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/lit/ - Literature

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13374335 No.13374335[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>WAAH WAAH I hate capitalism we are beong exploited :(
*tweets on iphone*
>WAAH WAAH These corporarions are evil :(
*sips starbucks onions latte*
>WAAH WAAH health care, college, and murdering babies are human rights and should all be free :(
*spends and hour on pornhub and wants to have sex without taking responsibility*
>WAAH WAAH these working hours are too long these corporations are sucking out my soul :(
*posts selfies on instagram*
>WAAH WAAH one person should not have a'll that money despite doing all the work and risking all the capital they put in workplaces should be democratized despite these workers being retarded :(
*types angrily on mac*

You see this person? Don't be them. Don't be a weakling. Start hussling and learn to use your money on smarter ways. Success in todays world is not that hard to attain you just need to hussle and take responsibility in your life build some character. You can make money while you are sleeping nowadays cmon. I am making this thread because I am worried about you guys indulging in poisonous ideologies like marxism and postmodernism which are fueled by resentment. The postmodern neomarxist is the Last Man which were trampled last century by the capitalists although their are still some remanents of them still. These are the people Nietzsche predicted. I dont want the same mistakes to be made, just look in history and you will see marxism does not work. Capitalism is literally in our nature we are selfish and need competition and it has brought us the most innovation it is the best system we have. Stop being life denying and lazy and miserable and affirm life, capitalism is our nature.

>> No.13374348

thanks dad

>using nietzsche to justify your participation in the cult of economic growth and finance
>anti-capitalism is life-denial

haha nah

>> No.13374349

>lumps healthcare and college debt with pornhub argument
Obviously you aren’t comfortable about these subjects

>> No.13374362
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>*sips starbucks onions latte

>> No.13374391

Our current capitalistic system has been too heavily influenced by communism.

>> No.13374396
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>> No.13374397

What if you hustle and scheme and work yourself into a position of wealth and power, and then use your vast influence to help bring about the downfall of capitalism?

>> No.13374401

that's the dream

>> No.13374404

Onion lattes are the hot new thing

>> No.13374412

that's the plan

>> No.13374427

you arent entitled to shit buddy those arent rights. why should i pay nore axes for some lazy feminist nigger trap who complains all day to be indoctrinated even more in uni and for their healthcare because they are too lazy to work?

>> No.13374430
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Learn to me how to make money in my sleep. So I could affirm life and stop being lazy.

>> No.13374432

Anon, 1% of the population owns 48% of the wealth. This might be fine, if everyone else were living comfortably. But many are in poverty, and others are just barely surviving. This is unacceptable, and needs reformation.

>> No.13374445

This is even more terryfying when you start to consider that the West, over a century and half, has exported most of the sweatshops and their affiliated misery to the places which took them. We literaly relocated misery.

>> No.13374458


>> No.13374465

>some people who claim to support it are hypocrites therefore it is incorrect
Why is this considered an argument again?

>> No.13374470

>compassion and empathy are obsolete in the face of endless economic growth :^)

christ ousting the moneychangers from the temple can't come soon enough

>> No.13374478
File: 108 KB, 366x245, MY HOLE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capital is machinc (non-instrumental) globalization-miniaturization scaling dilation: an automatizing nihilist vortex, neutralizing all values through commensuration to digitized commerce, and driving a migration from despotic command to cyber-sensitive control: from status and meaning to money and information. Its function and formation are indissociable, comprising a teleonomy. Machine-code-capital recycles itself through its axiomatic of consumer control, laundering-out the shit- and blood-stains of primitive accumulation. Each part of the system encourages maximal sumptuous expenditure, whilst the system as a whole requires its inhibition. Schizophrenia. Dissociated consumers destine themselves as worker-bodies to cost control.

Capital-history's machinic spine is coded, axiomatized, and diagrammed, by a disequilibrium technoscience of irreversible, indeterministic, and increasingly nonlinear processes, associated sucessively with thermotechnics, signaletics, cybernetics, complex systems dynamics, and artificial life. Modernity marks itself out as hot culture, captured by a spiralling involvement with entropy deviations camouflaging an invasion from the future, launched back out of terminated security against everything that inhibits the meltdown process.

Hot cultures tend to social dissolution. They are innovative and adaptive. They always trash and recycle cold cultures. Primitivist models have no subversive use.

The Turing Test. Monetarizing power tends to effacement of specific territorial features as it programs for migration into cyberspace. Capital only retains anthropological characteristics as a symptom of underdevelopment; reformatting primate behaviour as inertia to be dissipated in self-reinforcing artificiality. Man is something for it to overcome: a problem, drag.

Commoditization conditions define technics as a substitute for human activity accounted as wage costs. Industrial machines are deployed to dismantle the actuality of the proletariat, displacing it in the direction of cyborg hybridization, and realizing the plasticity of labour power. The corresponding extraction of tradable value from the body, quantified as productivity, sophisticates at the interface. Work tracks thermodynamic negentropism by dissociating exertion into increasingly intricate functional sequences; from pedals, levers, and vocal commands, through the synchronization of production-line tasks and time-motion programs, to sensory-motor transduction within increasingly complex and self-micromanaged artifical environments, capturing minutely adaptive behaviour for the commodity. Autocybernating market control guides the labour-process into immersion.

>> No.13374492

Agreed, workers should stop sharing the fruits of their labour with shareholders and other interest and rent collecting parasites, as well as their bodyguard (the state)

>> No.13374494

The 20/80 rule is unavoidable.

>> No.13374570
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>> No.13374672
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>> No.13374678


The Native Americans were right, cameras really do steal people's souls.

>> No.13374700

>woahhh you critique capitalism but you also indulge in it
Yeah, and Marx also sold his books. What's your point? The system is inescapable for the individual. That does not mean the individual cannot criticise the system.
>it's easy to make money
If that were the case then 1% of the population would not own 50% of the worlds wealth while people literally starve to death. Also Marxist critique does not stop at "money is hard to make" as if that's the only charge we can levy against capitalism. Very poor attempt at a thread my friend.

>> No.13374724
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It just breaks my heart always walking past all the homeless crazy people sleeping on the street.

>> No.13374731

heh, what are you a fag?

w-why don't people contribute to this cutthroat society?

>> No.13375560

no one is talking about liberals here

>> No.13375565
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what does this have to do with literature?

>> No.13375606

idk i used to be a free market libertarian all about competition and natural selection etc. but when i realized the rich are the ones going to stay rich and it's a pretty seriously entrenched ruling class in the west some kind of socialism became obvious to me on a basic human dignity level, even if just my own. unless you're ruling class it's against your basest will to power to want to uphold their position. it's probably cucked and definitely gay.

>> No.13375620
File: 44 KB, 717x508, zhuangzi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start hustling
>you just need to hustle
>stop being life denying and lazy

alternately, take the zhuang pill

>> No.13375644

If if that söy nigger is a hypocrite does not mean he is wrong.
Fuck your materialism. And fuck giant corporations sponsoring money and "economic progress" over everything else.

>> No.13375669

yeesh what a post. Get a life

>> No.13375673

You're right, OP. We live in a society.

>> No.13375691
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>You criticize the system, yet you operate within it
>Heh guess I win

>> No.13375696

*double facepalm*

>> No.13375731

cringe boomer post

>> No.13375841

I don't see why just a little socialism is not achievable. Just universal healthcare. Yang's idea of a freedom dividend. What's wrong with that? If anything it would boost capitalist ideas as all of that goodwill, health and investment will flood back into the economy. Where else could it go?

You're right though. Fuck communism.

>> No.13375852

that's not socialism.

Socialism is when workers own the means of production, that's just welfare and wealth redistribution

>> No.13375982

owning the means of production means very little if you don't also own the means of distribution

>> No.13375992

iPhones are a luxury good, that comic would only make sense if it was a nobleman bitching about his gold plated cutlery.
Also, the situation of peasants is massively exaggerated, at least in the late middle ages.

>> No.13375999

most cucked post I have ever seen here

>> No.13376000

commandist social democracy sucks but so does that illiterate boomer screed you taped on the end there
unrelated side note: i have tax information that could land matthew bors in prison

>> No.13376003

To be fair that's a function of their fad-like popularity, if /pol/'s ideas were mainstream Burger King would be selling 4chan memes too.
I despise communists but I might actually prefer it to woke capitalism.

>> No.13376004

>you can't see flaws if you own a luxury good
retarded rebuttal

>> No.13376006

It's only a matter of time before some right wing leaning company decides to try woke marketing.

>> No.13376011

>being fine with your employer stealing your labour for his own profit
>being fine with other people owning all housing in cities, leeching off working people
>being fine with being nothing other than a disposable worker, becoming less human every day
>telling other people they're weak

>> No.13376019

yes, and the situation of service industry workers is massively exaggerated today

>> No.13376024

Someone objectively benefiting from the same system they criticise is a bit retarded, yes.

>> No.13376026

if we ahad to pay for memes, everytging would be good. all this candy asses would need to get a job

>> No.13376027
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>all these lazy commies ITT

>> No.13376031

>just be a psychopath bro, fuck those hobos

>> No.13376039

Yes, fuck smelly dumb poor people.

>> No.13376047

Because you're already paying taxes to bomb towelheads in the ME you pussy faggot, stop whining and blow it out your ass

>> No.13376048

Hierarchy is both natural and desirable, prove me wrong (you can't).

>> No.13376052

Rape is both natural and desirable, prove me wrong (you can't).

>> No.13376055

>followed his dreams, studied and pursued meme jobs like opera, acting
>lives an easy and cushy life
>lmao dude just work harder and be practical, dont follow your dreams

>> No.13376056

I love ironic boomer posting

>> No.13376058

Americlaps already pay enough taxes for free education and free healthcare. The money is just mismanaged or outright stolen.

>> No.13376072

>intelligent enough to exploit the system for the benefit of his family
>compassionate enough to still care about others
Yeah, the pinnacle of retardation. Should he make his kids live in a slum just because the system is unfair?

>> No.13376080
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>free education for kids? HOW IS IT FREE EDUCATION BUT I HAVE TO PAY $5 MORE IN TAXES????

>> No.13376083

look at his face
he knows the list is bullshit
he's holding it for giggles

>> No.13376096

This has to be the best bait I've seen. 10/10

>> No.13376110

This but unironically.

>> No.13376111

If you live in the West then you're not living in a slum unless you're literally retarded.

>> No.13376123

Without being part of 'za sysdem'?

>> No.13376130

>get tboned by a drunk driver
>get billed $500k by healthcare

>> No.13376165

>You can't complain about being exploited by capitalism if you have a $200 phone or buy coffee
KYS boomer

>> No.13376196

Bossman is God and he always needs more yachts though, and that's the only thing that really matters

>> No.13376203

>. You can make money while you are sleeping nowadays cmon.

>> No.13376206

Damn, the number I thought you pulled out of your ass might be right

>> No.13376261

They try to achieve communism, then it ultimately ends with government control to enforce the communistic ideals, it is shit, then they claim it wasn't real communism. "Real communism" is an ideal, one that will likely never happen. It won't happen because it is adverse to our nature, and how the world actually works.

Common ownership of the means of production is ridiculous. Creation of things like the Means of Productions requires capital, whether state or private capital. There has to be ways to save up and plan other wise the fruits of production are just wasted by consumption, there has to be authority over how the resources are allocated, with capitalism that authority goes to the person that started the business and put his own capital on the line, the success or failure of that business is on him, and he has incentive and reward for success. Another way of dealing with the problem of authority would be that of the state, under which the government is responsible for the success and failure, and the burden of success or failure can have huge consequences on the entirety of the nation. Of course neither of those options are true communism.

True Communism is severely inefficient at allocation of resources that even "state capitalism" could solve, capitalism. Marx assumed that he lived in a time where production was at a point where allocation of resources was unnecessary and limitless.

>> No.13376283


>> No.13376356

This, use the freedom of information act to find out how much money college administrators make if you want to really get mad. The indoctrination is a smoke screen.
>president makes nearly $1M a year with a free house
>incompetent admins all make $500k+ with bonuses even though they keep fucking up
>my lab has no air conditioning and the building is infested with cockroaches
>overcrowding denies me services I paid for
>gotta build a new stadium for more $$$
>don't worry the money will go into the admins pockets and we'll raise tuition again
>don't you want your president to get another designer suit?
College administrators are thieves who hide behind the whole liberal thing, don't fall for it, direct more of your rage at them and not the dumb feminist professor making $45k.

>> No.13376385

You get the society you deserve.

>> No.13376394


>> No.13376421

Absolute cringe. Communism doesn't advocate for the abolition of all authority in the workplace. Most commies advocate for some form of democracy in the workplace where managers and officials are elected by the workers whereupon they will form commitees and decide as elected officials working for the interests of the workers what plans of action they are going to take. For an analogy we can use the army. No single oligarch owns the army and takes all of its profits. Instead, it is socially owned. Just because it is socially owned does not mean it is devoid of authority; in fact the army is renowned for its stringent hierarchies.

>> No.13376423
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Is this what you're trying to say OP?

>> No.13376433
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>> No.13376440

I actually cant

>> No.13376472


boomers are the house niggers of the ZOG plantation

>> No.13376489

You can make the cloths and tents yourself tho. It's not the same as a phone.

>> No.13376514
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you can a phone yourself too

>> No.13376616

Don't forget tax evasion by giant corporations and wealthy individuals, not to mention businesses cutting employee hours so they don't have to provide healthcare allowing your tax dollars to subsidize employees healthcare with medicaid and food stamps. And low income housing.

>> No.13377175


>> No.13377247
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>Capitalism is our nature

>> No.13377255

How is this literature

>> No.13377265

This sounds like the intro of a self-help book that has the word "F*CK" on the title.

>> No.13377612


What do boots taste like, Anon?

>> No.13377616


>Anti-intellectual funded by the Koch Brothers to convince the poors there's honor in serfdom

Guy's a hack and he knows it

>> No.13377643
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>some kind of socialism became obvious to me on a basic human dignity level

>> No.13378015

not /lit/, please delete

>> No.13378507

Petersonfags pls

>> No.13378559

> These are the people Nietzsche predicted.
You're on of them
> Capitalism is literally in our nature we are selfish and need competition
Yes, it's your nature, plebs.
> marxism, postmodernism, capitalism
types of poop

>> No.13378591
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Cold War kiddies and Pentagon creeps fuck off

>> No.13378592

Imagine defending capitalism and thinking that your politics aren't aligned with Burger King and Pepsi.

fucking retards

>> No.13378603

>guys, i'm a literal peasant, like omg
I earnestly pray for the asteroid.

>> No.13378630

>imagine defending capitalism
there is literally nothing wrong with owning what you produce and choosing to part with it on terms you determine are most beneficial for your efforts.

the only people who dislike this arrangement are people who produce nothing.

>> No.13378645

>the only people who dislike this arrangement are people who produce nothing.

i have some bad news. its about unions.

>> No.13378657

How about a rope instead

>> No.13378664

>its about people in largely physical labor industries or industries with easily transferrable skills who produce for others what they should produce for themselves
unions are self-medicating corporatism. if they have the effort and skill to unionize, they have the effort and skill to produce for themselves. capitalism is not individualist, it relies on a consumer.

>> No.13378686
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>Giving a fuck about the stupidity of zoomers
Thats was your first mistake
>thinking any of the integrity of the past can be preserved in the future
Was probably your second

Stop taking life so seriously anons, theres nothing in it that you can take with you.

>> No.13378706

Ooooh sweetie :( Looks like you fell for the dumb /pol/ memes, sweetie..
Read Marx and Have Sex.

>> No.13378711

Whats funny is this is exactly the type of shit zoomers who have just bred would be saying to their kids if child labor was still a thing.

Me thinks this is a bait thread by some stupid zoomer

>> No.13379725

I hate Americans.

>> No.13380098


Based schizoid poster

>> No.13380129

You can hate both capitalism and cultural progressivism. It's called being any Latin American ever

>> No.13380133
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>me, an intellectual
hmmm, existence, I question it.
>OP, a moron
hahahah, how can you say that you HYPOCRITE, you are literally existing right now, don't question it, don't question anything, obey, obey, obey. I am smart, I am smart, bitch nigga bitch, sonic, tails and knuckles. POWER RANGERS! *SCREAMS* *SCREAMS* *SCREECHES*

>> No.13380173

Kill yourself