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/lit/ - Literature

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13357447 No.13357447 [Reply] [Original]

How do I improve my grammar?

>> No.13357544


>> No.13357615
File: 20 KB, 181x272, handbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burger schools suck ass for teaching grammar. The Simon and Schuster Handbook helped me a lot, despite the fact that it is published by Jews. Burger schools tend to only teach rudimentary grammar and then expect you to osmotically get the rest through literature. I found the formal structure of the Handbook to work much better than using a patchwork quilt of literature.

>> No.13357643

turn on grammar check in word

>> No.13357648

Sorry but, your either born with grammar or, your not
its a hard wired thing

>> No.13357656

How good is this? I am an oldfag and have used various iterations of such a thing. They were all trash. They all wanted to "correct" any uncommon grammatical variants. I am skeptical of the value of such a tool.

>> No.13357789 [DELETED] 

Should loli really be allowed to use a blender?

>> No.13357818

That's Yotsuba you swine

>> No.13357835

Take correction

>> No.13357997

Imitate mid 20th century American essayists.

>> No.13358007


>> No.13358011


that's not a loli

>> No.13358032

This question actually really perplexes me because anytime anyone examines my work they always seem to complain about the grammar
Honestly, I think the only reason one should care about the use of grammar is to better personify a character's phonetics

>> No.13358147

>it's ok if my narration is unintelligible

>> No.13359215
File: 121 KB, 419x547, grammar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going through this book now. It helps to know what everything is called so that you know what to search for if you're ever stuck.
People call my writing "awkward", whatever that means

>> No.13359247

Learn latin

>> No.13359517

All /lit/‘s books suck except Warriner’s Grammar
And by Warriner’s Grammar I mean just grammar in general, traditional and modern

>> No.13359636

this, its pretty much useless in itself, but the focus on grammar teaches you English grammar, it also improves your vocabulary and makes you able to guess what unknown words mean without having to consult a dictionary.

>> No.13360067

^OP gets it
>go to law school
>law is a field where they put geniuses, Cardozo e.g.
>no more bullshit
>what does this fucking case mean?
>listen to English majors get pummeled
>idiots are talking about shit from Flannery O’Connor course!
>be me, all I know is grammar, stone cold, and math and science
>know grammar like Michael Jackson knows dance moves and secluded spots near summer camps
>don’t give a shit about classroom participation
>all I do is write down every fuckng thing the prof says, like that four-eyed Chink in Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother
>guess who’s laughing now, ROUND EYES

>> No.13360067,1 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

Now on the Internet there are many resources for independent study. The point is not just in verifying words, but in learning the rules and constant practice.

>> No.13360067,2 [INTERNAL] 

The Internet is definitely capable of doing wonders!