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13361487 No.13361487[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I put that i studied philosophy in college on my tinder, which philosopher should i name drop to drop those panties?

>> No.13361502

putting your degree in your tinder bio (especially if its a BA) is a surefire way of giving the impression that you're an unemployed graduate, and women only want to date your wallet.

>> No.13361503
File: 590 KB, 1194x629, Nietzsche night.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13361506

Low IQ cumbrain.

>> No.13361508

Jean Cavaillès

>> No.13361524

deleuze, whitehead, peirce

>> No.13361532
File: 9 KB, 198x264, Maimonides-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maimonides, aka Rambam

>> No.13361544
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Oh my God...

>> No.13361549

Better not mention. The unintellectuals will look at you in disgust although you definitely belong to the better educated and they should respect you.
I’ve only experienced disrespect as philosopher

>> No.13361559

lao tzu
existentialism (but no names)
if youre in a hipster area marx

>> No.13361586

Some existentialist cuck probably... If it has some critical theory involved it's even better

But from my experience it's very rare to know a woman that is really into philosophy. Such realm is too abstract and it needs the principle of reason more than any other, and as Aristotle said, women do not execute such principle (slaves of flesh and passion)

>> No.13361595

>(slaves of flesh and passion)
you know you're posting this stuff on a board where people think semen retention will help prevent them from becoming cumbrains, right? If its the women that are slaves to flesh, why are women rapists so rare?

>> No.13361606

>Why there aren't a lot of woman physically forcing man to have sex with them?


>> No.13361624

They could use the date rape drug if they really wanted to. Or they could threaten them with a knife or deadly weapon. Besides, the ease with which rape is committed has no bearing on the extent to which a particular gender wants to rape the other. If women were truly "slaves to flesh", like you said, then they'd find a way even if rejected by the guy

>> No.13361637

I have considered that, but I just want to see what happens.

Guys, i dont expect any girl to actually know anything about philosophy. Just want to know which pop-phil philosopher makes these thots think they think deeply about life.

>Nietchze kind of night
What the fuck does that even mean

>> No.13361667

Plato and the myth of the cavern

A lot of them probably know that shit, since it's so famous and everyone has heard of it at least once in school

>> No.13361671

Camus and Simone de Beauvoir.

Before anyone calls me a pseud, any girl impressed by name-dropping philosophers on Tinder will be one too.

>> No.13361680

By the way, in which frequency you guys get a match on tinder? Do you give likes to everyone or you select the cute ones?

>> No.13361688

with dogshit pictures and it set to guys and girls to boost my elo i can average five girls/week. if i had good pictures (mine are really bad) i could probably pull > one a day

>> No.13361692

>which pop-phil philosopher makes these thots think they think deeply about life.
Camus. Camus Camus Camus. Short, readable, kitschy and overly derivative but acceptable because he could write somewhat entertainingly and was cool.

>> No.13361697

What kind of women are you looking to attract?

>> No.13361705

>hey girl, u like plato, cuz id like to explore your cave

>> No.13361711

??? plato was a philosopher, to my knowledge he never took part in any cave exploration.

>> No.13361746
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tip btw.
Don't mass spam like on tinder, it will fuck your ELO.

I can get maybe one or two dates a month. I have met a fair share of interesting women on Tinder, but I really do think that tinder self selects the worst people.

btw I'm a straight male.

>> No.13361749
File: 332 KB, 552x413, 1547851779010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women possess men with desire, take away their reason abilities and throw the world into chaos

women got us kicked out of eden

>> No.13361790


>> No.13361817

This is stupid grade school shit, diphead.

I mean damn, haven't you been paying attention to what I've said? Women are not all the same.

Awesome women are awesome and make sex awesome. Period.

They are out there. They might be a little chubby sometimes. They might be 10/10s sometimes. It doesn't have anything to do with how they look though, and that's a good thing: it has to do with how they think :3

>> No.13361824

de Beauvoir

>> No.13361827

You look like you know firsthand

>> No.13361828

uuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh le dionysian lifestyle

>> No.13361837

All cringe "philosophers" and one which got fucked by a nigger

>> No.13361916

imagine being a namefag AND larping as a christian on the internet. depressing

>> No.13361918

They may be cringe and crave BBC, but if name dropping them gets you laid, fuck it.

>> No.13361971

zizek and land

>> No.13362000
File: 59 KB, 658x662, 14247124601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is tinder even worth trying if i'm a balding manlet?

>> No.13362022

Try Grindr anon

>> No.13362041


if you're just trying to get laid you'll save more time and energy with prostitutes. it could probably work if you had a photo taken with a real camera and some subtle yet effective boast in your bio, like "hey bitch i make $1 million every second suck my dick", but even then you'd still be mostly dealing with single mothers and fat girls

>> No.13362042

If you have money.

>> No.13362054

Unless you can leverage status and/or money, balding and manletism combined has no win condition.

>> No.13362062


i disagree on that, victory will come soon for dudes that can't get laid on tinder. when the government rolls out the flesh eating STDs on these tinderellas and manhoes, he might be safe

>> No.13362078
File: 21 KB, 640x480, cosmology_of_kyoto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh well, it's not like i wanted sex anyway

>> No.13362120

The French already figured this shit out man, no need to reinvent the wheel. Say you're into existentialism and name drop Sartre, Camus, de Beauvoir, Nietzsche, and Stirner. That's all you need. It helped emos and goths get laid some decades ago.