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13371752 No.13371752 [Reply] [Original]

Who was the greatest 20th century philosopher?

>> No.13371759

Guy Debord.

>> No.13371762
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He wasn't a philosopher, but all the same Guenon btfo everyone else and was the GOAT thinker of the century


>> No.13371793

Why is this website so obsessed with people who heaped endless praise for "the old" and looked at everything in the modern age with pessimism and contempt? It's not like these were the only intellectuals in the 20th century, yet it's these ones that are constantly talked about.

>> No.13371794
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Uncle Nick

>> No.13371809

>doesn’t feel disgusted when he walks down the streets of his urban home


>> No.13371813
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>> No.13371819

Yeah, why dont they like Christopher Hitchens and Peter Singer, fellow narwahl bacon. Upboats to the left >>>>>

>> No.13371821

because capitalism literally ruined everything other than drinking, eating and sex

>> No.13372042

Delleuze, prolly. Heidegger was good, but he was the good death of traditional german philosophy; not a good stuff that the world needed.

>> No.13372052

Seraphim Rose

>> No.13372054


>> No.13372063

Heidegger. This isn’t a serious question as far as most philosophers are concerned, though I have a soft spot for Deleuze as an honest laborer. But that’s not so say Heidegger should be studied as the end all be all of 20th century thought, unless the 20th century is looked at as a conservative century, which it mostly isn’t.

>> No.13372074

Fats Waller

>> No.13372088

Capitalism made me a weeb, and I LOVE IT

>> No.13372089

>But that’s not so say Heidegger should be studied as the end all be all of 20th century thought

>Reinhard May refers to Chang Chung-Yuan who stated "Heidegger is the only Western Philosopher who not only intellectually understands Tao, but has intuitively experienced the essence of it as well."[99] May sees great influence of Taoism and Japanese scholars in Heidegger's work, although this influence is not acknowledged by the author. He asserts: "The investigation concludes that Heidegger’s work was significantly influenced by East Asian sources. It can be shown, moreover, that in particular instances Heidegger even appropriated wholesale and almost verbatim major ideas from the German translations of Daoist and Zen Buddhist classics. This clandestine textual appropriation of non-Western spirituality, the extent of which has gone undiscovered for so long, seems quite unparalleled, with far-reaching implications for our future interpretation of Heidegger’s work."[100]

>> No.13372124

When it comes to "influence on academical philosophy"? Definitely Witty.
By a wide margin.

>> No.13372147

>Heidegger is the only Western Philosopher who not only intellectually understands Tao, but has intuitively experienced the essence of it as well.
Jung as well. Must be the Alps or something.

>> No.13372187

>capitalism didn't ruin sex
Behold, the cumbrain

>> No.13372197

I have a soft spot with the four guys in that image.

>> No.13372208

have sex sweaty x :)

>> No.13372337

Heidegger, the rest are memes
Fuck wh*Tehead's stupid smile btw

>> No.13372370

Certainly Derrida

>> No.13372376

it's close between wittgenstein and rawls

habermas also deserves some consideration

>> No.13374124
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Julius Evola was the best. I like Heidegger, Wittgenstein, Guenon and Cioran. But Evola was the best.

>> No.13374873
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Official 20th century thinkers tier list

>God tier
Gödel, von Neumann, Skinner

>Top tier
Gramsci, Den Xiaoping, Pareto

>Ok tier
Deluze, Camus, Evola, Bueno

>Meme tier
Any french "philosopher" (Beauvoir, Foucault, Sartre, etc.), Frankfurt school (Habermas, Fromm, Marcuse etc.), Popper, Chomsky.

>Wasn't bad but being a nazi is actually not ok tier

>> No.13374874


>> No.13374885
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>>Wasn't bad but being a nazi is actually not ok tier

>> No.13374888

>why does the community of contrarians support contrarians
Fuck off

>> No.13374900
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Fascism is decent, nazism not really. I know most retards just hate nazism because of modern day propaganda but the actual big brain thought is to know why nazism was truly complete dogshit on all levels except maybe for the economy and military.

>> No.13374946
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>> No.13374966

skinnner in god tier bruh wtf behaviourism is trash tier lol

your whole list is garbage lol.... camus is ok tier but sartre is meme? Heiddegger is ok but Foucault is meme? no internal consistency and your criteria are obviously wrong

>> No.13374983

>behaviourism is trash tier
>literally rules modern behavioral economics
>literally used in every education program
>literally used in military training

My friend, did you read Skinner? He didn't think mental processes didn't exist, it's just that what truly matters for the external observer is the behavior.

>> No.13374995

behavioral economics is a literal meme in economics...
That's also a controversial interpretation of Skinner.
behaviorism is also a meme in contemporary phil of mind

>> No.13375007

>behavioral economics is a literal meme in economics
Next thing you're going to claim is that Kahneman was a pseud too.

>> No.13375012

The modernists were great, they not even the likes of Evola could dismiss them in totally in their prime, but their optimism was crushed by two world wars and subsequent optimists have mostly been mouthpieces and apologists for the system.

>> No.13375018
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Fixing your list

>God tier

>Top tier
Bueno, Foucault, Heidegger

>Good tier
Gramsci, Beauvoir, Sartre, Habermas, Fromm, Chomsky

>Ok tier
Gödel, von Neumann, Skinner, Camus, Den Xiaoping, Pareto, Marcuse, Popper

>Meme tier

>> No.13375026

i don't give a fuck about economics. behavioral is a literal meme tho. This thread isn't about economics. Skinner did influence behavioral econ. but that doesn't matter cuz it's a silly field. Nobody takes bevariourism seriously in philosophy because it's indefensible and wrong. Which leaves Skinner's philosophical legacy in the trash heap

>Kahneman won a nobel prize

>> No.13375029

there is a difference between being a defeatist little bitch like Schopenhauer and making the necessary critiques of modernity that someone like Heidegger did
also Deleuze doesn't in any way fit this as one of the most affirmative, experimental, and progressive philosophers to ever live (even if again he makes necessary critiques of modernity and the machinery of he control state)

but i'll agree on the whole 4chan is filled with self defeating conservitards who prefer to imagine they would have been "Chad" in their escapist fantasy past and read about how this golden age has been ruined by atheists/industrialists/capitalists/marxists/women/minorities/etc in excruciating detail instead of accepting the world they have inherited and doing something positive about it

>> No.13375030

how did you manage to make his list worse lmao

>> No.13375039


>> No.13375040
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>behaviorism is a literal meme
>objectively has a huge impact on the world
You just won't admit it. *shrug*

>> No.13375059

no one is disputing that the military uses some things inspired by things that skinner said. I'm disputing that that makes him a god tier philosopher

>> No.13375075

Alright, name philosophers whose ideas had a bigger impact.

>inb4 the already aforementioned relativist LARPers
They changed everything... but for the worse.

>> No.13375084
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John Rawls

>> No.13375089

The true list

>God Tier:
Gödel, Wittgenstein, Kripke, Foucault

>Top Tier:
Arendt, Bernard Williams, Whitehead, Taylor, Camus, Plantinga, Lewis, HLA Hart, JL Austin

>Ok Tier:
Nozick, Dworkin, MacIntyre, GA Cohen, Graham Priest, Moore, Heidegger, Ryle, Carnap

>Meme Tier:
Land, Evola, Guenon, Rawls, Derrida, Popper,

>> No.13375096

Wittgenstein (not a relativist on the correct interpretation)
Kripke revolutionized the field of modal logic at 18
Gödel revolutionized the foundations of mathematics
Foucault has entirely changed political discourse in the west

>> No.13375138

The IDF uses Deleuze’s ideas against the Palestinians.

>> No.13375149

Its actually all 4 of them together as one person, hes yet to publish his magnum opus

>> No.13375150

lol deleuze

>> No.13375160


>> No.13375162

Influenced the circle of Viena and not much more. Literally only published 1 book. He also contradicted/corrected himself.
I'll give you this one but this one but most of what he wrote can't be easily found.
On top of my list.
Ruined Nietzsche.

>> No.13375185

oh come on with wittgenstein, he influenced a lot more. the entire ordinary language movement came out of him (JL Austin and Gilbert Ryle) Austin has been very influential in Law and Theology, as well as philosophy. Plus he influenced Anscombe who is a pretty big deal in catholic studies. There's also his notable influence on Kripke and Rorty. Not to mention foster wallace as well. He's been very influential. He's such a big deal that On Certainty, the investigations, plus the blue and brown books are all still widely read in analytic, continental, and even some studies (gender, literature, religious) fields.

As far as foucault, his critiques of the state, liberalism, and capitalism are all pretty undeniably influential. I don't think much of neech so I disagree here

>> No.13375252

Derrida and Rorty

>> No.13375277

>camus over literally anyone
and back to r*ddit you go

>> No.13375294
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Can't get more based than this

>> No.13375299

Chaplin is a comedian, not a Philosopher.

>> No.13375323

>except maybe the economy
There is literally no redeeming factor in fascism, and fascists and their apologists seem to always strive for and continuously make up lies to give fascism some brownie points.
Also the only part of mild interest in fascism is the creativity of some their philosophers outside of their idiotic fascism, for example giovani gentile's actual idealism was interesting.
Fascists are not people.

>> No.13375332
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>t. xenotransfeminist

>> No.13375344

>arguments: not found
Get a cucumber up your ass and embrace reality, you shithead american.

>> No.13375349


>> No.13375357


>> No.13375358

It's pretty clear that you're clueless about fascism. Read the fascist manifesto and Pareto. I'd also tell you to listen to some Primo de Rivera son speeches but chances are you don't speak Spanish.

>> No.13375377
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mfw nobody mentioned Baudrillard

>> No.13375387

>shills mathematicians
>doesn't include Benoit Mandelbrot

>> No.13375469

derrida hahahahaha

>> No.13375506


skinner is not clear about this point, really. he often says mental processes are part of a cultural fiction, and that they have no place in a serious scientific psychology. so if he thinks they exist, it's only in an extremely attenuated sense.


you needs to sharply distinguish between skinner's science and skinner's philosophy. operant conditioning is real. reinforcement learning is real. skinner produced genuine and insightful science. it was his theoretical interpretation that is, nowadays, seen as obviously wrong. so yes, the fact that animal behavior can be conditioned and nudged in systematic ways is hugely influential. that makes skinner an influential scientist. it doesn't mean his behaviorism was at all influential.

lmfao @ this list but I'm a total analytic shill so it's OK


godel did technical work that revolutionized the philosophical study of the foundations of mathematics. but i think you (and others in this thread) are overstating the influence of his specifically philosophical writings. they are read carefully, but they are not ultimately that influential in the philosophy of mathematics. (not nearly as much as the writings of quine, putnam, benaceraff, frege, russell, wright, etc.)

the investigations is one of the most influential works in 20th century philosophy, what the fuck are you smoking? >>13375185 is just the tip of the iceberg.

as for kripke, most of his work is now available in "Philosophical Troubles" (easily piratable). His logical papers are easily available on sci-hub. Only his Locke Lectures remain genuinely Hard To Find.

>> No.13375524

>endless praise for "the old"

>> No.13375525

Maybe Heidegger or Wittengstein of those. Deleuze was a fraud

>> No.13375526

For me it's Alan Watts, despite just repackaging Oriental philosophy, he truly thought me to be happy instead constantly living in some some sad existential existence.

>> No.13375542
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All thanks to this madlad.
Richard Wilhelm gave us Germans some of the best possible translations of Taoist literature possible. Even today you are hard pressed to find better translations.

>> No.13375557

Deleuze is basically in love with Medieval Europe, in the tradition of Nietzsche.

>> No.13375782

>praising tradition

>> No.13375785
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>> No.13375805
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These two are going to go down as the most important thinkers of this age

>> No.13375825

>i'll agree on the whole 4chan is filled with self defeating conservitards who prefer to imagine they would have been "Chad" in their escapist fantasy past
Are you sure about that? Sounds like projection to me. Maybe they just want their societies to be healthy and fertile and beautiful, regardless of what they are like - or they feel like this world crushes their motivation and they'd have easier time in the past, doing anything. Heck, the absence of porn alone would transform the people of this world to an unknown form. Seeing potential there is not a fantasy about being 'chad', it's a misguided hope of not being a broken, miserable man.
Misguided in that there is no way back, this can only be sustained through or subverted in some fashion. I expect Spengler to be correct.

>> No.13376049

>Von Neumann? That Von Neumann? The one who pissed in his bed when he found out he was going to die? Who betrayed his entire belief system just because he was a scary little pussy? That Neumann who did nothing else in life than just solve problems for the government and never questioned anything? That Neumann who would create a weapon to kill all humans just for the sake of proving he can do it?

Piss off to Reddit with your Scientism

>> No.13376116

Don't know about greatest (in fact I'd say far from it) but Ayn Rand is probably the most influential. At least post-war.

>> No.13376656

>That Neumann who would create a weapon to kill all humans just for the sake of proving he can do it?
What a Chad holy shit.

>> No.13376670


Guenon was a dysgenc hypocrite and a pseud.

>> No.13377051

I wish

>> No.13377306
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>> No.13377514

Capitalism sounds based

>> No.13377517

This actually seems to be a pretty valid rating when it comes to Burger- and Britfags.

Nevertheless, Rand is pretty much unknown outside the US and GB. I'm German, for example, and ~10 years ago, when I started to busy myself with her books, it was quite impossible to get a German translation of any of them and her German Wikipedia article was ~5 lines long. No major company publishes any translation of her books up to the present day.

She's also dismissed and/or ignored by academics worldwide.