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File: 110 KB, 900x920, kisspng-story-of-your-life-alien-language-t-shirt-logogram-5adc302cbd12a7.9686791815243796927745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13362709 No.13362709 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite short story?

>> No.13362711

That movie sucked

>> No.13362720

Nah, it didn't.

>> No.13362724

i liked the aliens and amy adams, but that faggot who plays hawkeye was insufferable, though.

>> No.13362726

The Silver Key

>> No.13362740

Bartleby the Scrivener is good, or literally anything by Borges.

>> No.13362745

No it sucked lol, feel good crap. In all likelihood it is imperative that intelligent life must eradicate other intelligent life too so it was potentially harmful feel good crap.

>> No.13362748



>> No.13362749

It did
Death and the compass

>> No.13362760

The overcoat

>> No.13362767
File: 68 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feel good crap
>now Independence Day, THAT was a responsible movie

>> No.13362773

based but I liked the Nose better

>> No.13362779

Game - Barthelme

>> No.13362784

ITT a 19 year old gets mad that the average tier movie he saw recommended on /tv/ is getting criticized

>> No.13362803

Villeneuve makes kino though. Sure, it wasn't Incendies, but it was damn good for a sci fi film.

>> No.13362885

I love the short story called Kino by Murakami
it's kino

>> No.13362893

neil gaiman

>> No.13362894

The Bet by Anton Chekhov

>> No.13362916

Your life story, anon!!!!

>> No.13362972

Manlets btfo

>> No.13363080

Is kino the cool way of saying good cinema? Just because you are using german?

>> No.13363084

Independence was a lot more responsible for depicting what meeting aliens would be like.

>> No.13363136

A Shadow Over Innsmouth

>> No.13363149

The Babel Library.

>> No.13363159

The "novel of the man who was recklessly curious" that happens in the middle of Don Quixote.

Prime taste.

>> No.13363164
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>Independence was a lot more responsible

>> No.13363184

it was one of the best movies ever in my opinion

>> No.13363197
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>> No.13363204

no, it's russian not german

>> No.13363259

Young Goodman Brown.

>> No.13363266

More notes of a dirty old man.

God knows I am not too hippy. Perhaps
because I am too much around the hip and I
fear fads for, like anybody else, I like
something that tends to last. Then, too, the
hippy foundation or diving board or resting
place or whatever you want to call it does
suck in its fair share of fakes, promoters and
generally vicious people trying to overcompensate
for some heinous psychological defect.
But you have these everywhere—hippy
and non-hippy. But, like I say, the few people
that I know are either a bit on the side of the
artistic, the pro-hip or the understandinghip,
so I have been generally getting more of
this slice of cake and it has seemed a bit
But, lo, the other day I got the OTHER bit
and I think I’d rather eat sweet than shit. Being
locked into a large building where 4,000
people work at dull and menial tasks has its
compensations but it has disadvantages
too—for instance, you can never be sure who
is going to be assigned to work next to you. A
bad soul makes for a worse night. Enough
bad souls can kill you.
He was balding, square-jawed, mannish???,
with this look of hate-frustration
upon his face. For months I had sensed that
he had wanted to talk to me. Now I was
hooked—he was assigned to the place to my
left. He complained about the air-conditioning
and a few other things, then worked in a
question about my age. I told him that I
would be 47 in August. He said he was 49.
“Age is only relative,” he said. “It doesn’t
matter if you are 47 or 49, it doesn’t make
any difference.”
“Umm,” I said.

Then the speaker screamed out some announcement:
“I thought they were going to say LSD,” he
“Umm,” I said.
“You know,” he said, “that LSD has put a
lot of people in madhouses—brain damage.”
“Everything puts people in madhouses.”
“Whatcha mean?”
“I mean the LSD brain damage scare is
probably an exaggeration percentage-wise.”
“Oh no, leading doctors and laboratories
and hospitals say so.”
We worked away without conversation for
awhile and I thought I had escaped him. He
had one of those easy mellow voices that
drowned and warbled in its own conviction.
But he began again:
“Are you for LSD?”
“I don’t use it.”

“Don’t you think it’s a passing fad?”
“Nothing that is against the law ever
ceases to exist.”
“Whatcha mean?”
“Forget it.”
“Whatcha think of the hippies?”
“They don’t harm me.”
“Their hair stinks,” he said. “They don’t
take baths. They don’t work.”
“I don’t like to work either.”
“Anything that is unproductive is not good
for society.”
“Some college profs say that these kids are
our new leaders, that we should listen to

>cont 1/2

>> No.13363271

“Experience can dull. With most men experience
is a series of mistakes; the more experience
you have the less you know.”

“You mean to say you are going to listen to
what some 13-year-old kid tells you?”
“I listen to everything.”
“But they aren’t mature, they aren’t
MATURE, don’t you see? That’s why they’re
“Suppose they got jobs? Suppose they
went into industry, went to work turning
bolts for General Motors? Wouldn’t they still
be immature?”
“No, because they’d be working,” he said.
“Furthermore, I think a lot of these kids
are going to be SORRY that they didn’t go to
the war. It’s going to be an experience they’ll
wish they hadn’t missed. They’re going to regret
it later on.”
There fell again the peaceful silence. Then
he said, “you’re not a hippy, are you?”
“I’m working, damn it. And I told you I
was 47.”

“The beard doesn’t mean anything then,
does it?”
“Sure it does. It means, at the moment, I
feel better wearing a beard than I do the other
way. Maybe next week it will be different.”
Silence, silence. Then he switched his
stool, turned his back to me as much as possible
and continued working. I got up and
walked to the men’s crapper and stuck my
head out the window for fresh air. The guy
was my father all over again:
DUTY, MATURITY, all the dull-sounding
hard words. But why were they in such
agony? Why did they hate so much? It
seemed simply that they were very much
afraid that somebody else was having a
damn good time or was not unhappy most of
the time. It seemed that they wanted everybody
to carry the same damn heavy rock they
were carrying. It wasn’t ENOUGH that I was
working beside him like an idiot; it wasn’t
enough for him that I was wasting the few
good hours left in my life—no, he also
wanted me to share his own mind-soul, to
sniff his dirty stockings, to chew on his angers
and hates with him. I was not PAID for
that, the fucker. And that’s what killed you
on the job—not the actual physical work but
being closed in with the dead.
I got on back to my stool. He had his back
turned to me. Poor, poor fellow. I had let him
down. He’d have to look elsewhere. And I
was white and he was white and most of
them were black. Where ya gonna find a decent
white man in a place like this? I could
sense him thinking.
I suppose he would have gotten around to
the Negro question if I had sent out the
proper rays. I had been spared that.
His back was to me. His back was broad,
American and hard. But I couldn’t see his
face and he didn’t speak any more. What had
hurt him worst was that I had neither agreed
with or argued with him. His back was to me.
The remainder of the night was peaceful and
almost kind.

>> No.13363277

That reason is shit. The aliens were setting up an incentive for reciprocation. Standard diplomacy and business tactic. Intelligent life would not need to destroy other intelligent life if a cycle of codependence can be established.

>> No.13363287

>all intelligent life is and acts the same bro xDD

>> No.13363302


>> No.13363305

>The overcoat
good one

>> No.13363315


>> No.13363314

very good

>> No.13363319

>feel good crap
didn't their kid die or some shit?

>> No.13363324

never seen a more anthro post. check your chauvinism kid

>> No.13363335

That one chinese one about the bell and the daughter.
That one about the priest and the veil.
And that one about the big house that collapses because of incest.
3 way tie for certain.

>> No.13363338
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>> No.13363339

>That one chinese one about the bell and the daughter
>That one about the priest and the veil.
>And that one about the big house that collapses because of incest.
House Taken Over?

>> No.13363355

that little cocksucker from Galway has made an utter fool of me after all!

>> No.13363363
File: 1.73 MB, 273x271, 1536468139527.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Great Bell.
The Minister's Black Veil.
The fall of the House of Usher.
I'm drunk and didn't want to look up what the bell one was called but it turns out its just fucking called the great bell, dumb fucking chinese fuckers god damnit

>> No.13363365

public domain audiobook, wikipedia link https://librivox.org/search?title=The+Horla&author=Maupassant&reader=&keywords=&genre_id=0&status=all&project_type=either&recorded_language=&sort_order=catalog_date&search_page=1&search_form=advanced

>> No.13363415

you really really need to watch more films if some bullshit trip like Arrival is what you consider one of the best films ever

>> No.13363427

He could pick much worse to be fair. Not everyone has time or energy to engage in film to a point where they are knowledgeable. Books can be read on trains and inbetween obligations. A film is hard to put down or carry with you, even with the convenience of technology.

>> No.13363439

If they don’t kill us we will kill them. It’s reality that intelligent life will compete, and you can’t racemix humans and aliens. If we became a space faring species and discovered alien life that was comparable to our primitive days we would have to kill them lest let them one day impede humanity. We can assume that alien intelligent life has the same problem and will try to kill us.

>> No.13363520

I believe it is either Ligeia or The Fall of The House of Usher. I also enjoyed Araby and The Dead.

>> No.13363535

>you can’t racemix humans and aliens.
Have you tried it, Greg?

>> No.13363536

Do you know what chromosomes are, Paul?

>> No.13363541

Do you know for certain the possibilities of every alien biology and technology?

>> No.13363553

Neither of us do. Asserting fiction in reality is pointless. What if all you want but do not imply it is unreasonable to claim it is fiction.

>> No.13363558

Take the Barthelme pill

>> No.13363586

Lmao. Feel good crap? Are you so angsty that anything that doesn't end in abject tragedy is "feel good" crap?

>> No.13363594

>Jouettes 4


>> No.13363606

Probably "The Bear" by Billy Boy Faulkner. But the final pages of "The Dead" by Joyce are some of the best I've ever read. Memey answers, I know. But I am a meme.

>> No.13363608

The Cold Equations

>> No.13363668

The Dandelion Girl, Sarrasine, some short story in italian which name I don't remember about some an old man that becomes a cat, and the figure in the carpet

>> No.13363677

>I am a meme
You are a fucking Man. You want to see yourself as some worthless detritus because its easy is fine for you but don't shove your filthy self loathing in my face. You and I are the same species, have some fucking respect, even if it isn't self. Making excuses is for excuses.