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13372496 No.13372496 [Reply] [Original]

What books will allow me to build self discipline? I lift regularly and I never drink or smoke but I cannot quit porn no matter what I try. I don't need some weak behavior therapy self help, I'm looking for books that shook you to your core and broke you so that you could build something else.

>> No.13372502

Jacking it to your imagination actually feels better. Give it a try.

>> No.13372521

Don't be silly, self-regulation is a practice that you have to build: just practice everyday

>> No.13372522

Frankly I'd like to just not jack it. People like to look down on severe self denial, and I know what I'd be getting into if I tried, but I want to conquer my biology utterly. Every unwanted desire I cannot overcome is an affront to me.

>> No.13372527
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Stop watching porn completely. The longer you wait the more difficult it will get.

>> No.13372539

Jacking off without porn could be a start though

>> No.13372549

>What books will allow me to build self discipline?
Begin writing "My Diary Desu" by OP. Write in it daily, write down your urges and failures. Write your motivations, your plans, find better ways to use your time than self gratification. That should keep you focused.

>> No.13372555

>I'm looking for books that shook you to your core and broke you so that you could build something else
Take a high dose of psychedelics my guy

>> No.13372556

>I cannot quit porn no matter what I try
I am some undisciplined retard and even I could do it. Just stop.

Maybe block porn through your router/hostfile.

>> No.13372559
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have sex

>> No.13372563

I was in the same position for close to a decade.

Then last month I decided that I would go 30 days cold turkey. The first week was very difficult, but after about 10 days my sex drive dropped. Not to the point of ED - I still got hard in the mornings and would get turned on by erotic things. But the urge to fap just disappeared.

Can’t say how this will play out long term, but I had no idea how easy it would be.

>> No.13372566

t. cumbrain

>> No.13372571

fuck rather than fap

t. chad

>> No.13372574

Quitting a habit like that has much more to do with channeling the impulses that lead you to do the bad habit into something constructive than just quitting it cold turkey. Get a hobby where you can work with your hands

>> No.13372575

>What books will allow me to build self discipline?
Biographical works about individuals whose accomplishments or personalities you admire and respect.

>I lift regularly and I never drink or smoke but I cannot quit porn no matter what I try.
You need a goal to throw that. The lives of goal-driven individuals can be highly inspiring and help you attain your own goal. Without a goal, you're forcing yourself to not do something you enjoy for no reason at all, which will leave you in a worse state than you're in right now.

>> No.13372585
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There's a lot of good stuff but the best are biographical or propaganda books related to the Prussian Military or the SS. Most disciplined people since the Romans.

>> No.13372597

I know but how? I will feel fully in control and then I go into autopilot. The only way I ever internalize anything is by reading it, which is why I came looking for books.

>> No.13372984

I don't even need to look into the articles to know that the sample population isn't enough to be statistically representative and that the validity of the study is unexistent as 90% of psychology and neurology experiments.

>> No.13373023

hypothetically speaking if one were to start masturbating at age 13 om average 3 times a day and they are now 29, is there any hope left for this person?

>> No.13373027

>I cannot quit porn
same but i searched around and they say hardest part of quitting porn is the habit , recognize when and how you watch it and work with that , like if you do it in bed with a phone put your phone in the opposite side of the room or something

>> No.13373059

how there is enough sperm for 29 a day , but hypothetically speaking yes there is

>> No.13373078
File: 63 KB, 542x475, 1561591618527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a source on that?


A source. I need a source.

Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered. You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

Do you have a degree in that field? A college degree? In that field? Then your arguments are invalid. No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.

Correlation does not equal causation.


You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.

Nope, still haven't.

I don't even need to look into the articles to know that the sample population isn't enough to be statistically representative and that the validity of the study is unexistent as 90% of psychology and neurology experiments. Therefore, my absence of evidence is superior to your evidence.

>> No.13373093

anyone have the pdf link ? , i searched around a bit there is nothing

>> No.13373142

someone asked for a source about a talmud quote (something about scamming goyim) and when a i gave him he disappeared and never replied , just dont bother about giving anyone sources

>> No.13373145

oh thank god brb 5min

>> No.13373178

>I lift regularly and I never drink or smoke
>I don't want to masturbate either
Sounds like living in hell.

>> No.13373234

>distractions are my life

>> No.13373331

The Mind Illuminated

its a guide to learn how to meditate

>> No.13373558

>can't masturbate or consume stuff recreationally
What an npc

>> No.13373566

>thinking life is hell without them
You're the NPC.

>> No.13373603

I don't need to think life is hell without them, I already think life is hell with them and everything I think could happen.
Also, I'm not >>13373178 and your negationist behavior is quite npcish, desu.

>> No.13373610

>Get a hobby where you can work with your hands
>work with your hands
>with your hands
What do you think I was using? My ankles?

>> No.13373920

Just delete your porn and don't browse the chans much
If you relapse try again

>> No.13374151

what? XD
are u retarded my brother?

>> No.13374327

I can’t help but feel like the people who use the “have sex” meme, at any other time in modern history, would have been the most utterly scrupulous church ladies.

>> No.13375864
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Science Discovers the Physiological Value of Continence by Dr. R. W. Bernard.

Also the Bible. Not even joking.

>> No.13375880

>I'm looking for books that shook you to your core and broke you
any book that could do that would just make you realize how pointless and stupid life is

>> No.13375883

I cant ;__;

>> No.13375887

have you tried Having sex?

>> No.13375890

Have consensual sex with your wife.

>> No.13375899

meditation works great to make habits and drives explicit in your mind and reprogram them.

but i wouldn't recommend meditation just for utilitarian ends if you are not interested in taking it as a lifelong path and following it to the end, specially in western countries.

If you are in Thailand/Burma/... and you fuck up while meditating and get into a bad place you can always go for a few months into a monastery and get help because it's a society that has a place for that kind of practice. But in the west only weirdos do meditation because it's not a traditional practice, so if you fuck up and get the wrong kind of help you'll end up getting your ass blasted by some guru.

>> No.13375909
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there's even this book "Kundalini: The Evolutionary Energy in Man" / "Living with Kundalini" it's an autobiographical account of Gopi Krishna about how he fucked up while meditation and barely could get any help in India, even from gurus, so even worse in the west

i read an edition that had a commentary by some Jungians that just tried to re-package the autobiography to make it fit some jungian framework and was really cringe

>> No.13375934

is erotic fiction bad?

>> No.13375960

Have non-fictional sex.

>> No.13376022
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>> No.13376292

how do you fuck up meditation?

>> No.13376303

Great times create weak men.

>> No.13376321

even worse than porn

>> No.13376344

Wow, I can't believe this person who posted a meme infographic doesn't actually know anything about history! This is shocking, shocking!

>> No.13376359

>platonic dialogues as symbols of homo couture
maybe read them fist

>> No.13376370

>just dont bother about giving anyone sources
Please, do not be like that. Sometimes I have to take long breaks away from the computer (bc too many responsibilities) and I am not able to respond because the thread gets archived, but I leave the tab open so I can update it later. That could have unironically been me, so thank you and I am sorry.

>> No.13376387

>but i wouldn't recommend meditation just for utilitarian ends
For passive meditation, I totally agree; for active meditation, I totally disagree.

>> No.13376397
File: 231 KB, 960x720, Plato laws.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lists Plato
>doesn't realize he was opposed to eros, homosexuality and too stupid to realize the the word 'Platonic' actually might have something to do with the fucking man in the first place
Imagine being this much of a worthless cumbrain. Not to mention, Plato nor his mentor held their contemporary culture in high esteem.

>> No.13376401


>> No.13376418

Are you still in high school by any chance? There seems to be a lot more posters on this board like you this time of year.

>> No.13376640

I don't believe in high school. Why not take the GED at 8th or 9th grade? That's what I plan on doing with my son.

>> No.13376683

Read the Bible and become a Christian

>> No.13376695

He needs to go so he can be a part of high school sports.

>> No.13376704

Sports are a waste of time, filled with degenerates now.

>> No.13377209

t. hasn't read Symposium, Phaedrus, Lysis, or Charmides

>> No.13377460

So Jordan peterson is a character from Silver Eye! Who would've thought

>> No.13377559


meditation is more than just paying attention to your breath and mindfulness bullshit. meditating on negative things or tapping into a latent energy that you can't control will hurt you

>> No.13377575

So it doesn't help people with actual severe inherent psychological problems, just like therapists and psychiatrists. Its only ever for those with a little difficulty in their present environment like work or dealing with cancer, because these people have been mentally healthy their entire lives.

>> No.13377658

Anon you got to know your pain threshold. Then you got to know how to associate massive amounts of pain to the activity your trying to correct, as well as pleasure to the alternative. But first write down why you feel the need to indulge, and why you can't go commit to the other path. It's important to be as honest as possible. Good poetry can help with that. Honesty will lead you towards the right goal, even if it's not the one you initially expect

>> No.13377665

Well people with BPD can definitely benefit from mindfulness, so this is not true for all mental illnesses

>> No.13377672
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to conquer your biology is to be a homosexual.

>> No.13377700


>> No.13377765

>People causes things to go to shit
>Therefore People from the right build philosophies to cope
Boomers, and their equilvilents in History, need to pay

>> No.13377852

can you be more specific?

>> No.13377942

To be conquered by your biology is to be a homosexual.*

>> No.13377950

t. can't speak ancient greek and and mistakes the the translation of love with Eros and carnal love.

>> No.13377984
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>What books will allow me to build self discipline?
No books, rather, lifestyle - Noble lifestyle is characterized by selfdiscipline. If you are selfdriven, and restless, being: vegan, physically fit, chaste, will make you feel reluctant to waste your primal energy, as it becomes sublimated, and ultimized.

>I lift regularly
Lifting incrimentally heavier weights is hypertrophic pessimal exercise that only serves to occlude the freedom of motion within Body, thus, recursively, pessimally effecting Psykhe and Mind. The only aerobic and anaerobic exercises that one needs to regularly practice in order to optimally free, maintain alignment within, and build firmness of, Body, are those of: running, stretching, corebased strengthening, in that order of importance. Restore the purity, and freedom, of the child body, stop hastening its decay.

>> No.13377989

isn't homosexuality "unnatural"? how is it to be conquered by biology when you're going against it?

>> No.13378018

Your body has no idea of what is happening. As far as it is concerned, it is procreating and spreading genes. It is compelling you to act rather than you it. It is the definition of being conquered by your biology, because you are impelled to act. The only distinction is that the end has been perverted; the only thing that is not biologically rooted here, is the failure of a proper union of male and female.

>> No.13378061

Maybe read some Joseph Conrad, "Youth", "Lord Jim" or "Typhoon" spring to my mind since they all boost that feeling of "manning up", taking responsebility and gaining self discipline.