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/lit/ - Literature

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13373447 No.13373447 [Reply] [Original]

Been reading articles about the death of (mostly nerd/geek) subcultures and wondering what good books there are on the life and death of subcultures, perhaps as a whole:


(The articles on the geek subcultures dying have a slight bitterness to them that I can relate to, but I've never been part of the geek/culture subculture and only experienced it through the internet since I was practically the only geek at my school back in the 90s/00s. I only went to a con a few years ago, and it was kind of obvious that I was waaaaay too late OR maybe the image of geekdom I had in my head wasn't actually real or something.)

>Posted before but if eva is posted repeatedly, day in day out, on /lit/ why not post this up again for more suggestions?
>Especially after listening a bunch of teen to very early 20-something kids with N64 t-shirts praising Goldeneye despite the fact that it has aged like milk and is a product of it's time, and they wouldn't actually *know* why it was so fun in it's day

>> No.13373461

The geek culture deserved to die.

>> No.13373465

Everything that dies gets replaced with something new. Subcultures from the 90s and 00s may be dead, but subcultures from this decade are still fairly strong, and there will be new ones.

>> No.13373479

Are normies going to mop up burger punk?

>> No.13373488

What the fuck is even "burger punk"? Some lame derivative of cyberpunk akin to zoomer/boomers having derivatives of doomers and bloomers?

>> No.13373489

What do subcultures have to do with authenticity again?

>> No.13373501

Hipsters like to think that because their interests are "rare" that their group qualifies for some kind of comparison to aristocracies of the past. Retarded amounts of elitism just for not liking what most people like ensue.

>> No.13373503

Those Sets looks Based.

also what's the last one covered by her hands?

>> No.13373507
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Imagine being a meta-hipster offended by children misunderstanding retro games. All successful "subcultures" were engineered by marketing departments. People who don't fit into mainstream culture will always exist but most are very problematic which is why they're best ignored.

You get to call people posers.

>> No.13373593

The only culture in The West™ is consumer culture. The idea of a "subculture" is a nothing more than a well orchestrated sales pitch. No matter what clique or club these dorks belong to, they're still going to be using prepackaged products to express their "individuality", to define who they are as a person. Very cute girl though, despite the tattoos.

>> No.13373596

Now that geek and trendy science got co-opted long ago will they come for literature next?

>> No.13373599

Looks like a Yu Yu Hakusho tape.

>> No.13373686

>Imagine being a meta-hipster offended by children misunderstanding retro games.
Well, there's also a LOT of envy involved as well.

>> No.13373866

What is actually left for the (older) loser these days? Everything seems in the process of being sucked up into the monoculture.

>> No.13373947


Anime and manga right now are at the point where video games were before geek chic fashion culture exploded before 08. The irony is at this point both video games and anime and manga were all becoming the same with no creative input and just latching onto whatever flavour of the month trend is popular. Barthes would've been able to have written something interesting on this subject if he was still alive today.

>> No.13374046
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Extreme/ experimental noise music, fringe of the fringe conspiracy networks, experimenting with psychedelics (alone), hiking, meditation, learning to cook traditional dishes, foraging, gardening, gnoming, urbex, biking, there's literally countless entertaining activities to do alone. I usually do it all while listening to comfy ambient music. Being part of a social group is mundane as fuck.

>> No.13374112

this anon fucking gets it

>> No.13374134

Because the mainstream has swallowed it. And usually the mainstream swallows it when women join in.

>> No.13374140

how do you escape it

>> No.13374158

Yeah you’re right I think it just tends to be how difficult said activity is to do and or join. Like video games and tv binges are easy but reading books (debatable) and doing extreme forms of exercise have a slightly higher form of effort.

>> No.13374166


Aren't Japan and South Korea's consumer culture so much worse and rampant than the west's put together?

>> No.13374190

anime and manga are already trendy, you have teenage girls imitating hentai on instagram and no one bats an eye if you say you're into japanese stuff

>> No.13374212

>praising Goldeneye despite the fact that it has aged like milk and is a product of it's time, and they wouldn't actually *know* why it was so fun in it's day
Because it was the first 3D FPS we've played, and you got to play as James Bond, kill ruskies, and blow each other up with rocket launchers and mines and shit.

>> No.13374224

Both Japan and Korea are, to my knowledge, both proxy states of the USA. Look into the economic development period for japan in the 1980's an you see that the entire country is ran by the same type of elite scum that run the US. The urban developments in these countries has nothing to do whatsoever with the culture of the orient and to me is just a mock-trial expansion of western exploitation.
Anywhere within the neuro-network of the system (electricity): You don't.
The law of the land dictates participation in it's culture.

>> No.13374238

You can't. There is no escape from the Spectacle. The only way out is to kill yourself.

>> No.13374275 [DELETED] 

today's subcultures are subreddits and not actual cultures.

>> No.13374292
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>Bubblegum Crisis 2040
>Not original Bubblegum Crisis

>> No.13374293

subcultures were all fake and gay to begin with.

>> No.13374297

I can't see the relation between OP's post and literature.

>> No.13374298

Not necessarily. The escape from the spectacle has been a subject of discontent since the Greeks, and it was Sidharta's sole motivation before achieving Buddhahood. I daresay the situation we find ourselves in today is definitely much more dire than in past times though. The best thing to consider is that participation in the spectacle is a voluntary act. No, you will NOT die if you sell all of your material possessions and wander off into homelessness. You'll merely become less comfortable. I once spent a year hopping freight trains, it's actually quite liberating. Comfort and convenience are the prime motivating factors in our voluntary participation in the spectacle. Note that this participation becomes very inconvenient and very discomforting once an individual reaches a certain understanding or "spiritual insight" or whatever you choose to call it. Of course, I'm only speaking from my personal insight and experience, I'm sure there are plenty of anons that will disagree.

>> No.13374300

Forums are usually dedicated to specific things so I don't really get this line of thinking.

>> No.13374317 [DELETED] 

>I don't really get this line of thinking.
just proves you're a faggot

>> No.13374318
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I've not read the articles and they all seem like old people bitter about not being invited to parties anymore and remembering themselves as being much cooler or involved than they were (which happens to require putting down others as mops or psychos or uncultured or gentry etc etc).

A lot of this focuses on pretty superficial ideas of subcultures, and I'm guessing the Norwich guy is not very aware at all at just how much he and his subculture buddies were a slave to mass market capitalism. Most of what they were into were just vehicles to sell variations of sweatshop produced tat what they saw in their favourite magazine or on their telly program what mum would record on the VCR for them. Also, to be absolutely frank, gen Xers were and in many cases still are fucking insufferable, it's this "check out my attempt at shitty nihilism, isn't nihilism cool, let me feign tragedy for a bit so it can make up for my lack of personality". See shit like Rent or Reality Bites and the cult fucking following they got.

You really want to know what's happened to subcultures? Disruption and death of a lot of old media and the associated mass production of cultural artifacts like clothing. This is a move that Walter Benjamin would cheer, we are now in an age of such pure mechanical reproduction he could barely have dreamed it. You no longer need to pay to see live music, nor to buy their overpriced CD of shite, you can check them out on youtube for nothing more than an ad and your time. Now creators merchandise themselves and sell directly to you without having to sign up to some marketing executive's new season's style. There's also more interaction with the consumers and community. If you want to have an idea of a contemporary subculture, look out for Teddy Fresh, don't be a Wynona Rider worrying about pizza pizza pizza... papa bless.

>> No.13374329

So what exactly is it that prevents a forum from forming any culture then? Why do you see a barricade between culture and forums, or a chat server, or a website with some method for ongoing conversation between individuals?

>> No.13374338 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13374343

>neckbeard wojak in glasses meme without any argument put forward
>not an expression of a culture

>> No.13374352

Yeah i'm pretty sad and angry but you didn't answer my question.

>> No.13374425
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>stuff you can do alone
I think it's a very specific type of person that can exist on their own and not lose their mind.

>Imagine being a meta-hipster offended by children misunderstanding retro games.
T b h, I think I'm just jealous of the younger generation, free reign to be dorks with little to no damage to their social standing and thus go through the usual rites of passage (and the endless enthusiasm for what, honestly as an older person, is junk).

>> No.13374450

After reading Traditionalists, Debord, and Baudrillard, being a Perennialist hipster is probably my greatest fear. I want to believe in an Absolute Reality full of metaphysical truth, but I fear my pride of being authentic is getting in the way.

>> No.13374992


>> No.13375020

what exactly do you mean by an
>actual subculture
Stop thinking with the preconceptions that have been molded through your personal experiences. No one knows what you mean by "actual subcultures" and even if you somehow garnered a general idea of it just as everyone else, its still a preconception of your culture and society in general. We don't have to live like we did before just because its how things were, there will be something new and fresh completely unknowing of us coming, this is why you reject or atleast put a negative vibe to these "other subcultures".

>> No.13375032

On the contrary, they are foreign importations of the general western malaise

>> No.13375115
File: 37 KB, 703x800, soi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally copy-pasted a thread you made last month, right down to using the same picture of le quirky otaku girl.
>imageine having so little personality that you need to define yourself by what media you consume
Cringe. I only call myself ironically

>> No.13375176

Don't pin the blame of hentai on us. That shit was going on way before we got there.

>> No.13375211
File: 30 KB, 500x500, tmp30f87d35-f32f-4a99-8f15-1eb6efca0cdd-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is our era really that of braindead degeneracy and no-content? If the 60s was a so-called sexual revolution or rebellion against emotional repression I mean consider pic related. It's some insane guy mutilating himself, and somehow this is becoming the norm. Now compare to tribes. Is it tribal? Is there any comparison at all? Even if they act like animals without mental capacity, is it not in some way better than wearing grey rags to work 9-5? It seems to me that the circles these retard music artists are a part of are diving off the deep end in degeneracy and rediscovering something possibly meaningful at the bottom of it. They really don't have to be aware of it to happen. Or is it hedonic decadence? Insanity is a good thing in my opinion, it's good for it to be exposed. It's humbling. Consider the early cartoons from disney, with Daffy Duck doing all this crazy shit. It became numb slowly, now the popular centres of media force are pic related. Idk just food for thought.

>> No.13375224

The term lolicon is a reference to Lolita though. I know that isn't hentai, but the inborn curiosity of the whole affair technically didn't start in Japan or Korea.

>> No.13375225

Burger Punk died in the womb.

>> No.13375260

Why do you look at this bottom-of-the-barrel rubbish as your reference point for our era's cultural standing? Every single era has this kind of shit. It's nothing new, it's just a bit louder in volume today than in the past because technology makes it much easier to broadcast your shit to the world. But it was ALWAYS there, because the inner mechanisms which result in this type of rubbish are a constant in the universe.

Quod est inferius est sicut quod est superius.
As above, so below.

Keep seeking, because the higher culture you are looking for DOES exist. And the reason why that culture doesn't match in volume to the lower and is easier to overlook is because, as is expected of superior things, volume and quantity don't hold precedence in it.

>> No.13375286

I'm actually glad to see more people get into gaming

With a larger base there's just more of a chance one person in that base is a nigger.

Want to see gaming get good again? Give a retro console to some kid at random. I try to do this anytime I meet somebody that has a child

So far I've given away;
Two Sega Genesis
One Sony PSX
THREE fucking 3DS' (I hate Nintendo too but it makes them the cool kid in school)
Ninshitdo Gameboy Color
Ninpissass Gameboy Advance
Sega Dreamcast
PS Vita

I think that's it but every time I explain how it isn't a phone but actually plays games the kids eyes light up pretty big. They're all so fucking sick of playing youtube marbles it hurts, and this will contribute to better quality games in the future. Also wrecking noobs at MK is tight

I always give away all the games I have for it too, and point out the good ones. THIS ENSURES FURTHER RPG PRODUCTION FROM JAPAN

>> No.13375362

>I am a complicit cog of the neoliberal globohomo machine, and naively think we can go back to a time when we had quality digital media (if there ever was such a thing), while giving impressionable children video games so they will grow up as underdeveloped adults with Peter Pan Syndrome well into their 20's, 30's, and perhaps 40's.
Unironically kill yourself.

>> No.13375368

>The term lolicon is a reference to Lolita though.
They took the name but the sickness is their own. Tentacle porn in their old artworks and IIRC one of their oldest classic /lit/ is a story about a nobleman raising a young girl and then marrying her 30 years later.

>> No.13375376


>> No.13375405

What kind of retard are you?

>> No.13375416


>> No.13375421
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That's a piss easy answer: the internet killed all of it.

>> No.13375424

>so they will grow up as underdeveloped adults with Peter Pan Syndrome
Nice projection. Also, disliking new things doesn't make you interesting.

>> No.13375462

They're alive and well, but instead of wearing some pop-culture identity as a fashion accessory, people now brandish pop-politics.

>> No.13375464

Not him, but NEW? There hasn't been anything new in gaming since the 360/PS3 era except VR and mtx/mealpiece dlc.

>> No.13375522

>hiking, meditation
wine moms where I live have colonized these
>foraging, gardening
same, but for theatre kids in their 30s
>gnoming, urbex, biking
same but the theatre kids have money
>comfy ambient music
2002 called bitch

>> No.13375538

i literally just want a group of people and friends that isn't fucking retarded, but isn't virgins or socially maladjusted. is that hard to find intelligent masculine friends to cavort with?

>> No.13375553

So what you're saying is that if you participate in any of these activities completely alone, you might somehow be grouped into one of those cliche subcultures? I do all of those and I can honestly say I'm not a wine mom or theatre kid (those exist??) and have never even seen either while doing any of these activities. How does doing any activity alone lump you into any social group?
>is that hard to find intelligent masculine friends to cavort with?
Do intelligent people spend their time "cavorting"?

>> No.13375568

they can do intelligent things and also find time to have fun. that was precisely my point, i want friends who can appreciate the intellectual but also do other things

>> No.13375605

It's possible, but I personally haven't had any experience with that. All of my peers idea of a philosophical conversation is repeating what they heard from philosophy tube or the last episode of south park. I live in low-income community with a tourist-based economy so I gave up trying to find any real conversation partners a long time ago. I did befriend a schizo black metal kid a while back and he's really the only person I have to talk to about interesting things. Most people simply aren't capable of keeping up or just don't care what I have to say. I'm trying to coach my wife but she's pretty far behind and prefers direct attention over reciprocal dialogue.

>> No.13375650

Things seemed to die around the start of the 10s, so it can't just be the internet.

>> No.13375664

It's the popularization of the internet and the ease of access by cell phones started around the 10's. Almost 50% of internet traffic is from smart phones. The vast majority of the population now has access, so now there's a market for things online. So now it's all the same grocery store monopoly propaganda, but now online.

>> No.13375679

I've been thinking a lot about this and identity and purpose. Fuck. It has given me some serious anxiety and I can't quit shifting between "I don't care" and legitimately almost crying over it for some reason.

>> No.13375680

weebs are a subculture and they're just people dedicated to anime and similar things. i'd imagine you could say the same about traditional dnd/comic nerds. cultures have to start around some catalyst

>> No.13375700

Well, people define themselves in relation to others. If the only reason people connect on any level is because of a bunch of manufactured pseudo cultural interests propagated by corporate conglomerates then your entire identity is molded by powers you can't control. You now lack agency and autonomy. You are a byproduct of our society with no escape of ability to define yourself anymore. Anything you consume: books, movies, TV, internet sites, communications by other people you know or love. All of them have real agendas to control you.

That would make me almost cry too.

>> No.13375701

Also I'd say capitalism destroys culture.

>> No.13375718


I think about this too. I base my personality off what I consume (and I don't just mean mass marketed things) or what I create even though I guess I technically create within the confines and restraint of other things. I'm not original. I'm barely creative because all I do is smash influences together. I'm not unique.

>> No.13375740

I'm not sure I agree with most of the sentiment. First, almost everything you consume is mass marketed. Unless youre going to local bands, local artshows, local book signings, or local film festivals, the things you consume are mass marketed. Things on youtube are programmed to appear in front of you. The classic cannons of literature and philosophy have been marketed for hundreds of years.

I think the counter to it is expressing yourself. Yes you are a collection of every action you have taken, many of them being consumed things, but when you create you are making something unique to you. just look at /r9k/. Look at the millions of books published on amazon providing an income for more writers than ever before or the ease of releasing a recorded track. It has become easier to share what you make than ever before.

We stand on the shoulders of giants, and it is only by knowing what exists already are we able to make new things, even if it's a subtle variation, it's still different.

>> No.13375845

>the only reason people could dislike something is because they're trying to seem interesting
literally the most reddit opinion in the world

>> No.13375981




>> No.13376014

I think this has most to do with the rampant accessibility of products that's come with technology. You no longer have to invest time and effort into consuming or engaging in a hobby, thus there's no longer any reason for people to "specialize" in one certain field, and identifying as one thing. Although they can if they want to.

>> No.13376030

Das Kapital
Peasants Into Workers

>> No.13376045

/v/ has a thread on burgerpunk right now.

>> No.13376573

it was a /tv/ meme ages ago, /lit/ were the ones beating a dead horse

>> No.13376677

>There hasn't been anything new in gaming since the 360/PS3 era except VR and mtx/mealpiece dlc.
The survival MMO genre is new.

>> No.13377080

Is it? Feels like a refined 00s idea.

>> No.13377188

Just recognize that reality nor God don't own you any insights and that there is never any guarantee of not being secretly a retard. Essentially admit that you're an apebrain like anyone else (which doesn't preclude spiritual pursuits -Aristotles and Saint Thomas were both apebrains, they still did something of it).

>> No.13377192

Yes please, that way we'll finally score
*uses inhaler*

>> No.13377195

i.e. improved, and for the first time enjoyable. Basically new. What from the 00s do you consider comparable to Rust in terms of objective and formula, with its routine server wipe?

>> No.13377205

>one of their oldest classic /lit/ is a story about a nobleman raising a young girl and then marrying her 30 years later.

That shit has been common practice in three or four continents since before Heraclitus. But I concede the point on tentacle porn.

>> No.13377215

>I can't enjoy what others people enjoy
Sheepish mentality. And amusingly none of those beat reading as far as solitary pleasure go. The oldest hipster hobby turns out to be the most solid.

>> No.13377235

>You are a byproduct of our society with no escape of ability to define yourself anymore.

This modern Western obsession has always confused me. At which point in the history were people not the byproduct of their society? In most culture it's even considered a good thing to have adjusted to social norms and to enjoy what is considered appropriately enoyable.

I try to picture an ancient greek sayint theater is bad, and all I can see is a run-of-the-mill school founder amid a hundred others.

>> No.13377242

Subcultures are the opposite of authenticity or any grasp of individuality.

>> No.13377248

That's my understanding as well. Politics subsumed culture, so the girl who in the 80s or 90s would be a goth is now a feminist, the guy who would be a D&D nerd is now alt-right and so it goes.

>> No.13377250

There's far too much video game talk on /lit/ today. I don't like it and I won't stand for it.

>> No.13377263

blame the v.edditors and pretentious fags who think videogames are "art" instead of admitting that videogames are virtual toys

>> No.13377267

>At which point in the history were people not the byproduct of their society?
Not just this, but the idea that there is no way to define yourself in modern society is ludicrous, worthy of being called clinical insanity even.

>> No.13377280

It's summer vacation so expect all the edgy kiddies to be here shitting up the place

>> No.13377295

>the guy who would be a D&D nerd is now alt-right
Tabletop gaming has become linked to PC culture pretty tightly over the last several years actually.

>> No.13377299

Yep, totally the gamer mind.

>> No.13377368

What subcultures do we have these days? Streetwear degenerates? Purple haired SJWs? Instanthots? These aren't even real subcultures they're mainly political/fashion statements. The most recent sibulculture I can think of are urban/rap, which dates back to the 80s, emo which is also 80s, an hipsters which was 90s.

Actually at this point it's becoming "racist" to distance yourself from maimstream culture. As proven by the fact that R0tten Tomatoes and news sites like Vox have literally made explocit statements that its "bigoted"/"misogynistic"/etc. to dislike the Marvel cinematic universe (i.e. side with woke capitalism and low brow commodity-artwork or you're a nazi).

>> No.13377468

>These aren't even real subcultures
What constitutes as a real subculture?

>> No.13377585

for real

>> No.13377636

>These aren't even real subcultures they're mainly subcultures.

>> No.13378110

Noy sure if this is the right thread for you.

>> No.13378222

I guess Minecraft?

>actual book suggestions

>> No.13378726

Just watch the big bang theory. You'll probably eventually figure out why it became zombified if you have a couple brain cells to rub together.

>> No.13378878

I’d still tap that, but I would cry after.

>> No.13378934


>> No.13378974

that show slowed down tech innovation by atleast 10years

>> No.13379098

>that show slowed down tech innovation by atleast 10years
I fail to see how.

>> No.13379133

The actual subcultures that are interesting are political ones. I.e. punks, early skinheads, hippies, etc. Your "geek" culture is just poser shit. Defining yourself through media without a certain political or cultural goal is not "culture".

>> No.13379134


As a native Vermonter of recent French Canadian extraction, I would bet there are numerous subcultures like ours that popped up in the 20th century and are dying within a couple generations. So many families I know have the story of grandfather coming to the state after WW2 and establishing a prosperous family that then integrated and lost the French language by gen 3 and the culture by gen 4. Sad as fuck, my friends.

>> No.13379185


Adopted by enough low confidence dipshits as to constitute a trope identity on a televsion series. That's literally it: it was a hallmark of television media era Western communications. Now that the TV is no longer king and internet meme culture moves so fast, no new subculture can form. We're hitting youth trend identity singularity soon.

>> No.13379224

At least death is closure. Better than being stripped down to the monetizable parts and then absorbed into the monoculture for profit.

Do low-income areas still produce their own unique subcultures these days? I was thinking about Ed Sheeran earlier today when he was voted 2014's number one black artist and urban influencer. Just what is immune to money's influence?

>> No.13379326

>know what's less poser than doing and talking about things you enjoy with other people who enjoy similar things?
>sperging with a bunch of other faggots over things you will never personally effect
your sperging isn't even less manufactured and impersonal than consuming products. you're just more deluded into thinking what you're doing is meaningful. if you really want an example of people getting together with minimal manipulation into it by elites you would pick hobbies like rock climbing or urban exploration or shitposting on african lip mutilation patches of dirt.

>> No.13379400

its a cuck show glorifying the soi lifestyle. people saw popsci as the 'real science'

>> No.13379416

you're retarded but made me kek loudly

>> No.13379433

Jesus, I hate the show, using soi unironically is embarrassing.

>> No.13379438


>> No.13379485

This post would have been smart if he didnt use the fucking vidya example.

We are a subculture and I think every lurker can atttest to when they feel this board is livlier and authentic and when its not

>> No.13379525

i rarely do but you get the point. recuperation is subtle, it happens to any spot of the political map. suddenly, people pass their potent years buying and clouting memes based on popculture instead of their own individuation or cultivation of their own subculture.

>> No.13379682

Nah, subcultures as a whole are OK. It's just that the ones these folks happened to be in got mined and cored out. A lot of the older ones are even still going strong, like Juggalos. Professional wrestling subcultures are still doing fine despite their best efforts to mainstream. Some of the fandom subcultures have maintained their integrity to a surprising degree, especially the uncool and retro ones.

Then there are slightly newer ones like speedrunners and the musical theater nerd revival. We're literally on 4chan right now. Despite the mutations of the last several years channer culture is still very much a thing and it's splintered and metastasized into some other very distinct, well defined, self sufficient groups. Bronies are still out there.and some probably will be when that horse show is no longer in production.

I will say that the first and fourth articles made some good points and I agree in principle with the third even if I think its evaluation of the situation is skewed. I do think its comparison of mainstream appropriation and/or (political) recuperation of subculture to gentrification is apt (see The Big Bang Theory for a really visceral example) even if his point by point analysis breaks down under closer scrutiny. And my experience of nerd culture in particular is pretty similar to his even if I think his understanding of the situation is mostly wrong. I also grant that subcultures now sometimes have remarkably short life cycles because of the ease with which the people who profit off of and work to define cool can more quickly identify potentially marketable ones, though at most the difference is the number of fads that get burnt out quickly, not that it happens at all.

Maybe spend some time with some young people? The ones I know (the cool ones, at least, not the normies) are clearly members of subcultures. See also The Man Who Fell to Earth to see another look at this process.

>> No.13380396

>We're hitting youth trend identity singularity soon.
One of the most retarded things I've read on here. As if every youth is genetically the same... as long as you have any genetic differences at all you will have cultural differences.

>> No.13380521

>the cool ones, at least, not the normies
You and your friends are all special snowflakes aren't you? Thinking you're above the masses.

>> No.13380536

>Sad as fuck, my friends.
Someone assimilating to the country where they live is sad to you?

>> No.13380545

Why does anyone give a shit about this?

>> No.13380581

>Maybe spend some time with some young people?
I am a young person, I don't want to spend time with you

>> No.13380590

He was addressing that to OP.

>> No.13380964

We are at the precipice of true virtual reality and building livable space stations and here /lit/ is lamenting the so called death of culture.

>> No.13381259

I don't think it's great as you imagine it's going to be.

>> No.13381306

because it means consumerism/capitalism is just absorbing everything like a colossal shapeless blob until there's nothing left

>> No.13381425
File: 93 KB, 851x315, defqon.1-2019-q-dance-the-release-one-tribe-hardcore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The eternal subcultures don't need to flash their hearts out on the surface in public. It's in the eyes.

>> No.13381629

I don't think gamer girls will generally get with gamer guys. Look at what's to offer; generally they're not physically active and so will either be overweight but weak or underweight and weak. If they spend lots of time gaming, either they're unemployed, or employed but non-social. Many gamers either live with family or are on welfare. If a gamer is actually physically fit, works a good job that pays well, pays the rent for their own place, and is socially active thus not socially awkward because they've socialized themselves or BEEN socialized... where's the time to play videogames?

So, that cutie in OP's pic, she would inevitably go for someone whom is not a gamer and simply play videogames on her own time, assuming she's a gamer and not doing it for show. Women on a biological basis are generally hypergamist, this means that they seek a man whom is ideally higher than them on the socioeconomic ladder, or at minimum, on the same level. There is nothing socioeconomic about a hardcore gamer unless by some miracle he's managed to tap into a BIG fanbase on the internet, perhaps via YouTube, and so plays videogames all damn day while recording it and making money from it online. Doesn't fix the likely fact that they'd not be physically impressive at all, probably not all that intelligent either (though they'd likely think that they are), but such an individual could possibly have a chance with her. Otherwise... nah, she's go with someone who's worth something. Forget physical fitness; if he's employed and got money, even if he doesn't game AT ALL, he'd have a better chance with her than a typical gamer.

I don't say this with sorrow, it's merely open thinking. Sure, from a gamer's perspective it would be kinda sad, perhaps even bring on a sense of being alone forever, and that would be unfortunate. I used to be a hardcore gamer, glad that I'm not anymore. Now I'm a writer, and do a little bit of gaming on the side. Frankly, I'm not sure that I want a gamer chick, in fact I don't. I want a wife; traditional, Conservative, Christian, submissive, and a woman who would be appreciative of the life I give her. I protect her and provide her what she needs to live, and she provides me children and supports me by tending to the house and likely doing the lion's share of raising the youngsters.

I'm slightly hung-over and rambling. I'll stop now... but God fucking damn is that chick in OP's image foxy.

>> No.13382282


Not if the culture is worth assimilating to. I'd rather be a Francophonic family oriented Catholic farmer than a genderfluid liberal arts barista who can't even speak English above a junior high level.

>> No.13382289


If they're drug free and marginally prosperous, working class communities can still maintain culture. The sailing community of New England and the Eastern seaboard seems to me that way. They also hate pussified West Coasters.

>> No.13382443

You're an idiot. Neither of those things were even conceivable 200 years ago.

>> No.13382475

Why is everyone stupidly predictable it's the same conversation everyday lol.

>> No.13382502


On a large scale culture has already been eradicated by globalism
For a brief period sub-cultures were cultivated with the same degree of clear cut vibrancy that normal geographical born culture once had but now that era is coming to an end as well
In a broader sense globalism and the push for greater convenience in all aspects of life has essentially diminished the impact of everything literally everything and this is where the loss of authenticity is felt and that's a rather complex situation

>> No.13382513
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>> No.13382515
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>> No.13382811
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You can't spell subculture without cult

>> No.13382842

>N64 t-shirts praising Goldeneye
Reloaded on the ps3 was really good

>> No.13382845

>I am the young person ambassador and I speak for all my fellow young people

>> No.13382862

Or culture without cult for that matter

>> No.13382871
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>> No.13382958

These words don't actually having meaning anymore. From a copypasta that appears from time to time on /r9k/:

>It really only applies to the geek subculture but I'm sure you can tweak it to apply to other subcultures:

>Ok, it's basically an extension of a theory I laid out in another thread which was about lowering standards/homely gfs and an anon mentioned
>tfw no nerdy gf
>and it occured to me that (and it's a pretty REEEEEEEEE thought) geeky/nerdy girls (who aren't super ugly) are now out of older robots reach since 2008 when the normies flooded into geekdom. 2 reasons why this is:

>1.Geeky/Dorky girls are generally into cosplay and cosplay throughout years has improved a lot to the point where facial hygiene, make-up and beauty tips have become part of it, so autist geek girls have learnt how to take care of themselves aesthetically. So we have the ugly duckling situation.

>2.The influx of normies into geekdom have lowered your value as a geek. With the internet, wikipedia and youtube...there are no longer any "fake" geeks and all that geek knowledge and "experience" you have has been made redundant. So you're basically in the same playing field in the geek world as you are in the regular world.

>My extension to this is that older social outcasts have been locked out of geekdom entirely since it's no longer their niche, i.e. the early/core millennials who didn't get into fandom before the mainstream/monoculture swallowed them up and are now longer a part of anything since other subcultures and niches have been absorbed as well.

>So now there's a bunch of socially orphaned "old" losers with no social safety net, no romantic experiences, who may or may not have jobs, without anywhere to belong and with an age starting to play against them.

>The flipside is that now the coming generations will have fewer social outcasts since literally everything is now catered for.

>We got unlucky.

>> No.13382962

What are the actually some examples of old guard nerds being demonized?
I have a bit the feeling they are attacking somewhat of a strawman.

>> No.13382985

>From a copypasta that appears from time to time on /r9k/
Stopped reading there

>> No.13383053
File: 1.27 MB, 2560x1920, TBBT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To anyone that experienced nerd culture, preferably being at least a teenager, BEFORE this show existed, you know that nerd culture was intrinsically involved with suffering of some kind.
There was absolutely no way to enjoy DnD, Magic the Gathering, Comics, Star Trek, Star Wars, Atari games, Nintendo Games, etc etc, without being bullied or ostracized in at least some way. Enjoying a game of magic with your friends necessarily meant you were either mocked or left out of social life in your school. I'm nearly sure almost everyone here knows I'm right about this if you're at least in the millenial age bracket.

The Big Bang Theory catalyzed the change. Nothing has ever been as destructive to a culture or identity as this show. Before this show the idea of videogame streams, of E-sports, of wearing comic or videogame shirts, of liking anything "nerd" publically, was completely unthinkable. This show quickly sold "being a nerd" as a product, and even if people claim to hate it now, it was the top discussed and watched comedy when it came out. The problem is the people in this show were not nerds on the strict sense. They were just the desirable parts of being a nerd with virtually none of the draw-backs because this is fantasy. I challenge you to find some media portraying nerds pre TBBT where nerds are as happy as they are here.

Another proof of the destructive effect of this show is that, for instance, they decided not to conflate nerddom with furry or anime shit. They could have, as there is obviously at least some overlap, but they didn't. As a result, the average "le normie 2019 geek xD" still probably sees anime as a degenerate thing, even if they are are playing DnD with their girlfriends from college without knowing all the sacrifice people made to built this world they are inhabiting now.

There has never been a stronger or more evil case of cultural appropriation. I hope someday some media or book covers this with the respect it deserves.

Fuck the big bang theory. Bazinga.

>> No.13383090

Think about how many times you had to be bullied, whether physically or verbally, laughed at, excluded from circles, mocked, etc, so that in 2019 some gamer girls could get paid thousands of dollars for streaming Fortnite on twitch.
You couldn't write a better tragedy than this.

>> No.13383180

ummmmmmmmmmm... have sex?

>> No.13383189

Subcultures are trends and have nothing to do with actual culture

>> No.13383194

This is why we should learn to play acoustic guitar and sing whaling songs.

>> No.13383209

Can someone be this fucking stupid?

>> No.13383250

>As a result, the average "le normie 2019 geek xD" still probably sees anime as a degenerate thing
Are you kidding? Anime is so close to the norm with furry freaks not trailing far behind.

>Think about how many times you had to be bullied, whether physically or verbally, laughed at, excluded from circles, mocked, etc, so that in 2019

Like the pasta says, the flipside is newer generations no longer need to struggle. And if I'm honest, I think I was fucked more by the geographical location rather geek culture being looked down upon.

>> No.13383274

'true nerds' that say this are the same who support those streamers and hoard merch anyhow. there are predatory thots like belle delphine who know how stupid people are, girls who get into it for signalling due to the truenerd mentality in that they cant find a mate and normie nerds who grew up with the same mediaculture that didnt feel the need to have all the autisms that come with it. even guys do it the same way. sure the nerds who were bullied are now adults and some of those are the ones selling this shit back at people. behind all this fuckery the real nerd subculture are building tech innovations that allows all this to happen. its not only nerd culture that gets eaten up, its anything that is identifiable to meme.

>> No.13383331
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>> No.13383334

Did I even use the terms 'nerd' or 'geek'? I was just thinking out loud about how gamer chicks generally won't be into gamer guys, at least that's the thought that came to mind. I don't know of any /r9k/ copy pastas, I just had a thought and decided to run with it, to see where its logical conclusion lay from my perspective.

>> No.13383998

>Did I even use the terms 'nerd' or 'geek'? I was just thinking out loud about how gamer chicks generally won't be into gamer guys
But the example you use is outdated. Hell look at the esports guys:

2004: A bunch of nerds
2019: Dudebros

>> No.13384023

>Anime is so close to the norm with furry freaks not trailing far behind.
Not if you broaden your sample size to include the whole world rather than merely the United States coasts.

>> No.13384186
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I grew up in a private progressive catholic school (progressive as in they allowed us to pokemons and even encouraged us to harry potter), enjoyed most of those activities, and was never bullied. In fact, the bois and I all did those activities, and were ourselves the bullies to younger classmates. Growing up in the early 90's in a well modeled and loving environment was cash.

>> No.13384194
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>> No.13384309

This is a fundamentally Marxist post. I thought you guys were based

>> No.13384498
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Marxism is a fundamentally western philosophy.

>> No.13384512

This. How important is it to "be a good fan" and how particular the rubric measuring your fandom compliance as Disney locked PR horns with internet user opinions. /tv/'s board culture seems to have shifted by much the same forces, siding with Disney's PR machine to push the client-pleasing board spam. Amusing is the fervor with which "Fuck Jannies" counter board culture coexists there too, I think either the organic consequence of the Disney constraints or else another side to the services provided by the chinz Matrix: custom bad fans. "Why they're so bad, they even say a bad word. It's utterly the worst." It's as mundane and noncommittal a troll's disruption can get, there being no Gore or worse used to destroy a corporatized placidity. But it helps build the idea that whatever you are, whatever the dysphoric state of your genitals and economic prospects, at least you're not one of them and hey why not give some of this free money back to the blob.

>> No.13384544

Confirmed for shut-in. Not that there's some Renaissance you're missing, but there's as many a variety of subculture ad you care to describe. What of itinerant flight stewardesses or amateur farmers, brewers, field biologists, butchers, construction workers, marine biologists, home-visiting neo-frontier physicians, all of these possess they're own unique subcultures if not something larger. Slang, shared miseries and triumphs, basking and languishing in the ups and downs together. That's really all it takes to forge from the blob something new, real, human and meeting any reasonable definition of subculture. Must they open Chakric portals or levitate a pyramid before you regard their lives as flowing with a subculture?

>> No.13384566

>There was absolutely no way to enjoy DnD, Magic the Gathering, Comics, Star Trek, Star Wars, Atari games, Nintendo Games, etc etc, without being bullied or ostracized in at least some way.
I don't believe you. All of those things were immensely popular 30 years ago, bullies will try to pick anything as a reason to bully. Also I don't agree with your view that TBBT had a huge cultural impact.
>without knowing all the sacrifice people made to built this world they are inhabiting now.
lol You're exaggerating.

>> No.13384577

This is all a waste of time, 'nerd', 'geek', and 'normalfag/normie' have lost any useful meaning.

>> No.13384587

Another meaningless term.

>> No.13384697


>> No.13384980


>> No.13385511

>I'm not part of a corporate-labeled social group so I feel depressed

Come on people, do what you want to do not what slides you into some safe, well-defined entity. Not to say I do not appreciate the feeling of belonging an in-group can give, but reading this thread makes me question if NPC meme is actually not a meme at all.

>> No.13385858

>this thread makes me question if NPC meme is actually not a meme at all

>> No.13386250

Part of me hopes you guys pull through and get help but another part of me really doesn't want anymore insufferable "I read some self help bs and it worked for me so now it's all I talk about" kind of guys.

>> No.13386378

>be a boomer
>collect vinyl in the 90's
>vinyl sells for pennies, nobody wants em
>eventually it becomes cool and the most mundane shit cost $20
>stop collecting vinyl, start collecting retro games
>AVGN and Metal Jesus inflate prices
>Mario/Duckhunt goes for $20 now
>Stop collecting retro vidya and start collectting VHS
>$1 per VHS, finally something people aren't ruining
>VHS is hip again, tapes go for $20

Seriously fuck collecting

>> No.13386389

>I only like collecting things that are worthless
The other way to look at it is you could have taken any of those as they got popular and turned it into a profitable hobby that you know something about, and maybe make a few bucks while buying and selling things you like.
I actually agree with you though

>> No.13386420

>disliking new things doesn't make you interesting.
Reading comprehension

>> No.13386429

Not exactly always the case anon. There is culture that derives from Music and sport, and it not a consumer culture. Video games and media as well, as they are highly consumerist, still provide something of cultural and historical value, so much so that it influences and defines a generation. But also fuck Star Wars

>> No.13386456

it's almost like you're following trends

>> No.13386499

Fucking hipsters stopped my Mega Drive game collecting. Already expensive games have gone up in price the last 10 years thanks to those fuckers. And common as mud games are usually £10 min and marked as "RARE". Paid £300 for a game that should have cost £60. Stopped at that point.

>> No.13387372

I'm sure they're the reason for the increasing amount of fake rare cartridge games on ebay.

>> No.13387539


holy shit that one is trog-brained as fuck. I don't know if i can finish it.

>> No.13387561

Crab racing

>> No.13387582

What example that I used is outdated. Also, I don't know what the definition of 'dudebro' is. Sounds to me like a 'dudebro' would be some kind of mindless individual who just looks for good times, probably wants to party and drink and smoke pot a bunch, and seeks to get laid with whatever woman would open her legs. In essence, a hedonist.

There does seem to be a Marxist element in that post, yes. Though in terms of 'fundamentality', it could simply be the desire to be different, to go against the flow of mainstream. Can't think of the proper term for it. Not necessarily anti-social though that could be there too.

Marxism is an ideology that was developed in the West, yes. That doesn't mean it's correct, in fact I personally consider Karl Marx to have contributed to the most human death of anyone of the past 150 years or so. I attribute to him all the deaths of Stalin/Mao/Pot/Minh, and I think that Hitler's hatred of the Jews (specifially the Ashkenazi Jews, whom have the highest average IQ on the planet and thus would inevitably climb to the top of a variety of hierarchies in whichever environment they find themselves in) was likewise fueled by Marxism/Socialism. After all, he did found the National Socialist Party in Germany. Nazi literally means National SOCIALISM. However Stalin and Mao killed WAY more people than Hitler so we could even disregard him and Marx would still stand as the individual whom indirectly lead to the most human death of the past 150 years, perhaps even the most human death than any other individual in the history of the world.

>> No.13387744

That must mean they are excellent then. Lmfao. Where the fuck did they find you bud.

>> No.13387943

>Marxism is an ideology that was developed in the West, yes. That doesn't mean it's correct, in fact I personally consider Karl Marx to have contributed to the most human death of anyone of the past 150 years or so. I attribute to him all the deaths of Stalin/Mao/Pot/Minh, and I think that Hitler's hatred of the Jews (specifially the Ashkenazi Jews, whom have the highest average IQ on the planet and thus would inevitably climb to the top of a variety of hierarchies in whichever environment they find themselves in) was likewise fueled by Marxism/Socialism. After all, he did found the National Socialist Party in Germany. Nazi literally means National SOCIALISM. However Stalin and Mao killed WAY more people than Hitler so we could even disregard him and Marx would still stand as the individual whom indirectly lead to the most human death of the past 150 years, perhaps even the most human death than any other individual in the history of the world.

Do you have only 2 brain cells?

>> No.13388502

I wouldn't diss adults with hobbies. Generally people with hobbies are happier than those with no hobbies.

>> No.13388509

>There is culture that derives from Music and sport
This is, if anything, in total support of my claim. Just look at pop music concerts or festivals in literally any genre. Even extreme music genres, which would in the past be described by most as anti-social are now incorporated into the consumer mainstream. I'm not even going to comment on sports, I think that should be self evident.

>> No.13388514

I wonder if the internet and social networks is a stepping stone to eventual real hive mind. Borg style.

>> No.13388523

>That doesn't mean it's correct
I'm not insinuating that it's correct at all. I'm saying that philosophically, it was fashioned by and inspired by western philosophers. "Right" or "wrong" I think is rather subjective and not relevant to the topic.

>> No.13388533

Consuming passive entertainment media is not a hobby.

>> No.13388538

What does /r9k/ have to do with that?

>> No.13388543

oh muh sweet summer child

>> No.13388554
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If only you knew how bad things really are.

>> No.13388559

A lot of subcultures have often been associated with a political statement. Just look at hippies, skinheads or original rap

>> No.13388560

/r9k/ bans you if you post something unoriginal. Or at least that's what it used to do. I haven't looked in a while.

>> No.13388586


So many retarded buzzwords.

But yeah, the show is shit

>> No.13388597

This didnt start until the 1960s

>> No.13388600

Culture can't be eradicated. It can be changed. And it's changing and it's always been changing.

The old world is dying and a new world is replacing it and there is nothing anyone can do about it. There is no sense in clinging to some imagined past glory. Just move on

>> No.13388605

Impressive argument...

Given how things go when people adopt Marxism or one of its derivatives, I think it's safe to say that it's incorrect. Capitalism is the only system available that actually uplifts the most vulnerable in society, or at least gives the opportunity for low-level monetary redistribution to keep them from starving. Poverty by UN standards was cut in half in the first 13 years of the 21st century, the aim was within 15 years. That wasn't Marxism or Socialism or Communism. That was Capitalism. Capitalism creates excess, and by that excess, a society can care for its most vulnerable. Yes, the wealth inequality is BIG... but who gives a God damn about that when people aren't selling human body parts in the streets like in Communist Russia, or when people aren't forced into work camps for GENERATIONS like in modern day North Korea, or anyone with glasses being round up and killed in Cambodia due to suspicions that they were educated and successful. In fact, I am currently on welfare, I am the lower class, the 'proletariat', and that would not exist if not for the firm foundations of Capitalism beneath it. If not for Capitalism, I would be on the street, and I would be starving to death.

When I see the rich, I don't think "you bastard, you took that from me" or "you bastard, you cheated your way to the top" or "you bastard, I should vote for people who would FORCE you to hand over some of your money so that I could have more." No, I think "if you were some incompetent and corrupt stooge, you would have lost your money by now or you WILL lose it before long... you are doing something right, you're working hard, it's because of people like you that others have jobs, that there's such affordable goods on store shelves, and it's from your taxes that my miserable and suffering ass gets to live. Thank you, carry on, and hopefully someday I could earn the right to live like you do by likewise benefiting society."

Marxism is bloody toxic, it pushes people to fuel inner greed, to view those who have as oppressors who need to be forcefully torn down, ripped apart, and handed out. It turns people into cannibals who wish to eat their own fellow man, but what's worse, is there's an Old Testament twist to it. Abel was an ideal whom everyone respected, he made sacrifices to God that pleased Him, while his brother Cain wasn't anywhere near as useful. Cain wanted God's favour too, but could not earn it. He was vengeful for his idealistic brother, the person he should aspire to be like, but like the snake he is he killed this good and beneficial member of biblical society. The rich are the ideal to aspire towards because they are among the most beneficial to society, they are doing the most good. Marxists wish to be rid of this ideal, this good, even if it's just a Kulak who owned a farm and made enough to hire others. Nope, can't have that, you and your pregnant wife will be dragged to the field and shot.

>> No.13388613

I know young kids really love retro gaming, because on top of the cred it gives them, they are actually fun.

>> No.13388629

You are vastly overstating the impact of the show.

Yes, it was one of things that brought nerd culture into the spotlight, but the overall popularisation of the culture has already been underway when the show started.

But fuck TBBT

>> No.13388639

And it's still shit.

>> No.13388659

I wouldn't call videogames a passive entertainment. Not always anyway. Can be creative too.

Watching TV is passive entertainment

>> No.13388667

I never found that scary. The Borg are perfect, peaceful and harmonious society.

It's quite beautiful

>> No.13388695

Is there any point with arguing with you? It seems like you've decided that everything is good comes purely from capitalism.

I suppose Jesus cleansing the temple was an act of capitalism right?

>> No.13388734
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>> No.13388753

No, you're wrong. Video games are not personally constructive in any way, shape, or form.

>> No.13388760

The temple was a place for prayer, not for selling goods and bartering. If you view that event as a diss on Capitalism, well, sounds like confirmation bias in action. A hundred million snuffed-out souls is not confirmation bias, well unless someone thinks that a hundred million souls are worthless and nothing worth getting upset about.

>> No.13388770

Well, except for modding perhaps. I enjoy modding games when I can, even going into the files themselves, to line the game up more to my preferred play-style. Generally, make it more realistic. That's what I prefer. Like taking Oblivion and giving it hunger/thirst/sleepiness as well as fatigue loss when sprinting.

>> No.13388777

All these books on the doom and gloom but do any of them offer a way out?

>> No.13388787

Ok you win, you are absolutely right.

>> No.13388821

Beauty and game-playing have many benefits, anon. Even the ancients acknowledged this.

>> No.13388844

No they don't. Vidya is escapism through and through. Also, fuck your appeal to history.

>> No.13388863

>No they don't.
Well that settles it then.

>> No.13389035

>they are actually fun.
That really depends on the game. Zoomers praising classic games that have aged really badly, really fucking annoys me.

It would be like me praising Dizzy the egg games on commodore 64.

>> No.13389816

I used to regularly go over to the catholic school to meet a friend, who nobody would think was a nerd, and we'd go to the comic store.

>> No.13390091
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Yeah subcultures are dead save for weird fringe political groups online like tranny kids and the "alt-right" and even that's not really a subculture. Punk rock or any musical subculture is dead because teens don't leave their house. Music is dead because it's increasingly more and more difficult to get noticed in the sea of noise. Maybe vaporwave, but there's no tangible real world aspect to it unlike hip-hop/punk/emo. Something may come about but I'm not so sure.

>> No.13390097


"Every Fugazi record has a catalogue number and a pricetag"

>> No.13390311


That got fucked over even worse. SJW's ruined independent music in 2013

>> No.13390425

Why would it be dead? This premise makes no sense. The existence of the internet and phones wouldn't magically stop millions of people from forming bonds with one another, preventing any emergence of culture.

>> No.13390868
File: 53 KB, 870x870, 43984409_171867903735233_1288243788829804792_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nerd culture isnt "dead" but an inflated Husk

Late 2000s it got adaptwd by mainstream due to HAHA NERD shows like Big Bang Theory etc.
Now we have people who claim to be "so nerdy" in an attempt to become MORE interesting, and the biggest film of 2019 is literally about comicbooks

>> No.13390938


>> No.13391144

I'm a proto-zoomer ( 97 ) but last week I finishes SMT1 and I enjoyed it quite a lot. It plays like dogshit, but the atmosphere was great, and the plot was far ahead of its time. Some games are more than the sum of their parts.

>> No.13391654

>some gamed
Literally what the poster is saying.

>> No.13391675

Anime is becoming mainstream at the level of vidya in the 90s. Still niche, but way too many average zoomers are eating that shit up since about 2015. It started with Dragonball for some reason, and then Hero Academy and the Persona series (yeah I know its a light novel but its the same crowd) were the major turning point. See how much more cancerous /a/ has become as a result.

>> No.13391751

> All successful "subcultures" were engineered by marketing departments.
Imagine not believing in God, but believing in marketing departments.

>> No.13391799

It's only just clicked that even /a/, the board that's (apparently) still much the same as before, *will* eventually erode to the same level as the other boards.

>> No.13391807

The Divine has no modern expression in human culture. What we experience day by day in the current time is nothing more than Luciferian technofeudalism.

>> No.13391902
File: 145 KB, 640x534, 2595375755_5a368a4eba_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An ad, your time and all other data about your whole life so they can market and manipulate you with big data algorithms. They have all they need tweak your brain to buy things when you are most sensitive to do so. They don't need to subculture you any more.

>> No.13391919

Oh that's interesting. mass branding marketing vs direct point of sale marketing.

Why come up with an icon for something when the sheet of paper you send them convinces them to buy it? When you can have data tell you the effectiveness of the marketing instead of making an entire evocative lifestyle about the thing to make people feel special.

>> No.13391926

They don't even need to "tweak" your brain (whatever that means), the human brain is prone enough to cultivate retarded self-infantilizing habits already. They just have to know in which direction go to better get carried by the momentum of natural human limbic responses.

But honestly people are overestimating the efficiency of the whole system. You don't need very tight control or effective obedience to turn a reliable profit. Just go on vacation without the internet for one week end and see how much of a clout internet advertising has on you when you return. Hint: not that much.

>> No.13391935
File: 78 KB, 800x800, 1494057427385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amazon keeps suggesting couches to me after I bought one! Stupid machine! This data driven marketing has no effect on my superior intellect!

>> No.13391945


>> No.13391946

I wouldn't now, I've never used amazon.
I don't think I've bought anything in the past few months except food, restaurant meals and alcohol, and yet I'm pretty hedonistic (prretty degenerate even).
What I've noticed in the website that do make suggestions to me is that their recommendations procedures are rather sensitive and transparent ultimately. Which makes them easier to shrugg off.
> keeps suggesting couches to me after I bought one
Case in point, this is exactly the kind of rather cringy stuff that I've noticed. I feel embarrassed for facebook's tech department at this point.

>amazon keep suggesting
How hard it is to not listen to that suggestion pal?

>> No.13392122

> Modern writers write consumerist shit! Hunger Games! Twilight! The literature is dead! DEAD!
Well, if you believe that, it's clear *you* haven't looked hard enough past the shelves of your supermarket.

For example, instead of wooing le geeks and le oldschool 8bit gaymers over and over and over again, you could've learned that there are people who actually master the old systems.

I suggest you to watch the whole hour.

You can also check modern PC demos, but keep in mind that no streamed video can handle the high fps per-pixel shader fuckery (“RIP, encoder” is not just a joke, some hardware hangs when it tries to compress the stream). If your toaster is hot enough, you'd better download executables and run them on it.
Each of these takes as much space as a tiniest Youtube preview image file.

>> No.13392327

I think I've written things on some decent topics. Whether or not it's well-written is up to the individual, but I've written non-fiction about the insanity on the modern far-left as well as of fake hate crimes (before Jussie Smollett even) as well as the concept of allowing teachers to arm themselves in school. I've got a respectable amount of firearm experience so I implement that into the writing.

As for fiction, I've written a novella about the dangers of divorce for men that also touches on male suicide. A fair bit in fact. Then, less socially applicable, my own take on a realistic zombie survival situation, specifically set in Canada. 5 novels, with every day accounted for except for three, and the gear/ammo of the protagonist painstakingly tracked between novels to make sure the drain on resources is kept tabs on. I believe that if I continue writing the series, which I intend to do, then inevitably he will run out of all ammo and alternative means of hunting/defence must be developed. If I go long-term enough and can experiment IRL, I'd like to test the process of creating black powder and ultimately make my own musket. That would then be included in the series.

So I don't think that modern writers are incapable of at least tackling some pressing and interesting subjects. Whether or not it comes out well-written, as mentioned, that's up to the individual reader. Oh yeah, also the issue of Islam is mentioned in the zombie series I've mentioned, and the concept of Muslims being oppressed in the West in the political non-fiction I mentioned that touches on fake hate crimes.

>> No.13392398 [DELETED] 

>as well as the concept of allowing teachers to arm themselves in school.
Jesus Christ man.

>> No.13392438

this is the fucking worst

>> No.13392445

Indeed, that image just reeks of autism and was clearly made by the toxic and unpleasant part of the community.

>> No.13392455

Neither of those sound in any way interesting.

>> No.13392473

Jesus Christ man.

>> No.13392502

you sound incredibly annoying, haughty and off-putting

>> No.13392549

He does sound like gun autism incarnate

>> No.13392597

I don't think he implied otherwise. I don't get what you are misreading here.

>> No.13392619
File: 35 KB, 325x499, 1543108812535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good lad

>> No.13392968

They couldn't leave me my crappy anime and videogames. They had to take everything. Even my /d/ hentai.

Maybe I should turn to buddhism, attachment seems to be the cause of suffering. Still a garbage religion though.

>> No.13393001

The real issues are that they are recording everything you say, and all of your transaction history, unless in cash, is owned by these companies too. You are a profile to them, and that becomes part of the data set for their psychohistory so to speak. It doesn't matter that their marketing doesn't directly effect you when you are integrated into the system, its that you lose out on your privacy and become part of the algorithm for the broader scope of business decisions that change the market as a whole. We could argue about Pavlovian exposure over time, but I think that would be unnecessary.

>> No.13393239

Well if you'd like you could check me out on Amazon (J N Morgan) where you'll be able to read the first few pages of any of my 10 or 11 self-published books via the 'look inside' feature. You access that by clicking on the cover of the book on the web page of the individual books. If you find anything particularly autistic, you could quote it here and roast me. Honestly I'm quite bored today, down to my last $6 or so, not sure when I'll get money next. At least on the 6th I'll be able to transfer a little over $100 to my bank account from an order I had ghostwritten for someone on Fiverr. As for the novella about divorce and male suicide, I have it available for free on Lulu, I'll get the link and provide it.


You can just call me Morgan if you like, though it isn't my real name. 'Jesus Christ Man' sounds like a corny Christian superhero TV show for kids. Wasn't there a 'Bible Man'? I think I recall that from the Angry Videogame Nerd or the Nostalgia Critic or someone like that.

You're free to your own interpretation of me. I guess any struggling self-published stooge attempting to call himself a 'modern writer' WOULD come off as rather unpleasant unless perhaps they actually managed to get traditionally published, which I've not yet managed, but I continue to attempt it.

Unironically, a friend of mine had called me 'gun encyclopedia' before, I really do have this very autist-esque ability to retain information and trivia on firearms. I could probably write a non-fiction on firearms, in fact I'm sure of it. I've already written a firearm-heavy piece of fiction, my third book, 'Firearm Valhalla'. I often refer to it as my 'gun porn book', and it blatantly says in the blurb that it's 'a book written by a gun nut, for gun nuts.' Actually has some pretty twisted story elements in it; the death of a small child, a questionable pregnancy, homes destroyed, expulsion from society, and meanwhile it takes place seemingly in some kind of vaguely post-apocalyptic America with a 51-star flag being mentioned. Lots of different firearms and ammunition in use, but none of it made-up. Muskets, bolt-actions, assault rifles, black powder, standard brass or steel-cased ammo, and even... what was it... PSO3 casings? A new development in casing technology that makes ammo much lighter.

>> No.13393504

I’m not gonna tell you to read Marx, but at
least read something by someone that’s actually read Marx. That way you won’t have to write these long spastic comments based on what your gay dad told you communism is

>> No.13393577

The thoughts are my own based on what I've learned thus far. Given that my father was anti-gun, he may very well have been sympathetic to Marx too. There's also the pathetic fact that Marx mooched off his friend and couldn't provide for his family himself, not even with his writings. Marxism doesn't work, and violence is unacceptable, but that's what often comes when someone brainwashes themselves into thinking that they're oppressed by people they've never before interacted with and whom earned their money justifiably.

>> No.13393597

>Given that my father was anti-gun, he may very well have been sympathetic to Marx too.
Marx loved gun rights. Read a fucking book, retard!

>> No.13393613

just read hegel and boil the filler out. stop being psyop boomerbrain tier just because its a hip new language for something thats older than your great grandpa.

>> No.13393620

You have to go back.

>> No.13393646
File: 42 KB, 702x552, 1554855650349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is not the lack of substance in subcultures, the problem is globalization.

When you were 12, watching anime; you thought you had stumbled upon some kind of unique and secret trend that your dumb westernized peers didn't know about. Hell, maybe you had a tight-knit friend group that shared a commonality.

But now because of the internet, garbage (because that's what anime and videogame culture is) is constantly thrown in our faces.
Traditional societies were better, but now we're all weighed down by the frivolities of the modern era, which seem to be our limits on collective self-worth.

>> No.13393677

Right, because Marx wanted an armed revolt of the proletariat against the innocent bourgeoisie. Not only innocent, but actually productive. Then what happens? Killing fields of Cambodia, Ukrainian Kulaks in the USSR (whom Lenin described as "bloodsuckers, vampires, plunderers of the people and profiteers, who fatten on famine" even though they produced the bulk of the food for Russia), 'the great leap forward' in China, multi-generational slave camps in North Korea, or if they're lucky... simple starvation while attempts at sending food aid gets burned at the border a la modern day Socialist Venezuela.

Pro-gun for the poor, but the rich? Or even mildly successful farmers who managed to perhaps build a brick house, hire a couple people, and own some farming machinery? Out to the fields to be shot. Naked pregnant women, mothers trying to scrounge single grains of wheat after harvesting because they sought to feed their kids instead of provide that grain to the state, anyone who was even a little more successful than the average person. Thus, mass-starvation... Capitalism works, Marxism doesn't and never has whenever it is attempted in any prominent capacity.The ONLY chance for ANY amount of wealth distribution to work is by leeching off the excess produced by Capitalism. That is what I see. The rich are NECESSARY for any amount of leftist economic policy to work, and they must be given freedom to continue to advance. Wealth inequality is completely inevitable because hierarchies are completely natural. Any effort to remove hierarchies to make things 'equal' will only be met with devastation. That is what history tells us, but sadly to know this, one must refuse to be voluntarily historically illiterate, and in this age of information and internet, ignorance is very much a voluntary decision.

>> No.13393764

What is traditional society? An industrial society? A nation state? A tribe?

Whatever, it just all sounds like "muh wrong generation"

>> No.13393771

Thanks bucko, really insightful. No joke.

>> No.13393922

>one must refuse to be voluntarily historically illiterate, and in this age of information and internet, ignorance is very much a voluntary decision.
As evidenced by your post. You've made your point, now go away literal boomer.

>> No.13393959

Agrarian-based communities with a strong national government.
Something similar Switzerland without the Jews.

>> No.13394123

Why would anyone other than the Amish build an agrarian-based nation today?

>> No.13394671

> Marx wanted an armed revolt
How to spot an idiot who never read Marx in one easy step.

It's quite obvious that you follow a common tradition of ignorant name-calling that ignores Marx the philosopher, his numerous followers, and his numerous critics by choosing certain politicians and political movements that successfully gained power because their #1 priority was to gain power, not to follow the Marxist ideals.

One of the first decrees of Lenin and company (because he actually wasn't a sole rock star at the time) stated that factories belonged to the workers, and land belonged to the peasants. Hooray! Another immediate decree then said that providing as much food to Red Army and factory workers in the cities as they needed was a matter of extreme revolutionary importance. It didn't matter if anything was left for peasants themselves. That primitive line of decision-making had devastated the growing Bolshevik country so much that a full counter-ideological turn was made in the form of NEP in order to sustain it.

Sure, there is no difference between Lenin, an opportunist who learned to rule by trial and error, and Marx.

>> No.13395089

Can we get back to talking about how geek is dead?

>> No.13395598

This, nothing of value has been lost

>> No.13396553


>> No.13396556

Maybe this isn't what you're saying but I've noticed this almost "anti-4chan" attitude from a number of anons where they hate comics, anime & videogames (dengenerate porn seems to be 50/50 where they'll complain about it on a denerate porn thread while jerking off to it) but I really don't understand where it comes from or why they don't leave 4chan since anime is like the cornerstone it's built on.

>> No.13396682

A huge portion of these posters are likely from third world countries. The site's demographics have drastically changed in the last few years.

>> No.13396711

You're either retarded or like 18 years old. Probably both.

>> No.13396755

No, it's /pol/ pieces of shit. They canem.here just for thta and hate everything 4chan was before they destroyed it.

>> No.13397365

Fuck off Jordan

>> No.13397384

how disgusting.
cheap piercings, probably with high nickel content, leading to autoimmune issues down the road.
Colored tattoo inc, leading to all sorts of problems, mainly congestion of lymph nodes, aswell as being carcinogenic as fuck.
dyed hair that is always having a new, discolored hairline therefore resulting in the need of recoloring the hair all 2-3 weeks or risk looking like a total moron.
This is culture for some people?? Looking like a complete retard?

>> No.13398258

>I'm so cultured.
You sound like a pompous ass but regardless, it's funny that everyone I see has at least either a "cool" tattoo, gauges, piercings, dyed hair, hipster fashion sense, supreme garb, maybe a skateboard they carry around regardless of age (but only some of them seem to actually skate) or some combination of them. Even office workers. It's reached the point where the working class kids are not as visually distinct from the rich kids that walk around my city.

Like everyone somehow reaching the same, I don't know, end goal? Despite trying to look "unique" as possible.

(I'm too uncool to follow these trends. I'm too uncool to be a geek anymore.)

>> No.13398941

are you the same guy i asked about freight hopping a few months ago
pls tell me more about it
can i email you?

>> No.13398994

based, v. nice

>> No.13399077

if you wish for authentic subculture you have to understand how the hyperconnected market works. you have to unironically be well read about all kinds of theory and to actually apply what all those thinkers were babbling about while being unpretentious about it. in the end its about real friendship and craft you made along the way. death of auhenticity means the death of friendship. dead friendship for the sake of social media clout and atomized advertising.

but no, i would totally marathon berserk with her and fuck for hours on adderal.

>> No.13399099


>> No.13399110

I was barely a teenager when the show came out, I had "nerdy" interests but nothing as gay as DnD and Startrek. Maybe it's because i was still a kid but really never experienced any of this.

>Nintendo Games
In highschool (around 2010) normies would bring in their n64s or gamecubes near the end of the semester and we would play blast corps and melee without any "le nerd big bang theory" connotation. I imagine this could have happened in 2005 as well.

>> No.13399115
File: 100 KB, 750x1334, nz9dvihsbod11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rise up

>> No.13399120

Where does he work out?

>> No.13399199


>> No.13399226

What the fuck, am I a loser? I do a lot of these

>> No.13399232


Communism is little different than Nazism in its results, ruin and misery.

>> No.13399241

Reds only like guns until they are in power, then their preschools proles are counter revolutionary.

>> No.13399264

All the dumb ass reds who are going to be ass mad at reading that truth.

>> No.13399314

>The law of the land dictates participation in it's culture.
Not really. I haven't talked to an American outside of a professional business context in over 4 years in real life, and I feel much healthier overall.

>> No.13399329

>There is culture that derives from Music and sport
are you serious? sports from the beginning of the 20th century was a deliberately manufactured leisure industry to keep proles in line. there's a reason governments sunk money into large heavily policed stadiums dedicated to passive spectatorship

>> No.13399345

Neoliberal boomer kikes get the gas too. Fuck off JBP shill!

>> No.13399348

Well, oligarchs decide what becomes a part of Zeitgeist now. I don't think it's *just* Jews as /pol/tards would argue. It boils down to social engineering purposes and how well one markets him or herself. For this reason, I lack incentive to popularize my philosophical worldview, which is actually quite novel and could help people out a lot. Also, I do not like the newer generation and find most of them detestable on this imageboard, but I will say the older generations are also quite stupid.

>> No.13399351
File: 3.10 MB, 1920x1200, Kodama.(Spirit).full.1286459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol ya that was probably me. You can reach me at om_anty@yahoo.com if you like. I'm actually considering traveling again. The downside to traveling is that it was essential to be part of a group. My last journey was ten years ago when I was 17, and we actually formed a street gang. Travelers are more than willing to help out their fellow bums, especially if you're into punk/anarcho culture. I personally just hate being around other travelers. Some of them were the most intolerable elitist shitheads I've ever met. I'm certain this isn't true of other cities though, we mostly hung around Portland and Eugene Oregon.
I think most users of this website would benefit from getting out and learning to be comfortable with themselves, instead of sitting indoors "reading" all day (worrying about women or contemporary "politics").

It's unfortunate that most anons aren't able to experience nature in it's undomesticated form. Literally just sitting in the underbrush and breathing makes most of the discomforts of concrete and hyperreality disappear.

>> No.13399353

>I attribute to him all the deaths of Stalin/Mao/Pot/Minh
you'd be an idiot to think that. most of these people read from traditions that heavily revised marx or were blended with a plethora of other ideas.
and what the fuck did ho chi minh do except resist French colonialism and US imperialist ventures? He is literally faultless for the indochina wars

>> No.13399360

Ass mad red

Ho Chi Minh was a red, that is all the fault you need.

>> No.13399414

>Ho Chi Minh was a red, that is all the fault you need.
brainlet confirmed then. your reasoning boils down to "red bad! dollar good!"

>> No.13399419

Well even on this website you're communicating with Americans, the fact that you have to for your occupation makes it all the worse. In order to feed yourself you have to go shopping and mingle or simply cohabitate, unless you choose to use the self-checkout system which quite frankly I find even more reprehensible and could give (and have given) an entire lecture on what those horrid devices actually mean. If most of us want to go on vacation or simply travel to another state, we can't. Why? Because we have "bills" to pay, our "employer" won't allow us the "free time", we don't have the "funds" to travel. If I were to travel without the arranged allowances, I'd loose my employment, which I wouldn't be able to re-establish at that employer, I'd drain a significant amount of my savings, if I even had any savings (most of us don't), I'd be evicted from my home, meaning I wouldn't even have a home to come back to. These "responsibilities" are all, in my opinion, garbage, and the result of something I would not like to support or take part in. I don't believe there is an ethical cooperation.

>> No.13399423
File: 234 KB, 1024x896, Evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm neither Capitalist nor Communist. I just hate how economics reduces everything to materialism.

>> No.13399447

What bothers me is how envious and destructive you become towards those who are not responsible for this system. I wouldn't be surprised if you go out and kill some relatively well-off minorities rather than attack the foundations of the system itself. My solution is just to become antinatalist and misanthropic without becoming nihilistic. I really, really hate nihilism, but I do agree there is something fundamentally destructive in most of mankind and don't see the point of creating more of this detestable species. It would have been better to be a happy bird or something.
Anyways, the vast majority of you Americans are frightening and boorish people, both White and Black. To be honest, I do not see much difference among most Americans, in terms of mentalities, even among ethnic lines.

>> No.13399452

>posting evola

>> No.13399491

I'm a Millennial, one of the seemingly few right-wing ones. Capitalist and proud. White and proud. Nationalist and proud. Westerner and proud. I'm also pro-Israel, for what it's worth, which actually has caused some friction between myself and the far-right, whom I've attempted dialogue with on many occasions. Oh yeah, and Islam is a religion of oppression, division, sexism, religious discrimination, and warmongering.

I'll keep in mind what you say. The Vietnam War era is quite fascinating to me but I'll admit that I have not done a whole lot of research on Ho Chi Minh. I recall he had gotten an education in France, France is also where they developed Cultural Marxism, can't recall if he espoused lots of Socialist views or not. I did watch a bit of a documentary about him a year or so ago but can't remember much of it.

"In 1925–1926, he organized "Youth Education Classes" and occasionally gave socialist lectures to Vietnamese revolutionary young people living in Canton at the Whampoa Military Academy. "

Okay, benefit of the doubt removed. A brief glance at his Wiki shows several references to Socialism as well as him getting influenced by people in the Socialist Party of France. You're talking out your ass. Also, I don't believe the US was seeking Imperialistic gains from the Vietnam War. They wanted to support South Vietnam because they weren't bloody Commies. I ask that you not lie to me further, because I have no intentions of lying to you or anyone else. It goes against my Christian faith, of which, I am also proud of.

In the interest of transparency, this is not me... though a more hedonistic side of me does rather like what he says. Yes I am proud of who I am and am VERY much against fundamental Marxism/Socialism/Communism, but I try to keep things civil and non-insultory.

>> No.13399512

>in the end its about real friendship and craft you made along the way. death of authenticity means the death of friendship. dead friendship for the sake of social media clout and atomized advertising.

You know, if you met a geek back when it was still uncool, chances are you'd get along well since you'd probably be on the same page socially and interests-wise.

Now meeting a geek is like meeting a random person.

I guess the thread is over now.

>> No.13399535

Did my post really come off as envious and destructive? I merely mean to say that cooperation with, or participation in the system game isn't mandatory, and it never has been. I believe this entire state of affairs we've found ourselves in is nothing new, just upgraded with tech and new entertainment, making it seem all the more real. I think for many of us experiencing discomfort, the salience of the social order has become less "real", and many are seeing it for the spectacle that it is. I know that the masses aren't in control of or guilty of the weaving of this web of lies, and they of course never have been. Consent has become manufactured to a large extent. I considered myself to be philosophically misanthropic for a long time, but seeing things the way I do now, I know that my seething hatred is really created by intangibles, such as circumstance and systems of control and manipulation. I believe the heart of it all probably has some metaphysical reality to it. I don't discredit or scoff at the far-out conspiracies anymore. I also know that there's really noting an individual can "do" in this other than choose to not participate. I think antinatalism is sort of a similar response. In a way it's one's choice to not willingly add to the slave stock of the next generation.

>> No.13399588

Okay, I apologize. I agree with EVERYTHING you're saying in that post, and I have friends online who I discuss this topic with. Regardless, what scares me is the rise of ethnic nationalism, which I actually do sympathize with. However, I only sympathize with it to the extent my life is not threatened, and as someone who went to a highly neocon school, I did have my life threatened on numerous occasions.
Regardless, I agree with your criticisms of modernity and the failure of the globalist technological order. I recommend watching videos of John Gray's criticisms of progressivism. Granted, I would not be willing to sacrifice my life for a better future. Call me a coward, but when push comes to shove, I would rather live and put up with this shitty system than to be slaughtered.

>> No.13399624

>Parrots Jordan Peterson ramblings
>Outs himself as a schizophrenic neocon shill
Checks out.

>> No.13399658
File: 6 KB, 191x264, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're talking out your ass.
your post is just cringe anyway. your literally just reading me wikipedia. I never said he didn't espouse socialist or hold communist views (alongside a mix of nationalist ideas that was common among third worldists), I said that to put him in a group with the standard mass murder group is just retarded.
>Also, I don't believe the US was seeking Imperialistic gains from the Vietnam War.
believe anything you want, you vacuous brainlet. I'm making this post to show other anons how much of a charlatan you are. you're clearly making assertions without having done any research. you're just regurgitating cliches and peddling them as your own original thought

>> No.13399873

it happens to all subcultures. any outgroup was shunned until theyre suddenly 'the look'. even edm ravers could say the same thing or any pre internet groups. all internet cultures has its own ironic self criticism of being 'fake' like emo, new sincerity, indie, hipster and vaporwave.

>> No.13399957

i am cultured when it comes to staying healthy, not so much about the rest. i find it funny how the trend people do not realize how much they poison themselves.

>> No.13399958

It's how all American cities look as you drive into them. Gas signs and billboards clambering over each other to reach the sky, and there's always a McDonald's sign.

I have traveled a lot and have yet to really find a place like that anywhere but Burgerstan

>> No.13401195


>> No.13401556

You're receiving convenient services and cheaper products in exchange for your data.

>> No.13401571

If anything the internet has allowed us to get further away from mono-culture

>> No.13401620

> I also grant that subcultures now sometimes have remarkably short life cycles because of the ease with which the people who profit off of and work to define cool can more quickly identify potentially marketable ones, though at most the difference is the number of fads that get burnt out quickly, not that it happens at all.
Another reason is the simplicity of making wikis and youtube videos that can tl;dr shit for newcomers. Before this, people had to figure stuff out for themselves, or read books (that would soon go out of date). This lead to a lot of slow growth and different variations, but now its all so concentrated, anyone that wants to get into a new hobby/subculture will google/youtube search roughly the same keywords and end up with the same few pages/videos.

>> No.13401621

I haven't touched a videogame in years but a friend showed me SGDQ last week and I've been fascinated by it. So much thought and effort goes into doing the same game over and over, different routes and strategies, different types of runs, practising the same jump a thousand times; its a very bizarre world that I can't help but be intrigued by.

>> No.13401742

Japan still has some very authentic subcultures to be honest

>> No.13401772

No it doesn't. All that shit is appearance, nothing more than fashion, even more so than for Westerners. I will say the racing/drifting subculture is largely authentic though, mainly because it's old guys into it.

>> No.13401829

>playing the same game over and over again while trying to repeat the same movements
speedrunning is autistic as fuck

>> No.13401863

Menhera subculture is extremely authentic even though it's fashion centered. In fact even subcultures as lolita have tons of authenticity sparkled in it, though you could argue it's still way too vague and more of an individual endeavor to be called a subculture. It's the western lolita communities that are so deeply afraid of being authentic and constantly emphasize the fact that it's just clothes who are unauthentic.And western girls who take on alternative japanese fashion are the ones who typically end up trivializing shit.

Isn't any kind of race (swimming, cycling, etc.) in that sense autistic as fuck? You're doing the same thing over and over. We do the same shit over and over, but it's only bad in their case since they spend their time locked up in a dark room moving their fingers around... which honestly is a pretty good argument to call it autistic. So you win there.

>> No.13401892

>Retarded amounts of elitism just for not liking what most people like ensue.
The same is also true for those who are elitist in participating in activities the public frowns upon. Stoners and psychonauts are among the most insufferable people I have ever encountered. Stoners will brag about their latest acquisition of sour-purple-watermelon-bubblegum-bubba kush, their rolling skills, and how much weed they smoke on a daily basis, go on and on talking about their favorite smoking apparatus, urge you to take big hits, and reprimand you for not hitting the bong correctly. Not to mention all the baby-tier philosophizing they do. Psychonauts think they have it all figured out and think they know so godamn much about metaphysics despite the fact they never read a single book on philosphy in their lives, and when you try to talk to them about it, they all just say "you don't understand, man." And people wondered why I preferred to smoke alone. It's a good thing all of that is behind me and don't do drugs anymore.

>> No.13402307

they're not supposed to, they're theory, not self-help

>> No.13402586

Initially, but when the corporations finally figured out how to tame the internet, it's all merging into the monoculture. I mean, where's that infographic that shows people click on just five sites (like amazon and youtube) these days when it used to be thousands?

>> No.13403121


>> No.13403132

You haven’t figured anything out, you’re a dumb narcissist particularly affected by advertising causing all your opinions to be centered around ideas like “new” hence why you’re called npcs

>> No.13403147

The NPC meme is the most cringy meme ever

>> No.13403208

You lame fucking zoomer

>> No.13403710

It might have been built on anime, but that has no bearing whatsoever on most boards nowadays

>> No.13403710,1 [INTERNAL] 

>What are the actually some examples of old guard nerds being demonized? I have a bit the feeling they are attacking somewhat of a strawman.

He literally gives examples in the fucking screenshots you gaslighting faggot leftist.