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13333921 No.13333921 [Reply] [Original]

>it takes me 1h to read 15 pages
How can I read faster?

>inb4 just read more
I already read daily...

>> No.13334006

Usually I run around a page a minute but with more intensive works it takes longer. I’d say don’t worry about speed. Worry about comprehension. If you can understand the material you’re reading then it’s okay to go slow. You don’t want to read fast and not retain a damn thing. With better comprehension comes quicker speeds.

>> No.13334117
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I'd say my comprehension is good. In my defense sometimes I get lost in my own thoughts after reading something interesting.

But damn, I feel like a brainlet when I look at the clock then realize I've spent 5min on the same page...

>> No.13334157

if you're reading Peterson it's already too late

>> No.13334176
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>he didn't read 12 memes for life

>> No.13334242

Yeah that's the most annoying thing about reading

It's so FUCKING TIME CONSUMING. Reading 100 pages takes absolutely forever. Takes days. And all the books I wanna read are 600-700 pages long

>> No.13334255 [SPOILER] 
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Total sensorial privation, learn to live in silence then you’ll learn to focus on things

>> No.13334260

It's not that I get distracted easily, my reading speed is just slow as fuck.

>> No.13334301

You will have to tradeoff comprehension with speed. So I'd suggest to not worry about it.
The only thing I'd say is don't let yourself get stuck on difficult passages too much. You'll often get it when you come back to it later.

>> No.13334316

There's no way to "train" reading speed?

>> No.13334389

Don't think so. I tried to "train" myself in that manner fir a while and it doesn't seem to work. I find I just get fatigued if I read faster than my comfort level for too long.
The people I know who read really fast seem to not remember much (often by their own admission); on the other hand, I read very slowly (always like 5 mins behind the class in in-class readings) but I have famously good memory of what I read, I don't even need notes usually. So I would value your slow speed cause it's a sign you're taking in a lot.

>> No.13334461
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It sounds and it looks really stupid, but run your finger under the line of text you are reading. Just read normally at first and then slowly increase the speed of your finger. This works because most people are "pronouncing" words in their head as they read, but you can understand and process info much faster than you can "speak" it if that makes sense. Do this for a while and eventually you will loose the habit of saying words in your head as you read them and you will read faster. You will just look like a sub 80 IQ dummy while reading for while. Everything has a trade off.

>> No.13334509

Read harder books or maybe you are and that's why your rate remains constant

>> No.13334523
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>> No.13334559

No subvocalization/not reading over every word in your mind as though you were reading it aloud (like your mentally reading it aloud). This is best for books that aren't too challenging or require greater focus.

I am NOT a visual person and I do not think in images as I read, so if I find myself being scatterbrained while reading (a common problem), I'll force myself to hone in on the text, concentrate, and visualize what I'm reading. Helps keep my mind from wandering. Other than that, yeah, maybe there are ways to train your reading speed, but simply reading as you always have won't 'train' you to read faster. Whatever that 'training' might be, it should be methodical like weight training or athletic training is.

>> No.13334567

Try the Quickepedia app. I think it costs like a buck, but basically you can adjust the speed text goes by at and you read each word one by one in a red reticle. That will probably help you learn faster since it's actually a methodical way of training that skill, and you can adjust the difficulty/resistance.

>> No.13334592

Use a finger or pen under the words to guide you
You don’t notice it, but your eye is constantly twitching a tiny bit, looking around, trying to take in everything it sees. When reading, this causes your eye to look at words you’ve already read, to look all over the page, to look at things around the book. Before you know it, you’re not anywhere near the words you should be reading, and your mind wanders.
Putting a finger under the word you should read makes your eye focus on that word. If you keep doing this, you can cut your reading time way down. Trust me on this

>> No.13335196
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Does anyone else start off reading quickly but lose steam and over some minutes their reading speed decreases considerably? I notice I can burn through a few pages at a great pace but my brain seems to fry at some point and then I'll be on a page for a few minutes rereading a sentence even though it makes sense. How do I build my reading cardio?

>> No.13335211

I can read pretty fast but I stop reading often to think because I get stimulated. If I don’t stop I’ll just keep reading while thinking on a tangent, literally reading without comprehending, if I were reading out loud I would keep going without being aware of the words.

>> No.13335219

I had the same problem from reading more difficult books where 10 pages an hour is already fine (mathematics in particular). When I went back to continue the Canon I realized I was very slow and that Zeus sexual adventures don't require the same kind of reading as non fiction.

>> No.13335223

What about speed reading apps that flash words quickly? Memery?
Like this: https://www.spreeder.com/app.php

>> No.13335704

>I already read daily...
If you say this instead of "I read x hours everyday" you almost certainly don't read as much as you should.

>> No.13335723

Hello friends. I have created a language called Akrolaun. I’ve also created an organization called “Elephants Talk”. If you would like to join “Elephants Talk” and learn the wonderful language of Akrolaun, join our discord server. https://discord.gg/E4cGSVN
Learning this language will surely help you in reading fast

>> No.13335743

Why would you want to read faster? Do you think that by reading fast you'll actually comprehend what you're reading? Are you implicitly positing that reading is just a mechanical set of actions mainly composed by your retina? If yes, you're just a pseud.

>> No.13335816

Keep a memo pad, write down how much you read each hour

Identify your issue
Can't focus: mini meditations, quiet room, laid down, only natural light, be an active reader and engage w what you're reading by writing summaries at end of chapter and copy-paste fun or interesting insights into a word document or notepad. The summary, or notes, should include what insight you got from it or what you think of it. Just take what works for you, I don't summarize by chapter anymore but 3/4s of my captions I take have a half a sentence to a paragraph explaining my thoughts on it.

Not enough speed: don't read by word, each line is two glances, 1/4 way in and 3/4 way in. Your peripherals will catch it all. You can always slow down if u need to. You get really used to it but increase slowly and increase length over speed.

>> No.13335828

>it takes me 2 hours to read 50 pages
Just end me

>> No.13335870

Your speed in reading is determined mostly by the speed with which you process the ideas presented. Familiar ideas you process quickly, unfamiliar ideas you process slowly. Slow reading only means you're learning more. Don't worry about it.

>> No.13335877

Read >>13335816
Also it's usually 30 minutes is peak but after you get used to the subject you can sustain a good reading rate for awhile unless the material is enthralling. Read Thinking Fast and Slow to understand the mechanism of the way u think

>> No.13335886

It doesn't really matter how fast you read. In order to properly take in what you're reading, you must read as if someone was telling you the story, I believe. If you were narrating, you wouldn't go as quickly as possible, would you? You'd slow down and speed up depending on the moment. If you're reading novels, this is necessary to truly feel the emotions that the author wanted you to feel. If you're reading something more complex, it's necessary to understand what you're reading.

>> No.13336714

>Read Thinking Fast and Slow
OP here. Already did, it's one of the best books I've read.

>> No.13336728

I read at least 3-4h daily. Sometimes more if I have more spare time.

>> No.13336784

You should know that it’s poor form to inb4 as op.

>> No.13338413

I use this daily. Actually try it instead of asking if it's a meme. You can read 500wpm easily starting off.

>> No.13338459

5 mins per page is god tier speed

>> No.13338589

Wait wtf? I thought you were supposed to read it in your brain aloud

>> No.13338597

read with the intent of reading faster. move your eyes across the page so fast that it forces your brain to process things faster i order to keep up

>> No.13339349

>All these behavioral advice
The problem is deeper. It's useless to try to tackle it by tricks. If you are non neurotic with a calm content soul, then you can laser focus with ease and go through everything at high speed with excellent comprehension.

>> No.13340282

You don't read aloud when you see a stop sign, you just know what it says. I haven't gotten good at doing away with subvocalization yet but I really want to.

>> No.13340283


>> No.13340342

It takes me about 30 min to 'get into it'. If I read without pause or no rereads of passages, I probably reach 60 pages an hour. But otherwise it's like 25 pages an hour (where half is read in 1/3 third of the hour).

>> No.13340946

There a difference between reading hipster material like tolstoi and real philosophy like Hegel.
When i read Hegel like content it's more like 3 pages for 1 hour.

>> No.13340949

maybe reading is not for you