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/lit/ - Literature

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13366227 No.13366227 [Reply] [Original]

>A-anon I love how you spent all your time reading and how deeply you thought above those books themes, you really ARE a beautiful mind

Now that I have my manic pixie dream girl, all those pages read paid off even more. Tell me about moments being /lit/ paid off for you anon. It has paid off, right anon?

>> No.13366274

Once I was reading a modal logic textbook and I reached enlightenment. I had no idea what the fuck was happening, I thought I was dying. I only realized it several years later when reading a description of enlightenment in a Buddhist text.

>> No.13366382

women don't like anything that diverts your attention from them
your fantasy will not happen

>> No.13366398
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> read classifieds
> see escort post
> get dick sucked
Did it all on the phone.

>> No.13366400

I like that the girl pepe is taller than the boy pepe :)

>> No.13366401

My friends think I'm well read, but all I do is argue with you faggots about Wikipedia articles I read. Every girlfriend I've had reads more than me, but they only read female authors and poetry, so I ignored them. Talking about books with a woman you fuck is gay.

>> No.13366407

Fuck off frogposter

>> No.13366445
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No it never has. I spend the weekends reading and shitposting and no woman loves me

>> No.13366467
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Friends tell me I’m smart and that I should be a teacher

>> No.13366480

What do they think of me? You are getting antsy you obviously want me to do this stuff :3

>> No.13366496

Flush your head, jackass

>> No.13366549

Nono you got it wrong fren. She loves that before I met her I spent so much time with reading.

>> No.13366915

My high school English teacher told me I was a great writer and had great potential. She introduced me to Calvino and Eco and I loved talking to her about books. I fell for her but never saw her again after high school ended. I could never face her in my current state. Just dropped out of college and I'm holed up in my parents' garage reading and browsing /lit/. For a short time I believed that being /lit/ would be bring me happiness, but ultimately it hasn't helped me in any practical way. Books have been keeping me from ending it though.

>> No.13366942

Hang in there fren. You just have dropped out so of course things might be perceived as bleak by you for now but it certainly won't remain this way and you will find your manic pixie dream girl aswell just like I did too. If I wouldn't have dropped out I wouldn't have met her.

>> No.13367006
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The distant thought that maybe I'll publish my book, people will like it and I'll find a cute librarian girl through it, is what keeps me from ending it.
But I see no breach out of this loop:
Wake up
Work (thankfully job is comfy and I can sometimes read and write)
Come home
Eat and read
Train in kickboxing and go to the gym
Take photos for my Instagram (urban decay)
Come back home
Eat and read + write
Rinse and repeat

I have this thing going on that I dress like a gymhead all the time purely for practical reasonsand most people assume I'm some retarded meathead, and librarian girls want absolutely NOTHING to do with swoll big guys who wear black tank tops and gym leggings unironically.
I read somewhere that people instantly distance themselves when they sense and discordance between appearance and what's being said. Like if you see a sweaty guy wearing hand wraps and bloody shins, you realistically assume he's a meathead boxer or whatever. And when the guy starts to talk about books and writing, you distance yourself because you feel there's something wrong, and your senses scream danger.

I don't know man, I think I doom myself purposefully and actually subconsciously enjoy this suffering.

>> No.13367032

Women are the niggers of gender.

>> No.13367045

Being a fairly decent-looking male in an English lit course populated with about 85-90% women made me kind of a trophy amongst some of the girls. even though I'm pretty shy and don't really try and pull I still fucked quite a few of them. Even had to turn a couple of them down inviting me to drinks because I had an exclusive thing going

Of course, then I started dating a fine art student and realised that all female lit students are boring as shit, the majority of whom are wine aunts in the making

>> No.13367056

So they were not manic pixi dream girls? How did it pay off then fren?

>> No.13367062

Finding a manic pixie dream girl isn't the answer to everyone's problems.

>> No.13367069

>sitting in the park reading a book
>some guy and his girlfriend walk by
>girl looks back at me over her shoulder
>hear her sigh to her boyfriend
>"I wish *I* read books"
it didn't make me happy but it came close

>> No.13367075

>medicine is not the cure for sickness

But be it as it may and in whatever way or form, better things will come again fren

>> No.13367101

i want a laid back pixie nightmare girl what does that say about me

>> No.13367125

Don't get me wrong, I had my fair share. One girl I shared halls with once got really drunk and texted me being like "where the fuck are you come screw me", but I was high as a kite at the time and had no interest in seeing her. She ended up running around our entire building until finding me in my friend's kitchen laughing about her messages. eventually she stormed off and pretended to pass out in the stairwell, but when I helped her up she instantly recovered and started trying to stick her tongue in my ear. Managed to shake her loose eventually by pretending to be frigid

But yeah, the others were either really into crochet, period awareness week campaigns where they'd put droplets of red food colouring into all the campus toilets, or part of the student protest movement that once tried to occupy a building because the home office was trying to deport a master's student, assaulting a member of security in the process. You just know they're engaging in debauchery because they've had a secure upbringing, and are using university as an excuse to "let loose". Eventually that lifestyle catches up with them and they end up drinking heavily to stop them caring about the lack of a husband, the menopause, weight gain, hair loss and so on. But at least they'll have their books, r-right?

I'm still dating the art student (graduate now) and I couldn't be happier.

>> No.13367145

That you want a big tiddy goth gf? I am not sure anon, girls in general are a nightmare and anything but laidback. The only woman transcending this problem is a mpdg

>> No.13367153

What's her favourite book?

>> No.13367155

manic and laid back are not the same thing fren

>> No.13367163

She doesn't read much fiction, a lot of art criticism and theory mostly. She turned me onto Helena Cixous, who I would have otherwise overlooked

>> No.13367164

I know fren, but a mpdg is like a greek tragedy, it gives beauty to anything that would be suffering otherwise

>> No.13367172

Sounds like a real diamond. I am happy for you fren

>> No.13367202

despite being 50% of the population, men commit ~98% of the crime. who exactly is the nigger here, fren?

>> No.13367215

guide to get a gf because i feel sorry for you retards:
>lose your manboobs and go otter mode
>buy decent clothing, preferably business casual, prep, yuppie, or oldmoney
>sell all of your faggot ass vidya
>stop being angry, resentful, and bitter
>clean your room
>brush your teeth
>go outside and actually speak to women until you stop stuttering and dropping spaghetti every time someone glances in your direction
you, too, may someday lose your pathetic virginity.
have sex, and stop degrading board quality, incels

>> No.13367227

>tfw you will always only be loved for the image you give off and resign to this madness for muh penis

Hope your wound heals fren

>> No.13367235

>read book
>get gf
>can't read book no more
> : - (

>> No.13367244

>always only be loved for the image you give off
tell me how this is any different from how men view women

i'll wait

>> No.13367265

Well it's factually unavoidable as something as subjective as love will always boil down to perception, but there is a difference between being your natural self and someone projecting their love onto this image than you denying and rejecting yourself, hence ending up without any love for your true self, neither by another nor by you. What's the purpose of a love like this to begin with?

>> No.13367279

never found a good introduction
especially one with practical examples

>> No.13367301

That's why you want a bipolar one. The best of both worlds.


>> No.13367302

You think women do nothing to improve themselves and look better to get a man?

everyone is expected to strive to improve and become a better person, physically and mentally. you're delusional if you think women put no effort into this. your problem is you want the victory prize but don't want to put any effort into getting it, so you bitch and moan and get yourself worked into a tizzy over how unfair it is. and at the end of the day you will not receive anything.

have sex

>> No.13367307

There nothing wrong with that loop anon. You're doing more than most. If you want more you'll try and get it, or you'll learn to be happy with what you have.

>> No.13367320

If you believe that your self-image cannot change and there is only the one, current You, you are beyond saving. Unless you take magic mushrooms.

>> No.13367322

Or you could just shower and go outside sometimes and talk to girls. This Chad shit gets you vapid, useless women who want your status and checking account #

>> No.13367329

This can be explained through IQ. Women's IQ tends to be centered in the middle of the bell curve. Men are more prone to outliers. This explains why men brought about just about every scientific advancement, but it also explains why men make up most of the prison population.

>> No.13367345
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>i will never have her

>> No.13367349

nice broscience.

when men talk about what women they want, they always want a "qt gf." same in literature. it's always a beautiful woman, never a "smart woman" or a "hardworking woman" or any other virtue. read any book. the female lead will be described as beautiful.

you think men shouldn't be held to the same standards? you think you can look like trash and put no effort into your appearance, and expect an 8/10 woman who takes great pains in her appearance? you're delusional, and the longer you cling to that delusion the less of a chance you will have in turning your life around. face reality and stop trying to argue your way out of hard truths. the universe does not care what clever arguments you present as to why you are correct--the universe is as it is, and nothing will change no matter what you type into that reply box.

men want hot women.
women want hot men.

>> No.13367353

How do i even meet women bros :(

>> No.13367357

>dont let half the population out of the house for 3000 years

>> No.13367358

hang your dick out the window and wait for one to bite

>> No.13367378

The wrongness lies in the fact that I have no human interaction except during sparring, and that's only a part of my overall training and it involves trading fists and kicks between fellow burly angry and sweaty men, not trading knowledge of books and philosophy.
You see the issue. Not even mentioning that there are no women in my life, there are practically no humans in my life.
Hell, I myself barely feel human anymore.

I just fill the gaps in my time with more activities else the thoughts get too loud. Even the Instagram account I made out of sheer impulse because I still had the odd couple of hours free in a day that was too quiet, and seeing desolation and urban decay makes me feel comfortable in my own misery

>> No.13367430

Oh, the collective pain, the unheard suffering, the resistance to change, the uninhibited memeing into corners and descent toward points of no return.

>> No.13367454

The last element of Pandoras box, hope, perverted, blind hope for salvation ex machina

>> No.13367472

Unrequited love, existence in silent pain, he who now sees in and through the darkness in apathy, lost.

>> No.13367499

The eternal call of the void, true promise of ends, closing the last door to the infinite chaotic maze that is life.

>> No.13367529

what is the text? also can you tell us more about your experience? like where were you and what was happening in your life? And why do you think a modal logic book did the trick?

>> No.13367535

Yet, a new HOPE like a burning flame, a deep breathing soul, extinguished, perhaps, soon by rage and fear and apathy, again. Recurrence, recursion, down and down again with despair, broken by short perceptions of the true light, but soon resumed, locked in the concentric circles of hell.

>> No.13367540

>manic pixie dream girl
All I ask for is a mentally stable 7/10 that shares a few key interests with me and who loves me back. Books for this?

>> No.13367617

Go somewhere you enjoy going. Shower and shave so you look less like you live in a basement. See a girl you think you might fancy.
>>"hi there. I see you are enjoying something I am also enjoying. Would you like to enjoy it together? "
Gage response and if it works out be honest about interest. If you get a negative reaction just apologize for wasting time and gtfo

>> No.13367629

>no human interaction except during sparring, and that's only a part of my overall training and it involves trading fists and kicks between fellow burly angry and sweaty men, not trading knowledge of books and philosophy.

If you're unhappy about your lack of interaction go and interact. Go to library events. Go to book stores and try talking. Fuck it, ask a sparring partner if they read books before you go home.

>> No.13367656
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The logic book was Chellas' intro to modal logic

I was looking at a diagram like pic related (can't remember if this was the exact one) that was showing how if you accept different axioms different logics were derived with different inference patterns

Then I thought something like 'what is there is what is put there,' and then something dawned on my like, 'I put the thought there, so it is there' and then something in me, some tension, left or snapped. It felt really bizarre and scared me for a bit, but then I got used to it, and I stopped worrying about certain intellectual arguments. I could see them 'from outside, if that makes sense.

At some later point I read D. T. Suzuki's essay "Enlightenment and Ignorance," and thought this was the name for what happened to me.

>> No.13367696

Link related

>imagine being Aristotle or Rowling and having such true insights 24/7

>> No.13367877
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I went on a brief trip and bought my then-gf a nice Doré-illustrated copy of Milton's complete poems from the 1930s that I found for surprisingly cheap
I read her my favorite passage from Paradise Lost (the beginning of one of the books when Milton discusses the sadness of going blind but the hope that God will still give him a new kind of deeper vision) and she held me the whole time and thought it was so beautiful she cried
I'll never be that happy again

>> No.13368204
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>> No.13368628

Thanks, anon. Happy to have frens like you, /lit/, and books to keep me going in dark times.

>> No.13368702 [DELETED] 
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>tfw even butterball gets friendzoned by women
There really is no hope.

>> No.13369219
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My fiancée and I spend many hours a week reading together. I'd known her back in highschool, but after graduation hadn't heard from her in years. 9 years to be exact. But chance had it that I became reacquainted with one of our mutual friends who then informed me that they still talked. I'd always had a crush on her in highschool, and I was told she was single now. This was my chance. Through our mutual friend, we became reacquainted at last and began filling in the 9 year gap. I learn that after school she more or less had stayed at home and had lived with her parents all these years, in seclusion from society and even (to my utter amazement) social media in it's entirety. She tells me she's an avid reader. This, my dear reader, was the key moment. The moment where all will be won. Or lost. Barely containing my power level, I tell her that I too am an avid reader.

>> No.13369224
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Look, old chap, just be yourself for a change!

>> No.13369305
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As time goes by, our relationship progresses. And in due course, I introduce her to the finer points of the /lit/erary life. We discuss The Greeks™, ancient mythology, history, science, philosophy, literature, and the likes. But hidden beneath the surface of our conversations lies my ultimate ulterior motive. You see, living her secluded life, and being raised properly by her parents, a welcoming, loving personality and kindred spirit lie within her. And a dangerous naïveté. It is my intent, to lead her into Light of Truth. The Final Solution.

>> No.13369308

Enough books will give you damn good quips in convos

>> No.13369412

Sorry for sounding like a retard but what is the final solution?

>> No.13369422
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Probably something gay like "gas the jews"

>> No.13369423

and then write Harry Potter

>> No.13369444

whats it like being enlightened?

>> No.13369520

Getting trips on the reg. This is but a taste..Someday you will know.

>> No.13369719

go to church

>> No.13369858

It's sort of like your life being a video game you can decide to walk away from. So I can play it and get into it, and do whatever I want, but I can also walk away from it at any time. It's like, I realize the source of what happens in the way that someone playing a video game realizes that the changes in the character and game states come from outside inputs. And since I know how the inputs work, I can just not do them, and so decide not to get mad, be ignorant, etc. whenever I want.

I feel like my 'self' isn't something separate, it's just a role I can adopt whenever I feel like it. Same with the objects around me, I can choose to see them as separate from me, or I can choose to see them as pixels on a screen. I 'get' how it is all generated, if that makes sense.

>> No.13370009

The incel is a curious creature, they fail and fail over and over again. With different women, different "strategies", different "moves", but they never realise that the thing that's always going wrong is not the women or the moves.

The problem is themselves, yet when someone tells them to improve themselves they lash out in anger at you saying they've already tried everything. Or that women should just love them because.

>> No.13370020

Look dumbass, the entire reason the incel movement exists in the first place is as a reaction to people telling them that it is all their fault from the start, incels trying self-improvement techniques, and none of them turning out to work and them incels realizing it is their fault - they are simply unattractive, the obvious answer nobody tells them.

>> No.13370109

>friends get into arguments and fight with their gfs all the time
>ask why theyre still together
>"thats just part of being in a relationship"
is this really true

>> No.13370113

you got your dick sucked on the phone?

>> No.13370330

My girlfriend told me to stop reading so much and get a real hobby

>> No.13370339

It pays off every day when I do not fall prey to the idelogy of the ruling classes desu. I can't be tricked .

>> No.13370414

So i just had a dream this night about me going into a room with a cute japanese girl. I had sex with her and afterwards we were talking about her life and my life as she was laying in my arms. She was soft and warm and cute. We had an emotionally intimate conversation and after that she told me she was actually getting paid to lure men into those rooms and steal their wallet.
She also said she only did it because she was so lost in life, and after she heard my story she felt for the first time someone could relate to her. We spent the rest of the morning together and I went out after that. This is where I woke up briefly, and when I went back to sleep the dream continued.
So I just had to find this girl again, so I went back to the place, and asked an old lady there if I could see her again. I was told to go away, but she came out herself and we snuck into the room again. There she told me how she had been thinking of me the whole time. I finally felt like someone wanted me. I listened to her stories and she told me I was the first person to care for her in this way in a long time. I put my hand on her thigh, and she started crying. I let her head rest against my chest and gently stroked her soft cheeks.
After that I woke up, and couldn't go back to sleep.
Fuck man, I just wanna go back into that dream and live with this girl for the rest of my life. I feel actual deep love for a figment of my imagination. I can't believe it's come to this.

>> No.13370691

aand, the feeling is gone. How am i this emotionally unstable to wake up feeling completely overwhelmed with emotion only to now just being neutral again. Reading the story again I already wonder how I got so attached.

>> No.13370703

just feel neutral again*
it's not continuous

>> No.13370726

Imagine unironically using terms from the AV Cuck

>> No.13370789

>I can't be tricked
Hubris has a funny way of proving statements like this one wrong.

>> No.13370809

She stole your wallet after you woke up, you got cucked by your own dream fag

>> No.13370818

Wait until she realizes you've only been reading for themes and have no appreciation for aesthetic beauty.

>> No.13370834

I had a simar experience except I wasnt reading a textbook. I was contemplating on the logic behind time being circular, and why the apparent paradox/contradiction of le "time is a flat circle" is valid.

>> No.13370857

The whole point of this guy's post was that attractiveness is not exclusively about looks.
Obviously, if you have some sort of horrible difformity, then you might not make it, but I doubt the majority of incels are in that situation.
Self-improvement is not about techniques. Finding something creative that you enjoy doing (drawing, singing, cooking, writing, whatever) and just doing it for its own sake, and then maybe joining a real-life community of people (open mic nights, classes, etc.) centered on that is a very good way to improve yourself and meet people with whom you will immediately have a connection.
People are drawn to talent and passion. If you have any kind of talent, you will find someone who will appreciate that.

>> No.13370936
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Higher q

>> No.13371033

shit yeah it's gone. wtf.

>> No.13371080

It's not just that they're unattractive, I see plenty of unattractive people with wives and children. It's not about learning new moves from a book. You have to, like anon >>13370857 said, develop an actual personality. Reading The Game and thinking it's going to work when you're not an interesting person is ridiculous.

The Incel takes any actual useful advice as an insult. Women can smell the desperation of a person trying out "moves" to get them.

If they actually start focusing on themselves and not on "Stacy" or "Veronica" they will come to you. Women like it when you like doing stuff (shitposting and masturbating doesn't count) that you like. And when you're good at something useful. It's not all about looks, I have seen in a woman's eyes that she has been turned on by someone being able to think and understand the world, too. Not just muscles and jawlines. (Source: worked in a bar on a beach for a long time, I've seen what works and what doesn't, when it comes to talking to the ladies)

Become an interesting person, you incel.

>> No.13371089

You realize even kickboxing clubs usually have a kind of community right? Surely there must be some events you enter together and you get to know each other or maybe there are even purely social events just for the club. Am I completely off? It sounds very odd to not know any of the people you train with every day.

>> No.13371092

Yes, people who love each other are still different people. You fight some times, but the difference is that with the people you love you try to sort that stuff out.

Have you never had a fight with a sibling? Did that fight make you stop loving them? It's the same core idea, except with romantic love instead of platonic love.

>> No.13371114

Falling in love in a dream has happened to me a bunch of times, it gets old after a while.

>> No.13371476

I met a girl at a party with some former co-workers of mine, and we hooked up not long after mostly because both of us are interested in literature. I read like 50-60 books a year, but this chick probably reads 100-150 as she got good habits and reads faster than me. She has a good varied taste too, although the majority of the fiction she reads is contemporary-ish. Hit the jackpot lads.

>> No.13371491

There is nothing closes and dries a vagina faster than a man that reads.

>> No.13371705

There are no valid contradictions. Hit the books pal

>> No.13371717

Roastie detected

>> No.13371737
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Try harder

>> No.13372172

In high school I was asked to write a critique of the Great Gatsby and I said something along the lines of Fitzgerald being a whiny cunt and that the book was 90% filler prose wank. The issues of the writing rich are inherently lost on the gross masses who actually read their work, or they are simply unable to sit down and read because they have jobs. Fitzgerald was also a gay fuckboy.
When I got the paper back she wrote next to my grade that she agreed and drew a little smiley face.

>> No.13372936

Maybe i should have been more clear. I found that time being circular wasnt a contradiction.