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13316684 No.13316684 [Reply] [Original]

what are some good books with homoerotic themes?

>> No.13316698


>> No.13316704

the quran

>> No.13316728
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why are these paintings so comfy?

>> No.13316932

your diary desu

>> No.13317005

God I wish I could be any of them

>> No.13317014

imagine the smell

>> No.13317025

My collected 4chan posts.

>> No.13317182
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At Swim, Two Boys

>> No.13318175
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>> No.13318500
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absolutely haram

>> No.13318517

arabian boys make the BEST objects of desire you want to write metaphoric poems about but also lustfully fuck between those tan thighs. yet they go overripe at like 25.

>> No.13318519

this. what are some good books about arab cuties?

>> No.13318524
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Abu Bakr burned pederasts alive

>> No.13318528
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wtf did i jist read

>> No.13318535

The cliff notes to Naked Lunch

>> No.13318542

i wish there were any that aren't about rape and coersion.
i think the current situation in yurop is the best ground for greekpilling the arab youths (and writing a book about it)

>> No.13318550

Bronze fever oriental manifesto

>> No.13318555

Killing Yourself for Dummies

>> No.13318559

>"homosexuality has nothing to do with pedophilia" they say
>"it's not like they're harming anyone by being gay" they say
I will literally curbstomp you to death, faggot subhuman.

>> No.13318564

Lmao this dude really clicked on a thread about fags just to get mad

>> No.13318565
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A healthy homoerotic dash was what kept the western society comfy. Broship that's thinly borderline homo is the absolute strongest it can get, and only strong friendship can keep us sane and happy. Nowadays men can't even hug each other without progressive shits labelling them lovers, this drives men away from each other and forces us to hide even the most brotherly feelings, resulting in agression, melancholy and lostness.
It's highly aesthetic as well.

>> No.13318574

seething because your country banned lolicon, huh. youths mean 17-20 year olds, yet you think of children.

>> No.13318600
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Men holding hands is perfectly fine, touching the hand of any woman but wife in family is haram. The reason being is that homosexuality is sick and not presumed. Your idea of things like holding hands and kissing as "homoerotic" is precisely why westerners are adverse to them, you sick fruit

>> No.13318607

I don't think 'progressives' are to blame. There's an interesting antecedent to this in Victorian England which you can detect in the difference between "Eric, or Little by Little" published in 1858 and "Stalky & Co." published in 1899. Both are stories set at English schools. In "Eric", there's a lot of sentimental expressions of love and physical affection between boys at the school, whereas in Kipling's "Stalky" all the boys are much more cold and reserved and limit physical contact to beatings. There's a scene in one of the Stalky stories where they're asked to take a younger boy under their wing and one of the characters says "we ain't goin' to have any beastly Erickin'" -- 'beastly' being a general negative epithet but also meaning homosexuality, e.g. "The headmaster only expels for theft and beastliness."

It's also interesting to note that increased political and social recognition of homosexuality pushed sexual activity between men more squarely into the realm of "gay identity". Apparently after the Gay Rights movement exploded some gays started complaining that it had made it harder to have sex with straight men.

>> No.13319062

The categorization of sexuality was a pretty poor move, in my opinion. It puts people in a situation in which they have to be either one or the other, or defy both by occupying a third position that makes them the subject of suspicious from the two sides.

>> No.13319218
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pic related

>> No.13319228

patrician opinion. i agree with >>13318607 as well, in current era people are far less willing to be "bi-curious" as having a homo sexual affair will stain your identity.

>> No.13319251
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>> No.13319259

peer abuse in the military is the most depressing shit. we're meant to be brothers.

>> No.13319263
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you're not wrong

>> No.13319283

beautiful piece. the old ideals of male beauty (both the gentle and the strong kind) were objectively better than the faggy twinks and unproportional models of today.

>> No.13319296

OP asked for a good book, this one is only excellent.

>> No.13319302

that's more on society itself, and not on the gays. it's hard to have classical standards when most people work 9-5 desk jobs. people who work hard labor jobs still fill those physical standards. Look at a blacksmith, for example.

>> No.13319333

It's why women are taking over. They empower each other with compliments constantly and form tight bonds. Men in modern times are just always in 100% competitive mode, especially on the internet, and it's causing a lot of them to become incels who achieve nothing in their lives.

>> No.13319335

guys in this painting look very natural and harmonical. not twig-slim, not overly buff or ripped, bodies like those are not rare at all in real life. the faces are idealized of course, but in a very pleasant way

>> No.13319357

women today are also accepting their bisexual nature. imo,only bi or lesbian women can be real friends, the strictly straight ones don't have the same compassion, they're merely competition.
factor that in and you'll see why the situation now is the complete opposite of itself 100 years ago.

>> No.13319440

>empowering each other
Always remember: men insult each other but they don't mean it, women compliment each other but they don't mean it.
The moment a bunch of women has to complete a task on their own the facade of empowerment crumbles.

Also, incels don't exist because of competition between men: Chad doesn't care if the Virgin gets laid, and he doesn't delude himself into thinking that a tinder hoe will be loyal.
Many incels exist because women no longer have to compete for men, they can get all the dick they want when they want and how they want so their standards get higher and higher.
Then there's a lot of incels that are simply too crazy to get a woman or even a friend, the kind of guy that nails his dick to a board and brags about it on reddit.

>> No.13319457

dude, that's g*y...

>> No.13319477


>> No.13319733

They aren't military. It's a boarding school

>> No.13319884

Some of Virgil’s Bucolicae, and Hafiz are top comfy homo lit

>> No.13319893

Why is Père Goriot here? Also, I’d add The Idiot

>> No.13319903

You ever think about all the straight men being sexually attracted to prepubescent girls? Middle aged men are still marrying and knocking up 12 year olds today, bro

>> No.13319906

Does homo comedy exist?

>> No.13319911

Must be divine

>> No.13319913

How did they have gay sex in the past? Seems unhygienic, even in modern times I could not imagine being gay and having to risk poopdick so often.

>> No.13319914

harry potter

>> No.13319920

this anon knows the truth

>> No.13319931

Between Men by Sedgwick, anyone?

>> No.13319933

Sticking the dick between the thighs was probably more common than buttsex

>> No.13320440

frotting or blowjobs

>> No.13320493

>Nowadays men can't even hug each other without progressive shits labelling them lovers
This is a total fabrication of an insecure male with a persecution complex. No "progressive" is going to label you as a lover for hugging another man. What you're describing is toxic masculinity, if anything other men are more likely to call you a faggot for being emotionally open or physically intimate with other men, even if it has nothing to do with love.

>> No.13320578

do you seriously believe this?

>> No.13320668

The whole idea of being gay and having to "come out" is a progressive mythological thing. If it didn't have such a grip on everyone there would be no impulse for men to resent affectionate behaviour because they wouldn't fear the label.

>> No.13320759

>a progressive mythological thing
the process of "coming out" is actually a hetero mythology that maintains the idea that people are "originally" straight and become gay over time, when the truth is most people realise that they're gay a long time before they're open about it, not because they fear the label but because they fear the condemnation and disgust they might face because of it. Men don't want to express emotional or physical intimacy with other men because its other men (insecure about their own immaturity) that almost always accuse them of being effeminate or gay, not progressives. Besides, why the hell do you care what some midget tranny with purple hair thinks about you or not? Even if they did claim you were in love with another man, why such a blatant falsity would make you uncomfortable is beyond me (unless of course there was actually a degree of truth to it).

>> No.13320769
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gay "people"

>> No.13320795
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this charts lacks Petronius's Satyricon in the start with the greeks section

>> No.13320877

Yukio Mishima was a decadent faggot that went full nuts when he noticed that became old and ugly. Maybe you will like him

>> No.13320878

what a chad

>> No.13320891

That's just a pun

>> No.13320899

>it's just a pun silly goy

>> No.13320921
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>> No.13320932

It's only what the father deserves. I probably would have sent him a dead bird, or something.

>> No.13321402

There was no "homoerotic dash" that is just a fevered fabrication of your mind. There was brotherhood, a bond between men that most people today cannot understand, tainted as they are by porn and h*mosexuality and the like.

>> No.13321459
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I can only imagine what life must be like for people so twisted up about shit like this. "Dudes kissing their best buds on the lips was just how they did things back then, it's not gay! It's just a russian taunt! GUYS LISTEN TO ME! NOTHING I LIKE HAS FAGS IN IT!"

>> No.13321476
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You are twisted up because you view innocence through the lens of modern perversion. Russians did kiss, but it was not homoerotic. Additionally, using caps lock will not make me look any more ridiculous than you

>> No.13321531

I'm not going to lie some gays can be among the most despicable. I say this as one. It just seems like many of them lack the traits that make men dignified and admirable. No honor, self-respect, or composure. And many of the stereotypes are true. You wouldn't believe the level of deviancy you see on some of the gay apps. It has nothing to do with what they do in privacy. They're like women, only worse.

There are some who aren't gross and sordid but they seem to be rarer and more of an exception to the rule.

>> No.13321564
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Oh, no, you misunderstand. It's true that male affection used to be a lot less stigmatized (which is sad, because this obsession with gruff masculinity is detrimental to the emotional health of men as a whole), but there's a difference between two men hugging each other for comfort without shame and two men staring longingly into each other's eyes while they slowly undress.

>> No.13321589

>You wouldn't believe the level of deviancy you see on some of the gay apps.
We're on 4chan, mate.
Anyone who isn't a complete newfag has seen all the deviancy in the world and then some.

>> No.13321619

Consider ancient Greece. While homosexual behavior was permissible it was only specific scenarios. The Hellenistic conception of masculinity was much more secure than it is today. The combination of a sophisticated culture and warlike rigors made this possible. Men were allowed to cry during moments of passion, express their emotions more fully, and develop what are the modern day equivalent of bromances.

That's because male bonding was a large part of the culture. Spartan males basically spent their entire lives together in their particular military unit, from childhood unto death. Athenian men were given more license to express their feelings because of the emphasis of the poetical and dramatic in Athenian culture.

Just because men were like this doesn't mean everyone was gay. Most of the time there was nothing erotic about it. Now the concept of masculinity is more retarded and is regulated and limited by homophobia (being perceived as gay for showing too much emotion or male-male affection)

>> No.13321627

Not even. I would argue grindr is far worse. Because it is strictly about sex. On 4chan people talk about other things at least some of the time.

>> No.13321635


>> No.13321667

Can someone explain in psychological terms why man men are obsessed with mtf transgenders

>> No.13321676

Because this and other boards get spammed with traps. Sexuality is mallable, if you get exposed to certain sexual stimuli constantly, your sexuality can get warped and twisted.

>> No.13321678

I don't know for sure, but I bet that grindr doesn't have dickgirl incest and gore threads two clicks away from any page.

>> No.13321680

because they look like girls, so their stupid monkey brain goes HEY BABY, but they know in their heads that they're dudes, so their stupid human brains go, GAY PANIC!

>> No.13321702

On /vp/ a guy posted an image of a dick split open like a microwave hotdog and it stayed there for like, 5 hours.

>> No.13321751
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Very well, I misunderstood

>> No.13321774
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>> No.13321992

midaq alley

>> No.13323114

Not even how the fucking original title is rendered you fucking pseud. It's At Swim-Two-Birds. Learn to make a reference basedlet.

>> No.13323129
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>> No.13323139

nice to see christopher isherwood get a mention on here. goodbye to berlin + mr norris changes trains are classics.

>> No.13323165


>> No.13323195
File: 300 KB, 680x879, 1fe3e1a43fd94b428c45beaf162da9da.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delete this thread right fucking now. This is a Catholic board. If you need reminding:

You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. (Leviticus 18:22)

If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. (Leviticus 20:13)

Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. (Romans 1:26-27)

This is wrong! Jesus loves you! But if you reject him as you so brazenly do, you will suffer for ETERNITY! Please, I will pray for you, but it must be you who obeys God or YOU will suffer FOREVER!

>> No.13323210

I was gonna read Moby Dick like lit told me too but somehow I accidentally downloaded a homo fanfic where the protagonist gets reamed out by some Samoan dude. Luckily I realized this in the first chapter and stopped reading.

>> No.13324466

/trash/ and /d/ don't always talk about sex either

>> No.13324482

based retard

>> No.13324655

all of them

>> No.13324913

>You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. (Leviticus 18:22)
This is why the Bible is shit. What is the argument? Why is it bad? Are there any studies saying it's bad? Shit Christkike bait.

>> No.13324930

Isn't Leviticus about setting up rules to differentiate the israelites from the caananites? Doesn't seem relevant to Christians to me.

>> No.13325036
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it was written by a bunch of straight dudes, that's why.

>Love thy neighbor
>give your shit to the poor
>help everyone you can
>stand up to injustice
>fuck capitalism

bible, revised edition:
>You're all going to hell except me
>unless you do what I say
>get money, smoke trees, fuck bitches (me, not you)
>women are shit
>gays are shit
>sex is shit (unless I'm having it)
>people better than me are shit
>people worse than me are shit
>I'm the best
>Don't argue with me

Classic Roko's Basilisk

>> No.13325089

>fuck capitalism
Poor bait, Bible didn't even condemn slavery.

>> No.13325097

jesus went into a temple and beat money lenders with a whip and broke all their shit. And he told everyone rich people aren't getting into heaven.
Jesus was anti-capitalism.

>> No.13325117


>> No.13325126

Matthew 19:23-24
Matthew 21:12-17
John 2:13-16

>> No.13325132

There was also Mark 11:15-19 and Luke 19:45-48, but they have Jesus saying the same thing as Matthew. Some think Matthew and John are two separate incidents.

>> No.13325146

Jesus did it because they were doing it in the temple and they were too greedy, not because fuck capitalism. Jesus is basically a fascist who wants a controlled market and traditional values enforced.

>> No.13325150

>and they were too greedy
you mean like capitalists?

>> No.13325155

and Jesus is clearly a socialist.

>> No.13325157

Any properly working capitalist system has the need for workers that isn't fulfilled if workers are too angry with he capitalist practices abusing them too much. So, the workers have a say.

>> No.13325162

Pale fire

>> No.13325167

>So, the workers have a say.
a socialist concept

He wanted the rich to give their money to the poor. It's not just selflessness, it's one of the three tenets of socialism:
the rich support the poor
the healthy support the sick
the young support the old

>> No.13325178

>a socialist concept
You are retarded, this concept is innate to any power system.
>the rich support the poor
the healthy support the sick
the young support the old
Even Romans did that. Long before "socialism" was an idea.

>> No.13325224
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>You are retarded, this concept is innate to any power system.
No, it fucking isn't. In America CEO's make 100,000x more than their workers. If something goes wrong, instead of cutting their own pay, they just fire workers. You get insufficient sick leave and vacation time, hell, most workers can't even demand a living wage. In the modern capitalist society, workers are treated like slaves.

Walmart was driven out of socialist Europe because they refused to follow worker's rights laws.

Look at this fucking poster. What kind of dystopian nightmare is this?

>Even Romans did that. Long before "socialism" was an idea.
What are on about? Are trying to imply that if someone did it before nobody can do it again, or use the same idea? Are you trying to imply socialism isn't real? Are you trying to imply I'm wrong? I learned this in school, in Germany. Of course it's dumbed down of course, but the principles are the same.