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/lit/ - Literature

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13382661 No.13382661[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello, high IQ board.
Is there any advantage in using 4chan?
Do you think we could benefit ourselves somehow by using this website where you can say whatever the fuck you want?
What can we learn from using this website and how could we make use of it?

>> No.13382718

>Is there any advantage in using 4chan?
As opposed to not using it? No.

> you can say whatever the fuck you want?
You can't.

>What can we learn from using this website
We can learn the retarded extents people will go to when anonymously debating frivolous trivialities, and that's about it.

>> No.13382725
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Just use it for the charts and recs, otherwise don't take it seriously and just use it for light discussion while posting funny pictures

>> No.13382732

Just use it to make off-topic threads about how some infographic told you which board was smarter.

>> No.13382737
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It's just an huge vent hole for autist

>> No.13382748

Yeah he's right. You just have to know how to filter out the BS and you'll be fine. Otherwise don't spend too much time here, it's pointless.

>> No.13382750

>You can't.
Yes, nigger, I can. The fact that jannies could delete my post doesn't prevent me from saying whatever I want.

Or you could also use it to make subtle criticisms with a tinge of irony because being too direct doesn't make you sound smart enough.

>> No.13382780

If used correctly it’s one of the best places to develop a critical mind, unfortunately a lot of people makes posts like they are not anonymous, making it identical to reddit.
This can also be seen in the amount of polshitters, where newer posters mistake irony and self-consciousness for honesty

>> No.13382810

>Or you could also use it to make subtle criticisms with a tinge of irony because being too direct doesn't make you sound smart enough.
This makes me want to kiss you, in a manly manner, on the forehead.

>> No.13382896

>Yes, nigger, I can. The fact that jannies could delete my post doesn't prevent me from saying whatever I want.
If that's your approach then you can say anything, anywhere, invalidating the idea that 4chan is some sort of exclusive place where you can say whatever you want.

>> No.13383015

>t-they're just being ironic

>> No.13383047
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I only use this website to find good info on old scifi shows/anime and call people dumb. If you're looking to make yourself smarter try the library

>> No.13383088
File: 9 KB, 259x182, sotired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hello, high IQ board.
I wouldn't get your hopes up.

>Is there any advantage in using 4chan?
>Do you think we could benefit ourselves somehow by using this website where you can say whatever the fuck you want?
I get to call anons niggers and faggots while behaving like a faggot nigger myself without any social repercussions.

>What can we learn from using this website and how could we make use of it?
Sometimes the niggots actually say smart things or drop some fringe redpills, which is nice. Unfortunately redpills usually just hammer in the futility of struggle in life, so if you want to be useful stay blissfully ignorant.

>> No.13383096

lol go back

>> No.13383112
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No, I like it here.

>> No.13383121
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ok ok fine you can stay

>> No.13383122

We have repeatedly attempted to work on radical collaborative forms of writing. The results have been consistently awful. The journals are stillborn, the novels are worse. There are some people who believe that someday an anon of genius will take one of these collaborative disasters and mould it into something worthwhile. Those people are idiots.

>> No.13383127

>Is there any advantage in using 4chan?

The answer to this question lies in learning how to use the archives for your personal learning / entertainment.

>> No.13383134
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>Is there any advantage in using 4chan?
>Do you think we could benefit ourselves somehow by using this website where you can say whatever the fuck you want?
4chan is unironically my only form of social interaction. People in solitary confinement with no social interaction often go insane, so there's that.

>> No.13383168
File: 91 KB, 800x965, silentloyalties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic
He truly was an hero we didn't deserve.

How long have been completely isolated? I'm looking to undergo some hardcore isolation for a few months at some point.

>> No.13383169

You could use it to examine your Asian level autism, faggot.

>> No.13383178

>The answer to this question lies in learning how to use the archives for your personal learning / entertainment.
I do the same thing. Kek.

>> No.13383318
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Distracting me making dumb posts and playing asteroid field game on the catalog page because I have nothing else to do in the afternoon hours.

>> No.13383446

blow it out your ass

>> No.13383565

It made me appreciate humanities, start doing a second degree by studying philosophy (analytic german idealism is the shit) and find authors like Stirner. I stopped practising medicine, gave up on an ugly, but otherwise almost perfect MD girlfriend who wanted to live the spooked bourgeois life and started to fap to incestuous grooming fantasies of my nonexistent daughter thanks to this place. Doesn't sound too good, I know, but I never felt this alive before. I don't even have suicidal thoughts anymore. This place is mostly shit, but by God there is gold here as well if you train your eye for it.

>> No.13383591

Low IQ cumbrain.

>> No.13383635

This is the place where I entertain myself the most. I get recommendations that feed my interests and every time I start a discussion on an obscure topic at least some person knows what I am talking about and adds new information I didn't know. That I can not find anywhere else with so much freedom.

>> No.13383666

>high IQ board
Dude i'm being serious right now, the highest IQ anyone here has is like 95. This is literally one of the lowest IQ boards on 4chan, and it would be obvious if you spent more time on it. If you have and still think that way, then you're probably low-IQ yourself, and will fit right in. If not, leave this board immediately! Nothing good ever comes out of browsing 4chan, ESPECIALLY /lit/. I am not exaggerating, you would be hard pressed to find as many absolute morons who think they're highly intelligent in one place.

>> No.13383673


Satan is right, we're all idiots

>> No.13383776

>This place is mostly shit, but by God there is gold here as well if you train your eye for it.
Basically this

>> No.13383875

4chan is for people 18 and over.

>> No.13383927

Good thing I just turned 18 today!

>> No.13383941

Why do we go insane if there's no one around?

>> No.13383987

There are two factors from that anon's post: the isolation, and the involuntary aspect of it.

One could argue that the being forced to not interact with anyone when one desires to do so can drive you insane. But this does not take in to account people that undergo voluntary isolation, as it common in many religion traditions.

The key difference is that people that would go insane in isolation need society to support and affirm their beliefs as they have none of their own, while those that seek isolation do so in order to challenge the conviction of their own beliefs or to remove societal influences on their state of mind and thinking process.

Also, once you discard society's influence, voluntarily or involuntarily, and develop an understand outside of it, you will stop making sense to society since it itself has not undergone than process, hence, the unintelligibility is misconstrued as insanity for the sake of diagnostic convenience.

My two cents.

>> No.13384004

Its a social drive, we need it.

>> No.13384012

...who act like 18 and under.

>> No.13384021

Thousands of people under 18 years old post on 4chan, and the average age of some boards is around 16.

>> No.13384024

No pussy. At least incels have porn, in solitary confinement you have neither

>> No.13384109

Yes, it's like overhearing strangers talking about all kinds of things, but you can chime in however you feel like if you feel like it, and then you can get out as fast as you want. Nobody here lies out of politeness, people speak their mind. The insults and more grotesque content harden you. The memes are daft and really make you think about real deep stuff like how real things are similar to imaginary things.

How did you get out of clinical medicine?

I could never understand that. Provided that you are allowed to read, that you can choose your books, I would wait it out while reading all the books I never have time for.

Low IQ post

>> No.13384135

The lack of moderation means you can discuss pure truths, here. Various cultural norms dictate that certain truths are forbidden. That is why this place exists; it is where people who have learned the truth go to talk about it.

>> No.13384154

Yes. it's found mostly in
>/ic/ with the sticky and generals
>/g/ with the sticky
>/fit/ with the sticky, book reccs, and actually a lot of the non-meme discussion which is rare but still very useful
>/lit/ with the /lit/ wiki and book charts
>/sci/ specifically the /sci/ wiki found in the sticky
>/k/ specifically the info graphics and charts
>/mu/ but only the sticky and /prod/
>/vg/ but ONLY with /agd/ or armature game dev general
>/x/ but only if you're into that stuff
what other parts of this board am i missing out on guys?

>> No.13384240


>> No.13384252

>4chan/pol/ with the redpills
>/v/ for the better memes and meme formats
>4chan/hc/ for ballbusting threats

>> No.13384262
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Imagine spending your time and money playing with kids toys.
What drives a man to become like this?

>> No.13384268
File: 322 KB, 668x669, A4DE9E72-CB5C-4785-8DAE-5D8DE0BA4F56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>high IQ board

>> No.13384270

>What drives a man to become like this?
Not becoming a man.

>> No.13384308


Frequent /biz/ and use it as a starting point for differentiating emotional brainlets from rational financiers.

Frequent /lit/ and use it as a starting point for differentiating pretentious brainlets from slightly above average musers.

Then larp like you know what you're talking about and let that transpire to real life.

Then realize that you were always dicking around on a Spanish conquistador memorial board and that you're never going to make it regardless.

>> No.13385406

This, obscure subjects of discussion, but depending on th board you have to try a few times on differents days of week and hours to find partners

>> No.13385529

so to feel more alive i should fap to DDLG and study German idealism? i'll look into it.

>> No.13386183

then integrate

>> No.13386196
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>muh maturity

>> No.13386212
File: 13 KB, 236x349, 1499270244976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ in the economic theory threads and not of the crypto wankery kind

>> No.13386217

There is nothing more reddit than saying 4chan=/=4channel

>> No.13386221

Ah yes, social integration, that is why I'm here. I keep forgetting, thanks for reminding me.

>> No.13386243
File: 92 KB, 1920x1024, litrity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13386254

>What can we learn from using this website and how could we make use of it?
before the 2016 election, I learned a lot from other countries on /int/. History, culture, I even discovered a lot of music I wouldn't have otherwise. /tv/ used to be a fantastic source of arthouse film recommendations and discussion, and occassionally had hilarious threads. It's absolute garbage now. 4chan's main purpose has always been entertainment though.
/lit/ is probably the only good board left, but all the valuable stuff is really in the charts and wiki as >>13384154 said.

>> No.13386336

Pic is real ?

>> No.13386395

>Hello, high IQ board.
Begone, foreigner.

We know, you saw the infographic and are very impressed. Do not think that gives you the right to post here. Begone.

>> No.13386690

in-nigger-grate. Does this count?

>> No.13386730

4chan within itself is a consolidation of the contrarians. I hate to sound so fucking cliche, but it really is the round peg in the square hole. I used to be a fucking 4chan snob who thought I knew better than everyone and that was why I went on 4chan. Trust me dude, I've been living around about 60 people who are all the smartest guys in the room for the past week and a half. It's fun as fuck, because if you can get in their mindset you are vibing so hard that it gives me a tinge of sadness to leave on Tuesday. plus im pretty sure my manifesto spread like wildfire here and now i have 20k ppl who read it so yeet

oh right 4chan. if you can influence 4chan you can influence anything. literally got a president elected. because that's the people. it's terrible because they are raised by the internet, but it's beautiful because they are a product of their own environment. the environment we created

>> No.13386742

And that's why you go to /sci/ instead.
Get me out of the IQ pit please this place is unbearable
The /djt/ threads have a decent guide with a bunch of material if you like Japanese, and you always have the onahole threads if you really need them. /t/ has a bunch of porn but there are some interesting things too. /sig/ on /pol/ has tons of links to various books about various topics, though I can't say whether or not it's all quality.

>> No.13386767

Socialising regulates your brain, particularly emotional and social capacity. Failing to interact with and connect to others results in mental degeneration. Not just the social and emotional, but intelligence and memory, everything. Most of what we are is based on relation to others. Maybe if we were pure predators we'd be capable of individualism, but then all the human things like altruism, language, and intelligence wouldn't arise.

>> No.13386776

>he thinks /sci/ is high iq

You're low iq.

>> No.13386801

How many fucking threads do you need to blog post in?

>> No.13386802

Good responses.

>> No.13386803

all of them

>> No.13386809

Nobody who has spent more than a day or two there thinks that, they're just obsessed with high IQ. Even /mg/, which they justifiably laud whenever possible, has had threads where the people are more interested in complaining about anime avatarfags, redirecting to other boards or purposefully stirring up shit than actually talking about math.

>> No.13386848

>How did you get out of clinical medicine?

Where I'm from you start working as an assistant physician in a hospital after university. Do do that for 5-7 years in a certain field until you can do your specialist exam. This assistance period is where I quitted.

Maybe it's something else for you. I assume the "matter" is unimportant, it could be about stopping to give a shit about other people's expectations and doing what feels right to you.

>> No.13387085

So what do you do now? I'm in clinical medicine and I hate several aspects of it, but this is all I know and I don't have time to study something different if I want to start a family.

>> No.13387118

>average age of some boards is around 16
change that to 14

>> No.13387121


>> No.13387130

I teach prep schoolers who want to start with medicine and migrant doctors for a fee of 40$/hour (thankfully exempt from VAT). I don't work many hours and don't exactly have the means to feed a family right now, but it's enough to maintain an easy life and it funds my studies.

>> No.13387142

Doesn't make too much of a difference, but I forgot to convert the amount: it's 40€, so 45$/hour

>> No.13387192

listen to some bob dylan oldfag