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File: 105 KB, 960x600, end-of-evangelion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13359703 No.13359703[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we talk about this? Not posting on /tv/ 'cause it's hot trash.

With the Netflix re-release and how faithfully it depicts the self-professed g/acc telos, I think it'd be cool to look at some of the deeper themes of the show and why it's more relevant today than it's ever been. If this thread is still up soon I will post my analysis.

>> No.13359713

This shit is going to fried some brains. Take it with care and don't let children watch it for fucks sake. Same with The Matrix.

>> No.13359715
File: 65 KB, 635x480, fucking gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Asuka pooped herself in the bathtub. Your waifu needs fucking diapers because she is not potty trained Asukafags

>> No.13359719

Fuck off waifunigger

>> No.13359729

>this whole post
People like you are the reason I'd leave the hive mind

>> No.13359753

The themes of alienation and mental illness sure are more relevant today than when it released back in 1995.

>> No.13359784

Read Aku no Hana.

>> No.13359790

>don't let children watch it for fucks sake
why not? it teaches some valuable lessons about self-worth and emotions

>> No.13359832
File: 182 KB, 1440x1080, k45irelui9v01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shinji is trans.
NERV/SEELE/GEHIRN (The Human Instrumentality Project) is technocapital's acceleration of the human subject, the soul, and technology to survive/surpass a world without futures.
LCL is the blood of Lilith, liquid deterritorialization. (Slimegirlgang ala Nyx.)
Third Impact is the point of singularity.

>> No.13359845
File: 32 KB, 937x224, sell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GR's better

>> No.13359850


>> No.13359859
File: 714 KB, 888x894, here's my fucking citation bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry kiddos, but not all interpretations are valid

>> No.13359862

But Shinji can't be trans, EoE ends with him affirming ontological differentiation as the only thinkable condition for happiness.

Angels are monads, humanity is dyadic. Shinji affirms the dyad, or at least the dyad's consubstantiality with the monad, while NERV/SEELE... want neither, just the Zero.

He rejects the singularity, not because it is the singularity on principle but because the release of the self from selfhood is a contradiction in terms

>> No.13359914
File: 98 KB, 1000x750, download (30).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EoE ends with him affirming ontological differentiation as the only thinkable condition for happiness.

This doesn't preclude Shinji's transness, merely reiterates his conception of ontological separation of entities at the end of evangelion.

>NERV/SEELE... want neither, just the Zero.

I think they want to become the monad of a sorts, don't they? Wasn't that their plan? Mix their (specific) LCL into the Eva as it floats through eternity - a forever-testament to man's being? It seems like they were wanting to be the One, not the Zero. Phallic and eternal, unchanging, never creating-in-itself, merely existing, but existing as a singular?

>He rejects the singularity, not because it is the singularity on principle but because the release of the self from selfhood is a contradiction in terms

Shinji just wasn't ready to come out of the ontological closet. Not surprising for an abused fourteen year old.

>> No.13359919

Great show, probably the only great anime that ever existed and was mainstream, but this is not lit so fuck off nigger

>> No.13359931

> children’s cartoons
Fuck off.

>> No.13359944
File: 306 KB, 555x402, tumblr_inline_p5y76zSk611sss5ih_640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why every fucking faggot on this board posts images of EoE?
EoE is shit. What's worthy about NGE is all in the original series. I love the original series, I hate EoE.
So does Anno.
EoE was Anno's way to say "I fucking hate you, you made me to release this, I pay you back with garbage". This message is hidden, but is clearly stated. And maybe it's the only reason to make EoE somewhat relevant, but that's it.
The movie begins with Shinji jerking off to an unconscious Asuka. Clearly, a metaphor of how fixated, monodimensional, pestering and creeping were the fans of NGE that wanted more. They, as Shinji, kept jerking off a to comatose body. How in hell the Shinji we knew in the series would end up doing something like THAT?
He's clearly not Shinji, but he represents the audience.
As the movie progresses, he doesn't get any better. He's just a cathatonic puppet, literally collapsed into passivity. He's just dragged around, not really much more.
Instead of delivering what was interesting in the show, such as the psychological themes, the movie just pumps out the superfluous: the pseudo religious imagery (that as Anno admitted about the series, "meant nothing"), an over intricate plot of vapid magic rituals, etc.
The only thing that Shinji does is what the audience really wanted: to undo the series' ending in order to get more entertainment.
>But EoE shows the ep. 25-26 from the outer point of view!
No, it doesn't. It just replace it and opens up the ground for the rebuilds. The fact that EoE actually offers two different alternative endings is just like saying "whatever, pick up the trash you like more".

>> No.13359952
File: 1.59 MB, 1094x613, dhf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EoE is the greatest action movie of all time

>> No.13359963

>NGE was better than EoE

The movie begins with Shinji jerking off to an unconscious Asuka. Clearly, a metaphor of how fixated, monodimensional, pestering and creeping were the fans of NGE that wanted more. They, as Shinji, kept jerking off a to comatose body. How in hell the Shinji we knew in the series would end up doing something like THAT?
Because men do this all the time you fucking retard.

>> No.13359977
File: 18 KB, 338x338, (b)eter 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why it's more relevant today than it's ever been

pleb´s favorite sentence

>> No.13359983
File: 48 KB, 704x480, 1_rHmzrTBW7K28lLm9nQzZ_w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but dude, episodes 25 and 26 consisted of only like 100 still frames and they were all done in crayon.

>The movie begins with Shinji jerking off to an unconscious Asuka. Clearly, a metaphor of how fixated, monodimensional, pestering and creeping were the fans of NGE that wanted more. They, as Shinji, kept jerking off a to comatose body. How in hell the Shinji we knew in the series would end up doing something like THAT?

I mean, there's people lurking and posting on this board right now that have been jerking off to Asuka for 20 years now. If anything it was meta-foreshadowing.

>> No.13359997

I suppose if Rei hadn't hijacked Third Impact the technocracy, er, SEELE would have become the One while the rest of humanity is reverted into pre-ontological slime.

Don't think it refutes my point: whether yonic void or phallic monad, both sides (the elites and their unwitting xenofem underlings) are each guilty of attempting to absolutize their respective gender poles, when it is Shinji's affirmation of individuality, and hence sexuation, that signifies a true (Platonic) overcoming of the deadlock of individuation

>> No.13360005

I watched the first 3 episodes and it was just a generic mecha anime. I don't see the big deal.

>> No.13360009

>I mean, there's people lurking and posting on this board right now that have been jerking off to Asuka for 20 years now.
Yeah, EoE was meant for them.
Ep 25-26 might seem crudely executed on a first glance, but they are actually masterfully directed. They are the closest thing to video art that ever came from animes.

>> No.13360027
File: 906 KB, 2544x4000, 1482029619030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's the closest an anime has been to being profound.

>> No.13360028

yes this is a typical for dunning kruger noobs to say

>> No.13360034

/lit/ - litterature

could you at least show the decency to go to the fantasy containment thread?

>> No.13360044
File: 406 KB, 640x479, 2732090f0273358c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it is Shinji's affirmation of individuality, and hence sexuation, that signifies a true (Platonic) overcoming of the deadlock of individuation

I think this might actually play into Shinji's transness. Who better than the trans to exist and affirm the within-and-between of the separations in gender/people/sexuality/living-from-dead, etc. they see in the world? Shinji's deterritorialization of family relations, sex roles, gender, etc. are what make him able to construct a world where individuality is recognizable, because he recognizes his own individuation through his pointed separation from others.

>> No.13360048

You're missing out by sitting on your high horse, gramps

>> No.13360051

Eva is literally just Freud, the Christian symbols are meaningless and the alien apocalypse is lifted from other works. Instrumentality is a somewhat simplistic unification motif asking questions about self and suffering.

How its fandom grew and how everyone missed the point in Japan indicates how Anno failed in his execution of the work, and Rebuild is cynically giving the audience what they think they wanted. Overall the focus on style obscures any point its trying to make to the average audience but makes it very enjoyable to watch.

>> No.13360086

>How its fandom grew and how everyone missed the point in Japan indicates how Anno failed in his execution of the work
lol cope

>> No.13360101

They used religious Symbol TOO MUCH it became laughably incoherent when you go a little deep about this.

>> No.13360100

the truth is eva is almost entierly good for its aethetic

But its the greatest aesthetic of any anime so yeah its amazing.

Tbh its ideas of the self and suffering arn't so simplistic.

>> No.13360116

Just because you didn't understand it doesn't mean it's incoherent

>> No.13360136
File: 319 KB, 1111x1750, Anno_fun_things_are_fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, teen. All the nu-vangelions are on /tv/. That's where you belong you piece of trash.

>> No.13360137

the bible tends to be incoherent anyway

>> No.13360151
File: 10 KB, 233x216, ohnononono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But who is the trans person to talk about the Outside of difference? its body is an endocrinal war zone, there is nothing that suggests a harmonious balance or happy coexistence between opposites, the modern transwoman is a Lilithian hermaphrodite, a putrid mixture of principles and not the properly androgynic/Platonic BLEND.

the "true" trans person is the genius, because (in the case of the male genius) he is reconciled to his lunar/feminine energies in such a way that he is not swallowed by them. the genius is the androgyne, the trans is the hermaphrodite, trying to create with the flesh what it could not perform with the mind.

loneliness is monadic (the angels are the loneliest beings in the series), and while the rest of humanity surrenders to the brahmanic orgy, Shinji remains alone, isolated, and it is that isolation that allows him to perceive the sterility of the Zero.

Shinji isn't trans, he is androgyne, the bisexual Atum come again, he inseminates the LCL Sea with his own determination to live, out of his onanistic, recursive desire (much like Atum) to live, breathe, experience

>> No.13360166

It's a moral propaganda history written for a specific tribe living in North Africa followed by a cult aimed to allow Greek Jews greater social and political flexibility. All of the medieval and onward parts of the religion are based on Augustine's writings and view the bible through his lens instead of anything else.

>> No.13360247

Fick off, purist nigger.

>> No.13360295

>dubfags now calling Shinji a tranny because his voice actor is one
Absolutely epic, plebs

>> No.13360395
File: 60 KB, 480x280, chihiro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gender studies have infected all the analysis of media. I was legit baffled that people couldn't even comprehend that Chihiro was a boy that crossdressed No sir must be secretly a transexual. Fucking cancerous assuming that every character must be secretly gay/tranny/otherkin/attack helicopter while having zero evidence

>> No.13360401

dumb reifag

>> No.13360507

it gets bigger after the first half