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13328359 No.13328359[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

One of my gangstalkers has been reading the same book for an entire month now. How dumb do they think I am.

>> No.13328384

No one is following you, we have better things to do with our time.

>> No.13328391

this isnt /x/

>> No.13328550

what book retard

>> No.13329003
File: 29 KB, 315x499, Coping_with_Schizophrenia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a book recommendation.

>> No.13329007

That's what I don't understand about schizos. Why do they think they're so important to be gang stalked? They tend to be the most boring people.

>> No.13329345
File: 33 KB, 500x483, 33979c402223dd81124f4bd49d263b4a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, the 'no one is following you' brigade have showed up, like they always do in every stalking thread! What a surprise!
People are stalked, harassed, and even murdered all the time - but remember - no one is ever following you! That's just a crazy conspiracy theory...
Fuck off and stop gaslighting people.

>> No.13329353


>> No.13329356

>not talking philosophy with your stalkers and pointing out their fallacies

>> No.13329357

It looked interesting while I was watching you through your computer monitor a few weeks ago.

We can discuss it here if you want. Next time I see you I'll sniff and scratch my arm so you'll know I agree with what you think of it.

>> No.13329374

My problem isn't with stalking. Gangstalking however is a dumb idea unless you have an actual reason to believe you are worth an organization's time?

Most can't even tell you what supposed organization is following them.

>> No.13329391

Gangstalking is real and there is video evidence of it. End of discussion.

They're on the same book deliberately, no doubt. They hope you notice small things like that to mess with your mind.

>> No.13329404

>tfw the voices are reading Finnegan's Wake to me through the microchip

>> No.13329421

I can see you right now.

>> No.13329423

>Gangstalking is real and there is video evidence of it. End of discussion.

>> No.13329427

I’m sure some people are watched, you know, if they are actually important. What do you do to warrant watching?

>> No.13329434

Wish I had my own gangstalkers.

>> No.13329563

This thread is making me needlessly fucking paranoid

>> No.13329568


>> No.13330293

“Gang stalking” is law enforcement engaging in counter-intelligence activities on civilians. In other words: “Gang stalking” is the slang term used to describe being subjected to global government surveillance and unlawful monitoring..

People think government surveillance is something that goes on without the target being aware- but that is not correct. Surveillance is magnitudes more effective when it is conspicuous and the target is repeatedly reminded that they are being monitored. Agents do it in ways that only the target will notice, and which nobody would believe. It can be terrifying and can neutralize anyone.

“Gang stalking” is a slang term for the espionage authority granted to law enforcement at all levels as a result of the Patriot Act and FISA 702, which allows for warrantless, conspicuous surveillance to be conducted by both law enforcement and private security contractors. The security industry is booming and hiring “surveillance role players” constantly, and for good money, too:https://www.glassdoor.com/Job/surveillance-role-players-jobs-SRCH_KO0,25.htm (These people often don't realize they are actually doing surveillance work and not acting.)

“Gang stalking” is simply a term for the counter-intelligence work that the three letter agencies have been engaged in since WWII, including McCarthyism and CointelPro. What is unique about the new widespread phenomenon of spying and espionage is that it is being carried out by regular police as well as normal civilians, criminal informants and through programs like Infraguard, Citizens Corps and database sharing via Fusion Centers. They even farm out the harassment- law enforcement will recruit your neighbors to spy on you based on the premise that you are a danger to society.

Counter-Intelligence tactics:

>> No.13330296

Counter-Intelligence tactics:

*HEAD GAMES - number one tactic is screwing with you

*street theater harassment techniques (staged incidents calculated to upset and traumatize the Targeted Individual, a.k.a. TI,)


* Color harassment - flash mobbing in public using the color red worn by many people, surrounding the target, therefore conditioning the target to be “sensitized” to the color red.

*vehicular brighting (using high beams from vehicles to hurt and irritate the Target,)

*vehicular mobbing - using a group of similarly colored vehicles to follow the target in public.

* Managed Aggression - Strangers subjecting the target to repeated “accidental” physical assaults, such as bumping into and/or kicking the feet of the target from behind, sometimes as many as 20-50 times per day

*overt and covert photographing of the target, either to destroy a targets’ reputation or if it’s overt, simply to make the target feel watched, intimidated

* Synchronizing exit/entry to target’s housing or work, synchronizing movements/activity to the Target in an effort to irritate and intimidate them… Or as a form of street theater, synchronizing body movements in front of the target.


*Surveillance abuse — bugs and recording devices planted in targets’ home, work etc… result is the target being subjected to “directed conversation” while in public.

* mimcry- using surveillance to mimic a Tareget’s clothing, favorite colors, etc…

*Jew Baiting - A Term with roots in the Holocaust, where Germans would bait, taunt and physically harass the Jewish people until they would have an outburst, then have them arrested and subsequently sent to camps.

* audio spotlight harassment- using holosonic technology to harass and irritate targets.

* Blocking of passage- “Gang stalkers” will block your passage through a hallway, entrance, exit, road, etc.. to make you go through another way they want you to pass and take the picture.

>> No.13330298

*defamation of the character throughout the targets’ community and the TI's workplace as violent towards women, a pedophile, white supremacist, prostitute, human trafficker, or other type of highly stigmatizing label calculated to get the TI isolated, with neighbors readily involved in persecution. They recruit your neighbors to spy on you based on the premise that you are a danger to society.


*Noise synchronization -alarms, honks, yelling, people passing by at high speed, slamming of doors, coughing at target, training pet dog to bark when target is nearby

*Gaslighting and frame-jobs

America must take a hard look at what rights were given up as a result of 2001 attacks, and how they are currently disrupting the lives of innocent people over the years. These programs are being abused, as always happens when you contract civilians to spy on civilians. Presidents have referred to these programs as a new model for policing which involves “social justice” as well as throwing around phrases like “A Dramatic transformation of society.”

The sooner the masses discover what is causing many of the mass shootings, the sooner a dialogue can be opened. The basic goal is to neutralize you, to get you out of society. That could mean jail, psyche, or suicide. The psyop aspect includes all kinds of scare tactics, gaslighting, etc.. Just remember they are wrong for doing this, and people stood up and would not accept the Nazi holocaust or the Stasi Zersetzung period. So, hope is reasonable thing to have. Please try to spread awareness.

Don't fall for any “conspiracy” nonsense- they aren't reptile people, nobody can read your mind, no synthetic telepathy, it's not the Illuminati, not "the jews", no V2K (it's holosonic) Satanists or reptilians, it's not the Freemasons (although some members of every community are freemasons and are therefore active in community policing) It's not the CIA, nothing esoteric.

It's police-driven community policing involving many levels of city municipality, first responders, law enforcement, and then everyone that you come in contact with has a chance of being recruited based on something slanderous told about you by a person of authority. To better understand what is happening, learn all you can about Zersetzung.

All the best, RH

>> No.13330318

>not encouraging multiple stalkers in order to bring them together in peace and harmony through your duplicitous antagonism and graceful wit.
Say what you want about Christ, but that guy just knew how to bring people together at the right time and place to get shit done. Sorta of a hero of mine.

>> No.13330323

>voices are sighing, becoming exasperated with book, have tried the pronounce the same word multiple times now without completion, are ow throwing book across the room, now cursing joyce....

>> No.13330329

It's protestant idiots mostly. At least here. Dudes in wheelchairs protecting kids from wouldbe pedo's, thinking themselves heros for choosing to spy on innocent people. They're going to hell and it'll be in real time inside their minds. haha.

>> No.13330374

So this is the power of schizophrenia?

>> No.13330383

Yes. I'm sure some people are being surveilled, but they're not nobodies posting about it on /lit/

>> No.13330456

>Gangstalking is real and there is video evidence of it.

>> No.13330740

Thanks to you I spend hours looking at schizos harassing people at night

>> No.13330750

This is literally the only """"gang stalking"""" video with real stalking

It doesn't exist, unless you live in a community/shared housing where everyone is bullying to get you to move

>> No.13330755

You think that's bad? The guy I've been gangstalking has been doing nothing but browse /lit/ for 4 years.

>> No.13330814

How is this /lit/?

Stop thinking you are important. Stop identifying your self with what is outside of you. That's the cornerstone of insanity.

Take a break from this forum, perhaps take up a physical practice of any sort, martial arts are always good for the soul. You'll be fine.

>> No.13330850

Years ago I lived in a shitty anti-squatting apartment. The locks had never been replaced and duplicate keys were plenty. Every morning tiny details in the apartment started changing, gradually shifting from minor differences like opening/closing doors, lights being turned on/off, to symbols being drawn on the walls and flowers being placed in closets. To this day I still don't know whether this was all my doing in a state of psychosis or if the old squatters were using old keys at night to meme on me

That said, get a grip OP

>> No.13330862

Hazelnut kit kats suck

>> No.13330906

This would be the reality. Holy fuck what a boring job.

I guess if I got paid top dollar I'd be willing to drive passed some autists house 40 times a day.

>> No.13330911

On the one hand, I could imagine the government targeting particular individuals in something like the way that you're describing, but on the other hand, I've known a lot of methheads. People with a tendency to paranoia will see patterns in anything, e.g. I recall one man believing thathe was being followed because he frequently saw license plates starting with a particular number. But somebody like you would say "well that's just NLP" or something similar. I think that the popular critique of "why do people have any reason to follow you?" is sound: if you have no reason to think it, it's possible that you have a psychiatric ailment.

>> No.13330977

What book is it though? If it's a good one you could strike up a conversation.

>> No.13331007

things OP forgot to mention:
>they're reading Jerusalem by Alan Moore
>only read a few minutes a day
>are very slow readers
>he's off his meds

>> No.13331049

unironically think i'm being gangstalked. passed a guy on the street yesterday, about 5 seconds later i turn around to glance over my shoulder and he's staring at me. odd knocking sounds around apartment at all hours of the day and night. this really fucking weird knock at least 15x a day. weird lights, weird yelling and screaming.

>> No.13331310

Yesterday a man asked me for directions and a few minutes later looked behind me an saw him running towards me
He stood still, smiled at me and went back in the other direction
People are weird

>> No.13331319

do cute girls gangstalk?

>> No.13331343

>woke up at 4:00am to see a police car idling in front of my house
>mailman drives by my house at the same time every day
>my neighbors walk their dog in front of my house every day
>see my coworkers at work every time I go in
>my mother and father occasionally call me
>cashier at gas station I visit every day remembers my preferred brand of cigarettes
Am I being gangstalked?

>> No.13331344

Hello, Jeffrey.

>> No.13331363

What book his that ?

Boy you'd go batshit insane in a small town btw.
I thought I was paranoid, once I thought the oldmen next to me wanted to steal my wallet. I just forgot it in another pocket.
Another time I thought my mother stole some mother from me.
I such a piece of shit...

>> No.13331365

absolutely, you should stab one of them to see if they bleed

Some gangstalkers use biomechanical drones, they can seem very life like but don't bleed.

>> No.13331378

Shizo and lithiumpilled

>> No.13331408

>I thought my mother stole some mother from me

>> No.13331487

I've been basically Schizor for the last four months, thinking I'm essentially being gangstalked. It's fucking exhausting. You just get to resenting everybody you think is involved because you are suffering the whole time, but you also know it is not their fault and that they think they are doing the right thing for you. But the really interesting thing is that the whole gangstalk thing could have a more important role in developmental psychology. There is a cool relationship between the idea of gangstalking and the subject/object relationship between man and God (lover beloved). A person believing himself to be gangstalked experiences an interesting deflation of ego as there is a breakdown between perception of self and actual self (subjective self/objective self) so eventually there is no longer reason for ego to exist, as there is no longer any secret that the ego keeps private (because the person believes that everyone knows everything about him/her). Jung describes one of the stages of perfection as this type of schizophrenia. Plato considered craziness (mania) to be a divine trait. Taoists saw delusion as an integral part of philosophy, and Arjuna's goal in the Bhagavad-Gita was to rid himself of delusions. I'm just hoping to shed a potentially positive light on these horrifying experiences. Even if paranoid thought aren't caused by a divine calling, the nature of these thoughts can help us move toward egolessness if we address them in a good way. I hate this shit and it's tearing me apart, but it is possible that my perspective has been improved by the last four months of hell. I hate attention and thoughts of people observing me. Wish me luck, I seem to be getting better.

>> No.13331526

Dude schizos are literally not rational, that is what defines the disease.
I don't blame people for being sick, and neither should you.
You can blame OP for being a shit troll though