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13331013 No.13331013[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Give me one good reason why I should care about real people?

Fictional characters are the only people worthy of respect, admiration and adoration that I've ever encountered. I'd rather spend my life reliving the exploits of people who never lived than living a mediocre existence alongside petty, self centered scabs in real life.

>> No.13331045

people will give me shit but fuck it, i agree with OP. 99% of irl-fags are cancerous wastes of oxygen. Only 1% of the population is sentient.

>> No.13331084
File: 25 KB, 339x382, christopher-langan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Becuase of the existence of god.

Does god exist.
1: Everything that begins to exist has a cause (common sense, proven by the PSR, assumed by science)
2: The universe began to exist (well established scientific fact)
3: Therefor the universe has a cause (proved by modus ponenes)
4: Becuase this cause exist outside of space and time, it needs to be spaceless and timless, meaning that it's immaterial and changeless.
5: Becuase it created the universe it needs to be immensly powerful.
6: There only exists two immaterial and changless things, minds and numbers.
7: Numbers can't enter into causal connections meaning that numbers didn't cause the universe.
8: Therfor an immaterial, immensly powerful mind created the universe, which we all call god.

But what does god have to do with morality?
1: Morality consists of commands.
2: All commands require a commanding agent.
3: If morality is universal, then morality require a universal commander.
4: Morality is universal (kantian constructivism ).
5: Therefor there exists a universal moral commander, which everyone calls god.

But what religion is then true, there are plenty!
1: God is a kantian.
2: The gospel of Jesus Christs describes a very kantian man following kantian morality.
3: Therefor it's most lightly that christianity is true as Jesus reflects the objective Kantian morality that is caused by god, indicating that Jesus is god.
This means that christianity is true!


>> No.13331088

I don't believe in god, and even if you could prove his existence it wouldn't comfort me at all.

>> No.13331128

5. How does powerful equate sentient? An atomic explosion is powerful, I still wouldn't call it God

>> No.13331131

"people worthy of respect, admiration and adoration"

LOL baby needs all his characters to be likeable. Stop being a fucking child and read some real literature.

>> No.13331145
File: 44 KB, 1200x680, 6E86A7CD-6E2E-4489-94A0-36F52DD58BD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why should I care about real people?
>only fictional characters are worthy of respect and adoration
Anon fictional characters are made by realfags in case you forgot. Indirectly, you care and admire real people because they create something you admire.
>id rather spend my life reliving fictional exploits and shirk my ‘mediocre’ reality
You are on the path to sacrificing your humanity for novelty and short-term enjoyment. You need a purpose.
Agree. Majority of people are mongrels with no awareness of Self or being Whole as a person.

>> No.13331149

You can respect someone you don't like, the child is you.

>> No.13331161

>Anon fictional characters are made by realfags in case you forgot.
They take on their own lives when they're created. I like Edmond Dantes, not the guy who imagined him.
>Indirectly, you care and admire real people because they create something you admire.
Nope. I never gave a fuck about artists, only the art.

>> No.13331193
File: 778 KB, 750x947, 7338BD07-3532-4AB8-9FE0-25259983669C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don’t have to care about the artist. Refusing to acknowledge that without the author, there is no character, which you say you admire, therefore, you must admire the person in some minute detail since you admire the character and their story, which was created By the author. Disregarding this is merely you performing mental gymnastics in order to dismiss real people in some hyper-pessimistic fit

>> No.13331248

Read premise 6 -> 8

>> No.13331251

No, it's your ego wanting to believe creating things better than yourself somehow elevates you.

It doesn't. The creators of my favourite characters can burn alive in an oil fire for all I care.

>> No.13331286
File: 21 KB, 400x400, 3499BC2F-F9F1-4AC8-B104-AD9862420E67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting to believe creating things better than yourself somehow elevates you
This is why comprehensive reading is important. Never did I say or imply this. This is either bait or you are in an incredible state of denial.
>burn alive in oil for all I care

>> No.13331292

>Never did I say or imply this
"You secretely admire the creator because you like their work and they created their work".

That's what you said, that's just your ego trying to cling to something that it has no right to.

>> No.13331312

Fictional characters are just an extension of real people. Authors are real people

>> No.13331337
File: 182 KB, 952x917, fouché.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, what a faggot you're OP. You have to understand that there are (outside your hikkimori room of course, maybe once a century) real people who worth more than any fictional character

>> No.13331347

>Fictional characters are just an extension of real people
*in my opinion

>> No.13331353

Not to me

>> No.13331374

Fictional characters are Gods that are the embodiment of principles, and generally become more personable with the readers head canon, which is distinct from the authors intentions. Most people wear a face in public, and most of them really don't have anything underneath, those that do don't always have anything palatable. It's very hard to have your soul resonate with another.

>> No.13331382

Develop empathy and once you start understanding others you'll see there is absolutely zero differences between well-made fiction and reality.

>> No.13331388
File: 48 KB, 644x362, julio-cesar-asesinato-644x362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok but that is only your autist perception of reality

>> No.13331393
File: 84 KB, 510x856, 6BBC3134-F5EB-46D7-BE57-83B32CC77BD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is bait. You clearly are incapable of understanding simple sentence structure. Enjoy deluding yourself until your teenage nihilism consumes you and you kys

>> No.13331407

Even if I disagree, I bow to you for being one of the few people still attempting to build arguments here and for showing (some) understanding of the absolute giant that is Immanuel Kant, a divine man if ever there was one after Plato.
Well done.