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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 392 KB, 652x562, zoomer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13323309 No.13323309 [Reply] [Original]

Have the zoomers produced anything of substance yet? Where's all the child literary prodigies at?

>> No.13323328

The prodigies of gen Z are commiting suicide

>> No.13323335


The specific form of their technological upbringing has totally precluded their capacity for the creation of real literature.

>> No.13323344

They are most based, they are most redpilled

>> No.13323351

They're focusing their creative energy on rap.

>> No.13323366

>hundreds of millions of zoomers
>most of them not even out of their teens
>suppose that all of them are phone-addled sheep trapped in the hall of mirrors/sensorium of digital media
>not one of them, by choice or circumstance, lives otherwise

>> No.13323537
File: 11 KB, 300x300, jake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, pic related

>> No.13323562

Unironically they are all YouTube/social media influencers.

>> No.13323679

Somebody post Nael Age 6

>> No.13323683

You d did not have to put unironically in front of the sentence

>> No.13323728

unironically is the new literally

>> No.13323731

not good

>> No.13323738

I'm working on it, just give me a few years. You can't rush perfection

>> No.13323985


>> No.13323991
File: 263 KB, 526x374, Screen-Shot-2018-03-12-at-10.10.44-AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss this little nigga like you wouldn't believe

>> No.13324021 [DELETED] 

The defining aesthetic of modern art is kids dressed up in their parents' clothes, mimicking their mannerisms passions and worries.

>> No.13324023

This is true haha

>> No.13324029

Don’t you have friends to play with on summer vacation you underage loser

>> No.13324032

X was reprehensible

>> No.13324033

Wow rude

>> No.13324042
File: 125 KB, 1102x967, 1515776805379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that hurt to read

>> No.13324049
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>> No.13324053

It's like they know something that we don't.

>> No.13324065
File: 35 KB, 878x1015, received_2295726144017009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are shitposting in kik chatrooms and playing overwatch. They probably write more than you did as a kid, because they are constantly texting. I wouldn't be surprised if they think the millennials are as out of touch and illiterate as we think the boomers are. So it goes.

>> No.13324079

Did you really never move past Vonnegut?

>> No.13324088
File: 143 KB, 833x696, 1559986274142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does everyone on 4chan just want to compare dick sizes? sO iT GoEs

>> No.13324111

if you don't like it, leave. so it goes (back to r*ddit).

>> No.13324112

I asked my lit professor what to read. He said to read Infinite Jest and Slaughterhouse Five, so I did, then I got bored of fiction and went back to science.

I might be illiterate by your measure, but you're illiterate by my measure so.. whatever.

>> No.13324134

have the millennials?

>> No.13324216

Your professor memed you what the fuck

>> No.13324524
File: 2 KB, 214x76, IMG_20190619_010940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoomer here.

I'm working on it but it takes time

>> No.13324539

Millennials have already produced some pretty high power charlatans. Just because they're scum doesn't make them less prodigious.

>> No.13324542

Most Zoomers literally don't care about literature at all. It's true most of the time they spent on is wasted on social media and Fortnite.

>> No.13324614

how many works of substance have produced milennials yet? None

>> No.13324738
File: 61 KB, 573x619, 1557085672222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I obviously don't speak for most zoomers, but as a zoomer i've probably read more books than everyone who posts in this thread combined. i started at 14 (i'm 18 now) and since then i've read around 1-2 books a day. i've read my way through most of the western canon and i doubt that any of you boomer shits can say the same. as for what i've produced: you'll know in a decade or two, or in the birth of a new literary movement within the next few centuries if i'm particularly unlucky.
also this

>> No.13324831

the oldest zoomers are like 23
so no, give it 40 some years

>> No.13324847

>Where's all the child literary prodigies at?
they all have crippling depression

>> No.13324853
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>> No.13324896

the oldest zoomers are turning 22 this year.

>> No.13324926
File: 585 KB, 600x941, jean paul sartre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 21 and I've been browsing 4chan since I was 12.

>> No.13325629

Scared I was a zoomer until I read this >>13324896

>> No.13325870

i personally know a 23 year old zoomer, i am going to have to diagnose you with a case of the zoomies

>> No.13325900

>t. 32 year-old larper

>> No.13325906

>1-2 books a day.
Slow down nigga, it ain't a race

>> No.13325953

You should read in an active voice, rather than just to memorize what is on each page as quickly as humanly possible. Read as if you are listening to a story unfold, and let it engage all of your senses. Savor everything, chew your fucking food zoomer.

>> No.13326013

ah so you only skim the book for an hour or two then claim to have "read it", gotcha

>> No.13326062

Good advice. I like to imagine every sentence as it plays out, and ponder over paragraphs until I feel I have the same mental image of the scenes as the author had. I could surely rush through and get the gist of it, but what's the point in that?

>> No.13326115

such as...?

>> No.13326122

>no mention of capitalism

we havent had a greats since the 80s by authors born in the 30s, as bad as phones are i think theres other factors at play

>> No.13326126

Hello friends. I have created a language called Akrolaun. I’ve also created an organization called “Elephants Talk”. If you would like to join “Elephants Talk” and learn the wonderful language of Akrolaun, join our discord server. https://discord.gg/E4cGSVN

>> No.13326331


>> No.13326353

What the fuck

>> No.13326358

Pls join

>> No.13326449

The average zoomer is like 4 years old.
I wouldn't expect a monumental achievement any time soon.

>> No.13326450

>"[Anpo] was a movement which was equally as powerful as, and more animated than, the opposition to progressive parties and the labor unions. A comparison to the political and cultural situation of those years—twenty years ago—which that of today sheds light on what it is exactly that has been lost and how we lost it. The light shined upon the road along which twenty years have taken us and upon a very symbolic phenomenon: literature treading its path to wrack and ruin."
Kenzaburo Oe on Japan after its biggest Left movement and the erosion of JSP/JCP and Union power.

>> No.13326454

>t. deluded zoomer

>> No.13326460

better than Rupi Kaur's shit, unironically

>> No.13326465

You need to be 18 to post here.

>> No.13326469

31-year-old May-born zoomer here. I was the first.

>> No.13326513



>> No.13326540

Same, I’ve already produced one post-modern epic set entirely in Runescape, and I’m already working on a follow-up about gay fidget spinners. Can you feel the heat on your heels, boomers?

>> No.13326554
File: 46 KB, 640x427, Savannah-Brown-Feet-3445316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoomette poetesses and belletrastrixes have become the thirst-vigorating speartip plunged into the male psyche