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13367439 No.13367439 [Reply] [Original]

Was Schopenhauer a libtard?

>The cheapest sort of pride is national pride; for if a man is proud of his own nation, it argues that he has no qualities of his own of which he can be proud; otherwise he would not have recourse to those which he shares with so many millions of his fellowmen. The man who is endowed with important personal qualities will be only too ready to see clearly in what respects his own nation falls short, since their failings will be constantly before his eyes. But every miserable fool who has nothing at all of which he can be proud adopts, as a last resource, pride in the nation to which he belongs; he is ready and glad to defend all its faults and follies tooth and nail, thus reimbursing himself for his own inferiority.

>"[our] innocent black brothers whom force and injustice have delivered into [the slave-master's] devilish clutches belong to the blackest pages of mankind's criminal record."

>"The assumption that animals are without rights and the illusion that our treatment of them has no moral significance is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity. Universal compassion is the only guarantee of morality."

>> No.13367461

Yes. Fuck niggers, fuck animals, heil Hitler

>> No.13367465

>Was Schopenhauer a libtard
He was apolitical, like every rational minded man.

>> No.13367490

From the same Wikipedia article
>Schopenhauer attributed civilizational primacy to the northern "white races" due to their sensitivity and creativity (except for the ancient Egyptians and Hindus, whom he saw as equal):

> Schopenhauer: "The highest civilization and culture, apart from the ancient Hindus and Egyptians, are found exclusively among the white races; and even with many dark peoples, the ruling caste or race is fairer in colour than the rest and has, therefore, evidently immigrated, for example, the Brahmans, the Incas, and the rulers of the South Sea Islands. All this is due to the fact that necessity is the mother of invention because those tribes that emigrated early to the north, and there gradually became white, had to develop all their intellectual powers and invent and perfect all the arts in their struggle with need, want and misery, which in their many forms were brought about by the climate. This they had to do in order to make up for the parsimony of nature and out of it all came their high civilization." [196]

>> No.13367503

None of those statements are apolitical lmao. Also it is literally impossible to be apolitical, everything is political.

>> No.13367511

t. butthurt poltard

>> No.13367596

Hitler was a massive cuck for animals

>> No.13367598

>universal compassion
>can't even be compassionate to his own mother

>> No.13367649

His mother was a roastie whore.

>> No.13367675

>Also it is literally impossible to be apolitical, everything is political
No, it's not retard. Roll around in shit somewhere else. I don't care about your stupid games.

>> No.13367708

ignore him. he is part of the suicide cult of contemporary politics

>> No.13367711

>Was Schopenhauer a libtard?
No. He was a "will" determinist. Libtards think they will exists only when is possible for them to do stuff. But will, in his nature, is the destruction of everything, even mankind. So no, he was not a libtard.

>> No.13367737

>decisions regarding the distribution and use of power over a society

Everything eventually leads back to power over one another in any action you take. Everything is political. Every law. Every action.

>> No.13367746

He also labeled the white race as the master race

>> No.13367763

It is impossible to be apolitical, they have forced politics on us all. Also supposed apolitical people have always been political in practice, like hemingway

>> No.13367833
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>it's impossible to be apolitical

>> No.13367847

>decisions regarding the distribution and use of power over a society
Everything eventually leads back to power over one another in any action you take. Everything is political. Every law. Every action.

>> No.13367873

Evola also dabbed on nationalism and lamented the genocide of Native Americans. Does that make him a libtard?

>> No.13367918
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>caring about society

>> No.13367927

Sorry /pol/tard, you won’t find any educated and intelligent people who agree with your memeshit opinions.

>> No.13367962

>It is impossible to be apolitical
its pretty easy when you despise humanity
why bother with politics when its just idiots struggling for power anyways?

>> No.13367995

Evola was socialist

>> No.13368020

Impertinent but yes
Schopenhauer was an antiquarian conservative, a monarchist by today's standards:
>The whole of humanity, with the exception of an extremely small portion, was always unrefined and must remain so, because the great amount of bodily labour that is unavoidably necessary for the whole does not permit the edification of the mind. (Morality, § 19, 8)
>The monarchical form of government is natural to man. – There is a monarchical instinct in man. (Paralipomena, § 127)
>Trial by jury is the worst of all criminal courts. (ib.)
>It it is absurd, to want to concede Jews a share in the government or administration of any state. (Paralipomena, § 132)

>> No.13368028

nationalism was a libtard ideology in 1900
ethnonationalism is a rational response to the impending demographic crises of the 21st century

>> No.13368032

despising humanity is a form of being political

>> No.13368043

So ethnonationalism is causing and responding to the demographic crises of the 21st century

>> No.13368052

He was an anti-nationalist vegcuck niggerlover I don't understand why you guys think he is nit a libtard lol

>> No.13368285
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>Also it is literally impossible to be apolitical, everything is political.

>> No.13368315

Not really. As it was already posted he actually supported the idea that fair skinned countries were indeed still "superior" or better to say still more advanced than the rest of the world. Which is and was a fact at that time and is still is today all things considered

>> No.13368425

Stop quoting without full context. In the passage about slaves he is (quite rightly obviously) saying slaves should not be tortured like they have. In the same book, scraps and leftovers, he says blacks are clearly intelligently inferior and that for this reason they talk so much, you can tell by their noses. Also, with the national pride, you do not go onwards to the end where he says the most hard-hitting truth that every nation talks bad about the next, and each is right. And also that Schopenhauer has said many defining things about different nations and cultures. And that this quote you posted is following the real and right type of pride of one’s own self-worth. AND ABOUT ANIMALS IN HIS MAIN WORK HE SAYS THERES A RIGHTEOUS REASON THAT PEOPLE SHOULD BE TREATED BETTER THAN ANIMALS and that’s because they suffer less, so the collective will is less hurt when, say, you don’t give your dog some of your human food. God this reply is going to fall on deaf ears but if it just reaches ONE.

>> No.13369441

>UNIVERSAL compassion
do i need to explain to you the concept of "universal" using baby talk and pictures?

>> No.13369805

That in no way means you had to be compassionate or to tolerate evil doings
Is not supposed to be blind compassion but a conscious one. There will be those who clearly don't deserve it if they keep doing the same inmoral thing over and over without learning anything

>> No.13369906

Here's a (you)
I didn't completely read Schopenhauer but knowing him, he said that we all came from being niggers and getting white is solely the reason we got north in cold regions. As far as I know he hates the US and their slavery but didn't talk bad about being black which is the natural being of any human.