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13368602 No.13368602 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13368657 [DELETED] 
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Jews hate Darwin

>> No.13368796

Jews love him

>> No.13368800

Race is a spook that doesn't make you think a certain way.

>> No.13369117

Intelligent Design seems very clear to me. To go from that to believing that JESUS did it, however, is untenable. This is the central problem with this area - it has been thoroughly politicized and made into a binary like all domains unfortunately do - you either accept a strictly naturalistic model, or accept the Christian model. No other options.

The Divine is a cosmic parent which sends himself down to sacrifice himself for the sake of fruits being eaten against his instructions such that those who dunk themselves in water and believe everything written in a millenia-old set of human-written, human-curated and human-circulated set of scriptures receive salvation while everyone else perishes forever because of his overwhelming love for the single species he happened to hold to such a standard.

This is the only acceptable model of Divinity. Anything else is unacceptable.

It sucks, because as a spiritual person I'd love to discuss these concepts with naturalists, and see if we can get anywhere interesting with it. But as soon as I reject evolutionism as being a viable explanation of everything pertaining to biological lifeforms, or propose the case for a higher intelligence or intelligences, they will automatically assume myself to be a Christian theist, and have no interest in speaking to me. Meanwhile, people on DMT universally report seeing entities beyond their fathoming, which most consider to be externally real, and monistic dictums like "you are the universe experiencing itself" remain but a view of few, despite both of these items being combinable together into the recognition not merely of the existence of lifeforms higher than our own (of which one or several could be the designers of biological lifeforms), but which we ourselves are also ontologically akin to, with consciousness possibly being the very fundamental constituent of reality itself, and ourselves as merely partaking in a temporary human nature during our present lifetime.

I'm aware, however, that so long as Christianity aggressively spreads its ideology the way it does, the conversation is soured, the possibilities restricted (in the minds of people, anyway), and no further entertainment of ideas permitted. An ideological war between two factions, where both are incorrect.

It's all so tiresome.

>> No.13369215

I have that book

>> No.13369341

Is it good

>> No.13369368

This is a good post, and honestly exposes the flaws inherent in vehement dogmatic scientism apparent in the late 21st century until now.

This was one of the couple things Nietzsche got correct about his 'pendulum of paradigmatic movements'. Hopefully the pendulum is logically swinging back towards anti-materialistic spiritualism. :3

>> No.13369377

Just want to point out that you haven't tried to seek God, so casting ignorance on your position was inevitable

>> No.13369410

Why do so many people see evolution as incompatible with religion and belief in God? I honestly don't understand, to me they seem pretty easy to reconcile.

>> No.13369563

Where does he talk about this pendulum thinking? Sounds interesting. Which work?

>> No.13369591

There isn’t much of a conflict between the core tenets of science and religion, the whole idea that there is some clash between the two is a contrived and manufactured one, by people who want to claim science as theirs exclusively and render religion devoid of credibility. Mainly low IQ atheists who haven’t had an intelligent thought of their own in their lives so they try to associate themselves with intelligence(science) by stating it’s a part of their identity. The I-F**KING-LOVE-SCIENCE types.

Look up Stephen Gould’s non-overlapping magisteria, the idea that religion and science are 2 different modes of enquiry into two very different things(spirituality and the material universe respectively) with different goals in mind, and are separate and valid in their domains

>> No.13369819

Stephen Meyer: Darwin’s Doubt