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13367936 No.13367936[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do we solve capitalism?

>Desire less.

>> No.13367967

Go so fast that the wheels come off

>> No.13368003
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Only one solution makes sense.

Only one solution is practical.

>> No.13368010

Well? What is it? You just posted a picture?

>> No.13368019

Desiring is fine, its how we value things that is off

>> No.13368061

I've got this burning like my veins are filled with nothing but gasoline
And with a spark it's gonna be the biggest fire they've ever seen
Cut me down or let me run, either way it's all gonna burn
The only way that they'll ever learn

Well, a friend once told me, men, they would follow any man who would turn the wheels
But now the wheels are spinning out of control; what would they do if we held them still?
If you destroy the working parts, what you'll get is a broken machine
A beacon of light from a burning screen

>> No.13368062
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Human beings are destined to fail. We cannot solve capitalism because we are capitalism. Our psychology is great for a hunter-gatherer lifestyle, but for living in a complex society it is severely insufficient.

The solution to capitalism is suicide.

>> No.13368067

Space travel. Space travel will solve all problems, people will be able to migrate again, resources will be unlimited. I believe the powers that be would rather stay on earth than attempt the true competition of humans of old and that’s why we have no progress on space travel.

>> No.13368205

I'm assuming "we" to mean "the communists". Otherwise there's no answer to this question.

Once the middle class has disappeared and the class conflict resumes in the open, we form the proletarian class party, show the word why it's struggling, and lead insurrections aiming at establishing proletarian dictatorship, whose primary tasks will be the suppression of counter-revolutionary elements and the reorganization of production on human basis.

>> No.13368766

I genuinely believe that outside of an all encompassing global cataclysm, the only way humanity escapes the death grip tentacles of technocapital is through divine intervention.

>> No.13368770

You don't, You make it your bitch, then just change up the rules and definitions

>> No.13368771
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Desire satisfaction, contentment.

And we start by replacing the old with the new.

>> No.13368775

Commies couldn't feed Russia - once the biggest grain producer in the world - how could they solve a much more complex and difficult issue of capitalism?

>> No.13368782

Not talking about the same people who organized the Soviet union

>> No.13368804

God, accelerationists are as bluepilled as they come.

>> No.13368813
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>> No.13368999

>Commies couldn't feed Russia
After Stalin's agricultural reform there was no famine in the USSR

>> No.13369007

>And we start by replacing the old with the new.
>says the middle aged woman

>> No.13369011

*stands in line for bread*

>> No.13369012

they desperately want Capital to climax and cum deep in their mouths.

>> No.13369015

no official admission of famine doesn't mean no shortage of staple foods.

>> No.13369016

They also liked to show empty shelves and long lines during the 80s

>> No.13369029

>she must be talking about dicks
I’d tell you, but you don’t care.


>> No.13369035

if you post a picture of your pusy i'll give you $5

>> No.13369100

Unironically this. You can be a reductive fuck but tally every desire you have in a given day, try to curb it, and get back to me. Multiply your failure by billions of people across centuries.

>> No.13369108

>woah schizo my dude
Still super skeptical about the dynamics of this. Seems like a transcendental pyramid scheme with a flashy “oh no this is totally not about humans” red herring

>> No.13369109

Easy, technology becomes so based that you can 3D print everything which means: buying, selling, working, division of labour, markets and all that jazz becomes worthless

>> No.13369119
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I’m talking about replacing capitalism, and you’re waving a fiver at me?
You going to the next meet up? I’d go just to stomp your face

>> No.13369802

Fucking incredibly based Act III when

>> No.13371059

By killing yourself or nuking the earth

>> No.13371094

It's pretty easy for men to desire less material goods. Most men want the intangibles (power, prestige, satisfaction) whereas women apparently drive 80% of consumer purchasing. I'm not sure if that's true but looking at my own relationship I believe it and she's not materialistic at all compared to many women.

I'm not a woman hater by any means but their minds are pretty juvenile. I have been meditating for 3 months with notable benefits in my mood and concentration. I can't even imagine a woman meditating.

>> No.13371145
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>taking cockbutt seriously

>> No.13371154

>How do we solve capitalism?
by killing the rich

>> No.13371160

They were chronically reliant on western grain, by their own data the private plots (~3% of worked land) produced 25% of the food consumed in the USSR.
The system was almost embarrassingly inefficient, they knew it but were too proud to change it, modern Russia alone produces double what the entire Soviet Union ever did.

>> No.13371161

capitalism is merely and adorning extension of our innate predation/consumption instinct- and when I say 'our' I don't mean "our society" "humans" "animals" or even "living things." the innate predation is second only to material extension in fundamental aspects of composition
it isn't meant to be 'solved' -even meaning is of secondary concern- it IS and it WILL and after we're all gone it still WILL BE

>> No.13371180

>Go so far that the wheels come off
>Chop off your dick and balls
Accelerationism is just a huge cope around the realization that you are a weak pathetic femboy. Resentment festers in the weak, for most it is repressed and indulged in private, but the natural slave born with an above average intellect is capable of building entire systems of tiny-dick-energy around it. Beware

>> No.13371203

Embarrassing desu

>> No.13371216

Mao tried that and made a permanently retarded race of bugmen and almost wiped out that part of the continent's ecosystem to boot.

>> No.13371242

this is the eloquence I come to /lit/ to see

>> No.13371248

We have to be kind to everyone, and lessen our desires for personal resources, living as ascetically as we can, and always seeking to help others more than procure things for ourselves.

May all beings know peace and comfort.

>> No.13371279


>> No.13371286

Why didn't capitalism exist for the majority of human history?

>> No.13371303
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Laissez faire friend

>> No.13371323

quel rapport avec Rolland Courbis ?

>> No.13371332

capitalism exist since grug trade stick for rock hur dur

>> No.13371339

>Waaah I hate capitalism!! Why do my iphones and macbooks cost so much!! Why does my apartment in san francisco cost so much money! This is all the fault of capitalism!
Why are millenials/communists so retarded?

>> No.13371341

The instincts that drive it have existed since the big bang.

>> No.13371342

>Waaah I hate capitalism!! Why do my iphones and macbooks cost so much!! Why does my apartment in san francisco cost so much money! This is all the fault of capitalism!
- Karl Marx

>> No.13371343

it did. “capital” is any system that resources itself from the surplus of its own processes.

>> No.13371349

>slave societies and feudalism were capitalist

>> No.13371352

By letting it flourish and not being yet another social engineering retard.

>> No.13371353

Don't delude yourself.

>> No.13371372

you may deny being a woman-hater, but your words say otherwise. get over it, it’s an infantile prejudice.

>> No.13371377
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>> No.13371382

>How do we solve capitalism?

Desire more, desire desire itself, which means to discern and experience what is truly desirable - a process without end, as desire is the grasping of life beyond its immediacy towards the source of its nourishment. In human consciousness this desire is extended into the future itself via our ability to imagine futures. There is a set of potential futures that are maximally desirable, in that both self-interest and selfless interest - all desire - finds its satisfaction in this historical moment. To truly desire such a future beyond all else is to become an agent of change in its service, to be compelled to satisfy it through one's own living motion, to live in this future as its continual arrival. The will that is required to solve capitalism is an endless will to suffer for the cause of life, not a self-mutilation from a self-transformation - such a will cannot be bribed or threatened by Heaven or Hell. This will can only truly be forged by experiencing both extremes, and possessing both extremes simultaneously - immense despair at the life-negating reality of the present and endless hope for the future.

To solve capitalism will require nothing less than a spiritual transformation on the level of the individual and social, a spirituality that embraces the world in full and rejects the desire for eternal permanence / afterlife as the desire for death it is. You aren't going to find this spirituality in any Church or Temple, it is a personal relationship between you and the entirety of your experience that must be cultivated through experience.

>> No.13371399
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>> No.13371411

Since investment bankers double down on fossil fuel investments even more these days we need the government to intervene and set limits. Capitalists like these think short term; government long term.

>> No.13371412

That's just mercantilism dumbass.

>> No.13371678
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Destroy interventionism

>> No.13372673

By not practicing capitalism right out from underneath them