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13356350 No.13356350[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Christ will surely come back any day now!
>Right bros?

>> No.13356454

he will, and for everyone, its called 'death'

>> No.13356483


>> No.13356511

>it was just a metaphor bro

>> No.13356521

dont worry, the real thing will still happen, and we should hope that it doesn't happen in our lifetime

>> No.13356531

>tfw losing my faith
it shouldn't have to be like this bros

>> No.13356534

yup :)

>> No.13356554

t. 12th century priest

>> No.13356579

The whole point is that you are supposed to emulate Christ and be his second coming

>> No.13356636

Where in the gospels does it say this?

>> No.13356692

this but unironically. the rapture is individual, not collective

>> No.13356779

>doesn't understand subtext and metaphor
Never going to make it

>> No.13356789

>the bible is metaphorical
>except the parts that you're supposed to take literally
>no there is no way to differentiate between them
>it doesn't matter because you're going to hell either way
great religion

>> No.13356797

Both of you will be burned in hell for misrepresenting the scripture

>> No.13356934

Holy... I want more

>> No.13357246

>Hurp derp it's just a metophor you dumb heretic!

This is your brain on Christcuckery

>> No.13357336

This is the stuff that just makes me cringe and doubt the whole thing. I'll read some philosopher give some bulletproof argument for Gods existence and agree with him then find out he also believes in miracles and that Jesus rose from the dead because of "the historical evidence" and I don't know what to think anymore.

>> No.13357509

Don't fret anon, just live a spiritual life regardless and possibly join another tradition if you need to. As long as you remember your soul is eternal and needs to climb towards the Divine, which is the purpose of your lifetimes, then you will be fine. I don't appreciate the fact Christianity claims you have but one lifetime, when evidence and sense tells us that simply is not true.

>> No.13358294
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Reminder that the virginity of Mary is a metaphor for the purity of Sophia. Reason unhindered by pretension of causality or expedience, that is to say "I think because I fear the stick" or "I think because I want the carrot", and unencumbered by the Object, that is to say "my thinking must be tied to that which it surpasses".

>> No.13358308

I've always liked this take
First coming of Christ is you hearing about Christ
Second coming of Christ is you becoming Christ, i.e. Christ making his triumphant return within your own heart

>> No.13358312

Why do you want him to?
You want him to fix things? You? The world?
Truth is, God is in your heart.
We, society abandoned him.

First try to find him and sincerely believe.
You can't do anything about he non believers but you can try to guide them along to the path.

>> No.13358313

Take the entire thing metaphorically brainlet

>> No.13358321

>resurrection is a metaphor of death

>> No.13358323

will the antichrist give me "eternal life"?

>> No.13358449

>The whole point is that you are supposed to emulate Christ and be his second coming
So be a NEET, have tiny social circle, only woman in your life is your mother and constantly bitch about everything while everyone makes a mockery out of you?

>> No.13358457
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>You can't do anything about he non believers but you can try to guide them along to the path.
Dont do that
Leave us alone for fucks sake you fucking messiah complex stupid fucks

>> No.13358508

It is God who judges, not Christ. They are two separate entities.

Christ's way is truth, quite literally. A proper Christian will not lie, will not let lies leave their lips. I've been experimenting with that for quite some time now, over a year to be sure, perhaps even over a year and a half, and my experience is that it works. Lies fail, whether immediately or in time, and whether directly or indirectly. I see it a lot in my room mate. He's a self-professed 'Liberal', an atheist, he has no moral compass whatsoever from what I can tell, he lies at the drop of a hat seemingly even if there's nothing for him to gain in it he's got a firm reputation of lying that is well-known to both my decent room mate and my landlord, has called me a faggot several times (usually via yelling through a door or wall like a pure coward) for being bisexual, and has referred to shoveling snow as 'nigger work'. He also regards all religion fundamentally as bullshit and has mocked me, even in front of his 'friends', for my Christian faith.

In the past couple years I've learned from this nearly-60-year-old hedonist just how far someone can fall into a Hell on Earth by making the wrong decisions in life, he's even stolen from me and had once attempted to borrow money from me without paying it back. Just as an experiment I kept it in the back of my mind and waited. Ultimately, his 'girlfriend' (she basically likes to hit on other guys in front of him, including myself, to cuck him) ended up giving me that money back, and more, when I finally mentioned it a month and a half or two months later. She was quite upset with him. He is fundamentally evil and seeks to cause whatever mischief he can to inconvenience and annoy others. Can't tell you how many times he woke me up via a stomp on the floor or a slam of his door just to wake me up, but I always confront him on the matter, which he hates. He wants to cause me pain but not have to look me in the face or talk to me, he can never hold eye-contact for more than a second or two at a time, but my eyes bore directly into his. The ONLY reason that I'm not in prison and he's not in the ground RIGHT NOW, is because of my faith, and the strength that God gives me, along with the wisdom that Christ gives me. I start College in September and I don't want to throw that away just for him, that five-and-a-half foot tall bastard whom I could easily, EASILY, beat to death with my bare hands. I've dreamt it, envisioned it, and that coward wouldn't stand a chance. The lifelong smoker can't even walk up a steep hill without stopping to catch his breath.

It is incredible how evil can spread, like an octopus' slippery tentacles it can reach out in so many directions at once and pull people down into the depths, but thus far I've managed to remain afloat even though he desires to watch me drown. He'll be gone in a few years anyhow, not many, I'd be surprised if he got to see 2028. Poor, alone, diseased, with nobody to mourn him.