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File: 33 KB, 448x260, Wasteland_by_barkingaardvark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1332435 No.1332435 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone ever read The Waste Land by TS Eliot?

Personally, I think the poem is very brilliant, as Eliot probably put a fuckload time and effort in getting all the references from other poem and putting them together to basically put together his poem (It is largely consisted of quotations and references from other sources of literatures).

Anyone worth any salt in the literacy world should have read this poem at least once.

>> No.1332440

literally never read it, literally never read anything 420

>> No.1332443

it should be the The Waste Land by Ezra Pound since he did all the heavy lifting when he edited it for Eliot, also TS Eliot wrote "Cats" which is pretty fucking lol

>> No.1332444


Fucking wuss. Man up and read it!

>> No.1332446

Yea well he wasn't the only one working on it. So was Pound. Pound managed to strip away half of the poem if not more. Pound is the real author IMO.

>> No.1332450


OP here.

I'm researching it for English Literature in secondary school (high school for the USA people).

What Ezra did was take away a lot of shit and made this poem shorter.

Taking away shit takes a lot less effort than finding and adding shit.

>> No.1332451

don't get me wrong, TS Eliot is good, but Ezra Pound "pounds" him in the ass poetically of course

>> No.1332458

also I haven't read any poetry by anyone since I was like 16 lol, just shootin criticism from the top of my dome

>> No.1332462

>literacy world
irony r u.

>> No.1332466

obsessive over grammar is u, go outside try to u must, stop aspie being

>> No.1332469

Overrated stuff acting cool because it comes under "post modern"
lines blatantly stolen from other texts excused because they were "inspiration"

>> No.1332475


no, editing is harder than writing.

>> No.1332477

TS Eliot and Ezra Pound sound like girl names.

>> No.1332483

if u read them u might get to meet some girlies too

>> No.1332487

thanks 4 describing james joyce, now whats your opinion on The Waste Land, lol

>> No.1332491

>implying getting a fuckload of references id a walk in the park

What makes a piece for me is the amount of effort that went into it.

>> No.1332505
File: 54 KB, 291x351, come at me brp old gorilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


they weren't references they were stolen lines.

and you obviously haven't read the wasteland of you'd know what style it's actually written in.


just no.

>> No.1332519


The skill of using unaltered lines from completely different poems, putting them together to create a poem.

>> No.1332525
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>> No.1332531
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>> No.1332532
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>> No.1332537

wat it about

>> No.1332550

not so good as Stephen King's The Waste Lands amiright?


>> No.1332553
File: 23 KB, 604x428, oh-u[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1332571

baby can't take a lighthearted jab at his favorite author, news at 11

>> No.1332591
File: 65 KB, 430x286, dale cooper coffee smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nowhere near my favourite author unfortunately, and not so much a jab as a statement with no grounding in reality.

>> No.1332598

90% off all people who have read james joyce just do it because they've been told he's great and they wind up not retaining anything, also you're this guy irl >>1332532

>> No.1334183
File: 76 KB, 519x600, Batman laughing face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Instead of refuting my central point you resort to name calling

grow up kiddo

>> No.1334221

Okay, writing is very much the same skill as editing, and Pound was an excellent editor - Eliot was an excellent poet. That's what happened. It's not a matter of "Eliot did 80% and Pound did 20%" or vice versa. They performed much the same skill to collectively solve much the same task.

Stylistically, Eliot had an astounding command for meter and images and allusions and really captures a sort of fragmented alienation better than just about anyone, but I can't ignore that it's annoying and totally pretentious that he uses snatches of different languages sometimes (even in the spirit of rendering a 'heap of broken images').

Finally, fuck this "effort" criterion. I don't care if Mozart was bathing in hedonism juice and random shitty romantic composer X was being covered in burning wax while composing, it's the melody and the truth of the musical expression that matters.