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File: 84 KB, 500x300, error-content-not-available-npc-looks-in-the-mirror-42524523~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13339056 No.13339056 [Reply] [Original]

What book would you give to an NPC to make them "wake up," to increase self-awareness, and help them learn how to analyze things on their own? I think this is definitely a skill that takes time to develop, and there is probably a certain intelligence threshold. Reading a lot of philosophy would be helpful, but what's one book that's a nice introduction to begin to cultivate better awareness and more independent patterns of thinking?

>> No.13339096

d&d player's handbook

>> No.13339118

you're fucking stupid

>> No.13339136

This, OP is embarrassingly dumb.

>> No.13339156

t. npc

>> No.13339157

wow you are very smart!

>> No.13339176

samefagging this hard

>> No.13339177

OP, you don't like snowflakes very much, do you?

>> No.13339185

no joke i was an NPC until i read Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Discourse on Origin of Inequality for an undergrad elective. Rousseau BTFO Hobbes and Locke in that essay. it helped me realize material conditions influence human nature rather than the other way around like NPCs and deterministic brainlets lead me to believe.

>> No.13339187

a truly horrendous thread, thank you

>> No.13339257

imagine literally posting an occupy era forced meme and calling some other person a sheeple

>> No.13339335

It’s valid to an extent but also dangerously shallow and complacent (for most people) to organize life into a sort of aristocracy where the nobility are truly self-aware, self-examining, passionate, and alive, while the rest are just sheep, “NPCs”. The real truth is that we are most of us NPCs most of the time. Being an NPC is like the baseline for most of us, even if we have “intellectual tastes”. You have to make an effort to not be an NPC, you have to actively struggle against NPC features in yourself, passionately embark on the quest of self-knowledge and the escape from all that is habitual, dull, mechanical and lifeless in us. Who can say they are extraordinarily mindful all the time, truly present in every moment? Even the person reading Shakespeare and Plato may instantly forget about all beauty and truth while they’re zoning out eating a hamburger.

>> No.13339345

Unironically 120 Days of Sodom. Traumatize them into the objectivity of existentialism.
This is the best answer. I wIll /thread/ my own post. You’re welcome.

>> No.13339527

The chapo trap house book clearly

>> No.13339568

I don't like the term NPC that much I mostly just used it to get replies, though the term does have utility in describing a lack of original thought. There certainly a gradient of self awareness and variability across time within the individual. And I don't think everyone else is sheep and I'm in the special club of people who know things, I feel like I used to be, and maybe still am, kind of an NPC in a sense. I was always bad at writing papers because it took forever to think about what to write, and I couldn't translate my thoughts into words very well. I also didn't talk much because I was shy. Both these things were true to an extent, but what I've realized recently nis that they are related by my lack of original insight. I didn't not talk just because I have the trait of shyness, I didn't talk because I wasn't thinking anything worth saying. I was more like a sponge that absorbed facts and funny jokes and spat them about when squeezed. I think this is part of the reason for my performance disparity between English and stem. I was very good at learning problem solving algorthims and doing spatial reasoning while I failed English because I didn't write my papers, even though I had the best reading comprehension test score in my English class. I think eventually through schooling, philosophy, and general mental exercise I learned how to think critically about things. A couple months ago I took some lsd and almost had a mental breakdown because I thought I was an NPC.
So in sum I think the main deficiencies I'm asking about are a lack of self awareness, a lack of original critical thought, and the tendency to seek a constant external stimulus that replaces any creative output, so that one becomes for like a leech than an individual. The first can be helped by mindfulness and life experience, the second by education and practicing conversation and writing. The third I'm not sure, but it's definitely not helped by constantly being online.

>> No.13340039

Just explain to them what the purpose of writing an essay is.

>> No.13340046
File: 779 KB, 647x656, 1471744199474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit unironically.

>> No.13340051

How To Read A Book by Adler.

>> No.13340102

GRRM, Harry Potter, 50 shades.
Seriously tho old shit is better than new, maybe early fanboy Plato?

>> No.13340114

imagine being this much of an NPC. Also, the meme was popularized in 2018 so I have no idea what you think you're talking about.

>> No.13340116

lmfao I love the idea of using NPC as an insult

kudos to whoever started that

>> No.13340117

1. you've never read it
2. Doesn't Hegel say that we are all NPCs?

>> No.13340140

Ignoring the whole argument about NPC's I think it's pretty non-controversial that a lot of people do either kind of just lack some basic self awareness for portions of their life or otherwise suppress it to kind of just coast for a while, and probably there are people who do it their whole lives.

Off hand without knowing the person in question though, I would probably give them a diary/journal and tell them to open it at least once every day but to only write in it whenever they do something different, think about something novel, or have some new insight. A lot of people who coast would realize pretty quickly that they aren't really able to write anything new at all, and even if they did then all you would have to do is ask them to read it back and they might realize they're lying to themselves. So at that point if they care at all they might just try to pull themselves out of whatever patter they fell into.

Obviously though I would say that a book or method that was tailored to the individual would be better in most cases though, but that's my general answer.

t. probably retarded Anon

>> No.13340179


>> No.13340189

1. I'm in the process of reading it.
2. No. He refers to NPCs as natural consciousnesses and his aim in the Phenomenology is to raise them to the Absolute.

>> No.13340190

was some articles about most people not having an inner monologue or consciousness or being able to visualise (internally) or some shit. npc was readily picked up after that. it's in the same vein as pzombie and subvocalisers. dumb shit but good in the realm of insults.

the way op is using it is to refer to people who operate on their socialisation and preestablished norms/ideas, especially taking these at face value and not really exploring them, instead of thinking for oneself from the ground up. i don't know why everyone is obsessed with it itt, clearly npc can be used however anyone happens to use it, they can't refute every minute use of it. are they dumb?

>> No.13340200
File: 62 KB, 420x449, 436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have an inner monologue. I think that has something to do with my slight dyslexia, though. I usually think of things in terms of pictures.
I'm good at math and philosophy though, but terrible at grammar and spelling.

I can talk stuff out or follow an argument through but it's not efficient for me to do this. The only problem is that writing up mathematical papers is a real pain because I have a hard time putting my insights into words, it gets done, but it takes a while.

>> No.13340249
File: 17 KB, 128x206, Mogworld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13340264

No book will do this. The best thing you can do is to mercilessly bully them, the ensuing social isolation will give them time to reflect upon many things.

>> No.13340813

Yeah. OP is a fucking pseud.

>> No.13340831

How do you expect some fucking normie could read hegel? That shit is dense and dry like my shit after a hard night drinking and screwing. The only people who read the likes of hegel and kant nowadays are those deeply disturbed into peering that far within of mere sense of being.

>> No.13340920
File: 480 KB, 1280x948, 1533772327220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>joke: internal monologue
>woke: internal dialogue
>bespoke: exteriorised polyphony

>> No.13341383


>> No.13341428

You enjoy to congratulate yourself way too much.

>> No.13342877

Why don't you explain why instead of shitting up the thread with empty insults
This is interesting, I would guess that the percentage of people operating on a base level of a awareness is much lower than 10,000 years ago

>> No.13343154

Not OP, but thank you for sharing your opinion in a respectful way

>> No.13343351
File: 30 KB, 333x499, sdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

THE anti-NPC book.

>> No.13343390
File: 131 KB, 1024x691, expectations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literal NPC responses

This is the exact reason people don't "wake up", their defense mechanisms like the one we see here kick in and keep them in their collective dream. They don't want their worldview questioned, because that is too scary for them. They take it as an attack, but it's the opposite, waking up is a good thing, if only they could see that.

Pic related, (optimistic)nihilism is the first step, if you're not a nihilist you're still asleep.

>> No.13344027

the only correct answer ITT

being an npc isn't something you choose, and there is no book that reverses it. npchood is a fact of of the soul.

>> No.13344054

You give him Catcher in the Rye. If he doesn't feel it deep then put a bullet in his head before he does any more harm.

>> No.13344090

How are you relating subvocalisers to NPCs and pzombies?

>> No.13345204
File: 26 KB, 324x499, 41iJ1ibN-EL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would give them kojeve first DESU SENPAI

>> No.13345212
File: 1.09 MB, 5000x5000, 1469830566355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that, as an NPC, I am both happier and more fulfilled than you. I am better than you in every way.

>> No.13345221

The irony

>> No.13345236


>> No.13345984

Being a nihilist is NPC and completely irrational. No one with an IQ over 110 stays a nihilist for more than 1 month.

>> No.13346193

>No one with an IQ over 110 stays a nihilist for more than 1 month

Good for them, it means they chose what is meaningful to them. That's what I like to see, it means they own their belief instead of their belief owning them. They weren't brainwashed into it, they chose it on their own free will, so at least in this instance they are not NPCs.

Once you become a nihilist you are free to believe whatever you want, and if it turns out you don't like whatever you choose then you can pick another thing or nothing, you have total freedom, that's the point.

>> No.13346248

This is all pretty funny considering that this "meme' is literally just you and a bunch of other anonymous people mindlessly regurgitating the same image over and over again because everyone else is regurgitating it, which in turn is an edit of another image that was also mindlessly regurgitated over and over again simply because everyone else was regurgitating it, and hilariously you lack the self-awareness to see the irony of accusing everyone else of lacking independent thinking.

>> No.13346430

You shouldn't stop believing in something because you don't like it, instead you should stop believing in something because your reasoning was fallacious. Why bother discussing anything with someone who picks a philosophical school as it was like picking some ice cream's flavour.

>> No.13346503

Because nihilism is (most likely) the truth, anything else is self delusion or a belief in something which is untrue.

If nihilism is too scary for you then you can always pick a flavour of ice cream and delude yourself, because it doesn't matter.

>> No.13347781

Did you not read the fucking thread retard? Are you that illiterate on a literature board?

>> No.13347797

The Book Of Five Rings.

>> No.13347806

And it's absurd how you're accusing me of thinking everyone else lacks self awareness (something I never said) while you're doing the same. Everyone who posts a meme must be mindlessly regurgitating it? Do you know of dumb that sounds?

>> No.13347819

Isn't this precisely what a Socratic dialogue is supposed to do?

>> No.13348063

the foundation for exploration by sean goonan

>> No.13348158

It's not about intelligence, it's about insight. But you could tell a door all about your doctrine, doesn't mean it has to change their world views. There's no saving an "NPC" that doesn't want to be liberated.

>> No.13348352

I've heard this one is the best. Hardest one also. Others are shit. Brainlets. When i'm finished with Marx, i'll begin Hegel.