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13375183 No.13375183 [Reply] [Original]

If you had to choose a religion or life philosophy to follow devoutly, which would you pick?

>> No.13375194

One that didn't require me to pray or go to church and which made sense. So Gnosticism.

>> No.13375204

Let us first eliminate the religions that we should not follow:
>any religion/philosophy that claims wisdom without God cannot be trusted, since man is infinitely ignorant, especially about heavenly things
>any religion that doesn’t promise a good afterlife can be dismissed, since we have no good reason to follow it
>any religion that allows you to follow another path and still benefit can be dismissed, since we can simply choose a religion that is exclusive
>any religion that is dead/extinct can be dismissed, since obviously that God does not care about our worship of him. This does not necessarily mean that the most popular religion is true, however.
>any religion that claims it’s inspired by God, but does not give sufficient reason to believe this, such as through prophecy or miracles, can be dismissed
>any religion that is polytheistic, having no “monotheistic” God as laid out in various rational arguments, can be dismissed, since such a religion does not get its wisdom from the only source that matters. Indeed, these gods could very well be demons.

I could probably add a few more general criteria, but that is enough for now. What religions are we left with to seriously consider? Christianity, for sure. Islam and Judaism, maybe. Those are the most popular monotheistic religions, accessible to nearly everyone. It doesn’t take much to disprove Islam: just compare Muhammad and Jesus. One performed miracles and fulfilled many prophecies, the other didn’t. One looted and killed and had many sexual relations, the other didn’t. This should be enough. As for Judaism, then it is already unlikely to be true, since Jesus fulfilled OT prophecies and references (Isaiah 53, Psalm 22) and odd coincidences such as “Bethlehem” meaning “house of bread.” And in the book of Daniel, it’s said that the messiah will come before the destruction of the second temple (70 A.D.), which is what Jesus did. Furthermore, even if Judaism is true, then as long as a Christian follows the old law as best he can and worships God, then perhaps he will not suffer in the afterlife.

Overall, one can simply say that Christianity is the most difficult religion to have been faked. It also directly addresses our problems (we are sinful) and gives us a remedy through Jesus Christ, as prophesied long ago. We are given this beautiful religion in one of the most influential texts of all time, the Bible, and it’s clear why. What religion can compare? Yes, there are infinite religions, but does that mean they are all equally probable? Ask yourself, if Christianity is true, or X religion is true, then is there any religion X such that this dilemma would cause you trouble and hesitation?

>> No.13375206
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Why Islam is a useless religion:

>(2:62) Whether they are the ones who believe (in the Arabian Prophet), or whether they are Jews, Christians or Sabians – all who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and do righteous deeds – their reward is surely secure with their Lord; they need have no fear, nor shall they grieve.

>Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

>> No.13375207


>> No.13375208

compassionate altruism

>> No.13375214
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done and done

>> No.13375215

And Christianity has the most comprehensive, most beautiful holy book, practical and full of wisdom. Most other religions and philosophies are barely codified, especially as one uniform text that represents the religion. There are just too many clear advantages that Christianity has over other religions. But atheists will simply say that since there are infinite religions, they all have a low probability of being true, without ever actually investigating the validity of each religion. No belief system is superior to Christianity.

>> No.13375242

>implying man isn't ignorant by nature
>wanting a promised good afterlife no matter what you do, absolving you of any responsibility in your life on Earth
>immediately follow this up with "can't choose an inclusive religion"
Whatever you choose at this point fails your criterion.
>[dismiss] any religion that is dead... since obviously that God does not care about our worship of him.
See my first point.
>requiring God to display himself in your dimension to sate your desire for empirical evidence
Guess how I can tell you come from leddit? Consider that any higher being might have better things to do than to prove a point to you.
>polytheism is out because muh demons
You sound horribly retarded. I wished that you wrote this in jest, but clearly not.

>> No.13375310

You’re not trying to have a conversation. You don’t want to be convinced of anything, and you don’t care enough about ethos to persuade anyone else. Your only goal is to safeguard your disbelief, and you’ll disagree with anything I say just so that you won’t doubt your own doubt on the matter concerning your eternal salvation or suffering. Do you think that faith is necessary for belief? If you answer no I won’t bother replying to you again.

>> No.13375334


>> No.13375516


>> No.13375603

>get to stay up all night and party once every 60 days as part of the pursuit of immortality
>"year" is only 60 days long so you get to tell people you're HELLA old
>whenever you're not partying or bragging about your age, you get to brew kombucha and write poetry and generally dunk on people with your ancient wisdom

>> No.13375604

Bookchinian communalism.

>> No.13375710

>You don’t want to be convinced of anything
>Your only goal is to safeguard your disbelief, and you’ll disagree with anything I say just so that you won’t doubt your own doubt on the matter concerning your eternal salvation or suffering.
My goal was to respond to your post by being as facetious as possible because lmao wall of text, but keep projecting.
>Do you think that faith is necessary for belief?
Yes. People can be skeptical of even their own perceptions/experiences in the moment they are experiencing them. One would need faith in his perception in order to believe the experience itself.
>If you answer no I won’t bother replying to you again.
I don't care if you do or don't. I would prefer you don't since I disagree with a lot of your logic and find little use in further discourse, especially considering I never had good intentions entering a discussion with you. I only read your greentext, if that changes anything. If you don't see this, it bothers me none.

>> No.13375756

The right one.

>> No.13376033
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>which made sense. So Gnosticism

>> No.13376624

"one foot down in front of the other,
one day at a time. When something is before me I do it."

>> No.13376642

Wow this is a bad argument

>> No.13376643

islam, seeing as i already never drink, fast frequently and like meditating. and that i never have sex

>> No.13376651


>> No.13376652


I know it probably isn't true. But then what is truth? I don't care whether Christianity is true or false. It really doesn't matter. I still follow it like a zealot because there is no truth if Christianity isn't true.

Christianity has secrets that make it a better religion than other religions.

I'm Alyosha. :)

>> No.13376661

If I could chose in a vacuum it would be Egyptian initiation. Not even sure what you would call it since it predates pretty much every religion.

>> No.13376662

A philosophy where man can decide his own philosophical path

>> No.13376663


>> No.13376664
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>> No.13376665


Zoroastrianism or some kind of European paganism.

>> No.13376681
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False dichotomy. They are compatible with one another and devout study of either will lead to the inclusion of the the other.

>> No.13376688

>not being a devout skeptic
y'all are playing yourselves

>> No.13376702

A hierophant in the Atlantean mystery temple of course.

>> No.13376726

>not a mammian in the finish hypotombs

>> No.13377145

Fortnite nationalism

>> No.13377331

OP, I would pick you <3

>> No.13377418
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The Tao of course. Not Taoism though, just the Tao Te Ching as a companion.
...Azusa Nagasawa

>> No.13377478
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Buddhism makes the most sense to me, no doubt in part because it requires less blind belief than most religions. Although many people like to believe supernatural stories about the Buddha, none of that is necessary for the system to work. Indeed, ideas are secondary to practice: Works trump faith. I can get behind a philosophy like that.

>> No.13377520

You work only as the result of your faith in the existence of profit for your labor.
All is vanity.

>> No.13377538

It requires belief in samsara for the most part, but at least it provides activities with tangiable and immediately visible benefits in your wellbeing instead of just promising those will come.
But you might as well just practice daily meditation if you won’t belueve in the rest

>> No.13377553

Isn’t the entirety of Vedic though to move beyond this as a so called “delusion”?

>> No.13377587

You really had me going there in the first half

>> No.13377597


>> No.13377649
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Ecological totalitarianism

>> No.13377650

Based but yes quietism, taoism, stoicism, and buddhism are all valid ^w^

>> No.13377661

everything else is also valid but just not in the same meta-way than the quietism, taoism, stoicism, and buddhism are

>> No.13378658
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Cringe. This was about religion. Take your great man theory of history back to pol.

>> No.13378665
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Yeah. I kinda agree with gnosticism poster as well. Could be dudeism as well. Basically just acceptance of the moment.

>> No.13378694

Based and taopilled

>> No.13378832


>> No.13378841


>> No.13379360

My own values desu

>> No.13379489

It's funny when christcucks pretend they used logic and critical thinking to determine that the one true religion just happens to be the same one they grew up with.

>> No.13380748

Name one (1) religion that’s exclusive other than Christianity

>> No.13380870


>> No.13380882


>> No.13381022

I'm falling in love with Buddhism right now, and am restructuring my life around its ethos. I think our world would be so much better if more people followed the path of Siddhartha.


>> No.13381910

What is she actually good in though?