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13353887 No.13353887[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are so many whites who are into philosophy so hung up on traditionalism and esotericism instead of riding the wave, tackling modern issues head-on, and imbuing the modern cultural landscape with their own sentiment rather than the sentiment of their fathers? Are white families in such disarray that the will of the father really has that much precedence over the child's will? That is all traditionalism and esotericism is. Esoteric fascinations come from the child's fascination with the father's fascinations which are culturally alien to the child.

>> No.13353916
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>Why are so many whites who are into philosophy so hung up on traditionalism and esotericism instead of riding the wave, tackling modern issues head-on, and imbuing the modern cultural landscape with their own sentiment rather than the sentiment of their fathers?

Because the Traditional teachings and esoteric metaphysics is where most of the only ideas of real worth are anymore, the modern culture landscape is all trash my man

>> No.13353921

If it is "all trash" then that is because everyone today is trash and spending more time on nonsense like traditionalism and esotericism and less doing what I just said in order to produce new, valuable works and insights.

>> No.13353972

>Why are so many whites who are into philosophy so hung up on traditionalism and esotericism instead of riding the wave, tackling modern issues head-on, and imbuing the modern cultural landscape with their own sentiment rather than the sentiment of their fathers?
If anything younger whites are rejecting their fathers values and looking for the older more established values you discuss. They see reality like shifting sand and want something firm to stand on.

>> No.13354005

There is a bit of what you say in people who slavishly embed themselves in old ideologies for the sense of self, and they reckon if they haven't studied every thinker of the "western canon" and fully comprehend them they feel too humble to even elaborate usable thoughts for the modern time. So a sort of mass society failure of the ego occurs except for the deluded ideologues who now produce most of the art.

Basically stop thinking you need the approval of the "greats" to think or create and just do it and embody the times like they did.

>> No.13354016

on what grounds is anyone going to produce something great if they deprive themselves of the greatest thinkers and artists of their ancestry? how do you propose people conjure up a new world ex nihilo without a sure foundation?

>> No.13354059
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>are white families in such disarray

>> No.13354080

Isn't that exactly what they do? Most progressive, post-modernist and even Neo-Marxist philosophers are white. Trads and esotericists are an absolute minority and are rejected by academia.

If anything, it's actually non-whites who are fascinated by their ancestors and base their entire philosophies on issue of race and ethnonarcissism.

>> No.13354090
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>> No.13354105

Jews aren't White.

>> No.13354242
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Accelerate art and moral virtue. Be the conservative you wish to see in the world.

>> No.13354260
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The only things we're allowed to talk about is freedom. You can't talk about hierarchy or struggle as a virtue (can you imagine saying slavery made their culture stronger?)

>> No.13354391

>why would you want to use a blueprint to build a house just guess and hope it doesn't collapse lmao

>> No.13354499

Modern cultural landscape is indeed trash, and people have been prophesying our present degeneracy for hundreds of years already. How much style would you have to muster up to justify writing another infinite jest.

I think your options are either
1. create a compelling enough synthesis of tradition/esotericism and start a real life cult. something like JBP if he wasn't a greedy pseud boomer. you would need mad charisma as well

2. write sci-fi. bostrom and land do pretty well here. this is where the hardcore materialists running the world are going anyways so it's worth mapping out no?
Is it possible to design a friendly AI? Would it be a desirable God on earth? are we just gonna continue running the capitalist rat race to the bottom until we kill ourselves in 50 years?

>> No.13354509
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>tackling modern issues
>cultural landscape
>produce new, valuable works and insights

>> No.13354627

Because the accusation of white priviledge makes whites deeply uncomfortable and angry, so in order to improve their station they look to whatever is the most contrarian or esoteric position they can adopt at that time in order to situate themselves as a kind of oppressed minority.

>> No.13354697

Me desu

>> No.13354726

Orwell looks pretty cool here

>> No.13354749

>instead of riding the wave, tackling modern issues head-on, and imbuing the modern cultural landscape with their own sentiment rather than the sentiment of their fathers?
Because that was already completed by Marx. The only way for someone who wants to reject that leads backwards in time.

>> No.13354757

jews dont react very well to being told they have jewish privilege either

>> No.13354801

The age of ideologies is over. The current culture war and the reappearance of the "far right" (which I would call a movement and not an ideology) leads me to believe authoritarian politics of some form is also going to make a reappearance. Not now, maybe not even in the 20s, but as the zoomer generation gets older I can see it definitely becoming a possibility. Expect a Sulla to take power by force within the next 20 years.

>> No.13354837

"Da joos" is an arbitrary placeholder for the evils of global capital, its just anti-semites are too busy scapegoating to realise the marxists are actually their brothers-in-arms. Why can't we be friends :(

>> No.13354850

Too many of you are homos and trannies. If you gulag them we’ll talk.

>> No.13354862

Capitalism is just as much of a scapegoat for the left as jews are for the right. Capitalism is a direct result of democracy. The economic system follows the political system.

>> No.13354879

If you can look at white people and say 'why are they so successful it must be privilege' why can you not do it for jews?

>> No.13354884

>he doesn't think homosoc and homofash are a match made in heaven
First you can suck my dick, then I'll suck your dick, then we can both suck the glorious shaft of the state together

>Capitalism is a direct result of democracy
fuck democracy

>> No.13354895

Jewish priviledge is white priviledge, or at least, they benefit from being white-passing. All of the things you would call "jewish priviledge"– financially literate, strong in-group mentality, etc. – are the result of systematic persecutions across the world that have forced them to adapt and close ranks when the time calls for it.

>> No.13354923

>strong in-group mentality
Whether this is due to outside pressure or not it's surely relevant in understanding why they dominate certain fields.

>> No.13354943

>authoritarian politics of some form is also going to make a reappearance
This does seem inevitable, but I don't think it will involve the far right. A white ethnostate is bad for business and anti everything that made the west rich and powerful. Besides, they are easy to brand as terrorists and crush without any sympathies from the rest of the country.

I don't think they'd muster enough support for civil war either - many average disenfranchised americans would much rather find their home in the left. a genuine left, not a faux social-justice left.
This left and the money seems like a much more pressing vector for conflict - the zeitgeist is to elect socialists who promise more loot and to invite more looters. Can the capitalists still buy the democracy and mitigate its plunder? Or will they at some point cut ties and look to keep Chinese style robo police state instead

>> No.13354974
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Many of my own sentiments ARE the sentiments of my Fathers, although certainly not all. I change my sentiments at my own pace, I do not throw over all of the wisdom of my fathers simply in order to be different, as a small child would. In any event major change is not in and of itself intrinsically good, indeed to pursue change just in order to be different is as childish as denying the usefulness of any change at all.

>> No.13354994

Watcha doin' Rabbi?

>> No.13355008

Not really. Capitalism is the correct diagnosis. Unfettered to political/moral authority, it enters the social/cultural sphere, "liberating" and commodifying its contents.
Joos are a scapegoat because they have been capitalists for a long time, having no political authority, but they are generic. The chinese were the jews of south east asia. Your fellow whites will gladly joo you if you ditch the joos but keep the system.

>> No.13355016

>Capitalism is a direct result of democracy. The economic system follows the political system.
It's the other way of course. I suggest you open a history book and compare when the first industrial revolution took place with when the universal suffrage was achieved.

>> No.13355057

>Unfettered to political/moral authority, it enters the social/cultural sphere, "liberating" and commodifying its contents.
But this is exactly what democracy is. A state is a system of hierarchies but democracy does its best to do away with as many hierarchies as it can while still maintaining a (somewhat) functioning state. Everyone has rights but nobody has responsibilities. Every man for himself. It's the political thinking of a pirate. Naturally capitalism emerges from this system.
I suggest you open a history book (not marxist garbage) and you'll find that the prototype for American democracy was British parliamentarianism, which, not coincidentally, was where capitalism also first appeared.

>> No.13355089 [SPOILER] 
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No, it makes whites pissed off to be lied about and scapegoated just for being themselves. I am an old anon, 50+, and we used to joke about people who hated themselves for being white, who were suffering from the disease of "White Liberal Guilt". Unfortunately what we used to laugh at and call "White Liberal Guilt" is being inculcated into people today by the Liberal controlled establishment: people are being brainwashed to regard their justifiable anger as "wrong" somehow. This is done by use of a double bind which, through specious reasonings and redefinitions of words, makes ANYTHING a white person say or do wrong. "Have you stopped beating your wife? Answer yes or no!"
Just because this has been pushed on us for the last few decades does not mean it is true, or that is inevitable, or that it will last. Indeed, the pendulum is already swinging back, the reaction is already here. People who look back in time and get a perspective of what has been taken from them want to take it back.

>> No.13355118

>when whites excel and promote each other it’s because they’re bad
>when Jews excel and promote each other it’s because white people are bad
I hate Americans so much, you people are cucked in the extreme

>> No.13355125

because you mostly discuss philosophy on 4chan

>> No.13355213

Agreed. You'd find a lot more reasonable allies with this kind of conservatism rather than blaming jews for every ill.

Still I wouldn't say capitalism is a scapegoat for the left though. Even though it's historically what they asked for, since it was economic freedom from feudal hierarchies, now it stands in the way as the very last hierarchy to destroy. Democracy is their tool, not a problem.

>> No.13355220
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oh hai there

>> No.13355221
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I've got a modern issue for you to tackle head-on
>pic related

>> No.13355236

>shitty low res image
>classic boomer hatred for "the liberal media"
>falsely equating the acknowledgement of privilege with the idea that white people aren't allowed to be angry
working-class americans have every right to be angry. But they should be angry at the government and corporations that have deindustrialised the country and exported your job somewhere cheaper. Noone is denying that that particular anger is real, but the anger of white people at being called privileged is simply the rage of caliban not seeing his own face in the glass

I'm not american, thank god. But I don't see why this is so difficult to wrap your head around. Ostracise a particular group and they have no choice but to coordinate their efforts and consolidate their strength within their ranks, this is a very straightforward and reasonable point

>> No.13355265

>it's another 'everything white people like is bad' episode
sorry about your POC 'women' all being 3/10s btw

>> No.13355287

But its true, white people like snow patrol, vanilla bean paste and the archers. Literally everything they like is milquetoast shit

>> No.13355301

I suggest you open a history book and you'll find that the prototype for capitalism was British mercantilism, which, not coincidentally, was where parliamentarism also first appeared.

>> No.13355310

I say it is a scapegoat. By blaming capitalism for all the ills of modern society they blind themselves to the truth. I would go as far to say that capitalism doesn't even exist - it's a concept invented by the left who confuse politics with economics as the primary mover of history. When I use the word capitalism I use it in the sense that it's not any kind of planned system, it's the absence of one, the economic style that goes hand in hand with liberal democracy. The leftist confusion is also a result of democracy, the political system that sees the state in service of the people, rather than the other way around. The state exists as a sign of its population's readiness to band together in war, but democracy wants to use the state as a tool for its own purposes. Socialists also want to use the state which has been mostly torn down by democracy, so all that's left is economics.

>> No.13355319

And yet British parliamentarism goes back as far as the Magna Carta, please keep up.

>> No.13355334
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everything i don't like is milquetoast shit*

white people actually have hobbies while POCs have none. i have never met a black person who truly cared about high culture, and all of them involved in 'philosophy' write SOLELY about how dey oprezed bah da whymayn.

>> No.13355340

>I have never met a black person but I'm going to pretend I know uncultured blacks on the internet to score points

>> No.13355345

>black people are so sacred and rare that only truly BLESSED and BASED wh*te""people""" can meet one!!!

stop replying to me, sub-70 iq "human"

>> No.13355367


How many black people have you met? I’ve met mostly white people in my life and almost none of them was interested in philosophy or „high culture“, I don’t believe this has anything to do with race, Most people in general don’t give a shit about philosophy, history and the humanities outside of universities

>> No.13355374

>its the fault of black people that I keep poor company
We get it, you live a sheltered lifestyle with uninteresting people. No need to keep attacking the blacks because you're in a pretty shitty position in the social hierarchy

>> No.13355384

crackas can't keep up

>> No.13355422

go live in a black city you delusional faggot