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13325215 No.13325215 [Reply] [Original]

Which books will help me to give up porn and fapping for life?

>> No.13325217

The Bible

>> No.13325218
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>> No.13325222
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Have sex

>> No.13325235

The cumbrain meme ironically. When I saw that pic, it made me realize how bad porn and masturbation were affecting my daily life. Now I feel better.

>> No.13325251
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>> No.13325432

Your Brain on Porn

>> No.13325435

"Science discovers the physiological value of continence" is better than YBOP.

>> No.13325437

Old man and the sea by hemingway. Dont give up anon. We can defeat this addiction one day at a time.

>> No.13325452

>tfw zero chance of being widely published in english

>> No.13325494

why would you do that?
masturbating is part of a normal sex life
i'm married and sometimes my wife and i masturbate together
we both also masturbate when we're alone. sometimes we tell each other afterwards

>> No.13325513


>> No.13325518

>why would you want to do that ?
t. cumbrain

>> No.13325526
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Happy Birthday Osamu!

>> No.13325644

replacing hand with body changes nothing.

>> No.13325708

The what? Could you post it?

>> No.13325714

*ahem* Venus in furs

>> No.13325872

It helps IMO to have a system of 'gnosis' that gives you sufficient reason to abstain, namely that due to the bliss and satisfaction of realization that you can resist whatever urges crop up because sexual sensations pale in comparision to these states and understandings. As far as these go I'm partial to the philosophical writings of Advaita Vedanta and Sufi poetry. I've actually seen one other poster before make a thread this past year about how reading Shankara's commentaries made him have a transcendental experience that caused him to lose the urge to fap anymore.



>> No.13325967
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prostate cancer instruction

>> No.13325978
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>> No.13326014

life without sexual pleasure is a waste of time

>> No.13326103

why haven't you killed yourself then

>> No.13326106
File: 2.52 MB, 750x1334, 7E56D846-D865-45F7-83B4-CAC81C827715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. Pseudo-science virgins claiming super powers

>> No.13326119

What's pseudoscience is to think that our most evolutionarily important action is a biological free lunch able to be done ad libitum with impunity. Something so deeply rooted it turns off transmission in our more developed reasons of the brain when it's set off.

>> No.13326170
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yeah you're right
me and my missus had sex twice a day for a month when we were on holiday earlier this year
i could barely walk by the end of the third week

>> No.13326180

If she looks like that, I'm surprised that she could walk after the first week.

>> No.13326181

I tried really hard on and off to quit smoking weed and watching porn for something like two years. No books helped. Now I haven't watched porn in six months. The reason is that I moved into a house with people I am closer friends with and got in a good relationship. Porn/fapping is a way to deal with loneliness and sadness, the only way to fix those is by improving your relationships to the people around you. Until you fill the underlying hole (which no book can do), you won't quit

>> No.13326185

Sexual cripple

>> No.13326190

Hello friends. I have created a language called Akrolaun. I’ve also created an organization called “Elephants Talk”. If you would like to join “Elephants Talk” and learn the wonderful language of Akrolaun, join our discord server. https://discord.gg/E4cGSVN
Learning this language will surely help you

>> No.13326210

Discord is run by pedos

>> No.13326223

4chin is run by pedos too

>> No.13326236

how do I battle the urge to tug one out when it arises?

>> No.13326249

Think of your grandmother taking a shit

>> No.13326259

I'm pretty sure that will simply give me a gilf scat fetish

>> No.13326266

Then you got bigger problems than fapping

>> No.13326333
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Someone else remembered?
Happy birthday Dazai! He's eating crablegs and chugging sake in heaven now.

>> No.13326341
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fortunately, she doesn't. but i like weird people

>> No.13326395

Nobody said you couldn't walk.
Nobody said it would prevent you from living an average life.
What's being said is it undermines peak cognitive functioning and the highest intellectual state we can be in.

>> No.13326402
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>y-you can't go without it, it's impossible!

>> No.13326407

Tell that to Pythagoras

>> No.13326615
File: 466 KB, 768x1024, Equestrian_statue_of_Marcus_Aurelius,_Rome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id say the Meditation of Marcus Aurelius, his work doesn't have to go by that name, mine is called The Essential Marcus Aurelius.

Be the Emperor Philosoper.

>> No.13326632

If you could improve the relationships with others around you, you weren't much of a misfit to begin with.

>> No.13326750


>> No.13326782

Aren't ads the single biggest no-no after cp? How have you not been banned?

>> No.13326800

It's relevant to the threads and incites discussion

>> No.13326839

>per·ver·sion /pərˈvərZHən/
>the alteration of something from its original course, meaning, or state to a distortion or corruption of what was first intended.
"a scandalous perversion of the law"
Which, by definition, includes onanists like that guy you replied to? Which by definition includes mutual onanists like the guy you replied to? Which by definition includes people who turn misuse the procreative organs for sake of "normal sex life" (normal being ad populum and hence fallacious)?

>> No.13328174

stop blaming porn and masturbation for your issues in life, it's placebo. It only 'works' because the people that do it have demonstrably enough will to do other things in life if they have enough will to keep completely celibate. Nofap or no porn doesn't give you this result, you give yourself this result and you could do it with other things in life that you could give up instead of trying to give up one of the most basic and necessary functions of your body. Exercise, force yourself to do a project, learn a skill, anything like that will give you the same result except that you will still be able to avoid the adverse consequences of trying to abstain from all forms of sexual behaviour.

stop buying into the meme, find something more productive to do with your will

>> No.13328581


how about you ? did you have a transcendental experience ?

>> No.13328643
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You need God son

>> No.13328663

Yes, I did. Reading through Adi Shankara's commentaries is itself sufficient to induce earth-shattering transcendental experiences while you are just sitting there looking at the page, no added meditation or prayer necessary. Guénon always refers to him in his works with the utmost reverence

>> No.13329128

see >>13325978

>> No.13329135

read this https://sites.google.com/site/hackbookeasypeasy/home