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13365921 No.13365921 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck this is a complete masterpiece.

>> No.13366136

It took me like 10 pages to realize a ROMAN EMPEROR was speaking to me from the PAST

>> No.13366507

Most of the old things discussed here are masterpieces. The only bad memes are the political stuff or recent stuff.

>> No.13366534

>Does the emerald lose its beauty for lack of admiration? Does gold, or ivory, or purple? A lyre or a dagger, a rosebud or a sapling?

>> No.13366545

teenager book

>> No.13366607

So cringy. Its like what 16 year old 'masculinists' get into

>> No.13366615
File: 55 KB, 289x475, 11BCA83C-8C2B-4A34-B6DF-ABC04CC16801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does he conclude?

Teenagers of today are playing video games, watching Rick And Morty and pretending to like Biwwi Ewish for her music and not her just her beauty. They might to well to read such “teenager” lit.

>> No.13366769

Her music is beautiful though. Listen to 'i love you'. How is it not good?

>> No.13367766
File: 122 KB, 400x400, 1554692993486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw its not Nero's

>> No.13367771

numale stoic larpers should be rounded up and put in camps.

>> No.13367791

Meditations can only be appreciated if the reader likes accretions.

>> No.13367800

It's trash, it's generic tripe and she mumbles non offensive, vaguely relatable things over it

>> No.13367864

what the fuck does stoicism have to do with numales

>> No.13367893

Stoicism has very good concepts, the idea of ruggedness and independence are very conductive to a productive life but one thing I can't stand about it is that it pretty much tells you that when life is fucking you you should just sit there and take it or even move your hips a little to help it finish faster. I just can't make sense of that.

>> No.13367901

>hands power over to his retard, degenerate son instead of a capable general or statesman
>kick starts the fall of the Roman Empire and the crisis of the third century

LOL, stoics have never recovered from this man’s stupidity

>> No.13367903

>important historical figure writing on an important philosophical topic
>Yikes! Cringe cringe cringe! Are you 16???

>> No.13367909

stoicism is just a no-fap pre-historic ideology

>> No.13367925

absolute pleb

>> No.13367937

>pretending to like Biwwi Ewish for her music and not her just her beauty
>billie eilish
I like her music, but I don't think anyones all that caught up on her looks.

>> No.13367947

I am finishing book 2 and being the first "classic" that I get into, I cannot believe that a man almost 19 centuries older is able to speak to me in a way that is not only precise but also better than most of the life advice I have been getting.

>> No.13368000

>it pretty much tells you that when life is fucking you you should just sit there and take it or even move your hips a little to help it finish faster.

I doubt that was the intended message. It just says if you can't possibly change something stop feeling bad about it since that will achieve nothing and cause nothing but pain to you. If you want to change something and you have the power to change it ,work as hard as you can to reach your goal. If you do that you won't have regrets.

>> No.13368006
File: 212 KB, 517x501, marcus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the image

>> No.13368064

Imagine being this done in by the contemporary world

>> No.13368167

Are any of you degenerate channers actually better men than Aurelius? (YOU) are cringe.

>> No.13368194

literally everyone who access this anime blog is better than Marcus lame Aurelius

>> No.13368225
File: 9 KB, 225x225, Download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I vaguely like her music, but she looks angry and retarded, has weird off eyes and thin hair. She has style, but she barely looks okay.
Her music isn't bad. I like the lover in the gutter song, can"t remember the name.

But then again her song where she is proud of her red blowjobs knees and how she wants to be fucked like an animal as a 16yo, and that tweet where she speaks about her (figuratively or not) 8 bf's is degenerate shit for teen girls.
Girls like her because "I'm totally cynical too"
Pic related is the equivalent for boys 10 years ago

>> No.13368322

I wouldn't call it complete, but a masterpiece certainly.

>> No.13368345

Who has the best translation? Hays? Harris? Long?

>> No.13368357

>Biwwi Ewish
i'm not an American

>> No.13368406

Bill Eyelash

>> No.13368435

I like your interpretation and it works for most bullshit people feel sorry about but at the real hour of tragedy pretending you are unbreakable will not make you thus.

>> No.13368457

>you should just sit there and take it
it never says that...quote me 1 line where it says that

>> No.13368505

>"When a dog is tied to a cart, if it wants to follow it is pulled and follows, making its spontaneous act coincide with necessity, but if it does not want to follow it will be compelled in any case. So it is with men too: even if they do not want to, they will be compelled in any case to follow what is destined."

>> No.13368574

People are actually going ape over her tits right now. She would not be riding this popularity train if it wasn’t for her press agents selling her and her looks. There are just as talented girls out there that aren’t going to get any advertising dollars for their looks.

>> No.13368583

>it pretty much tells you that when life is fucking you you should just sit there and take it
I suggest reading stoic literature a little more carefully (or read it at all, which it seems you haven't). It tells you to not lose your autonomy to your emotions, and that when you have a calm and rational mind a setback won't destroy you, and you should use this rational mind to change the negative into a positive.

This passage refers to things you have no control over, most likely illness or someone's death. What else is there to do? What power do you think you have over things like that, and- more importantly- why do you consider those events as "life fucking you" rather than "life happening"? As he says, as long as your directing mind is not harmed, what point is there in fussing over something you can't change?

The other guy has got it slightly wrong, I think. It's less about stiffling your emotions or becoming an unfeeling robot and more about accepting your emotions for what they are without being lost to them, to not wallow in them, and not having your ability to reason be affected just because something you consider to be bad has happened.

You misunderstood this quote, I think. This is about a man following his nature, here refered to as "cart pulling". If your actions are virtuous and according to nature, then you "pull the cart" willingly. Even if you fight your nature and what it intends for you, that does not change your nature- it is not quite the "let everything fuck you over and don't do anything" admonition you think it is.

>> No.13368605

This woman is masturbating to me :33

>> No.13369125

Well I might have misinterpreted it. On the shortness of life used to be one of my favorite books. The way I see it the stoic view is deterministic and their line of thought goes along the lines of what happened happened and it could not have happened in any other way so why get upset about it? I understand the points putting virtue first over all, about not losing it in trying situations, not caring about petty affairs and that one can slowly learn to rein in their emotions to become very patient over time. But Stoicism supposes that emotions can be completely controlled through rationality and while that works sometimes or even most of the time I think people really cannot control what they feel since it is a visceral impulse.

>> No.13369240

> But Stoicism supposes that emotions can be completely controlled through rationality
This is what I assumed for a while too, but the real stance of stoicism is a bit more subtle than that. Controlling emotions is, in effect, allowing them to control you. Instead you simply accept emotions- you don't stop feeling them.
Stoics consider the mind and body to be separate, and believe they exist in a hierarchy of mind over matter. Regard your emotions and other bodily functions as something below you and your rational concerns- let them do what they want independent of your mind.

>> No.13369260
File: 68 KB, 598x600, 1549737406443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I typed Biwwi Ewish into google images and all i found were a bunch of pictures of some jewish guy. Swindled again!

>> No.13369337

>But Stoicism supposes that emotions can be completely controlled through rationality and while that works sometimes or even most of the time I think people really cannot control what they feel since it is a visceral impulse.

No, Stoicism says that you can't control your emotions, but you can control your actions despite your emotion.

Just because you feel sad doesn't mean you have to allow that to dictate your actions.

>> No.13369823

As an apology

>> No.13369952

C'mon, Fly. Let me be directly honest here. Don't be envious of some random flavor of the current summer. Your pointed attentions would unquestionably be well served (if not well appreciated) by this board and the future teen populace, if they simply focussed on constructing a new graceful stanchion for your well read - and thus virtuous - mental constitution, which i unabashedly hasten to add, some post makers here already do admire the formidableness of.


>> No.13370048

Billie Eilish unironically makes good music, even though she is still a mayo american leftist cunt

>> No.13370070

>dude virtue lmao
>*turns the succession hereditary to favour his mad son and ruins the empire*

>> No.13370098

First of all. I won't allow anyone to say "Billie Eilish" without the title "Stoic".

>> No.13371022

She likes me now.

>> No.13371111


>> No.13371416

He had to. It was either that or kill his son. Some higher ups in the army would have recognised Commodus as the emperor even if Marcus had appointed someone else.

>> No.13371468

Wait 5 minutes

>> No.13371472

What's a "mayo"?

>> No.13371646


>> No.13371732

no she doesn't you faggot

>> No.13373028

I've read Meditations and Seneca's letters.

Where do I go next in my stoic adventure?

>> No.13373915


>> No.13374027

thank you

>> No.13374721

Cicero is not a resolute stoic, but it's a good source.

>> No.13374864

Epicurus and also Epictetus and also Plutarch's Enneads.