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13340390 No.13340390 [Reply] [Original]

Is antinatalism the final red pill? Also Thomas Ligotti general

>> No.13340402

antinatalism is the final bluepill

>> No.13340406

how can one man be so based

>> No.13340472

yeah but not because of the experience of suffering, but because of perpetuating and beholding evil

>> No.13340610

This book put me onto Mainlander, I wish there was a legit translation of his stuff.

>> No.13340880

CATHR led me to Edgar Saltus’ Philosophy of Disenchantment, which I enjoyed very much. Saltus is an extremely elegant writer.

>> No.13340909
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Accepting antinatalism is just babbies first step in getting ready for the final red-pill of eastern thought

>> No.13340936

This is just proof of Christianity.
If there is no God/Christ. Then philosophies like this can make sense.
Therefore God is true.

>> No.13340959

Antinatalism is ridiculous. I can understand having those thoughts but to embrace it is pathetic. Even though theres days I'd rather not deal with life, those who hold this as their main belief appears to me as whiny cunts who claim its moral (despite having no moral source) to end humanity. They claim the bad stuff humans do against nature as a reason. Do they not see how nature is brutal, and that we are only as brutal as we are to avoid being prey? They claim society is fucked, do they make any effort of change? No they protest how we should stop raising families, the families we could be raising COULD BE the change.

Finally, when you tell them to kill themselves since they claim to hate life so much, they do nought but say
>I don't want to die, I just don't want to have existed in the first place!
Well have no worry, no one will remember your kind soon after death, maggot.

>> No.13341853

great post

>> No.13341910

That’s nice thoughts you had there wagie, now get back to filing those sheets.

>muh killl yourself if you hate your life
If you don’t like working in a factory for 12 hours you must love beeing homeless

Worshiping a god is like thanking your wife’s bull

>> No.13341939

Antinatalism is basically whining about suffering. I do think Ligotti does a good job laying out pessimistic thought however and his book is a good albeit biased summary. And it does have to be said that baseless optimism has enjoyed too much a lion's share of thought all throughout humanity for obvious reasons.

>> No.13342022

antinatalism makes sense for Ligotti because he only feels suffering

>> No.13342053
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I am an antinatalist but not for the reasons Ligotti gives. A lot of nihilists don't understand that their worldview can equally enable natalism. If there is no intrinsic meaning in the Universe, then someone could argue suffering is inherently meaningless, and it doesn't matter if they decide to procreate in response. I, myself, tend to have more quasi-Gnostic sensibilities. I view life as meaningful, but there is indisputably more suffering, which is inherently negative. Therefore, procreating is objectively and morally wrong because you are bringing children into a world of greater suffering. Bringing children into this world is one of the greatest of sins. I have no idea how people can read human history and decide to have children. I do believe in some kind of inner light, but this physical world tends to obscure it with its endless torments. Having a beautiful bird die in your hands is enough to realize this world is not worth it. It is undeniable the bird has divine light or soul, but this world is more like a prison for all of us, like a dark encasing.

>> No.13342067
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dude just read aquinas and the bible, all you say is stupid and you need to stop being some eastern loving bugman and accept christ

>> No.13342078

St. Thomas Augustine was originally a Manichee because he could not become an Elect. He also could never throw off his Manichee influences completely. Besides based Catharism, Europe Christianity is complete bullshit, especially with illogical ideas like Original Sin. Go off yourself, you deluded progressivist scum. You are just as retarded as fanatic Muslims.
>accept christ
Mani's interpretation of Christ makes more sense.

>> No.13342096

I was an antinatalist when I was 17.

such a stupid, immature world view.

>> No.13342100

>Tfw you realize both Protestants and Catholics have nothing to do with the bible which is a neutral text and are just slaves to Augustine's interpretation of scripture which they pretend is their own.

Truly epic.

>> No.13342103
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>St. Thomas Augustine
literally who?
I'm just saying stop being a brainlet soiboy. Western Catholocism is pretty much the peak of all intellectual tradition, there's a reason why anyone who honestly seeks the truth ends up a Catholic. If you find Aquinas hard to understand, maybe read some Feser first. I'll pray for you buddy.

>> No.13342122 [DELETED] 

I was a bit angry and not thinking straight. I meant to say St. Thomas Augustus. He was initially a Manichee who left because he was annoyed by how he could not become Elect. This means your whole Christian tradition was created from resentment.
>Western Catholocism is pretty much the peak of all intellectual traditio
I don't want to debate you. I've already read Feser and Aquinas.

>> No.13342127

I was a bit angry and not thinking straight. I meant to say St. Augustine*. He was initially a Manichee who left because he was annoyed by how he could not become Elect. This means your whole Christian tradition was created from resentment.
>Western Catholocism is pretty much the peak of all intellectual traditio
I don't want to debate you. I've already read Feser and Aquinas.

>> No.13342141

Augustine of Hippo.
My brain sometimes acts messed up when dealing with names when I feel pressured. Augustine of Hippo was a complete charlatan who was motivated by resentment.

>> No.13342143
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If you'd read Aquinas and Feser you'd be a Catholic. You're a dishonest reader or you haven't read them. As I said Catholicism is the truth and you're too much of a cumbrain bugman to let yourself realise it.

>> No.13342155

He was motivated by local politics as well to rebuke a movement of less serious Christians and neo-platonists. The protestant reformation is a battle between Augustine's format of the church, versus Augustine's formulation of original sin. Neither of which are particularly explicit in the bible.

>> No.13342191

Why can't you just accept people have differing interpretations? Massacring Cathars is not the way to go.