that i have been fundamentally a nihilist, i have admitted to myself only recently

>> No.13383511


>> No.13383528

>have been

>> No.13383540


>> No.13383555


>> No.13383566

hehe *tickles your sides*

>> No.13383571

I'm just surprised about Georg Lukács' very negative interpretation on Nietzsche.
The most surprising part is that he claiming every existentialism rooted in nihilism, and he definitely thinks Nietzsche as such(and, I think N's definition on the will of power cannot be helped)
He is Not "oh it is nihilist but little but different in my definition" thing, He did Full straight calling out Nietzsche nihilist. I can only read him that way. Like, just like the most common misconception.
What have been wrong to my view?

>> No.13383574

He actually didn’t though I just watched the video he has a very simplified but pretty decent explanation

>> No.13383603

Neet would hate 99% of people that like his work. "Life is inherently meaningless. We exist somewhere between the void and the void, so try and actualize your will. Stop living under someone else's rules like a slave. Everything you do is for someone else I think this is why he thought of Jesus as an übermensch and hated the church, start living for yourself on your own terms." I think the whole horse story is better to be true than not, even though it is false, because it shows how much he cared about people and preventing unnecessary suffering. "Insane ramblings of a delusional old man" could have been N yelling about how the coach was spreading nihilism and how little he cared for the beauty of the world, how he was the cause of evil and continuing on to try and shame the coach by being as extreme as possible. He was merely lashing a horse, but I think N was a sentimentalist, and so horribly jaded that no one listened to him, that no one wanted to be better because they were caught up in their attachment to slave mentality, that he could only save a handful in thousands from the evils that were caused by an apparent nihilism. I feel deep empathy for this kind of interpretation, but I'm not sure how to avoid a disenchantment with hope for humanity.

>> No.13384124

What does Star Wars have to do with anything?

>> No.13384132

Did Nietzsche believe in objective meaning? If not then he was a Nihilist even if he was trying to find a way to cope with it.

>> No.13384149
File: 177 KB, 800x1202, Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I think this is the fairest interpretation. Nietzsche didn't WANT to be a nihilist, but he eventually felt that he had no choice to be one, since he couldn't definitively find a reason for people to move forward in life in the absence of God and objective truth. His entire life's work was trying to find that reason, but he ultimately failed.

>> No.13384158

>Did Nietzsche believe in objective meaning?
Short answer: yes.

>> No.13384177

Understanding Nietzsche and understanding his madness happen simultaneously

>> No.13384190

as weininger wrote: a seeker pretending to be a knower

>> No.13384196


>> No.13384202

>he couldn't definitively find a reason for people to move forward in life in the absence of God and objective truth.
Are you kidding? His "reason" is all over the place in his work, and it's called will to power.

How do you guys misunderstand THIS much about him?

>> No.13384244

I think he was a positive nihilist. Being a nihilist just means you go "nothing matters, fuck it" while being a postive nihilist means you go "nothing matters, but let's do something about it"

>> No.13384289


>> No.13384312

>being a postive nihilist means you go "nothing matters, but let's do something about it"
That's just being a little fucking bitch child who won't accept reality and wants to believe there's a happy ending.

>> No.13384358

No, there's no happy ending that's taken for granted. You have to build your own life. It's in fact the opposite of what you're suggesting. Hard work. Pursuing your interests with passion. Being childish would be to go full nihilist "WAA I'm such a faggot and nothing matters WAAAA WAAA"

>> No.13384364

He was a nihilist since he failed to overcome it.

>> No.13384380

So you expect me to be content with the struggle? Fuck off Camus.