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File: 67 KB, 760x570, emperor-julian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13369594 No.13369594 [Reply] [Original]

Absolutely based

>> No.13369710

Kind of a sad story, really

>> No.13369765

He was.

Too bad about the spooks that drew him out east.

>> No.13369787

based and stoicpilled

>> No.13369793

Stoicism = Based

>> No.13369824

Absolutely rekt
In 363, not long before Julian left Antioch to launch his campaign against Persia, in keeping with his effort to foster religions other than Christianity, he ordered the Temple rebuilt.[119][120] Fires breaking out stopped this.[121] A personal friend of his, Ammianus Marcellinus, wrote this about the effort:

Julian thought to rebuild at an extravagant expense the proud Temple once at Jerusalem, and committed this task to Alypius of Antioch. Alypius set vigorously to work, and was seconded by the governor of the province; when fearful balls of fire, breaking out near the foundations, continued their attacks, till the workmen, after repeated scorchings, could approach no more: and he gave up the attempt.

>> No.13369829

Christian arsonists

>> No.13369830

says nobody

>> No.13369836

Begone, lizardman

>> No.13369839

julian was a neoplatonist theurgist, not a stoic

>> No.13369842

rebuilding the temple is telling enough regardless

>> No.13369864

proven myth

>> No.13369912

I like to believe he ordered the Temple rebuilt because he secretly knew the fact that Christianity is a Jewish cult created to destroy Europe, specifically the Roman Empire, and only tried to rebuild it to get them to calm down a bit. He did say that calling Christianity its own religion doesn't make sense because it is nothing more than a Jewish cult.

>> No.13369920
File: 160 KB, 640x514, 4C313CED-1D3B-46B0-BB56-042507D9ABBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fire isn’t a myth. We know where fire comes from.
Yours is the myth

>> No.13369972

He didn’t see Jews as much of a spiritual danger to the Empire because they don’t proselytize while Christians do.

>> No.13369981

Of course, as I said, Christianity is a Jew cult created by Jews to destroy Europe, specifically the Roman Empire.
Julian's death marked the death of true Western Civilization and the true Roman Empire. There is no such thing as a (((Christiani))) Western civilization or Rome. The "Western civilization" we have had ever since is nothing but a semitic abomination.

>> No.13369982

I like Julian, and still think you’re completely wrong, but ok

>> No.13370316

we're living under your ideal of civilization as we speak. a cosmopolitan world empire that enforces the will of those people, just like in Julian's day and Pilate's

>> No.13371379

>we’re living in a syncretic neoplatonic empire that keeps to the traditional greco-roman festivals and rites of worship

>> No.13371537

bumping for discussion on the glorious neoplatonic imperium that could have been

>> No.13372710

I’m not altogether with the concept of this alternate history fantasy, but you might like

>> No.13372749

shut up motherfucker

>> No.13372754

Slap you face with a boot, dipshit

>> No.13372872

yeah, mixing egyptian and iranian mythology and newfangled made up gods is all good but christianity is an evil jewish cult designed to subvert rome, sure
religious cults like that of mithra or sol invictus or christ were a symptom, not the cause, of the collapse

>> No.13372911

Hey, alright! First post from a tripfag that I can fully stand by! Oh wait you mean like Stirner, nevermind.

>> No.13373133

actually i like both. christianity is also pretty cool

>> No.13374244


>> No.13374845

Julian was a petulant manchild of the highest order. The reverence for him coming from anti-clerical "Enlightenment thinkers", modern atheists, and neo-pagan LARPers is fucking hilarious.
>Let's just go back to the Principate gang, it's not like anything bad happened during the Third Century that necessitated it's replacement by the Dominate.
The localist and looser economic and political model of the Principate placed a great deal of authority when it came to taxes and raising armies in the hands of local Civic Councils. These Councils were notoriously corrupt and contributed to uneven taxation, and under and over representation in the Roman military. Which made it easier for local strongmen to assert dominance during the chaotic Crisis of the Third Century. And just as importantly, it meant that Rome had difficulty financing the Imperial war machine. If Julian had not made the critical mistake of declaring war on Shapur II and had been allowed to reverse the reforms of the Dominate, he would have killed the empire and ensured that the Sassanian Shahs would be the undisputed masters of the East.

>> No.13374878
File: 135 KB, 567x800, Henrik-Ibsen-and-The-National-Theatre-Oslo-by-Rudolph-Ruzicka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13374916
File: 236 KB, 720x1280, Bust_of_Diocletian_at_the_National_Museum_of_Serbia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13375262

We wish fora better would and all you do is tell to get on knees and wait for death.
When we refuse you mock us
You know what’s really “fucking hilarious”? Your folder of dumpy guys in hats. I see you reaching for it.
>If Julian had not made the critical mistake of declaring war on Shapur II and had been allowed to reverse the reforms of the Dominate, he would have killed the empire and ensured that the Sassanian Shahs would be the undisputed masters of the East.
Sounds good.
Or he could have put off the ill fated campaign for another time till he could get some non-Christian generals to assist him, but yeah. East is east and west is west. I like to think about what would have happened had he lived.

>> No.13375268
File: 362 KB, 1150x750, antiquarian-sexuality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13375305

based and stoicpilled

>> No.13375307
File: 287 KB, 504x720, landwhale goddess alex jones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasn't chopped off his balls for cybele
never gonna make it

>> No.13375330

Caelius please

>> No.13375340

based and stoicpilled

>> No.13375369 [DELETED] 

Explain this then

>> No.13375371


>> No.13375378

Explain this then

>> No.13375417


>dude puts games down a sec. finds a date
Everything in moderation... this is perhaps too simplified, but see Epicurus for more details

>> No.13375420

how can you wish for a better world if you believe in the ultimate extinction of it?

bellicose butterfly

>> No.13375457

Well, I don’t wish for its extinction, I fear that it’s what will happen (I know, you said believe)

>> No.13375487

lol i didnt realise it was about stirner till i saw your reply

>> No.13375508

>psychotic tranny shitting up the thread already
Let it die

>> No.13375584

I don't like Sol Invictus because that was conditioning, but (((Christ))) real name Rabbi Yeshua Ben Yosef was the cause. It was going to collapse either way, the Empire had grown too big, but it would have quickly recovered without the Jew poison Christikikeny.

>> No.13375597

>Or he could have put off the ill fated campaign for another time till he could get some non-Christian generals to assist him.
The issue is that Julian was a narcissist who despite spouting nonsense of returning to the Principate and restoring long declined cities like Athens to prominence ruled just as autocratically as every emperor since Diocletian and thought he could do everything himself. His blitzkrieg of Persia was a half-baked and incredibly foolish undertaking that saw him sitting outside of the capital with no way to take the city. He fought the war like he was fighting the Parthians and not the Sassanians and it had been a hundred years since the Parthians had ruled Persia. The Sassanians had a far more established, and far more stable system of inheritance which was based upon the support of the Zoroastrian clergy. This meant usurpers were incredibly rare during the Golden Age of the Sassanian Empire, a fact that had been known to the Romans for nearly half a century. Yet Julian, still went through with his invasion because he was so confident in himself that he chose to ignore what kind of foe he was fighting. For Julian to win he needed someone to overthrow Shapur II and that just wasn't going to happen.
>I like to think about what would have happened had he lived
Best case scenario is he gets overthrown and his successor reverses his economic policies and stabilizes the situation, worst case scenario is he causes a cascading series of civil wars and no one reverses his policies resulting in the empire falling a century early. His plans to restore power to the civic councils, would have totally destroyed the Diocletianic budget. In addition, his Neoplatonist movement was not warmly regarded by the Empire's pagan, population which it should be noted was by this point less than half of the population, as it had more in common with Christianity than traditional Roman Polytheism.

>> No.13376890

>Julian was a narcissist
As are you
> His blitzkrieg of Persia was a half-baked and
Successful. He hadn’t the full support of the church so hadn’t the full support of the Christians in his army. But i covered that this was ill fated already.
>worst case scenario... policies resulting in the empire falling a century early.
so, 1300s...

Furries out