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13370795 No.13370795[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books to learn to talk to girls?

>> No.13370798
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Your Brain on Porn

>> No.13370815

>masturbating to midget porn is the same that wanting to learn to talks to girls to get a gf and have a family

>> No.13370841

No book works like practice. Try to get some platonic female friends. This will undo nerves over time

>> No.13370872
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Girls just want one thing: full attention from high value people. If you signal your value (through looks, money, confidence or in a word: status) she will want your attention and happily receive positive compliments. If you manage to communicate those compliments successfully, she will want you to ravage her reproductive organs

>> No.13370928

Talking from experience, are you?

>> No.13370975 [DELETED] 

my diary desu
but it has been censored by the catholic church

>> No.13370978

He is right. You gotta stop cumming until you are so horny that you don't care that you can't talk to girls and talk to them anyway and then keep wiping out until you fuck a fatty. Deluding yourself that you can work your way up to higher girls as though life were a video game is optional but ultimately not recommend.

>> No.13370986

Did you read his post? At best he's an attractive autist/sociopath.

>> No.13370999

But he's right.

>> No.13371050

be more specific

what kind of girls?

>> No.13371118

I'm not a very sociable guy, i'm currently trying to be, and it's really like any muscle, you have to train it and it will become an habit.
Thus, being sociable with anybody will lead to create charisma.

Also, this: >>13370872 works only for vapid girls, and they are not all like that.

>> No.13371147

>works only for vapid girls, and they are not all like that.
The only thing that may change is the calibration of the value threshold. Girls will try to aim for the best man they can, some "non-vapid" girls may settle for less but they still try to filter out the trash. Compliments are absolutely necessary, otherwise she will look for them somewhere else.

Girls are usually tremendously insecure, so they need compliments more than men. That insecurity also translates in their choice of a partner, because they often externalize the value judgement to their friends or society. If the person is considered popular/valuable/high status by society, that is an instant turn on.

>> No.13371155

Never said he wasn't, Ausbro Satan.

>> No.13371220

Forget your books. Your books will not help you. Books may instill some sense of confidence in you but in the same way the battery of a phone having been charged must deplete, so too will your confidence after the fact of reading. I have just told you what is necessary, it is confidence, which you already full well know. However, obviously, that is not all there is to it. You may do something reckless and stupid in your confidence, you may mistake the loosening of your inhibitions with confidence, and you may do or say something that will cause this poor girl to cringe at you, and there is nothing more destructive than cringing to a false confidence, or a facade of confidence, or a real confidence, but a sapling of one; your sapling will be uprooted by that cringe, your facade will be toppled over, your false confidence will waver, and outright pity will be experienced by her upon seeing you waver in this way. This is damning, friend, no man wants to be pitied, and every man wants to be unwavering. There is no book pertaining to talking to girls specifically that you can read that will give you everything you need, but that is not to say reading will not help you: reading will give you something to talk about. Quite simply, you must become an unwavering man in everything you do. Imagine the worst possible fate available to you - for me, it is being burnt alive. How would I react to that? What would I do before the fire was lit? Would I be able to stop myself from screaming? If it was a matter of sacrificing myself for another, would I be able to bring myself to do it? If I was given the choice to do so, would I be able to voluntarily replace my mother in Hell (she would never go, but just suppose), so that she could go to Heaven in my place? Could I do that for a stranger - there suffering would be no less than my mother's. Begin to see the possible extremities of your situations, and appreciate this largely moderate world. But if none of that seems important to you, then something my father told me that has always worked for me: just keep the conversation about her.

>> No.13371239
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>and they are not all like that.

>> No.13371255

It's true that i've only crossed two times the path of girls who weren't insecures and searching for a dominant partner

>> No.13371263

Let me dream

>> No.13371292

Damn son, have sex

>> No.13371298

That is not a girl.

>> No.13371330


>> No.13371357
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The Holy Qur'an

>> No.13371359

girl (male)

>> No.13371361

The Kanun of Lekë Dukagjini

>> No.13371362


>> No.13371384

Men tend to be like that as well. They want the best they can reach.

>> No.13371417
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The Art of Love

>> No.13371427


>> No.13371428

How to Talk to Girls at Parties

>> No.13371532
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cute girls

>> No.13371942
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Thus Spake Zarathustra

>> No.13371953
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based and eaglepilled

>> No.13371967

I am repulsed by money and status based attraction

>> No.13372084

Alright Incel

>> No.13372211

just watch todd valentine, alex social, karisma king and honest signalz

>> No.13372215

I don't dislike women. But I assure you no man respects your attraction to money

>> No.13372216

>cringe and kinda bluepilled

>> No.13372222


>> No.13372228


>> No.13372252
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Give them some attention but then forget about them. This drives them crazy and will make them seek you out even if you are a total autistic goof.

Women who actually get to know me treat me like furniture. Women who get some dank YouTube links or pictures of skeletons once every month and a half tend to obsess.

>> No.13372272

American Psycho.
This is pretty damn accurate actually. Almost every girl i've been with has been an attention vampire. They constantly need my full and undivided attention, especially when they know my mind is elsewhere. The few that didn't exhibit this trait were cheaters.

>> No.13372297
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>> No.13372342

>sees guys he does not like
>calls me a retard
wow calm down lad

>> No.13372349


>> No.13372361

If you have genuine autism you are kind of fucked, the only way you can "train"and get "better" at neurotypical communication is literally using a different part of your brain to compensate. (Logically learning things that normally are intuitive)

>> No.13372372

>Hi my name is Anon and I love you.
Try that one.

>> No.13372378

you don't need a female OP learn to love yourself first

>> No.13372380

ok wanna be big brained

>> No.13372389 [DELETED] 

this. yeas your mental health very important when you are interacting with females (especially ones you like)

>> No.13372395
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>2009 tier pua advice
>staged videos

>> No.13372460

This. Your know mental health is key in many things in life
>>2009 tier pua advice
not even an argument
>>staged videos
depends on a company or pua the ones i mentioned most likely are not fake

>> No.13372487

I get horribly nervous talking to girls. They tend to be understanding and patient and friendly. They aren’t going to throw themselves at me by any means, but you don’t deserve sex just because you have a penis and are geographically close to a girl. Of course you need to demonstrate some kind of respectability and indicators of social status are what girls will look for. It’s the Lacanian thing. No girl (or guy or your parents or anyone) will ever know exactly who you are as a person. It’s a cognitive impossibility. But if you can make them laugh consistently or have a big group of friends and have a good job they can with some degree of freedom assume you are a good person

>> No.13372492

It's pretty obvious to anyone who's interacted with the real world before that they are. The funny thing about all this pua business is that the only ones actually getting seduced there are men who are paying for this nonsense.

>> No.13372517

>It's pretty obvious to anyone who's interacted with the real world before that they are
and it worked I literary have seen it on many really non attractive guys
> The funny thing about all this pua business is that the only ones actually getting seduced there are men who are paying for this nonsense.
the thing is if it works for you why dismiss it?

>> No.13372532
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You do you, every cult needs its believers and every scam needs its victims.

>> No.13372594
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>everything I don't like is a scam or cult
I see were you are going

>> No.13372614

Cult followers have literally seen their cult leader heal people from illness simply by touching them.

>> No.13372628

This is good advice. Unfortunately people tend to ignore it.