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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.78 MB, 2424x1611, Royal_Ontario_Museum_edit3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13348780 No.13348780 [Reply] [Original]

book to explain this

>> No.13348782


>> No.13348805

Learning from Las Vegas

>> No.13348808

The Silmarillion

>> No.13348819

It's literally a doodle

>> No.13348840
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>> No.13348850

This one is actually cool

>> No.13348852


>> No.13348853 [SPOILER] 
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Best girl.

>> No.13348861

Why must (post)modern architects always be such pretentious counts?

>> No.13348873

Everything around the building is the bigger problem

>> No.13348878

they're the embodiment of individualism (arrogance) and discard harmony and beauty in favour of aggrandising themselves.

they think nothing of harming the eyes of everyone who lives in the vicinity of their work every day, while they rarely have to set their eyes upon their monstrosities.

>> No.13348887

Unironically this. Morgoth is like Satan. He can't create anything on his own, he can only take what is good and twist and corrupt.

>> No.13348904

especially that canadian flag

>> No.13348915
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And fuck you too

>> No.13348916
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>a million other old buildings to looks at
>waah, why isn't the only one that stands out and make you think the same!

>> No.13348926

You've never been to toronto then.

>> No.13348927

>stands out and make you think
what a pleb

>> No.13348932

what a surprise, it's a canuck

>> No.13348938
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>the only one that stands out

this is the problem with capitalism

>> No.13348940

This makes me chuckle more than making me mad, it's like a good joke

>> No.13348945

fucking leaf

>> No.13348946

Yes is more, by Bjarke Ingels
Unironically this

>> No.13348952

>capitalism is at fault for ugly architecture
One more line added to the long list of retarded opinions on the crimes of capitalism.

>> No.13348953

>it's like a good joke
Yes, as in Canada is just one massive joke that everyone stopped laughing at a long time ago.

>> No.13348956

Look at Soviet brutalism you retard. It's not better.

>> No.13348957

individualism is wickedness

>> No.13348958
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>Dali on Modern Art, The Cuckolds of Antiquated Modern Art

>> No.13348962
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There aren't too many interesting buildings.

>> No.13348963

>you fink capitalism bad so u marksist!

another brilliant post by the barren butterfly

>> No.13348964
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>smug American secretly envious of Canada
As they say "success breeds jealousy."

>> No.13348967

Why do Jews do this?

>> No.13348970

parasitic in nature, only able to corrupt their lifegivers.

>> No.13348975
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>Dude steel triangles lmao

>> No.13348977
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>>you fink capitalism bad so u marksist!
>another brilliant post by the barren butterfly

>> No.13348983

The transvaluation of values is the essential meta-ethic of christianity, and therefore the west. This should be obvious.

>> No.13348997

what motivates a childless, post-menopausal woman to post under a tripcode on an anime imageboard?

>> No.13349008
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Why are you so butthurt? Did I hurt your FEEFEES?

>> No.13349018
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see >>13348805
I feel like lso "Digital culture in architecture" by Antoine Picon or "composition, non-composition" by Jacques Lucan or even anything by Greg Lynn are good starts on the subject.
If you feel like it you could also read "Informal" by the engineer Cecil Balmond, he describe his work with Libeskin on another museum project, the V&A spiral (pic related)

>> No.13349027

when you forget about beauty, things like this usually happen

>> No.13349089

Roger Scruton

>> No.13349101

I think it looks good

>> No.13349112

You are being brainwashed

>> No.13349115

I would have no qualms with these people and those like them being thrown in a gas chamber

>> No.13349127

it's literally a cancerous growth

>> No.13349132

>U r being brainwashhed!!! Now read this obscure totally not part of the brainwash system fillosofur fredwrecked neetzchee
Have sex my friend

>> No.13349133

>everything around that building is a bigger problem
He's technically correct. Perverse modernity is the reason something like that was allowed to happen.

>> No.13349158
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>> No.13349175

don't try to weasel out of your Godlessness by calling it relativity

>> No.13349183



>> No.13349192
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Have sex

>> No.13349232

I agree that it looks good and it's more interesting than the other buildings, what's the problem

>> No.13349243

I'm going to assume no one read Tom Wolfe's book From Bauhaus to Our House

>> No.13349366
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>> No.13349496

You guys realize this architecture style is outdated already right? It's always the same picture of the Museum you complain about too. If you don't like it just stop thinking about it so much

>> No.13349501


/lit/ proving me wrong once again. Based and Wolfepilled

>> No.13349510
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>You guys realize this architecture style is outdated already right?

>> No.13349519

putting random pointy bits of metal and glass on old buildings has definitely not yet run its course with our architectural luminaries

>> No.13349529
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>> No.13349544


>> No.13349593
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>> No.13350612

why not

>> No.13350702

i hated it at first but after seeing it so many times, it's actually not that terrible desu

>> No.13350713

Drawing for architecture by Leon kreir

>> No.13350741

literally kill yourself

>> No.13350820

>yeah man, we have to, like, make it clear that our intervention is ,like, something posterior to the building itself

>> No.13350828

This is unironically great. Stop pretending to care about the notre dame cathedral because you project your feeble undergrad minds of what the past was "really like" unto it. You fetishize the past and thus destroy it you fucking untermensch incels

>> No.13350831
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>> No.13350836

>cultural marxist calling projecting on others that they have feeble undergrad minds

>> No.13350837

How has no one mentioned the fountainhead by ayn rand yet?

>> No.13350846
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modern and postmodern architecture can and has produced monstrocities, but often critics of it tend to be laymen boomers with a hard-on for a time long past. (>>13349366) Like seriously, people like these "new urbanism" faggots are insufferable https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waalgjQ52vM
The modernist masters were geniuses, that also were extremely avant garde to a fault. Most buildings made by Le Corbusier or Mies are an eyesore and unlivable/unusable, but there's SO much to learn from them it's actually insane.

>> No.13350850

>if you like one of the most beautiful religious buildings in the world you're just fetishizing the past
You're a disgusting person

>> No.13350855

Mein Kampf

>> No.13350872

>Have sex
You first.

>> No.13350884
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>another brilliant post by the barren butterfly
audibly laughed

>> No.13350885

>Cultural marxism
If you cared about religion or Notre Dame you would know not to idolize its material form. You would be receptive to change but you're not and you dont because you're a spawn of satan who cannot affirm the beauty of God's creation in its wholeness. You only care about your narrow and limited definition of beauty. You dont care about notre dame you care about imposing your will on other men.

>> No.13350897

You know nothing about God you pray to progress and change

>> No.13350911

Absolute pseud post right here.

>ou dont care about notre dame you care about imposing your will on other men.
What does that even mean? you're just posting a word salad hoping to sound smart.

>> No.13351069

Absolutely disgusting. Not even being ironic.

>> No.13351096

Not either of them but it's not ugly just because it's different. It's ugly because it clashes directly with the aesthetic of the rest of the building.

Letting in more light is a good idea and it'd be nice to add something new rather than just redoing the roof the way it was before but just plopping something modern right on top of a Gothic, especially one that iconic, is retarded.

>> No.13351102

*Gothic church

>> No.13351110

sounds like modernism

>> No.13351219


>Most buildings made by Le Corbusier or Mies are an eyesore and unlivable/unusable, but there's SO much to learn from them it's actually insane.

such as? Give specific examples.

>> No.13351226

looks pretty good

>> No.13351234

this looks fucking amazing, though

>> No.13351240
File: 399 KB, 1568x1120, Le Corbusier-Notre Dame du Haut, France.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu Modernist architecture was an interesting experiment that should have been tested before hand in a few cities instead of applying it on mass before a few decades had passed to observe the effects it would have on society

>> No.13351281

>but there's SO much to learn from them it's actually insane.
How would one go about doing that?

>> No.13351894

Le Corbusier was a master in promoting suicide. Seriously the 'unit' in Marseilles is where people went to kill themselves from all over the city. That's a much better bizarro psychological experiment than whatever happens in meme academia departments.

>> No.13351910

Gothic already leaves enough light. It was one of the motives for its rapid domination over the previous styles like romanesque or pisan.
Letting more light in would lower the value of the whole interior.

>> No.13352355

From Bauhaus to Our House by Tom Wolfe

>> No.13352419

I do not know of books but i believe this documentary would be of relevance in understanding:

>> No.13352507

It does unless you're a traditionalist larper who only enjoys architecture built by slave labour

>> No.13352519

Infinitely based

>> No.13352614

>make you think
If a dumb looking building makes you """"""""""think"""""""""" you are a sub 50 iq nigger.

>> No.13352633

You are an objectively inferior being.

>> No.13352770
File: 76 KB, 564x1018, barcelona pavillion mies van der rohe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mies for example added a 4th dimension to architecture (time) by thinking about his buildings as successions of spaces, instead of a series of independent boxes. He breaks with the room as having 4 walls, a roof and a floor and everything instead is interconnected and spaces flow from one another. Look up his 1931 berlin exhibition house for a clear look on this.
Or you could read Le Corbusier's modulor and his insane search for a human scale on architecture using math. Or look up his use of light and the symbolism in Saint Pierre.
Fuck there's a whole book about modernist architecture I have as a pdf but it's in spanish sadly.

>> No.13352778

i forgot the name but its form Michael E Jones

>> No.13353009

Neon Genesis Evangelion

>> No.13353432

>Avenue Road
Postmodern Trash

>> No.13353442

Triangle is bullying my brickstone building, what the fuck man.

>> No.13353444

The crystal exists to ass-blast autists

>> No.13354564

It's called Living Machines

>> No.13354570

a computer repair manual because your video card is overheating.

>> No.13354762
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>giant triangular grid in front of old building
For what purpose?

>> No.13354787

That's great, actually

>> No.13354791

Holy shit shut the fuck up you pretentious cocksucking moron

>> No.13355097

Im gonna fuck you in the mouth

>> No.13355126

oh please do

>> No.13355399

Salesmanship, pandering. Most of their buildings are picked by executives who want something conspicuous for the sake of conspicuousness (and for the association to an architect already famous for having an extremely easy to recognize style) regardless of what organization they're promoting by selecting them. The modernists had other criteria, at best a synthesis of the aesthetic and pragmatic that combined the best of both. Examples of those usually must be experienced in-person to appreciate how good they are despite how little impact they make in pictures, and were seldom built on the cheap like the endless bad knock-offs of them.

This, for the most part. Though even the best of the modernists were guilty of buildings bad enough to prompt their owners to neglect them, they did invent a vocabulary for building with steel that is suited more to poetry than to farce.

>> No.13355467

That isn't the same style

>> No.13355471
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>> No.13355862

My diary desu

>> No.13355912

>literature board
>posts a podcast
already bad
>listen to it, 1 minute in
>the term "dispenser of redpills" is used
oh no no no no

>> No.13355953

>4 minutes in
>Schoenberg was a jew who got cucked and decided to create atonal degenerate music as a revenge against western music and civilization
holy shit this is insane. I may listen to all of this now.

>> No.13355963

It's literally called deconstructivism, per Derrida.

>> No.13356072

i walk past this almost every single day and i've never thought much about it desu

>> No.13356081

Canada has the ugliest architecture in the Western World, bar none. I suppose Australia may similar or worse for I know (given their similar origins) but I never encountered architecture so ugly and widespread outside of Canada. I understand these architectural trends can be found throughout the world (indeed, this is literally one of the main aspects of architectural modernism), but Canada's bar for beauty is so low that its cities are prolific displays of ugliness.
4chan's hatred of Canada is funny and unironically warranted. Self satisfied Canadians have gone far too long being smug about living is such shitholes. If Canada disappeared of the map almost nothing of value would be lost.

>> No.13356925

but anon, I am writing a novel and I live here. Just give me a chance

>> No.13357092

Doctor Strange: The Movie

>> No.13357162
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>he hasn't seen Belgian houses

>> No.13357247
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There is a brutalist structure in the same area. I think they are adding a big glass structure to it

>> No.13357277

This is very well implemented for a brutalist design. Actually kind of like this

>> No.13357347
File: 602 KB, 2000x1014, good_urban_space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern architecture is egotistical. It seeks to stand out in the way a painting stands out from a gallery wall. Though architecture is just as much an art, treating it like we treat other forms of art leads to creations that are inhuman, meant to be looked at, not experienced. They belong more in a photograph or idea than in real life. This novelty factor is the only thing these "cerebral" styles have to offer.
The qualities that draw people to the old styles is more than pure nostalgia as it's opponents snobbishly claim. Old architecture was manually designed with less planning, and the resulting spaces it created were human-sized, unmonotonous and diverse/distinctive.

>> No.13357454

>a tranny jew from Canada
Good lord.

>> No.13357500

no it's not. it's so ugly as part of our frosh week we make names to make fun of that turkey mess

>> No.13357575

I see but even then things like individualism, aggrandising themselves, or harming the style of the vicinity has a rather modern spirit. Think of, say, contextual architecture, or that postmodernism is a current that in some ways goes counter to modernism, such that it doesn't embrace the modernist arrogance that privileges some aspects of the system

>> No.13357675

Jameson's Postmodernism

>> No.13357708

Do you really need a book to explain this?

>> No.13357786

"dude....what if art could be like ugly and meaningless??? what if meaning and beauty are oppressive?? holy FUCK im so smart and original"
it's virtue signalling to Duchamp seemingly with zero innovation+a physical projection of neurotic minds full of insecurity (I need to offend normies and my dad to get in the kool kids klub).

>> No.13358028

This shit isn't that bad as long as it's coherent, as long as the city as a unit is coherent. Consistency is a start but not the end. I often think the suburbia around me is disgusting because each house is different, each has a large fence around it, and all of the materials and styles are meaningless/disconnected from themselves, other houses, and the environment around them. These childish metal boxes are not ideal but they could work if done properly.

>> No.13358243

it just needs a thinkpad logo

>> No.13358276

https://youtu.be/f6JjmSAiwsI - Jonathan Meades is always good on architecture. Definitely read his "Museum Without Walls".

Owen Hatherley also is interested in what he calls the "new ruins" of Blair era Great Britain

>> No.13358279

this is your brain on itself

>> No.13358282

It has nothing to do with Derrida

>> No.13358433

nobody ever discusses the interior

>> No.13358920

This thread has been screaming the whole time for someone who /pol/s it to death. A wonder, it hasn't happened yet.

>> No.13359100

it looks like it smells of mildew

>> No.13359200


>> No.13359446

This library is on the University of Toronto campus and it is sometimes called Fort Book. It is also compared, from this angle, to a turkey. The head/breast area is the rare book section.

I think it and the Royal Ontario Museum (OP's picture) are some of the ugliest buildings in the city.

>> No.13359642

90% of the authors posted are politically right-wing conservatives already. It's pretty much /pol/ without the jew element.

>> No.13359657

Suicide of the West by James Burnham
Suicide of the West by Jonah Goldberg (boomer-tier)
The Death of the West by Buchanan (based boomer-tier)
The Strange Death of the West by Douglas Murray
Coming Apart by Charles Murray
Is the Common Man too Common? By Krutch (not sure of the author name, but a good quick read on how democracies democratize art)
Civilization by Niall Feguson (pretty good, kinda memes the whole "China will take over" a bit much, making it age poorly)
The Decline of the West by Spengler (the o.g.)
From Dawn to Decadence by Barzun (my favorite, have not even read the whole thing)

>> No.13359666

Based. Relativism is the squishy of the mediocre.

>> No.13359708


>> No.13359811

I live there and I like the way it looks, especially from the inside

You guys are a bunch of regressive losers. The ROM building looks like any number of early 20th century U of T buildings that are immediately adjacent to it. The Lee-Chin crystal gives it character and has utility on the inside as well

>> No.13359824
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>> No.13359828


>> No.13359964

You're kind of right, but wouldn't you say this heterogeneity is a by product of the temporal nature of urban development and the multiplicity of the powers involved in it? No city was ever a coherent whole, it has always multiple forces acting through it, leaving their different marks. And those marks accumulate and overlap through time in the fabric of the city.
Look at the historic center of Rome nothing is more incoherent than that but I bet most of the people finding this kind of architecture ugly would find Rome beautiful (which it is but too crowded by tourists)
The real issue here is passeism and denial, rejection of anything new. To be perfectly fair I'll add this :

Rethink the whole decor or be forever haunted by the specter of the separation between art and decor : the decorative.
Beautiful pieces of architecture, witnesses of a superior degree of organic conscience, change into decorative elements by their isolated status - beautiful singularities sunk into an environment which is not in unison.
The environmental decor is made as a memory testifying the eternal divorce between the ideal of an integral ornament confined to a few avant-garde buildings and the anarchy of the city which vows those to be, at best, elements of the city decor with no rationality other than its own history. The decorative becomes the anticipation of what should have been the decor if it had resulted from a general drafting. The avant-garde is always conjugated in a past tense of the future.

>> No.13361456

Look at this degenerate atheist trying to teach others about their religion.