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13342035 No.13342035[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Nobody is capable of recommending a book that describe the current state of degeneracy in the West except for the bunch of nonsense that is Spengler
Seriously? Nobody has studied what is happening in the west?

>> No.13342046

Everyone is writing about it retard. Anyway you probably want some muh degeneracy think in which case try Pitrim Sorokin’s writings on the sexual revolution.

>> No.13342048

Sorry to inform you but Spengler is the only one who wrote anything about these subjects with any sort of self respect

>> No.13342051

What's happening? We're ditching traditional values of racism and sexism? We no longer beat and subjugate our wives? We no longer enslave black people? We're more alert to animal suffering? We no longer rely on Bronze Age myths to give us our morality?

>> No.13342057

why is spengler "nonsense" to you?

>> No.13342060

>the bunch of nonsense that is spengler
what are you talking retard

>> No.13342061

>is there any work about the vague, completely subject idea of degeneracy ive pieced together from /pol/ threads
no sorry op there isnt

>> No.13342089

feminists are destroying the west by making video game titties smaller

>> No.13342101

Debord and Baudrillard ?

>> No.13342107

i haven't read pat buchanan's book "the death of the west" that extrapolates on spengler's "decline of the west", but from what i've heard it's supposed to be pretty decent

i'm personally looking forward to reading it

>> No.13342113

That book is 100 years old and you misunderstand its thesis, OP
Read Hobsbawm or Piketty

>> No.13342115
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here's your (you)

>> No.13342117

Except Spengler was right about almost everything

>> No.13342133

Good argument, nazi

>> No.13342144

Its essence is already in Marx.

>> No.13342145
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You have to go back.

>> No.13342153

>Seriously? Nobody has studied what is happening in the west?
Capitalism? Quite a lot of people studied that

>> No.13342158

Read Atomised.

>> No.13342172

>What's happening?
We're getting replaced by non-white foreigners, and before that happens we're on our way to having societies where fucking children and animals is considered normal.

>> No.13342181

If you want a liberal interpretation you should read clash of civilizations

>> No.13342188
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>> No.13342243

How can we replace ourselves?

>> No.13342265

Invite in massive amounts of people with higher birth rates than ours. Easy.

>> No.13342273


>> No.13342276

So we have higher birthrates, and there is even more of us? It doesn't make sense

>> No.13342278

The amish will save us, Gemeinschaft > Gesellschaft
We need neo feudalism

>> No.13342279

What are you talking about?

>> No.13342281

>playing dumb

>> No.13342283

Not him but what're u trying to say?

>> No.13342295

>Le cringe xD
Ok, now go back.

>> No.13342298

/lit/ is pathetic now not because of shitposting and offtopic spam but because its users are so low IQ they cannot discern even the most obvious of baits

>> No.13342299
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>> No.13342305

What was the bait supposed to be?

>> No.13342311

Redpill me on Yockey. What's his project? The Wikipedia article seems extremely biased

>> No.13342319

Try Guenon

>> No.13342328

All of 20th and 21st century Marxist philosophy cinema and literature?

>> No.13342376

It's funny how the same people who romanticize Spengler also idealize the 50s

>> No.13342387

they do?

>> No.13342425

No they don't you retard

>> No.13342431

>We're getting replaced by non-white foreigners
Good. You've been raping and massacring them for Israel for around 50-60 years, and you still won't stop. Why should those foreigners give a shit about your obnoxious victim complex, especially when you still continue to rape their literal children?


>> No.13342438

I'm pretty sure my country has never done anything for Israel, and muslims commit far more rape than whites do.

>> No.13342441

Don't see what this has to do with anything. We're talking about degeneracy.

>> No.13342450

Allowing foreigners to replace you and cuck you out of existence is the peak of degeneracy.

>> No.13342458

Stop using internet spoonfed buzzwords and think for yourself idiot

>> No.13342461

>I'm pretty sure my country has never done anything for Israel
Shows how absolutely ignorant you are. Also, USA gives tons of arms and money to the terrorists it claims to fight, like ISIS and Al-Nusra, and it helped finance the spread of Wahhabism, which is what leads to Sunni radicalism. Israel, furthermore, leeches off USA and many Western European nations, considerably, to destabilize the Middle East more.
>muslims commit far more rape than whites do.
Whites have raped and killed far more Muslims in that region. No one who knows international politics outside of memes gives a shit about your victim complex. So long as you continue living under US dominion, fueling terrorism, and aiding Israel, you deserve everything that comes back your way. I used to sympathize with you, but given how things are changing, I hope it gets worse for you. The Far Right are a bunch of crybabies who fail to realize their hypocrisies.

>> No.13342474

>Shows how absolutely ignorant you are.
Well ok, tell me what my country has done for Israel.

>Whites have raped and killed far more Muslims in that region.
Muslims "immigrants" in Europe commit far more rapes including rape of children and gangrapes.

>The Far Right are a bunch of crybabies who fail to realize their hypocrisies.
The right wants to stop pointless wars in the Middle East but I guess you disagree with that.

>> No.13342475

>we're being replaced
well if they are theyre doing a shit job, were all still here, its not like theyre giving white peoples jobs to non white people you fucking alarmist

>> No.13342476

>it helped finance the spread of Wahhabism
by supporting Saudi Arabia*

>> No.13342478

Degeneracy is about moral decay.

>> No.13342488

>Well ok, tell me what my country has done for Israel.
AIPAC is a big lobbyist that has significant power. A recent documentary came out for. Zionist Jews also occupy positions of great power in media, government, Wall Street, and etc. They are pushing for another big war if you can't tell.
>Muslims "immigrants" in Europe commit far more rapes including rape of children and gangrapes.
Stop invading and raping them in their own countries if you want them to stop. You're not stopping.
>The right wants to stop pointless wars
I don't see any change. In fact, things have been getting worse lately.

>> No.13342489

It's an on-going process.

And how is this not moral decay?

>> No.13342499

>AIPAC is a big lobbyist that has significant power.
Not sure what they have to do with my country.

>Stop invading and raping them in their own countries if you want them to stop. You're not stopping.
Not sure what invasions my country has committed, or what this even has to do with what I said. "Immigrants" aren't committing rapes out of some tit-for-tat sense of revenge but because they're savages.

>I don't see any change. In fact, things have been getting worse lately.
The right is not in charge of anything.

>> No.13342505

The fate of empire by sir john glubb
There's a free pdf if you Google it. Enjoy

>> No.13342510

Most NATO and Western European countries are just puppets of USA. They have no real independence from USA's overall foreign policies, and they tend to work in a coordinated and concerted manner.
>"Immigrants" aren't committing rapes out of some tit-for-tat sense of revenge
That's where you're wrong.
>because they're savages.
The biggest savages are you.
>The right is not in charge of anything.
Until you change, things will get worse. I predict you will have even more vengeful minorities if that future war occurs.

>> No.13342527

>That's where you're wrong.

>The biggest savages are you.

>Until you change, things will get worse. I predict you will have even more vengeful minorities if that future war occurs.
But we're not in charge.

>> No.13342530

Oh quit being so melodramatic. There's boy fuckery in Kandahar, ladyboys in Thailand, lolicons in Japan, domestic mascot dishes in China, poo flinging in India, and cannibalism in Africa. The modern West has always been too prudish.

>> No.13342538

>No sources on any of your bullshit claims

>> No.13342555

You are memelord, edgelord faggot who cannot think with absolutely any nuance. I regret ever feeling any sympathy for any of you Western cunts.
Feeling vengeance is not really beyond us. I mean, you destroyed Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and soon-to-be Iran. I am very well assimilated for over 25 years, and even I am trying to hold back extremely "angry" impulses out of feelings of vengeance. Leave the fucking region already.
You cry out in pain as you strike us. I am getting tired of it. I just want to you feel a fraction of the pain you caused to countries like Syria. Just a fraction.
>But we're not in charge.
Then stop picking fights with us. I am not in a stable state of mind, you see? My country is being threatened based on obviously staged attacks and false flags. If things were to escalate and become even worse and you were to say one rude statement to me in person, I might just explode.

>> No.13342564

Everything I say is easy to look up. Either you are a gas-lighting Jew or some kind of stupid Neocon.

LEARN TO USE SEARCH ENGINES LIKE YANDEX OR DUCK DUCK GO! Fucking disgusting savage. Everything I say is common knowledge.

>> No.13342575

>You are memelord, edgelord faggot who cannot think with absolutely any nuance.
And this is based on...?

>Feeling vengeance is not really beyond us. I mean, you destroyed Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, and soon-to-be Iran. I am very well assimilated for over 25 years, and even I am trying to hold back extremely "angry" impulses out of feelings of vengeance. Leave the fucking region already.
I'm pretty sure my country didn't destroy any of those places.

>You cry out in pain as you strike us.
Yeah we're really hurting you with all the welfare we're giving you.

>Then stop picking fights with us.
Ok, just go home and I'm sure things will chill out.

>If things were to escalate and become even worse and you were to say one rude statement to me in person, I might just explode.
Oh man, I'm so scared.

>> No.13342580

Culture and biology aren't discrete from eachother. More low IQ nogs and (((genetic merchants))) = more degeneracy. Our own decadence and the democratization of art are probably the biggest factors, but the incorporation of unsuitable populations is no small thing.

>> No.13342582

Name your country already.

>> No.13342584

>We no longer enslave black people
Why are American so obsessed by that ?

>> No.13342588

Man, if all the /pol/goloids who whine the most about birth rates actually had 5 children themselves, this wouldn't even be a topic up for discussion.

>> No.13342597

Huh? Why? You already know what it is.

We'd still be competing against the migrants and dealing with all the chaos they cause.

>> No.13342602

>Huh? Why? You already know what it is.
No, I don't. You never explicitly stated your country.

>> No.13342609

If you don't know what it is, then why have you been talking about it all this time as if you knew exactly what it was?

>> No.13342612

>all the chaos they cause.

>> No.13342615

Please state your country of origin. Thank you.

>> No.13342621

>We'd still be competing against the migrants and dealing with all the chaos they cause.

In other words you don't care about birth rates, you care about not having brown people in your vicinity.

Well tough shit.

>> No.13342624

Crime, terrorism, riots, no-go zones.

>> No.13342631

I never said or implied anything anywhere that would suggest that I don't care about our birth rates, but yes the brown people have go to go.

>> No.13342635

Because most Western European countries are complicit since they are a part of NATO or give into US demands. If your country is non-NATO and non-Western Europe, then I feel bad for you. Regardless, NATO countries and Western Europe have no real independence from US foreign policy.

>> No.13342642

>brown people have go to go
First you have to leave their region indefinitely. I am pretty sure most of them don't want to live around such inhospitable jackasses like you. All of NATO and Western Europe are complicit in this fiasco.

>> No.13342647

That's odd, most of the far-right I've seen are strongly opposed to western involvement in the region, and to supporting Israel. We've long been calling our 'leaders' out on things like the funding of terrorists and intentional destablization. This is one of the reasons we are demonized as 'dangerous radicals' in our nations. Your perspective doesn't seem entirely coherent.

>> No.13342649

We no longer have our balls?

>> No.13342655

The Far Right has no real power and is gradually becoming more Israeli-friendly due to figures like Jared Taylor. Nothing is changing for the better as the Middle East becomes even more destabilized. The amount of damage the West and Israel + Saudi Arabia have caused that region will take at least 100 years to fix at this rate. Granted, I doubt mankind will even survive another 100 years due to environmental catastrophes.

>> No.13342659

All blown way out of proportion and insignificant. Crime in particular basically does not affect you at all unless you are yourself a poverty stricken immigrant.

>> No.13342663

>I am pretty sure most of them don't want to live around such inhospitable jackasses like you.
They come here for gibs which we give to them very generously, and many if not most of them aren't even from war-torn countries.

>> No.13342674

>All blown way out of proportion and insignificant.
According to the people who enable and support mass migration.

>Crime in particular basically does not affect you at all unless you are yourself a poverty stricken immigrant.
Hmm, interesting idea. Can you tell me more about how women and children aren't affected by rape, and people who have died to terrorist attacks are not actually dead?

>> No.13342682

All I am saying is that the ones that do come from war-torn countries can sometimes become vengeful for justifiable reasons. The best way to deal with those specific individuals is not to further antagonize them. That's all I am saying.

>> No.13342687

Imagine being this ruled by images.

>> No.13342689

They're rapists and thugs because that's their nature, not because they're protesting.

Imagine trying to argue that rape victims are unaffected by being raped.

>> No.13342698

I am not a rapist or thug. I have never desired to rape or bully anyone in life, but due to recent political events and hypocritical behavior of the West, I have been feeling an immense amount of hatred. Saying this is because I am inherently a rapist or thug is a genuine way to "trigger" me, don't you understand? You have such a naive image of this world in your mind. Do you think desires of vengeance are beyond me?

>> No.13342702
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>They come here for gibs
The last time I checked the requirements to travel to Europe or USA were pretty fucking high. They ask you for a lot of shit very that most people don't have, and they ask for money in advance even without giving you the license to travel to their countries. That's ignoring the costs of traveling to a foreign country.

Maybe your country leaders are giving north-africans and other retarded criminals free travel to your country to do some rare shit. But don't dare to think everyone have this privilege, they are sending to your country one very specific type of people. Take your anger with them.

>> No.13342706

I'm writing a quintessentially twenty-first century novel. I'll let you know when it's published in a couple years.

>> No.13342707


>> No.13342718

Maybe you aren't, but far too many migrants and their descendants are.

I don't care how high the requirements theoretically are supposed to be, we have people flooding in regardless.

>> No.13342734

>First you have to leave their region indefinitely. I am pretty sure most of them don't want to live around such inhospitable jackasses like you. All of NATO and Western Europe are complicit in this fiasco.
Holy shit, fuck you retards. Most of the actual far right people (not neocons) oppose Western meddling in the Middle East just as much as you or anyone else really. We're all for leaving them the fuck alone. It was a major Trump campaign promise, remember? I say we get out there as soon as possible just so retards like you can't play the blame game.

>> No.13342737

I still believe it's largely being done out of vengeance in the case of Syrians, Afghans, Iraqis, and maybe a few others. You can't understand unless you're in their shoes. In the past, I did not understand or sympathize with these people, but now I do. This is how people become radicalized, faggot. There is a way to pacify these feelings of vengeance people have. Trying to place all the blame on their shoulders is not that way. Imagine for a second if these migrants really do have complex internal mental lives. Seriously, just consider it for a second. It is vengeance that is fueling this.

>> No.13342746

>I say we get out there as soon as possible
You're not doing it though. You are, in fact, setting the stage for another major war, this time one of the biggest in fact. You are relying on obvious staged attacks and false flags even, and I will not be surprised if gets worse.
He was not what he promised to be. He is pretty much a neocon.

>> No.13342747

>be nice to muslims or they'll kill you
Thanks imam. What if we don't want you here? Shit out of luck? Ask nicely maybe, lest you kill us?

>> No.13342753

I know he has broken his promise, and it's my biggest problem with him, next to no wall being built. However I should've clarified I'm not from the United States myself. I'm from The Netherlands where the biggest party is similarly campaigning for a Western withdrawal from the Middle East. However, I recognize there are higher powers at work here, beyond petty party politics.

>> No.13342755

I'm not Muslim.
>What if we don't want you here?
Middle Easterners have been saying that since the 70s. You do not have the moral high ground.
>Ask nicely maybe, lest you kill us?
You better speak to me nicely. I am never one to instigate fights, but my mind has been deteriorating gradually because I can see into the deceit and black lies of your leaders and how you imbeciles eat it up.

>> No.13342761

I never understood how this /pol/ talking point makes any sense, do you think white birth rates would be higher if there were less foreigners in your country? Where is this „replacement“ taking place? There will still be more white people in 50 years than there are white people today. There will also be more nonwhite people, but that would also be the case if they were in other countries.
The number of white people is still going up, your argument doesn’t make sense. If you’re worried about other people making more babies why don’t you find a wife and you pop out 10 white babied together? Or can’t you find a women to impregnate? What exactly is your problem?

>> No.13342765

No, they're just savages who rape, mug and murder because it's in their nature. The act the same way regardless of where they are. Like Sweden. I also heard that Japan took in some "refugees" and they immediately started raping.

>> No.13342766

The first step is to leave NATO and give USA the middle finger. If you leave NATO and stop meddling in Middle East, then you are free to deport migrants, if that's what you decide on. Until you leave NATO, I don't give a shit you're being raped.

>> No.13342770

Meant for

>> No.13342771

>Middle Easterners have been saying that since the 70s. You do not have the moral high ground.
I also bear no responsibility for whatever policies my ancestors enacted when my parents weren't even born yet.
>I can see into the deceit and black lies of your leaders and how you imbeciles eat it up.
There is literally no "leader" on the face of the planet who is on our side. Not even Trump, and not even the most right wing "populists" in Europe.

>> No.13342772 [DELETED] 

>I don't care how high the requirements theoretically
Is not "theoretically" anon, I'm saying that THEY ARE LIKE THAT. Yo can't just get a "license" to travel to Europe. Your leaders are giving to certain people "free travel" to your country, not "everyone".

Just saying.

>> No.13342778

If all they ever did was rape and be thugs, they would not have had functional states. Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan were generally functional before Western-Saudi-Israeli axis intervention. Assad, in my view, was a very good leader, and he along with Gadaffi (who was killed) warned about ALL of this. How can I sympathize with any NATO nation when nothing is changing?

>> No.13342791

And I bear no responsibility that you are suffering the repercussions from the decisions of your evil leaders. If I am walking in public, minding my own business, and someone starts yelling racist shit to me, I cannot promise I will respond with respect, especially at this point. My state of mind is volatile because I can see the obvious black lies and deceit used by your evil politicians, and I do not like people taking out their anger on me or my peoples. There could very well be another 9/11 staged** attack at this point, which the US officials use as a pretext for another even bigger war. Most of the dumb American populace will also believe in the official narrative. You know, very well, that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, yet it didn't matter to the average American imbecile's eyes. This is not a fucking joke.

>> No.13342795


>Muhammed you don’t understand, these Americans aren’t really people, we need to behead and bomb all American pigs, they’re just savages, murderers and rapists!

So this is the mental power of a /pol/tard...

>> No.13342799

>do you think white birth rates would be higher if there were less foreigners in your country
Mass migration also causes white flight and loss of hope for the future, which reduces birth rates, but I don't know how significant this is.

>Where is this „replacement“ taking place?
Almost the entirety of the West.

>There will still be more white people in 50 years than there are white people today.
Unlikely, and this isn't even about absolute numbers but about percentages. Even if Germany has more whites 50 years from now than today, it won't matter if they are 30% of the population.

>The number of white people is still going up, your argument doesn’t make sense.
Our birth rates are too low.

>If you’re worried about other people making more babies why don’t you find a wife and you pop out 10 white babied together?
Or what if the migrants were never brought here in the first place, and thus avoiding the problem of having to compete against foreigners in a baby arms race? And what if there are socio-economic reasons why birth rates decline in developed nations?

Yeah whatever. They're still coming here in large numbers.

The people who are coming here are likely the dregs of society that their native countries are happy to be rid of.

>> No.13342804

The proof is in the pudding.

>> No.13342808

>What's happening? We're ditching traditional values of defensive social organization in the interest of our posterity? We no longer honor and support our wives and families by protecting and providing for them? We no longer engage in self-defense against alien races? We're more alert to Marxist nonsense which strives only to create Hell on Earth? We no longer rely on pre-Christian folk tales to give us our morality?

I would say the extant works of Michel Houellebecq fit the bill.

>> No.13342813

>the 50s

>> No.13342827

I am not a dreg of my society, and I feel a lot of resentment and vengeance. However, I will not do anything unless people start picking fights with me, as they did to me in the past. In the past, things were not as tense, so I responded by turning the other cheek. However, if it were to happen again, I cannot promise I will turn the cheek.
Let's say in a hypothetical universe, Afghanistan became more stable, even having intellectual movements involving the revival of Greco-Buddhism. You are living as a minority on their lands. However, they have evil leaders are destroying all of Europe by funding and arming crazy Christians like Pentecostals, which are very bad. Your country as a consequence gets destroyed as neocons in Afghanistan berate your peoples for being ungrateful rapists. You will probably respond by saying something like this inconceivable. This is because, ultimately speaking, you are not an empathetic man.
I am not saying you ought to become a left-winger. I am saying you should be more nuanced in your judgments, especially when it comes to individuals.

>> No.13342833

For fiction I'd recommend Naomi, it's set it Japan but it's conflict arises from the need of Naomi to become a westerner and she does manage to become and represent what it is wrong with it.

>> No.13342834

>leaders are
leaders that are*
Please ignore typos. Thank you.

>> No.13342835

Yeah, this. If anything. We got better.

We are just in a period of adjustment to a new way of doing stuff

>> No.13342837

>neocons in Afghanistan berate your peoples for being ungrateful rapists
The migrants here ARE rapists.

Anyway, I want them gone.

>> No.13342840

>what are basedpunk threads

>> No.13342844

Wanna bet? They'd still have to compete with 1M new green card holders every year for employment, to say nothing of another 250K illegals annually.

>> No.13342848

Their rapists because of feelings of vengeance. In their own countries, before they were destroyed by the West, they would not go out and rape like it's nothing. Now that their countries are destroyed, they feel validated in making you people suffer. Now listen, I am not justifying the rapists in targeting random civilians who are not responsible for foreign policy. What I am saying is you should not go around assuming someone has a strong potential of becoming a rapist simply on the basis of being Middle Eastern. Doing so will simply fuel the cycle of vengeance.

>> No.13342850

>Their rapists
They're rapists*
Please ignore typos. I am shaking a little.

>> No.13342851

>i don't understand the impact horde immigration has on wages and rents

>> No.13342852

They're rapists because it's in their nature to be rapists, and they sure as shit aren't taking "vengeance" against small nordic countries.

>> No.13342857

If this is how talk them in real life, I guarantee you they are doing it out of vengeance. They have complex inner lives. They are able to understand things like their nations being destroyed by NATO, and as a consequence, they experience strong feelings of vengeance. Sometimes all it takes to make it spiral out of control are online edgelords like you.

>> No.13342858


It’s like the problem is capitalism and not immigration?

>> No.13342860

>blah blah blah blah

>> No.13342862

>you must tolerate arab coonery because of israel
>you are not allowed any personal mechanism of self-defense because the governments which control you shit on everyone else as well
Get fucked, turdskin. Nobody here disputes the Ziocon role in destabilizing MENA. The thought that raping a white schoolgirl is some kind of justifiable revenge is the kind of thought only a nigger could have.

>> No.13342863

Sure, blame immigrants for high rents. Not all the greedy companies buying up thousands of flats for investment only or services like Airbnb that are turning cities into giant hotels.

>> No.13342869

It's like if the migrants weren't there then they could also not affect wages and rents.

>> No.13342870

It won't be just Arabs anymore.
>The thought that raping... is the kind of thought only a nigger could have
Well, I guess America Whites are nigger too:
Plenty of Vietnamese were raped too during the Vietnam War.

>> No.13342874

There are rapists in all human societies, the question is how many there are, how their behavior is perceived and when does it occur.

>> No.13342875

It's like the problem is immigration. It's like market systems can and do exist without immigration. It's like the US, a market system, had zero net immigration from 1920 to 1968.

>> No.13342884
File: 493 KB, 1425x1246, madness of mankind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The number of rapists tend to increase during times of war or invasion. So you know, it's not a smart idea to help destabilize another country and then open your borders to them.

>> No.13342887

Japan also has little immigration, which never fails to cause extreme butt frustration in the West.

>> No.13342889

>a handful of outlier incidents versus a shitskin way of life
ah heyuk

>1.25 million net new migrants every year have zero impact on rents
Also, "rents" is an economic term which doesn't mean solely housing costs, but whatever; it's /lit/, the site's most economically illiterate board after /pol/.

>> No.13342895

As I already told you, they rape everywhere. Their rapes have nothing to do with politics.

>> No.13342896

I am telling you many of these nations were genuinely stable until Western destabilization. The number of rapists and bad people tend to increase during times of war, invasion, or extreme poverty. So you know, it's not a smart idea to help destabilize another country and then open your borders to them.

>> No.13342900

There were very few problems with them in the early 70s before Western intervention got out of hand.

>> No.13342903

Europe is stable yet strangely these migrants just keep committing rapes and other crimes anyway.

>> No.13342904

You dont care about IQ tho. If you did you would support an immigration policy based on IQ, not race. 'Cause, I hope I don't need to tell you, high IQ black people also exist.

>> No.13342907


First, I'm not American. I'm Czech. Not a huge amount of immigrants, high rents though.

Second, not saying it has zero impact, just that there are worse factors especially when you live in a popular city ( I live in Prague, popular place, nice place)

>> No.13342908

Also another thing worth noting is that many of the migrants don't even stop at the first safe country they reach, they go somewhere else in the hopes of getting more gibs.

>> No.13342913

Again, in the early 70s, there were little to no problems with people of Middle Eastern descent until American intervention got out of hand.
Because many of them are able to tell many European countries, especially NATO, were complicit in the destruction of their home countries.

>> No.13342920


>> No.13342921

Walking into a safe haven doesn't immediately fix a person's mind, however; there need to be very focused authorities dedicated to treating those broken people and making sure they are ready to return to a civilized society. Letting them free with no regards for their health or of others is the biggest mistake (apart from letting them in) that the powers involved in their entrance into the country have made.

>> No.13342923

And I already know that, homie. I'm simply stating that the rank and file members of a society are not responsible for the actions of its criminal elite. A shitskin would be perfectly justified in shooting Bill Kristol in the face for what happened in Iraq but not in raping a teenage girl. Straight up, homie.

I am aware of the other stochastics which influence price, in large part because it's my job to understand these things.

>> No.13342927

>Walking into a safe haven doesn't immediately fix a person's mind
Well of course not. They are criminals by nature.

>> No.13342929

Yeah, that 7 year old girl that got raped surely was very involved in the government's decision to invade in the early 70s. Silly me!

>> No.13342932

If I am walking in public, and I hear some faggot like you calling us "inherent rapists", my feelings of vengeance will increase because I can see into the hypocritical actions of your leaders, and all you would be doing then is fueling the cycle of vengeance. We are not cucks.

>> No.13342938

Or maybe you could stop all the raping and then maybe go back home.

>> No.13342941

How is brown people existing in your country an indicator of moral decay? You far righters have more in common with Islamism than you do with """Western values""" anyway.

>> No.13342942

Whatever justifies your inborn murdering instincts is good enough for you, I suppose.

>> No.13342944


>> No.13342946

I don't rape. I don't even enjoy sex.
I have no desires to rape, but I would be lying if I said I have no growing feelings of violence during these increasing political times with staged attacks.

>> No.13342947

>How is brown people existing in your country an indicator of moral decay?
Because we are voluntarily replacing ourselves.

>You far righters have more in common with Islamism than you do with """Western values""" anyway.
What have I said that is in line with islamism?

>> No.13342954

You're right, it's nothing. Let's all go back to sleep.

You have spent a suspicious amount of time making excuses for rapists.

>> No.13342955

>They are criminals by nature.
Saying this kind of stuff is what makes us go over the deep end. You realize neocons justify bombing their countries because "they are subhuman by nature"?

>> No.13342964

>stop saying we're violent or we'll get violent!
We are saying this kind of stuff because you commit so many crimes.

>You realize neocons justify bombing their countries because "they are subhuman by nature"?
They do it for some obscure financial or geopolitical reasons.

>> No.13342965

I have no impulses to rape because I do not enjoy the act of sex, period. However, I have made my growing resentment quite clear in other regards.

>> No.13342968



Houellebecq writes about it in general. Very interesting writer though the style isn't incredible.

>> No.13342970

>We are saying this kind of stuff because you commit so many crimes.
Again, there were little to no problems before the late 70s.
>They do it for some obscure financial or geopolitical reasons.
But they clear their conscience by thinking we're all subhuman "philosophical zombies".

>> No.13342978

I don't care about ancient history on the other side of the world.

>But they clear their conscience by thinking we're all subhuman "philosophical zombies".
They don't have consciences.

>> No.13342986

>I don't care about ancient history on the other side of the world.
Early 70s is not ancient history. Do you even know the recent geopolitical history of the region? You have issues understand basic cause and effect.
>They don't have consciences.
You don't either by arguing we areinherently prone to being rapists.

>> No.13342991

>issues understand
issues understanding*
are inherently*

>> No.13342992

So if you enjoyed sex then you'd be out raping people? Or have to actively fight the impulse of raping people?

>> No.13342997


>> No.13343002

>So if you enjoyed sex then you'd be out raping people?
I never implied this. I was responding to your insinuation that I am a rapist, you fucking idiot. You have a short attention span and cannot even follow this train of discussion.
>Or have to actively fight the impulse of raping people?
For 28+ years, I have never done anything bad, but I have developed an intense hatred for people like you. I am talking about a hatred that can consume this world.

>> No.13343005

I don't have issues understanding that the migrants flooding Europe are criminal by nature and you are just white knighting them and making excuses.

>You don't either by arguing we areinherently prone to being rapists.
Then stop fucking committing rapes, jesus christ.

>> No.13343017

>I don't rape. I don't even enjoy sex.


>> No.13343020

>criminal by nature
I am not a criminal by nature. Saying this kind of stuff is what makes us vengeful people. I am not a cuck. I am not going to be all friendly with you when you dare say this kind of shit in front of my face.
>Then stop fucking committing rapes, jesus christ.
I am not a rapist, and my nation was stable for at least 500 years until your leaders started creating a shitstorm in the Middle East by supporting and arming terrorists and throwing around debilitating sanctions.

>> No.13343026

You keep alternating between these:
>my fellow migrants have perfectly fine excuses for raping
>my fellow migrants aren't rapists, how dare you say that!
>I, personally, have not raped anyone, so how dare you say ANY of us are rapists

>> No.13343031

Oh and also:
>we're not rapists but if you say we are then, uh, you know, maybe we'll do some raping... for revenge and stuff

>> No.13343049

>my fellow migrants aren't rapists, how dare you say that!
I'm saying there are causes and effects to why they're acting like that. Before the late 70s, there were little to no problems with them. Instead, a shitstorm was created in their regions which still has not stopped.
>I, personally, have not raped anyone, so how dare you say ANY of us are rapists
When you bring over a group of peoples who your leaders were complicit in destroying, you're going to obviously have problems. The shitstorm hasn't ended in over 50-60 years, goddammit. It just keeps getting worse.
You realize Assad and Gaddafi, who France assassinated, ALL warned about this? They were trying to stabilize their countries, bring some peace and order for once, but you went and fought them.
Man, I cannot sympathize with you at all anymore.

>> No.13343056

You're making excuses. You're white-knighting rapists.

>When you bring over a group of peoples who your leaders were complicit in destroying, you're going to obviously have problems.
Because they're rapists.

>Man, I cannot sympathize with you at all anymore.
Ok, then you can just leave. Problem solved.

>> No.13343068

I, myself, am not a rapist, but I sympathize with them more than you. I genuinely hope one of them kills YOU. Also, I never argued against closing your borders. I'm arguing against your obvious shitty remarks like "you are intrinsically a criminal". Eat shit and die, faggot.
>Ok, then you can just leave.
First I would want to take people like you to hell.

>> No.13343070

La Crise du Monde Moderne and The Reign of Quantity and the Sign of the Times > Decline of the West

>> No.13343078

>I'm not a racist but I totally sympathize with them
>I hope you get killed
>I want to take you to hell
Wow, I can't imagine why some racists don't want BASED people like you living in our societies. You're such an asset. Let's open the borders even further.

Nah I'm just kidding. We should start build concentration camps instead.

>> No.13343085

*>I'm not a rapist but I totally sympathize with them

>> No.13343095

I even said close the borders. You cannot read worth shit. I'm saying the reason people are like that is because they come countries that your leaders were complicit in destroying. I just don't like you saying shit such as "we're inherently criminals". Criminals typically become the way they are from conditioning. The frequency of criminals increases in war-torn environments. It can happen to any country. Europe had many periods of times where criminals increased in numbers during wars.

>> No.13343108

>come countries
come from countries*

>> No.13343112

They are like that because they are criminals and they act the same way regardless of where they are, such as countries that had nothing to do with any Middle Eastern misadventures. Their descendants also act the same way. Stop making excuses.

>I just don't like you saying shit such as "we're inherently criminals".
I don't like your crimes.

>> No.13343118
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Life is very good right now, except we're destroying mother nature, is that what you mean by degeneracy?

>> No.13343121

>they act the same way regardless of where they are
There were little to no problems with them before the later 70s. Why do you ignore this point? You are no better than a neocon in your mentality.
>I don't like your crimes.
Having the misfortune of talking to people like you makes me want to commit crimes. I have never done a crime, but talking to you, indeed, makes me want to genuinely send you to hell. It will get worse if the West does not fuck off from the Middle East.

>> No.13343129

The Strange Death of Europe- Douglas Murray

>> No.13343132

Stop fucking droning on and fucking on about >muh 70s. It doesn't excuse a goddamn thing.

>Having the misfortune of talking to people like you makes me want to commit crimes.
"Waaah stop complaining about all the crimes we're doing or we'll just commit more crimes!"

>> No.13343141

>It doesn't excuse a goddamn thing.
It does matter because it shows that things were relatively stable before USA went off the deep-end and started supporting almost every terrorist imaginable.
>"Waaah stop complaining about all the crimes we're doing or we'll just commit more crimes!"
Fuck off from the Middle East, or it will get worse.

>> No.13343152

>some shit happened in the 70s somewhere in the Middle East, therefore it's perfectly understandable that some person from somewhere in the Middle East is raping Swedish girls in 2019

>Fuck off from the Middle East, or it will get worse.
We aren't in the Middle East and as I already told you these crimes have nothing to do with what's happening there.

>> No.13343161

I believe most NATO nations have troops stationed in the Middle East.

>> No.13343164
File: 164 KB, 600x800, Atomised-Smaller1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this faggot.
It's about the sexual liberation of the 60's and 70's and how it lead to the empty void of despair that humans faced in its awakening.
It's really fucking sad, but it's one of the best novels I've ever read.
I'd reccomend it highly.

>> No.13343166

Anyways, I agree with you closing the borders is essential. It's actually common sense. It does not make sense to accept hordes of immigrants from war-torn environments where the West fueled fanaticism. I actually agreed with you there multiple times. Where I took issue with you is implying I am an inborn rapist.

>> No.13343179

You keep white knighting rapists.

>> No.13343185

I support death penalty for rapists. What I do not support is you calling my race "subhuman". Go ahead and execute the rapists. I see no issue with that.

>> No.13343189

True, I don't. White ethnicities have the right to the nations their ancestors built and to prioritize their own interests, just like any others. All the ethnonationalist arguments from IQ and predisposition to crime are valid, but ultimately incidental.

That said, I was responding to anon who was implying that cultural degeneration is unrelated to race -- which I dispute.

>> No.13343191

You've been defending rapists this entire time and whining because people call out migrants for being rapists and threatening that more rapes will occur.

>> No.13343223 [DELETED] 

If you had any good reading comprehension, you would see what I was trying to make these points:
>closing borders makes more sense because you are accepting vengeful people from regions NATO countries were complicit in destroying
>the reason there is a high frequency of criminals among these people is because this tends to historically happen during periods of war
>my issue with is you is in thinking we are intrinsically subhuman. I still agree it's not best to accept immigrants from war-torn countries.
The wars in that region have not ended, faggot, and they are fucking getting worse. USA is destroying almost every stable power in the Middle East except for the most fanatic countries. It is going to worse, man, and I am telling you to stop making it all racial. If they fucked off from the Middle East, I do believe things would genuinely get better.
If the region from which these migrants came from were more stable, I do not think there would be as much problems as now.

>> No.13343235 [DELETED] 

OH, I forgot to add the MOST IMPORTANT point:
>USA, Israel, and Saudi Arabia keep arming and empowering the greatest of fanatics. Sweden and Paris attack were both from Sunni radicals influenced by ISIS or Wahhabism. 9/11 hijackers were mostly Saudi.

Things are getting worse because USA keeps empowering the worst bunch.

>> No.13343240

people may think they are arguing about the decline and how maybe they can save it but the state of argument itt is symptomatic of the decline

>> No.13343241

I can comprehend just fine that you have been defending rapists and threatening us with more rapes if we say anything about all the rapes you're doing.

>> No.13343247

If you had any good reading comprehension, you would see what I was trying to make these points:
>closing borders makes more sense because you are accepting vengeful people from regions NATO countries were complicit in destroying
>USA, Israel, and Saudi Arabia keep arming and empowering the greatest of fanatics. Sweden and Paris attack were both from Sunni radicals influenced by ISIS or Wahhabism. 9/11 hijackers were mostly Saudi. ISIS even said they would intermingle with Migrants and attack Europeans, yet they still opened borders.
>the reason there is a high frequency of criminals among these people is because this tends to historically happen during periods of war
>my issue with is you is in thinking we are intrinsically subhuman. I still agree it's not best to accept immigrants from war-torn countries.
The wars in that region have not ended, faggot, and they are fucking getting worse. USA is destroying almost every stable power in the Middle East except for the most fanatic countries. It is going to worse, man, and I am telling you to stop making it all racial. If they fucked off from the Middle East, I do believe things would genuinely get better.
If the region from which these migrants came from were more stable, I do not think there would be as much problems as now.

>> No.13343252

I edited my post here:
>threatening us with more rapes
I don't like rape. I'm saying it's going to increase for obvious reasons if USA/Israel/Saudi Arabia keep fucking up the region. I mean, it will increase for obvious reasons.

>> No.13343254

>Oh I'm not saying I'm advocating for any rapes, but, uh, yeah, there might be more rapes if you don't shut up about this...

>> No.13343262

There will be more crimes if USA/Israel/KSA stop fucking up the region for these two reasons:
>USA, Israel, and Saudi Arabia keep arming and empowering the greatest of fanatics. Sweden and Paris attack were both from Sunni radicals influenced by ISIS or Wahhabism. 9/11 hijackers were mostly Saudi. ISIS even said they would intermingle with Migrants and attack Europeans, yet they still opened borders.
>the reason there is a high frequency of criminals among these people is because this tends to historically happen during periods of war
>basically supporting the worse brand of extremists
>destroying countries and making them war-torn
>open borders and then cry when you get fucked up people

>> No.13343274

Notice in how those two reasons and the consequence I listed, I didn't have to resort to giving retarded racial reasons? I'm pretty sure if Europe were dealing with something similar, and a country which was involved in fucking them over opened their borders, then a lot of you would be statistically raping too. It's just common sense, hence why I said don't open your borders to fucking war-torn countries. There has been a shit storm in the Middle East since the late 70s. I'm talking about ~50 years of endless war on the level of Mongols.

>> No.13343275

The rapists keep raping even in countries that have nothing to do with American wars and their descendants keep raping. There are no excuses for this. Fuck off.

>> No.13343288

>have nothing to do with American wars a
All NATO countries most likely have some troops in Middle Eastern countries. Most of the West is technically complicit in this. It's just what it is. I still agree you shouldn't open borders though.

>> No.13343292
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>> No.13343293

Fuck off.

>> No.13343296

There is no technically speaking no real sovereign Western Europe. You pretty much exist as puppets for America. I hope you realize this. Only idiots don't recognize this fact. Doesn't take a high IQ to realize basic facts of reality.

>> No.13343297


>> No.13343299

>You pretty much exist as puppets for America.
Except we don't and we aren't even a member of NATO.

>> No.13343300

You live under American hegemony. You have no real independence from them.

>> No.13343305

In many Muslim countries, women who get raped are the ones being punished. Their culture is extremely sexist and views women as inferior, property of men etc. Do you really think this is irrelevant for how they view rape, or less of a cause than western interventionism in their countries?

>> No.13343308

Netherlands is a part of NATO. You are pretty much bitches for America, and you do whatever the fuck they demand.

>> No.13343313

Oswald mosley acknowledged this, true fascism is anti-capitalist. Listen to his speech on sweatshops and how the financial elite uses cheap foreign labor to pit one European nation in economic war against another etc

>> No.13343318

And those fanatic Muslims were all armed and empowered by America. USA has a love affair with empowering the craziest of Muslims like ISIS or Saudi Arabia. Hell, even Khomeini was initially backed by Carter because the Shah ceased being an OPEC puppet post 1974.

>> No.13343324

No I don't. Fuck off.

I never said anything about Netherlands you fucking dumbfuck.

>> No.13343330
File: 300 KB, 1200x1189, the-decline-of-stupid-fucking-western-civilization.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is some good music about it

>> No.13343340

America is the worst thing to ever happen to the planet, yes.

>> No.13343342

Perhaps I am debating two different people then? Another person said they're from Netherlands, and he had a similar writing style compared to you. Where are you from then? Also, the way you speak to me is extremely rude and condescending. You already presume I am a rapist or criminal, and do you realize how such an insulting tone can lead to greater resentment? I am not even Muslim, you dumb faggot. I just don't like this caricatured view of the Middle East as being beyond all redemption. You fucking faggot, the Middle East is in deep shit because America and its NATO bitches keep fueling endless war and fanaticism. I even said it makes sense to close one's borders for this reason. Do you realize, right now, we are even seeing more and more staged attacks, false flags, and more? Do you realize we are on the verge of WW III?

>> No.13343353

>Also, the way you speak to me is extremely rude and condescending.
Because you are a fucking psycho.

>You already presume I am a rapist or criminal, and do you realize how such an insulting tone can lead to greater resentment?
Here we fucking go again. We should just fucking kill all of you.

>> No.13343355

I am actually not fond of Islam either. I would agree there is something intrinsic in Islam, as an ideology, that makes it easier to radicalize compared to something like Buddhism. However, see how I didn't have to give any retarded racial reason for this? I do not like people calling me subhuman.

>> No.13343356

You aren't allowed to say the West is Declining, you are going to be labeled an alt-right Doomer, shunned, and forced to stay in your room shitposting.

>> No.13343377

I think the problem is that the citizens of democracies around the world have misused the power given to them in the form of the right to vote.

As Robert A. Heinlein once said, "A perfect democracy, a ‘warm body’ democracy in which every adult may vote and all votes count equally, has no internal feedback for self-correction. It depends solely on the wisdom and self-restraint of citizens… which is opposed by the folly and lack of self-restraint of other citizens. What is supposed to happen in a democracy is that each sovereign citizen will always vote in the public interest for the safety and welfare of all. But what does happen is that he votes his own self-interest as he sees it… which for the majority translates as ‘Bread and Circuses.’

‘Bread and Circuses’ is the cancer of democracy, the fatal disease for which there is no cure. Democracy often works beautifully at first. But once a state extends the franchise to every warm body, be he producer or parasite, that day marks the beginning of the end of the state. For when the plebs discover that they can vote themselves bread and circuses without limit and that the productive members of the body politic cannot stop them, they will do so, until the state bleeds to death, or in its weakened condition the state succumbs to an invader—the barbarians enter Rome."

This is why I'd be in favor of the adoption of a Starship Troopers-style democracy. One where only those who have completed a minimum two years of life-threatening and/or mentally taxing public service can vote and hold office. The form of public service they can sign up for will be determined by their physical and mental aptitude with the ones on the lowest end of the scale (quadriplegics and the like) serving as medical test subjects and completing the service proves that they possess the sense of personal responsibility needed to use their voting power responsibly..

>> No.13343381

>we should kill all of you
You realize I want the high frequency of criminal activity to end too? You realize I gave you the framework to end it, right? You realize I even told you to close borders?

I am being honest in my predictions. I actually see the shitstorm in the Middle East getting worse, and I don't think things will improve like this. We may very well have World War III. I would prefer things to get better, but I simply do not see it as possible given the status quo.

>> No.13343384

The academic Left complains about it even more

>> No.13343389

>we should kill all of you
Yes, we clearly fucking should. Not only do you keep committing crimes but you threaten us with more crimes when we mention them, and I remember this same shit happening even back during the memory holed Mohammed bomb cartoon controversy. "Oh how dare you portray us as violent, we'll fucking kill you."

>> No.13343393

I mean, the West has been in continuous warfare with a certain region of this world to the point where they fund the most radical of movements like ISIS, Wahhabism, and etc.

>> No.13343405

I would not be surprised if you were a Jew LARPing as a White man. Regardless, I agree with a lot of what you're saying, but I don't agree with your causal explanation. Given the current trajectory of Western and Israeli policies, I don't think it will get better. I don't agree with your reasoning at all as to why this is happening. All you say, like an ethnic supremacist Jew, is:
>this is in your nature to be savage! let me ignore everything else happening around you!
The entire region is being destroyed. You expect people who come from such broken-down environments to be saints, huh?

>> No.13343413

>I would not be surprised if you were a Jew LARPing as a White man.
And now it's time for the random unfounded accusations because you got fucking cornered. Kill yourself.

>> No.13343416

I was not cornered, you illiterate savage.
>Kill yourself.
Nah, I'd rather kill hypocritical cunts like you.

>> No.13343428

You were cornered, you rapist savage.

>> No.13343430


>> No.13343432
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>> No.13343436

I do not like rape or even enjoy sex, but yes, when I talk to you I become savage. Do you want me to tell you how I would enjoy torturing you? I was inspired by your own European literature on how I would torture people like you. Do you want to know?

>> No.13343444

You have spent the whole fucking thread defending the shit out of rapists and threatening us with more rapes. Who do you think you're fooling? Fucking psycho subhuman piece of shit.

>> No.13343447

Democracy itself is a symptom of decline. Contrast Greek democracy or Roman republicanism and Western democracy: the Romans tore down their monarchy relatively early in their lifecycle, clearly because they had no real need of it, while the West began establishing democracies late in its lifecycle after being happy with monarchism for many centuries. It shows something is seriously wrong with our civilization since the French Revolution.

>> No.13343451

Not in a million years, guenonfag

>> No.13343453

>defending the shit out of rapists
I was not defending them. I said I can understand how people from war-torn environments can become like that. I even encouraged closing borders.
>threatening us with more rapes.
I never threatened you with more rapes. I said it will increase if the endless hypocritical wars from the West and Israel do not end in the Middle East. These wars have been going for over 50 years. 50. fucking. years.
>Who do you think you're fooling?
I am not fooling anyone. I made it clear that I hate people like YOU. I never said I would go and harm random civilians, but I am lying if I told you that I do not genuinely want to see you die.

>> No.13343457

Don't let that schizo larper guenonfag turn you off Guenon himself. Guenon is pretty alright if read with a grain of salt (like anything else, including Spengler).

Guenonfag's problem isn't that he's into Guenon, it's that he's a schizophrenic Muslim evangelist.

>> No.13343462

Yes you did fucking defend them, and yes you did fucking threaten us.

>but I am lying if I told you that I do not genuinely want to see you die
Yes of course you want non-psycho non-rapists to die. You fucking disgusting piece of shit.

>> No.13343470

>Yes you did fucking defend them, and yes you did fucking threaten us.
No, I didn't. Listen, if tomorrow if the West, Israel, and Saudi Arabia stopped destabilizing the Middle East more, I would be a lot more civil with you. I would have no reason to be pissed. I am saying I am pissed because I see the region becoming even more destabilizing from constant staged attacked, arming of terrorists, and more.
>Yes of course you want non-psycho non-rapists to die.
Yes, I would like it if YOU died because you kept claiming my race is subhuman.
>You fucking disgusting piece of shit
I have never done any crimes, but I might make a special exception for you. Ask yourself why.

>> No.13343475

Yes you fucking did you fucking dishonest psycho fuck. You are the fucking reason we need closed borders.

>Yes, I would like it if YOU died because you kept claiming my race is subhuman.

>> No.13343483

>You are the fucking reason we need closed borders.
But I haven't raped or done any crimes. I even agreed you should close the borders though.
And why should I be compassionate to someone who calls me subhuman? Do you have any metaphysical reason as to why? Do you see I have literally no issues with your views besides arguing we're subhumans?

>> No.13343485

>And why should I be compassionate to someone who calls me subhuman?
Who in the fucking fuck cares about """""""compassion"""""", you delusional fucking psycho rapist subhuman?

>> No.13343489

Compassionate people typically do not do crimes. If I am walking, minding my own business, and someone yells I am a "delusional fucking psycho rapist subhuman", then the compassionate thing to do would be to turn the other cheek and not cause conflict. See, you already presume I am a rapist or criminal on the basis of my race, not based on know the full history of my actions.

>> No.13343491

high iq black people existing doesn't mean the throngs of low iq blacks aren't a danger

>> No.13343497

>know the full history of my actions
knowing the full history of my actions*
And to know the full history of my actions is to see I have never raped, assaulted, or done any theft to anyone, yet you still choose to call me subhuman. For what? To make me angry? In the past, it didn't work, but I cannot promise for the future.

>> No.13343502

> yet you still choose to call me subhuman. For what?

>> No.13343503


We're basically abusing way too much freedom these days without responsibility, thought or restraint that we're enforcing that on each other now and it is just creating chaos wherever people's entitled standards go with them.

In an effort to entitle to identity we're putting each other to the social chopping block and apparently that's fine nowadays.

>> No.13343505

so you never judge white people based on their race history?

>> No.13343513

The only person being dishonest here is you. You can only hold me accountable for my actions. I have never raped, assaulted, or stole anything from anyone out of the 26+ years of my life. All I was saying is that I am justifiably pissed that my nation may be destroyed over false pretexts, and I am finding it more difficult to remain sane.

>> No.13343515

So, like I said, support an immigration policy based on IQ not race. That way you can block out all the "dangerous" low IQ blacks AND whites while keeping the high IQ blacks and whites. This does not need to be a race problem.

>> No.13343518

I do not want to see my ancestral home country destroyed over deceit like staged attacks, false flags, and more. I have been a good, compassionate man all my life for 26+ years. I have never raped, harmed, or done anything to anyone. However, my state of mind is more volatile now due to recent news and the lies I see.

>> No.13343520



>> No.13343525

i like people of all races

>> No.13343528

I never defended the rapists. I said I can understand the resentment of many of these people, that's all. You can't understand until you live in a country that is responsible for destroying your ancestral home for over 50+ years.

>> No.13343533

This has to be bait. no one can be this retarded

>> No.13343534

It's just best to give the benefit of the doubt and judge people as individuals. If someone were to yell "subhuman" to me as my country becomes destroyed, I don't know how I would respond during these tough times.

>> No.13343535


why is that retards think white is a race?

>> No.13343536


>> No.13343549

Every generation thinks they're the last. Moral panics come and go. So called degeneracy only matters if you give it power, which you do because you fear it. Things come and go without really changing that much. Some others will always behave in a way that disgusts or offends you.

>> No.13343551

I'm not lying. I try my best to be honest, which is what my ancient religion promoted.

I am just making it clear to you that I have growing feelings of resentment towards seeing the injustices being done to my home country, that's all. Do you not understand this?

>> No.13343554

Race and nations don’t matter, we’re All people

>> No.13343566


>> No.13343574

go back to /pol/

you're making us look bad

>> No.13343575

Be thankful you are safe behind your computer screen.

>> No.13343581



>> No.13343583
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There are thousands of people on the internet currently roleplaying as dragons and wolves eating each other's shit and getting fucked by multi-cocked angels.
People on the left are living STD ridden adventures while willingly paying dozens of thousands of dollars to doctors to irreversibly mutilate their genitalia in extremely gruesome ways.
People on the right are getting ever more extreme about their anti-lgbt-ness while at the same time masturbating furiously to "traps" and their "based trap wife" fantasies, and are probably roleplaying about this online while using fucking anime girl profile pictures.
The old nazi propagandas against jews with exaggerated features have become now webcomics that generation Z spreads on facebook, a network created and owned by a jew person.

The last big paradigm shift in psychology was Freudian analysis which was developed on hysterical middle class austrian women who didn't get enough sex on their daily life. From that we still explain this behavior which is not studied by academia, but which deeply leads our world. These gen Z kids and millenials with their 68 genders, with their anime pfps, with their trap fantasies, these are people shaping our future and there is ZERO FUCKING LITERATURE EXPLAINING THEIR BEHAVIOR.


>> No.13343594

western culture is at an all time high in terms of progress. It is just that the higher has further separated from the lower.

>> No.13343595

I have never raped, and I do not even enjoy sex. It's just not something I've ever enjoyed. I prefer reading, you know? I probably know European literature better than you. That is why I am here. I respect European cultural legacy and literature.
I would have no reason to raise my hand if you weren't calling me subhuman or saying you'd love to see my region nuked.

>> No.13343600

I think you're probably trolling at this point, but either way the most impressive thing you've ever done is come out on top in the lottery of birth. And now you spend your Saturdays show-boating your ignorance in an aggressive fashion because you don't have enough friends to satiate your need for conflict in the real world.

Chill out and pet a dog you spoiled, unsympathetic cracker.

>> No.13343606



>> No.13343607

how do i stop being racist

>> No.13343617

I am the Middle Eastern he is debating, and let me tell you, I have even rescued dogs. For example, I have recently rescued a Golden Retriever, and I had him scanned for a microchip and they found her owner. I am a very loving and compassionate person, and I have never done any crime in 26+ years of my life. However, due to recent political turmoil, I feel my mind eroding. That is all. If I were debating that person in real life, I cannot promise he would remain alive.

>> No.13343620

>If I were debating that person in real life, I cannot promise he would remain alive.

>> No.13343625

My ancient religion condemned lying. I base my way of life on this religion. I have never raped or harmed anymore in 26+ years of my life. However, I would be lying if I said I did not want to disembowel you, gouge out your eyes, and all those horrible things. I am not joking. However, I would not get sexual during the process of butchering you.

>> No.13343629


>> No.13343630

I have never raped. I never will either. Granted, I would gladly murder you in cold blood. I would not get sexual in the process of ripping you apart either. We'll see you keep calling me subhuman as you gurgle and throw up blood.

>> No.13343636


>> No.13343637

I don't rape, and I am married. However, my hatred for you in this moment could very well swallow this whole cosmos. I believe you can see better once your eyes are removed. Who knows? Maybe you'll see something Lovecraftian? Be happy you're behind the computer screen.

I am an honest and upfront man, perhaps to my own detriment.

>> No.13343645


>> No.13343646

I have nothing further to say to you, all-caps faggot.

>> No.13343660

He was never defending rapists, just saying that there's more at work there than the people of those countries being violent and disturbed.

The wars in the Middle East turned a bunch of little boys into sociopaths. If you'd been born into the same environment as some of these people that you detest, there's a good chance you wouldn't have turned out much differently than them.

It's called empathy. You've just never been forced to understand the importance of it.

>> No.13343666


>It's called empathy


>> No.13343682

Is there anything more cringe then threatening each other over the internet?

If I had to describe the decline of the west in one exchange it would be some soiboi allcapsing about rape and some Muslim threatening to murder him...

>> No.13343697



>> No.13343700

you do realize that they’re not actually people, right?

>> No.13343707

Your post is dripping of soi. At least he is threatening murder, which is obviously the pseudo-masculine respond you would expect.

>> No.13343709

I am not Muslim. I thought I clarified that already? Also, I am not responding to the all-caps retard anymore. Just keep in mind I am not a rapist.

>> No.13343726



>> No.13343744

It's not your position, it's your defense of it that is dripping with soi.

>> No.13343746

>we no longer rely on Bronze Age myths
yeah, you just turned the word “science” into god as a cope and went with it

>> No.13343749

His accusation that I am a rapist is also annoying.

>> No.13343753



>> No.13343760


>> No.13343763

I even said executing the rapists is preferable, so I don't get where this accusation I am a rapist comes from? I hope this all-caps faggots gets an stroke. I don't want to bother responding to him directly anymore.

>> No.13343772

>people unironically want to live in brown nigger world
as Mexican I know what I'm talking about, you haven't seen shit of what would happen once whitey institutions are gone.

>> No.13343774

I never threatened or have engaged in rape. It's obvious to any literate man with an attention span above a ten year old.

>> No.13343776

Again, it's not your position, it's YOU.

>> No.13343785


>> No.13343983

Evola does an eerily good job of describing the state of the world today, so does Hoffman

>> No.13344064

Man I feel sorry for you, why do you keep talking to these morons?

>> No.13344105

How difficult is Spengler? Decline of the west looks interesting

>> No.13344156

He's outlining the why exactly westerners should have no sympathy for those living outside the west. I do appreciate his honesty, but I don't see why hiss correct assertions about the intentions of third worlders should make me support them in any way.
You're just a literal rape apologist. It's not that far off.

>> No.13344171

Like any other work of philosophy, there is much more hidden beneath the words than just what's on the page.

>> No.13344174

>It's called empathy. You've just never been forced to understand the importance of it.
Sure, but now that we're empathazing and we understand that they are in this state, why should we want them in our presence in any capacity?

>> No.13344180

I am not a rape apologist. I even said I think executing the rapists is good. I'm saying I understand much of their resentment because the come from countries the USA, Israel, and Saudi Arabia keep destroying and won't stop.

>> No.13344188

You have no moral high-ground to say whether we should or should not be in your presence. Why? Because you have been in continuous warfare with the region for over 40+ years, and it is culminating into WW III now.

>> No.13344217

>40+ years
Technically speaking, it's more like ~70 years.

>> No.13344222

>You have no moral high-ground to say whether we should or should not be in your presence. Why?
I do because all westerners are of greater moral consideration than even the greatest from outside. I will not allow my morality to be shaped by the false god of the UN lifecult known as humanity. You can worship him all you want, but I know the only outcome of that is conquest and flagellation.

The Muhammadan has been ion continuous warfare since their beloved prophet marched his armies into Mecca. Their new suffering is deserved from the countless attempts they made at westward expansion. Why should I heed the cries of the conquered while they hold they chains they once placed around Iberia, The Balkans,and Greece?

>> No.13344237

Sure, but Plato is much easier to parse than Hegel

>> No.13344244

In the past, your alliances with the Middle East was different, and not all of the Middle East was your enemy. Also, only the Wahhabist want a global caliphate imposed through ruthlessness, and that comes from your allies in Saudi Arabia, hypocrite.
>moral consideration
Everyone who earnestly seeks truth and has a good heart deserves moral consideration regardless of their racial backgrounds.

>> No.13344250
File: 54 KB, 400x443, Khoi San.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Where is this „replacement“ taking place?

The replacement is taking place by appropriating land which belongs or belonged to white nations. Nature never squanders anything, the reason why animals, even birds, will risk their lives fighting over their land is because the land you have determines the carrying capacity of your race.

This is for example why the Khoi San are never really heard of today. I bet when I say "Southern African" you think of a black person, but just 500 years ago a Khoi San like pic related inhabited South Africa. The Khoi San were replaced by Bantus because they were pushed off of their land, causing their numbers to dwindle to near-extinction.

>> No.13344251

>Why should I heed the cries of the conquered
If you do not heed the cries of the conquered, then do not come crying to me when the cycles of vengeance do not cease. You are a depraved son a bitch, and soon, we will have WWIII on our hands.

>> No.13344258

>son a
son of a*

>> No.13344277

Because not a single serious thinker would even think of the "state of degeneracy in the West" as a serious matter of thought.
There's is a bunch of uneducated conservative "thinkers" getting a lot of popularity in murrica, you could check those.

>> No.13344287

I'll clarify then: you can take Spengler's arguments at face value or you can get inside his mode of thinking and begin totally looking at human culture the same way he did. For me The Decline of the West was a starting point; after I read it a few months ago I could never look at history and culture the same way again. For example now I'm reading the Critique of Pure Reason, and I enjoy it for what it is, but in the back of my mind I know it's a specifically Faustian epistemology, that is the Faustian will-to-conquer that projects its spirit onto the material world, rather than the spirit reacting to the material world as Plato thought of it.

>> No.13344293


Call it degeneracy or call it progression, but clearly the West is changing, and there are even parallels in social developments to East Asia (see Japan's herbivore men). This is objectively happening, everyone acknowledges it, but there's very little work examining it. That's a problem.

>> No.13344298
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>> No.13344305

Put a bullet in your brain faggot you are a disgusting human being.

>> No.13344312

Spengler was a Marxist

>> No.13344314

>In the past, your alliances with the Middle East was different, and not all of the Middle East was your enemy. Also, only the Wahhabist want a global caliphate imposed through ruthlessness, and that comes from your allies in Saudi Arabia, hypocrite.
Again, Greece, Iberia, and the Balkans. Their cries of pain are just war cries that look good for the camera. Immigration as we see it is just the new form of conquest that occurs in an age in which mass media is ubiquitous and nuclear weapons have stalled direct conflicts between major powers.
>Everyone who earnestly seeks truth and has a good heart deserves moral consideration regardless of their racial backgrounds.
Humans are fundamentally transformed by the civilization they primarily interact with, identify with, and vow protect. To believe that there is any reason to affirm the life of an individual based upon their human-ness alone is silly. Justification cannot be found in neither the body nor consciousness. Humanity as it as known today is covered in superfluous additions made by various groups, and their is no reason to afford the human rights above those who engage meaningfully with with civilizations. You can worship you false god. I won't, and the Mohammedans certainly don't either.
>If you do not heed the cries of the conquered, then do not come crying to me when the cycles of vengeance do not cease. You are a depraved son a bitch, and soon, we will have WWIII on our hands.
I agree. The real solution is for the west to use its military power to enact the ultimate vengeance, or for the west to be destroyed. I can hope for the former, but I expect the latter. Too many people within western lands have become post-westerners more concerned with some imaginary "human" civilization than their own.

>> No.13344329

>Greeks, Iberia, and Balkans
That was mainly from Ottomans. The Turks are your allies. I can understand wanting distance and isolation from the Middle East, but I do not condone your endless slaughter there. If the tables were turned, I would be saying the same thing. I am tired of these endless wars.
>Humans are fundamentally transformed by the civilization they primarily interact with, identify with, and vow protect. To believe that there is any reason to affirm the life of an individual based upon their human-ness alone is silly. Justification cannot be found in neither the body nor consciousness. Humanity as it as known today is covered in superfluous additions made by various groups, and their is no reason to afford the human rights above those who engage meaningfully with with civilizations
This is a weird collectivist form of nihilism. I think people should be judged by their individual actions, values, and more.
>The real solution is for the west to use its military power to enact the ultimate vengeance
Most of these enemies are of your own creation: ISIS, Wahhabism, and so much more. You're creating your very own demons and lashing out at them. It's more like they're your shadows at this point.

>> No.13344334

>The west is changing
When has it stopped changing? that's what cultures do.
Another thing is that the old values of manliness are suffering a symbolic crysis, and that concerns you a lot because you're an incel.
Also, you might be looking in the wrong place. You actually should check some feminist literature if your concern is "men are less manly than they once were".
There's actually a lot of literature related to that matter.

>> No.13344338

You again

>> No.13344339

There’s nothing more valuable about white land, africa actually has the majority of the worlds unused farmable land and tons of untapped resources.

>> No.13344341

>This is a weird collectivist form of nihilism.
To clarify: You care basically arguing that people should be viewed as similar to ants, which only get their meaning from working in a colony. This is a silly view of human nature.

Anyways, everything you say is bullshit. You are allies with the biggest of Islamists, those who literally did the Sweden and Paris terror attacks. So yeah, you're not really at war with the Middle East. You are just creating an endless shitstorm and then crying when you suffer the consequences.

>> No.13344343

Kill yourself

>> No.13344359

It's simple. Civilization is unsustainable without central social docrmtrine of some kind. The thing is that this central social doctrine has to be imposed upon people because it will never be objectively decided upon nor unanimously accepted. So the more we arm people with critical thinking skills and their value judgements fail to be grounded in verifiable reality, and the lack of agreed central values will of course allow for social unrest. As it turns out on a long enough timeline the natural trajectory of civilization is to destroy itself one way or another.

>> No.13344370
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I'm not reading Ms. Shekelstein's thesis on intersectional black-trans empowerment. It would serve as good material to look directly upon social degeneration, but not as good material to understand it in all its manifestation.


I'm not responding to a comment this dumb. You only get a wojak. Think about what you've said and think about what I've said and realise there's no relation.


>> No.13344374

Another threat of disguised fear to brown people.
Nobody is getting replaced, different societies produce their own individuals, you don't erase a whole institutional structure with the colour of your skin or your religious beliefs. Don't worry you're not getting the sharia law in the USA

>> No.13344375

>Most of these enemies are of your own creation: ISIS, Wahhabism, and so much more. You're creating your very own demons and lashing out at them. It's more like they're your shadows at this point.
Their just manifestations of the same healthy spirit that has inhabited the region since the time of Cyrus. We can only even call ourselves we4sterners because the threat of their conquests made a number of people realize that our similarities far outweigh our differences.
>This is a weird collectivist form of nihilism. I think people should be judged by their individual actions, values, and more.
I advocate for the only alternative to nihilism. I merely believe that when a human is is conditioned to contribute to something that is both beyond his body and concrete (eg: civilization itself) it is able to justify its existence. The truest form of nihilism is to pretend that naked man alone is an entity with value, or even worse to believe that fundamentally destructive agents are value creating entities. This can be most readily observed in the libidinal basis of all emancipatory movements.
>That was mainly from Ottomans. The Turks are your allies. I can understand wanting distance and isolation from the Middle East, but I do not condone your endless slaughter there. If the tables were turned, I would be saying the same thing. I am tired of these endless wars.
They're from the caliphs that far predate the Ottomans. While we can play tit for tat all night (Romans, Alexander, Persians, etc.) It only goes to show that neither party has ever wanted distance from the other, and I don't believe we ever will.
>Anyways, everything you say is bullshit. You are allies with the biggest of Islamists, those who literally did the Sweden and Paris terror attacks. So yeah, you're not really at war with the Middle East. You are just creating an endless shitstorm and then crying when you suffer the consequences.
I agree that we are fundamentally misguided. We can either remove the stigma that is attached to genocide, or we can see ourselves destroyed. I don't believe there is any middle-ground solution that does not ultimately belong to the latter category.

>> No.13344382

>Nobody is getting replaced, different societies produce their own individuals, you don't erase a whole institutional structure with the colour of your skin or your religious beliefs. Don't worry you're not getting the sharia law in the USA
When the ultimately goal is some sort of post-colonial conquest, they will eventually do it. And even worse, they will do whatever is in their power to replace our aesthetic sensibilities with their own. This quest has guided them for millennia, and I don't believe they've abandoned it.

I would agree with you that the racial hysterics are tantamount to nihilism. All non-muslims from the Islamic world should be given citizenship in western lands and encouraged to relocate.

>> No.13344400

>since the time of Cyrus
Cyrus was a good man whose spirit also influenced the West. Look into how the Founding Fathers of USA read Xenophon's Cyropaedia.
>to pretend that naked man alone is an entity with value
Great artwork is largely cultivated from the deep contemplation that comes from daily solitude. You place too much emphasis on intersubjectivity. People are still individuals with their idiosyncrasies and novelties.
>It only goes to show that neither party has ever wanted distance from the other
I genuinely desire distance from people like you. You are a sick man who sees nothing truly divine in sentient beings apart from their social dynamics and will to power.
>I don't believe there is any middle-ground solution that does not ultimately belong to the latter category.
There are plenty of middle-ground solutions, but all of them will fall on deaf ears to you. Moreover, you would probably not accept any. You are way too collectivist, moreso than any Confucian I have ever encountered. I mean, I sympathize with a lot of right-wing ideals, man, but you take it way too far to the point of condoning genocide. No thanks. I don't want to see either Westerners or Middle Easterners genocided. I do want to see your neocons dead though,

>> No.13344405

I can also explain time explaining the significant Zoroastrian influences on Christianity, but it doesn't seem worth it. Regardless, I do agree Islam is a dumb religion. However, the problem is, your leaders keep support the most radical strands of it. It's almost like a joke, my man.

>proceeds to support and arm ISIS, Wahhabists, and much more

Fuck off.

>> No.13344415

>explain time
spend time*
Ignore typos.

>> No.13344470

>It would serve as good material to look directly upon social degeneration, but not as good material to understand it in all its manifestation.
They actually explain it, that's what scientific work does. You show you know nothing about feminist literature except for the "redpills" you've been given in /pol/. Actually one of the concerns of feminist literature is to explain how sex/gender contributes to structure societies. If your interest is related to those matters you should look there.
Also, that paper of yours is using already refuted references to structure its theorethical framework. You need to read a bit more and stop looking to fancy tables and mathematical formulas, that's what usually gets the dumb.

>> No.13344509


>Also, that paper of yours is using already refuted references to structure its theoretical framework.

I hope you aren't referring to Lewontin's fallacy. Sesardic has a good article explaining why the cookie cutter race denial arguments don't hold to scrutiny. https://www.ln.edu.hk/philoso/staff/sesardic/Race.pdf


When the basis of your ideology is moral and prescriptive (women are equal; women should be equal) and that affects your work you no longer practice science.

>> No.13344519


Also why am I arguing with someone over the internet about this. I have a right to resist being invaded, the old race arguments shouldn't have to be trotted out for such a milquetoast position.

>> No.13344529

>cookie cutter race denial arguments
Your cookie cutter subhuman arguments don't work either.
>I have a right to resist being invaded,
All I am saying is if you stop destabilizing the Middle East by supporting extremism, then things will gradually stabilize and get better. There were Middle Easterners in early 70s and 80s, and they never gave much problems until your support for Sunni radicalism got out of hand.

>> No.13344543


Achmed buddy I wasn't addressing you I was talking to the token woman >>13344470 or Reddit guest who shows up on lit and sometimes on his to argue mainstream university talking points.

>> No.13344549

Don't call me Achmed. Unlike you, we have preserved a cultural legacy even before the Abrahamic virus. I don't care who you were talking to. You're wrong, period.

>> No.13344570
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>No, I am Aryan, I am Iraaanic

Okay Aryo, I'm sorry for mistaking you for an Arab.

>You're wrong, period.

What, I'm wrong about races being real genetic things and that not wanting to be invaded is a morally defensible position? What, do you think black people, Mongoloid people, etc. don't exist, why?

>> No.13344580

The Camp of the Saints.

>> No.13344586

Wanting a demographic majority of the natives is a respectable position, and there are means to go about without promoting bloodshed. Regardless, I am right-wing. My approach is that the West needs to fuck off from Middle East and pass anti-miscegenation laws. There's no need to have ethnic cleansing or anything like that.

>> No.13344595
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Based, we see eye to eye my Aryan cousin.


>The Southern Poverty Law Center has compared the book to The Turner Diaries, attributing its popularity with white nationalists to the plot's parallels with the white genocide conspiracy theory.

Well, I have to read it now.

>> No.13344604

>no more destabilization of Middle East through support of terrorists or wars
>close your borders
>pass anti-miscegenation laws and incentivize Whites having babies
These were pretty much what the Old Right like Pat Buchanan and David Duke promoted. However, the New Right with figures like Jared Taylor rely on dehumanization and promoting further wars and bloodshed. It could be due to Zionist influence.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to preserve your race and remaining a demographic majority. You can go about this through more peaceful means.

>> No.13344613

>Based, we see eye to eye my Aryan cousin.
The risk of race riots will run high in the advent of World War III, which is a high possibility at this point. What is needed is a kind of fascist leader who does not resort to bloodshed or "quick fixes thinking". In my view, so long as you have 90% of natives, there will be much problems. The East Asians comprehended this a long time ago.

>> No.13344615

>there will be much
there will not be much*