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13381506 No.13381506 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think there's a hard limit, a ceiling, most people can't break through mentally concerning certain thoughts/opinions/theories?

Sometimes I talk to my friend about things and I've noticed, once I get onto certain topics his brain just shuts down. He understands what I'm saying but it's like he has this defence system that swats it away because it's going against what society says is the truth. He's not stupid but he seems to have a hard limit on how far I can push him to consider certain points of view, not even convince him of them just open his mind to the idea or concept, and anything beyond that just hits a firewall and gets parried.

>> No.13381533
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Only for certain people.

>> No.13381550

You just described your friend's cognitive dissonance, unless you demolish his core beliefs that influence everything else he thinks, you won't get far

>> No.13381557

May we have an example of a topic?

>> No.13381574

Well we were talking about jobs.

I said I don't need money for anything but basic survival (heat, home, food etc.) and since I get that from government handouts, why would I go out and suffer for rewards I don't even care about (respect of society, enough money for travelling etc.)? His response was "No, everyone should suffer like I do. It's not a real job if you don't suffer and if you don't have a job you need to be shot". It's not that he's mad his taxes are financing my life or that I'm making his life worse, it's that he can't handle anyone not toeing the line and "just doing what you're supposed to do" in society's eyes. In his eyes, I'm evil. Even though my actions affect nobody but myself. He just refuses to entertain the idea of someone preferring to live this way. He thinks it's depression or autism or some other mental illness.

>> No.13381583


you are a neet. and he doesnt like neets. seems like hes challenging your ideas.

>> No.13381585


I told him if he wants to work and that gives him a reason to wake up in the morning, then good for him. I'm not trying to convert him, if he truly values employment then I have no problem with that. I explained why it's not for me and why I'd be worse off employed.

>> No.13381586

>Do you think there's a hard limit, a ceiling, most people can't break through mentally concerning certain thoughts/opinions/theories?
Yeah those are the npc

>> No.13381601

>Even though my actions affect nobody but myself.
No as you said you are being paid for by us workers. You are not smart or clever for “preferring to live this way”, you’re just a lucky leech. You’re living a practically destitute life meant for the physically and mentally handicapped. It’s fine if you don’t want to work but don’t be proud of taking advantage. You shouldn’t encourage it either if you want to best keep your neetbux flowing.

>> No.13381609

>No as you said you are being paid for by us workers
You pay for plenty of things you don't use or need. If you don't have children, you still pay for education. If you don't have a car, you still pay for the roads to be improved and expanded. If you never need the police, you still pay their wages. If you took away government handouts, they wouldn't reimburse that money to you. They'd spend it on something else you never get the benefit of. So whining about "hurr stealing muh taxes" is dumb.
>You are not smart or clever for “preferring to live this way”, you’re just a lucky leech
I never claimed to be smart or clever, I merely stated how I preferred to live.
>It’s fine if you don’t want to work but don’t be proud of taking advantage
>You shouldn’t encourage it either if you want to best keep your neetbux flowing.
Again, this is all in your head. I never said any of this.

You remind me of my friend.

>> No.13381613

Doubt it. Given enough effort and power over a person, I bet it's possible to introduce everyone not mentally impaired to any idea. Whether it's realistic is another question.

>why would I go out and suffer for rewards I don't even care about
Why would you not care about them though?
>it's that he can't handle anyone not toeing the line
Which makes him mad for certain reasons. You gotta go deeper.
>Even though my actions affect nobody but myself.
That's simply incorrect. Your actions, and actions of basically anyone who interacts with someone, even indirectly, have an impact.
>He thinks it's depression or autism or some other mental illness.
You obsessing over his obsession of "live to work" doesn't sound too rational to be fair.
>I explained why it's not for me and why I'd be worse off employed.
Were you employed before? In how many different jobs?

Keep in mind, I'm all pro neets; but majority of them are not healthy individuals who truly made an informed choice and picked it as the best option.
Now obviously your friends obsession over it isn't healthy either but looking down at neets when you grow up in a society which fetishizes work and sees it as one of our main needs and things we'll spend most time in life on … his outlook is kinda given. It's not like a wagecuck would have the time and energy to consider how cucked they are.

>> No.13381625

>You shouldn’t encourage it either if you want to best keep your neetbux flowing.
Neetbux are a net benefit to the economy since the shits flows right back in. It's basically state subsidies for landlords and discounters.

>> No.13381635

I would consume with my tax money just fine without you.

>friend didn’t care that I was a leech on his tax dollars
>you sound a lot like my friend for hating you for leeching on my tax dollars

If it weren’t for your retard benefits I might have to sit for two hours in traffic every day because my city would have better infrastructure.

>> No.13381639

I might not have to*

>> No.13381646

>get onto certain topics his brain just shuts down
Are there other examples aside from the neet v wagie dichotomy?
I'm asking this also so the conversation doesn't become entirely a discussion of that in particular, because I believe your concern is broader.

>> No.13381658

If you paid enough tax to actually support neets, you'd be more likely to save up, which obviously benefits the economy too but not as well as active consumption.

>> No.13381663

It's probably easier to use a less political topic such as it to discuss the thinking behind our beliefs before some /pol/tard totally wrecks the thread.
Guess one could go with something even less political like subjectivity of art but I doubt it'll go any better.

>> No.13381675

Again that money could be going to bigger and better things than sustaining retards who wonder why people work on the internet, things that help me.

Subsidizing land lords lmao

>> No.13381678

Yeah, some of us cannot help ourselves but drag it down into an emotional, polarizing debate.
It's really an epistemological problem, and the potential of thread derailment is just another symptom.

For everyone else, please try to be philosophical.

>> No.13381685

Being the key. With neetbucks there it's almost guaranteed most of it will be spent right away. Most likely on shit which allows you to work in the first place.

>> No.13381691

>It's not like a wagecuck would have the time and energy to consider how cucked they are.
I fully realize working is cucking yourself, it’s one thing to fetishize working and another to hate neetbux recipients. I don’t have any problem with people who are living on their parents money.

Nigger all tax dollars are helping the economy, that is not a good reason for neets

>> No.13381699

Consciousness and whether or not is was a mistake was another discussion.

>> No.13381709

Yes, though it's more of a semi-hard limit and if argue it's usually not intrinsic. Try talking to a wagie about wage theft, for example.

>> No.13381713

If God exists, He cannot make a mistake.

>> No.13381716

Why would the neet struggle with the fact that they’re useless?

>> No.13381731

>NEETS vs Employment
>Ted Kaczynski's ideas
>Regulation of drugs
>Stirner's ideas
>Climate change
>What it means to be a good person and if you should even care
>Schopenhauer's ideas
>Change is the only constant
These are some of the discussions I've had with my friend where his brain just went into sleep mode at some point

>> No.13381741

Itt were seeing the hard limit for what a neet can understand and accept prove me wrong

>> No.13381754

>I don’t have any problem with people who are living on their parents money.
So the hatred is a response to neetbux coming from 0,0000001% of your paycheck? If so, why stressing over this when there are millions of more relevant things when it comes to your pay or how the tax get used? Shouldn't the bit where it goes to actual living and breathing humans make it more bearable, or is that the bit that makes it worse for you?

>Nigger all tax dollars are helping the economy
Not all spending is equal. Tax dollars in Burgerstan are used to build tanks no one wants, wastes far more resources and doesn't benefit the economy that much. Neets buying iPhones allow the sector to innovate, which leads to everyone having cheaper phones in the long run, buying more shit and so on.

>> No.13381759

Obviously yes.
No person with a sub 100 IQ will ever have a solid grasp of advanced mathematics.

>> No.13381795

How do you define "solid grasp" and how do you define "advanced mathematics?" I'm pretty confident that a person with below average IQ (though not to the point of retardation) could, with much repetition and a strong motivation, reach calculus. It's just that the average person doesn't have the motivation or time to put in that much work.

>> No.13381831
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i want to go inside the dreams or inside the psychotropic alice in wonderland part of the mind. i said.
you want to do it because you want to feel better, he said.
the reality, to me, is something more ethereal in a way, or i suspect it is. its more for curiosity and fascination than for feeling better.
even though i understand you, we live in reality and all the alice in wonderland part is a fiction, in the end.
all is a fiction of the mind in a way. i said.
but you want to do it because you want to be happy. he said.
its not about happines or feeling better. its because i think maybe is more real. maybe not. i said.
you want to do it because you dont like the world.
i dont know if the world is separate from the mind or something. i said.
i hear that before in documentaries and books of philosophy, you are not saying something original. he said.
"the reality is not real reality" is ancient as times. i said.
but we all know we are in a reality. he said.
there is millions of realities, but we still understand the reality as one because we are suckers. i said.
we need to do that because society. he said.
then is society the one that needs it, not us.
i need to leave this conversation... i have to do things tomorrow. i have to do normie stupid society things tomorrow. (in an ironic way). goodye, im tired. he said
brie, i said.

>> No.13381848
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You're based. You see, I used to be just like him but then I realized society doesn't value hard work, talent, or intelligence. They want arbitrary qualifications like "experience". People with more money at the start have better chances. The whole system is rotten, and people are rotten for viewing vanities like success and achievement so highly, so much to the point where they depreciate a fellow human being. Your friend is no friend at all.

>> No.13381860

>How do you define "solid grasp"
Can explain and relate the different concepts, theorems and proofs.

>how do you define "advanced mathematics?"
Past the first half of undergrad or alternatively, a computer can't do it.

>I'm pretty confident that a person with below average IQ (though not to the point of retardation) could, with much repetition and a strong motivation, reach calculus.
Yes, but you can do calculus by just applying rules. To calculate a derivative you don't need to understand anything about it.

>> No.13381869

Alright, then yeah, I agree. When the math goes beyond if-then it is out of some peoples' range.

>> No.13381878

>how do you define "advanced mathematics?"
Not calculus

>> No.13381897

Stop watching anime.

>> No.13381903

Do you have a good argument for why I should?

>> No.13381905

Okay, that's fine. But keep in mind calculus is far beyond the average person's abilities.

>> No.13381924

Building a tank helps the economy way more than neeting, if we’re going into the discussion of less productive economic practices then I think neetbux takes the cake over a military industrial complex. Social security isn’t 0.00000001% of our taxes at all either. Neets definitely don’t support tech companies, an iPhone is too expensive for neetbux. In fact on that note I think the neet is more likely to pirate due their impoverishment so it’s basically a crime factory.

Social security is drowning too so you should feel even guiltier for your contribution to that too, taxes are going to go way up to support social security in the future.

>> No.13381939
File: 145 KB, 1003x915, discretionary_spending_pie,_2015_enacted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think neetbux takes the cake over a military industrial complex

>> No.13381952

That military industrial complex is why the US produces more than half the worlds GDP though.

>> No.13381960

>pay some workers to dig holes
>pay more workers to fill the holes up
>increase your gdp
Gdp was a mistake

>> No.13381967

>why the US produces more than half the worlds GDP though.

>In 2018, China was the world's largest economy for the fourth year in a row. It produced $25.3 trillion in economic output according to estimates by the International Monetary Fund.
>The European Union was in second place, generating $22 trillion. Together, China and the EU generate 35% of the world's economic output.
>The United States remained in third place, producing $20.5 trillion.
Try again, it's barely 20%


>> No.13382017

Warching hundreds or even thousands of hours of art that gives you unrealistic expectations of society and existence through oversexualisation, simplistic and/or escapist narratives, and cultural alienation will warp your sense of reality and possibly make you depressed in later life.

>> No.13382022

That’s output not gdp. Output is a shittier metric for how good an economy is because it double counts the value of resources purchased and used. The US produces the most value, that’s what gdp represents. Obviously countries supporting the highly skilled US economic sectors are going to have higher economic outputs. This is also why americans make more money than people in those other countries.

Like I said I don’t think military spending is necessarily a healthy economic practice but we’re arguing about the benefits of neetbux to an economy.

>> No.13382035

I watch anime to escape from the a reality that offers nothing and asks everything in return, from a society which says one thing and does the opposite at every turn, from the petty squabbles and materialist culture of daily life, from what I see as nothing but a torture chamber designed to make every minute of the day miserable.

>> No.13382042

>we’re arguing about the benefits of neetbux to an economy
Yes, and I don't think 2% of spending on neetbux comes anywhere close to the 54% spent on military industrial complex. And no, it doesn't produce enough money to justify its 54% share.

>> No.13382059

It does produce enough money to justify its share though, the US literally produces more than half the worlds gdp

>> No.13382080

First off, make your prose less edgy if at all possible please.
Okay, but anime compounds that very problem by also offering unrealistic expectations and unhealthy patterns of thought. Not only are you being encouraged not to confront social problems in a more head on, co operative manner, but to escape them - you're also being trained to do so in a particularly isolated, damaging manner. I repeat, this may lead to heavier deression in later life than you might otherwise have. Anime is peak consumerism and 'materialism' (you mean the former) mate.

>> No.13382084

How old are you?

>> No.13382085

Wonder how many of work fetishists would prefer people literally digging holes and filling them for 8 hours so NEETs would "earn" their bux.

>> No.13382091

Neets could be paid for by corporate tax nth times over but the government puts th burden on the average tax payer to keep the working class divided. Neets take the bare necessity and are leeches yet bougie takes 4 maseratis, 2 penthouses and a private jet yet he earned it.

>> No.13382092

I would prefer that there be no neetbux, doesn’t matter if you make them work for it that would be defeating the point of work. Neeting on your parents money is patrician, I hope to one day make enough money so that my kids don’t have to work.

>> No.13382094


25% is not more than half. And America is the only country in the world that spends such a massive amount on military. China is in second place with 40% of what the US spends on military and everyone else doesn't even spend 10% of what the US does.

>> No.13382097

How many people does the neet have on payroll? Mr bourgeois has thousands.

>> No.13382130

>Building a tank helps the economy way more than neeting
It doesn't. Building a tank which will get shipped to some place and stand there until it has to be decomposed simply to check a box and keep people employed, is a massive waste of money, materials, energy and time. With zero gains beyond keeping people occupied.

>Social security isn’t 0.00000001% of our taxes at all either.
Social security is far more than NEETbux; and I thought you were mostly pissed off by active NEETs, who are a minority. Or do you mind paying for cripples and veterans too?

>an iPhone is too expensive for neetbux.
Yeah, no. I mean, I from Yurope so I bet things are a lot better here (I could buy a new one every half a year or so) but even in Burgerland it can't be that hard to save up for. And most people buy them with contracts in the states.

>I think the neet is more likely to pirate
Sure but this still can create economic activity. Say they pirate GoT, talk to their wagies friends about it which might motivate the latter to give it a try, watch YT videos about it, google about it, comment on it, etc, etc.
And while they do that, they aren't on the streets desperate enough to commit actual crimes.

>taxes are going to go way up to support social security in the future.
And where is the problem with that? Unless you do something overly specific and amazing, you can be replaced by a much more efficient robot and won't get any wage. Doesn't mean it's okay to let you just die.

>> No.13382132

Class is a fake social construct, it has absolutely no basis in reality and the thought of dividing humans into different categories on such arbitrary grounds is ridiculous.

>> No.13382140

We had that in Ireland, famine walls.

>> No.13382142

Do you even understand what a social construct is?

>> No.13382156

>If you don't have children, you still pay for education
All the things you use or consume are products of education
>If you don't have a car, you still pay for the roads to be improved and expanded
What is public transport
>If you never need the police
How else do you prevent crimes?

>> No.13382161

Yeah. It's a category created by it's perception in society.
But society doesn't even see class, it's FAR more murky than even race.

At least you can deduce race visually, with class that's pretty much impossible.

>> No.13382169

>First off, make your prose less edgy if at all possible please
No. Stop using the word prose, it makes you look like a faggot.
>Okay, but anime compounds that very problem by also offering unrealistic expectations and unhealthy patterns of thought.
No, it offers comfort and an escape into a world where you can be truly optimistic and happy.
>Not only are you being encouraged not to confront social problems in a more head on, co operative manner, but to escape them
I know plenty of people who try very hard at life and they're no better off than me in the end. They still whine non stop and complain and appear genuinely unhappy with their lot.
>I repeat, this may lead to heavier deression in later life than you might otherwise have
If it does then I'll always have anime to comfort me at least. I'd rather get to pretend I enjoy life through anime, and it's too late anyway. I've seen too much, I can't just pretend I haven't seen the joy and wonder of anime.
>Anime is peak consumerism and 'materialism' (you mean the former) mate.
I meant what I said and anime is art.

Schlocky art, but art nonetheless. I feel sorry for you that you don't have it there to comfort you in dark times.

>> No.13382174
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>weeb is a neet
what a surprise

>> No.13382180


>> No.13382186

>First off, make your prose less edgy if at all possible please.
Not the other poster. Why? Cant you handle the truth? Are you triggered?
>Okay, but anime compounds that very problem by also offering unrealistic expectations and unhealthy patterns of thought.
Sounds like leftism.
>Not only are you being encouraged not to confront social problems in a more head on, co operative manner, but to escape them -
Implying they can be or need to be solved, or that they're even problems to me.
>you're also being trained to do so in a particularly isolated, damaging manner. I repeat, this may lead to heavier deression in later life
As could any life path that isn't taken genuinely in full knowledge of its implications.
>Anime is peak consumerism and 'materialism' (you mean the former) mate.
Tinder is peak consumerism imo and full reification. Anime is peak fictional escapism. Peak materialism would be like fraking or something.

Honesty you just sound like your in denial about your opposition to this shit.

>> No.13382200

>All the things you use or consume are products of education
That's the biggest reach I've seen on /lit/ in years

>> No.13382201

Society doesn't see class because the class that controls society isn't seen, is deliberately hidden.

>> No.13382219

>building a tank is free

>> No.13382221

It's easy to determine based on someones net worth; which is often presented in their appearance, occupation and live-style. Telling someones ethnicity just on visuals is much harder without any context. Telling Han Chinese apart from Zhuang sounds rather tricky. Telling some Israeli Jew apart from Arab too. With crackers it's not any easier either, specially in Burgerstan where everyone is a mutt.

>> No.13382259

I talked about RACE. Nice conflation thought, it almost seems like you had an argument.
But telling races appart is pretty easy, don't bother pretending otherwise.

>It's easy to determine based on someones net wort
Where is the networth border then?

>> No.13382272

We're on a literature forum anon...
No, anime is not a 'world', its art depicting a fictional reality. This is fine and good, but if you hyperfocus on cultivating your happiness in a fictional world to the detriment of the real one, the negatives are fairly obvious.
>Others fail
Doubtlessly true. The difference is their method at least has a chance of succeeding long term. Yours does not.
>At least
Not really how depression works is it though? You'll get used to the dopamine anime gives you and diminishing returns will compound the chemical imbalances in your brain. This, combined with the social alienation of devoting your time to a solitary activity will prevent you taking action to solve the problem through socially, through the help of others. No one said stop watching cold turkey. But your writing (there I didn't use the bad word) clearly demonstrates an unhealthy relation
Anime is indeed art. Guess what, art can be shit/consumerist/unhelpful/etc., as you yourself point out. As it is though, I have anime there if I should so need it (haven't generally enjoyed what I've seen but you never know), but the fact that I've never cultivated a dependence means I'll actually receive more benefit from it than you, should I somehow come to need it.

>> No.13382297

So communism is a conspiracy theory.

>> No.13382304

It's perfectly logical actually. Educated people innovate, they advance society.

>> No.13382319

No, it was advice to improve his rhetoric. Going into a conversation with this attitude of 'accept what I say or it just proves you're triggered and can't handle '''the Truth''' creates a negative feedback loop, turning people away from you and convincing you that their very turning away confirms your assumptions.
??? Anime is also degenerate weeb shit that justifies a host of damaging behaviors, but you can easily make a leftist point against it as well yeah. I think you're just reading things into it, like only leftists could dislike anime (?)
>Implying problems can sometimes be solved
That's fully what I imply, yeah. Ultimately it doesn't bother me overmuch whether the anon gets depression, that's his problem, not society's, not mine. His. But I thought I'd respond anyway.
>As could any life path
This does not disprove my point that his dependency on anime is damaging.
Yeah you seem to understand the distinction between the two. But I don't advise getting Tinder either, shit's cancer. I'm not sure you can divorce escapism from consumerism so neatly though.
I don't really care too much either way, but these are my genuine opinions, what would I be in denial about? I find anime saccharine, melodramatic, alienating, consumeristic, and fetishised by troubled individuals. I dislike it on an artistic and social level for those reasons. No denial there.

>> No.13382326

Well, race is too much of a meme to take seriously, so sure. Besides some latinos are looking damn white.

>Where is the networth border then?
The exact number varies but it's not that hard to find a general consensus. A lot surveys just go with relation towards medial income which can work too. In the end, no one will confuse 5k or 50m networth or income with middle class.

>> No.13382338

Leftist here. I fucking love anime. The way people who made it are treated is horrible though; which in turn makes the quality suffer and leads to the overload of generic slice of life cancer.

Save anime, kill capitalism.

>> No.13382340

>We're on a literature forum anon...
On 4chan, not some university student forums or a journal.
>No, anime is not a 'world', its art depicting a fictional reality.
Same difference to me, I view it as a world with people I care about and things that interest me.
>This is fine and good, but if you hyperfocus on cultivating your happiness in a fictional world to the detriment of the real one, the negatives are fairly obvious.
You don't seem to understand. The only time I feel positive, good feelings is when I'm watching anime or some other escapism. Reality gives me nothing but anxiety, worry, sadness, anger etc. And no, this isn't a learned behaviour. Before I discovered anime I was even more negative than I am now, anime is a comforting bowl of hot stew after a day marching through thunder and rain.
>Doubtlessly true. The difference is their method at least has a chance of succeeding long term.
Does it? More often than not, old people end up alone. Falling apart, nothing left to do but die, abandoned by their children and friends. Their method only lasts as long as they're useful to other people, as long as they're a worker bee, as soon as they stop working they're discarded like garbage.
>Not really how depression works is it though? You'll get used to the dopamine anime gives you and diminishing returns will compound the chemical imbalances in your brain.
Been watching anime for 13 years, whatever diminishing returns would happen are long since over and I still love anime and find it a great comfort.
>This, combined with the social alienation of devoting your time to a solitary activity will prevent you taking action to solve the problem through socially, through the help of others.
I've never found others to be of any help. Sure, they TRY to help but people are ultimately alone in this world and face life alone. You have to worry about yourself, not others. Nothing anyone ever did for me or said to me ever gave me as much courage to keep going as the characters, worlds and stories I've seen in anime, movies, video games and books.
>Anime is indeed art. Guess what, art can be shit/consumerist/unhelpful/etc.
And it depends on who's experiencing the art. I like plenty of things the next man would call worthless garbage. If it speaks to me then fuck everyone else.
>but the fact that I've never cultivated a dependence means I'll actually receive more benefit from it than you, should I somehow come to need it.
I'm not dependent on it. Like a naked man isn't dependent on clothes to live, but it's pretty fucking nice to have clothes when you can get your hands on them.

>> No.13382355

Or like, simply take the bong-test! They are obsessed about class, so gotta know what they are doing. A survey with over 100k people sounds like a sound basis too.

Have fun.

>> No.13382362

>Well, race is too much of a meme to take seriously, so sure.
Its a lot more consistent and "real" than class.

>Besides some latinos are looking damn white.
I assume that is due to high amounts of European ancestry, pretty much supporting that race can seen visually.

>In the end, no one will confuse 5k or 50m networth or income with middle class.
Yes and no one will confuse a black person from Somalia with an Asian from Japan.

But you really didn't answer the question, of course the line doesn't have to be fixed, but even then you can still describe where it is.

Is a guy with a 300.00 Euro house, a 50.000 Euro car and 75.000 in saving, living in Western Europe burgie or not?
What if he also owns a small business and employs people?

Race can be determined genetically with a very high accuracy.

>> No.13382366

>muh 19th century pseudoscience

>> No.13382375

>The only time I feel positive, good feelings is when I'm watching anime or some other escapism.
Sounds like you fucked your brain chemistry, senpai.

Replace "anime" with "drugs" if you fail to notice how absolutely fucked your life is.

>300.00 Euro house
Burgie is fuck. Doesn't need the rest.
>What if he also owns a small business and employs people?
How much does he have, how much does he make?

>> No.13382383

>>muh 19th century pseudoscience
Yeah, that's a very accurate description of class.

>Burgie is fuck.
Oh, so being Burgie has nothing to do with the means of production? Simply having above average networth is enough?

>How much does he have, how much does he make?
You told be it was about networth
100.000k p.a. seems about what you would need for that.

>> No.13382384

>Yes and no one will confuse a black person from Somalia with an Asian from Japan.
Just like no one will confuse a guy in a suit stepping out of a Mclaren for working class.

>> No.13382388

Please read the post I was replying to...

>> No.13382393

>Sounds like you fucked your brain chemistry, senpai.
I don't think so. I never remember finding life outside of escapism enjoyable.
>Replace "anime" with "drugs" if you fail to notice how absolutely fucked your life is.
If being a druggie is the only thing that makes you happy, then shoot all the heroin you like.

I'll keep my anime. My life was "fucked" before I found anime, now it's sometimes tolerable.

>> No.13382394

100k, you know what I mean.

>> No.13382398

>so being Burgie has nothing to do with the means of production?
Burgie is tricky in modern times already since it's so vague (unlike working/middle/upper class) and means of production even more so. Almost everyone got a phone these days, you can shoot a movie, write a novel or symphony or start your own shitposting business just with that.

>> No.13382400

>I never remember finding life outside of escapism enjoyable.
Well, then I guess your life/environment did the brain chemistry fucking for you. Do you not remember ANY fucking activity that brought you joy? Something as simple as playing football, cooking, writing; sounds hard to believe.

>> No.13382402

Yes, that is pretty much what I am getting at.
Using terms like "Burgie" isn't really meaningful.

>Almost everyone got a phone these days, you can shoot a movie, write a novel or symphony or start your own shitposting business just with that.
Or programing, freelance translation, graphic design, etc.

>> No.13382408

based weeb. some people need to be convinced this is the default human condition or they'll be exposed to the radical void in which we live and die like fish outta water

>> No.13382409

>I never remember finding life outside of escapism enjoyable.
You don't enjoy being on 4chan?

>> No.13382414

>Do you not remember ANY fucking activity that brought you joy?
Nope. Never enjoyed playing with other kids, never knew what I wanted to be when I grew up, first time in my life I remember feeling joy was seeing my uncle playing Donkey Kong Country on the SNES when I was 6. Ever since then I've been in search of escapism.

>> No.13382419

>You don't enjoy being on 4chan?
4chan is escapism too. It's social interaction without any of the negativity, effort or risk.

>> No.13382420

I mean, it's about context. In useless for anything serious due the lack of specifics, so "Let's hang all burgies." would be problematic; but for something like "Becky is so burgie, bitch just bought her third house." does work fine.

>> No.13382421

Suit yourself.
>Same difference
Your perception does not change the reality. You cannot be happy in a place that doesn't exist, by definition. Sooner or later this perception will falter, and you'll be hit the worse for it.
>Reality gives me nothing but anxiety
I have no way of seeing what you think 'reality' is, nor whether you've made any concrete efforts to rectify the genuinely unfortunate circumstances so many people inherit, etc. But all that tells me If I assume you're right in your self-assessment for a moment is that you need to find something slightly more useful long term, that'll not only provide escapism but perhaps also the tools to solve the problems themselves.
>worker bees
Sometimes true, sometimes not true. I do believe we need to improve society though yeah.
>13 years
We'll see anon.
Again, more of this nihilistic 'fuck everyone' style of thought. Look, think whatever you want, I'm just some guy. But I firmly believe that while cynicism and nihilism have their place, they can become a crutch, a dead end. Solipsism can only take you one way mate. I object to the comparison of being dependent on poor quality/damaging art to clothing, a physiological necessity, though (I notice you broadened outwards from anime to 'anime, movies, video games and books', the only one I think is particularly unhelpful there is anime anon..). You can have better art or worse art, To me, clinging to anime is like refusing to wear better clothes instead of worse clothes, not clothes in general

>> No.13382426

Is race your hard limit?

>> No.13382462

>Your perception does not change the reality. You cannot be happy in a place that doesn't exist
Ohohohohohohohohoho now that's a hard BOI right there if ever there was one. I couldn't disagree any harder. When I watch an anime or a movie or play a game I'm absorbed in it, if it's a really special piece of escapism I feel like I'm living it. That's the only time I feel truly alive.
>you need to find something slightly more useful long term, that'll not only provide escapism but perhaps also the tools to solve the problems themselves.
I think about that shit every day, I act on it as often as I can muster the will to and I've yet to find anything in all my searching. As far as I'm concerned the only problem I face in life is living, I've never been suicidal but I'd honestly prefer to never have existed.
>Again, more of this nihilistic 'fuck everyone' style of thought.
It's the only practical philosophy.

"Be good to each other and sacrifice and work together and be kind and gentle and work for a better tomorrow" doesn't work when everyone around you is, let's be honest, self obsessed. People ultimately care about themselves more than anyone else, and until that stops being the case then the whole "help others to help yourself" thing is empty promises. Believe me, I WISH this world was like that. But it's not. No one cares, the world doesn't care, the universe doesn't care. Do whatever makes you not miserable today, because you have no control over anything or anyone but yourself.

>> No.13382493

>I feel like I'm really there
Yes, *while* you're there. Unlike anime, reality doesn't disappear when the power cuts out. If and when that does happen, as the looming catastrophes of our century suggest will be increasingly likely, you'll be especially prone to pulling out a noose. I can only hope you find something with a little more longevity if this is something you've thought about every day though mate (which does indicate you see it as a problem anyway but). Good luck
>practical philosophy
Reductive. I make no claims for a giant hippie commune utopia, such a world is impossible and undesirable even if were achievable. But in general, society simultaneously fosters competition and cooperation, the two exist alongside each other at different levels, it's simplistic to reduce our view of the world to a fight between the absolutes of 'cooperation' and 'competition' (something both sides of the spectrum do). These social bonds are simultaneously the things making possible your existence, and the things making your existence unbearable, yes? So you need to take a slightly more nuanced view than just 'fuck everyone, no one cares'.