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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 128 KB, 1280x720, pewdiepie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13316280 No.13316280 [Reply] [Original]

This man reads more books in a year than you will in your entire lifetime.

>> No.13316289

he has time, we don't.

>> No.13316301

1. it's some kind of rainman thing
2. most of the books haver <64 pages
3. he's fucking lying.

>> No.13316323

Rookie numbers

>> No.13316327


4. he uses this method


>> No.13316334

OP is a bigger fag than anyone can ever be, take that in.

>> No.13316341

the screengrab is a joke, he read 72 iirc which is a standard amount for reading regularly

>> No.13316355

It was only 72 books if I'm remembering correctly.

>> No.13316382

>that fucking video
i have never cringed so hard

>> No.13316426

This video is kino

>> No.13316439

Holy Christ I am loling thanks anon

>> No.13316447

being this new

>> No.13316485

it was 72 books
though that still might be true for a lot of lit

>> No.13316491

He admitted it was a clickbait joke, the real number is 72. Watch the video.

>> No.13316500
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He can afford to read 24/7 for the rest of his life.
I have to work every last one my days just to not be miserable.

>> No.13316502

typical jealous wagecuck response
he’s probably working more than you

>> No.13316505

why are stupid people attracted to the idea of ploughing through a high number of books every year?

I'd rather read 12 doorstoppers a year than 72 novellas anyway.

>> No.13316510

added to the burgerpunk canon

>> No.13316518
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> doorstoppers

>> No.13316536
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They're bug people who only read because they think they'll get rich from it.
It's funny how they keep adding these inane little jokes every 30 seconds or so because they know that the viewer is likely too stupid to be able to concentrate on one thing for longer.

>> No.13316537

the same reason you think reading a high number of pages per book is attractive
because you are vain retards

>> No.13316566

how is it in any way comparable?

wanting to enjoy the slow burn of a long novel is not in and of itself vanity. wanting to tell people you've read a high number of books in one year is certainly vanity.

>> No.13316585

how are they not comparable? if you read 12 long novels that are equivalent in page number to 72 novellas, all you've done is tweak the same status symbol that treats books as a contest.

>> No.13316605


>> No.13316637
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>How to read a book <10 m
>video 10:1

>> No.13316638

you willfully missed the original point though. the 'attraction' is based around number of books read in a year. by saying I'd rather read 12 long books is to point out that there are more important things than merely reading a large catalogue of novels per year, and that by only focusing on the number of books a person would miss out on reading any long novels, which offer an experience incomparable to any other art form and are indeed not something worth missing out on simply to impress some people with a number.

>> No.13316646


>> No.13317100

lmao how does reading books give you more money and make you lose weight? lmao

>> No.13317119

4:50 he is right you know.

>> No.13317124

The bugs are told that rich people (which is their only metric for success) read books so obviously reading will make them rich as well. Literally "monkey sees; monkey does" mentality.

>> No.13317135

boy it works wonders, read 2 books already.

>> No.13317150

it's funny because 99% of rich people just dont read except if it has a purpose.

>> No.13317159


>quantity over quality

shut the fuck up, american

>> No.13317319
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>if I read a lot of books means I'm smart, right?

>> No.13317403

How high is the space below your door that you need a big book to block it? Lol get longer doors, wagecuck

>> No.13317586

>americans work 48 hours a week
>they have no time to read

>> No.13318872

In his analytics video he let slip he has 20 million in the bank. In other videos he also talked about how he has multiple real estate properties. So his networth is probably closer to 25 mil. He's riding the youtube train until the algorithm fucks him over, and will probably just retire then. It's not like he's actually working hard on his videos nowadays. His community provides his content for him, he reacts to it, and sends the raw footage to his editors to turn into a video. Fucking made it. I'd be reading all the time as well.

>> No.13318880

Just read the wikipedia article on the book

>> No.13318894


>> No.13318899

look at all this cope, lmao

>> No.13318983

>I read BIG BOOK! It is more smart than reading LITTLE BOOK!
>The value of a book is determined by its length!

>> No.13319021
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>> No.13319079

that's how christian posters read

>> No.13319088

rest hours are spend on parking lot and road

>> No.13319092

Yeah better read me some Harry Potter than pleb Camus shit

>> No.13319118

>I rather read big book than small book for no reason at all

>> No.13319121
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Where's his GR review?

>> No.13319172

5 books a day is regular? You can't even properly read the phenomenology in a couple of months

>> No.13319177

never gonna make it

>> No.13319180
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read that post again, he read 72 books in a year.

>> No.13319189
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>> No.13319285

And what does he achieve with that?
Saying nigger while playing a children's game? Appealing to white supremacists? Being a rich asshole with no talent what so ever ?
He would be the same even if he didn't read all those books, he none of them never even made a substantial impact on him

>> No.13319312
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>> No.13319325


>> No.13319331

it's the anglo mentality, everything has to have steps and achievements

>> No.13319637
File: 36 KB, 400x300, 1525222519261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading is not a competition. If hes reading that much, hes just breezing by everything and not actually taking the time to enjoy/ruminate on themes etc.

>> No.13319652

>reading is not a competition.
>but he's doing it wrong

>> No.13319672


>> No.13319690

not really, sounds like you need to read more.

>> No.13319692
File: 120 KB, 682x1023, 1531574179079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>from my home in the hollywood hills
>background is clearly a greenscreen
this guy is joking right?

>> No.13319714

>read 72 books in a year
>still a nazi

what did he read, pseud shit?

>> No.13319731

This is your brain on 90 IQ

>> No.13319734


>> No.13319780

>reviews reddit memes for a living
fuck off with this dude, he is becoming less and less relevant by the day

>> No.13319796

Does browsing /lit/ count as reading a book?

>> No.13319820

I dont think he was ever a nazi

>> No.13319826

And he makes a killing doing so

>> No.13319829

>breezing by everything and not actually taking the time to enjoy/ruminate on themes
How long should you ruminate on a book for? a day, a week. Does it even matter

>> No.13319831
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It's no better than your average Pynchon novel so sure

>> No.13319834

>sits home all day

No shit, sherlock!

>> No.13319857

Is this ghostwritten or did he actually watch Pokemon for this?

>> No.13319865

Not an argument
Why is he even bragging about reading so much? To change his perception from someone who screams like a kid at videogames to someone who's an intellectual? Honestly I can only see him become another one of those alt right guys on YouTube talking about politics and race now that he has lost all of his brand endorsements

>> No.13319878

It's hard to take you seriously when you shoehorn in the Alt-Right every time.

>> No.13319887

>And what does he achieve with that?
Personal growth and enjoyment. Considering you know jack shit about him, saying that it "hasn't had substantial impact on him" is moronic.

>> No.13319927

Just watch from here to the end, it’s less than 2 minutes, and tell me that it’s not a good thing that the zoomer god is saying these things about literature.

>> No.13319947

Yes, I add it on goodreads

>> No.13320028

>...is good

>> No.13320072

He says in the first minute of the video he just read 72. It's still a lot though.

>> No.13320176

>SR. Hire a person to read for you.
>SR. Don't read non-fiction word-for-word.
Most non-fiction only has 1 or 2 good ideas, you can find them through skimming.
>1. Give the book a once over (1-2 minutes)
Look at the table of contents on jacket description.
>2. Skim the book. (~5 minutes)
Skim the first chapter and other chapters that looked good in the table of contents. Look for major ideas to come back to for the final pass. Maybe mark pages.
>SR. Don't give up.
If you don't remember anything from the book, keep using my process and you will eventually.
>3. The Deep Skim (15-30 Minutes)
Go back to the ideas that caught your eye and read key paragraphs. Read the end of chapters too because they tend to summarize.
>SR. Use Books as Reference Guide
Just do the speed read and then save the book. Go back to it when you think it might be useful again and do more skimming.
Business books and self-help.

>> No.13320207

if he has 20 million just sitting in a bank he's worth a hell of a lot more than that.

>> No.13321905
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tai lopez uses other people's property and cars to shill KNAWLEDGE
"here in my friends garage"
its genius desu.

>> No.13321930

72 a year seems pretty reasonable for someone who doesn't work a "real" job.
I expect I'll hit at least 80 this year unless I find some work. Or kill myself.

>> No.13321950

uh.. he's inspired several nazi mass shooters to shout him out. he is definitely a nazi

>> No.13321978

One of the worst videos I have ever seen. Every ten seconds there’s a fucking cut to some nonsense trying to be funny. For a video on how to save time reading, he is making sure to waste as much of the viewers time with those shitty fucking clips.

>> No.13321980

>How to read a book in 10 minutes
>Don't actually read it, skim and read a handful of random paragraphs
This is the power of NAWLAJ

>> No.13322193
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And Hubbard wrote more books than pewpew read.
Elrond Hubbard > Pewpew

>> No.13322297

that's how anti-christian posters read from the bible

>> No.13322550

Retards projecting. Also it was 72 books you trog

>> No.13322572



>> No.13323582
File: 355 KB, 245x160, ba.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defending a gamer youtube mong

>> No.13323615

he doesn't even have a fucking job. I have to fucking work

>> No.13324055

It makes me happy. It makes me sad that Youtube hypes up disgusting degenerate faggots like James Charles instead while standing idly by as this guy gets defamed at every opportunity.

>> No.13324083

72, all of which were novellas

>> No.13324093

Reading a bit over a book a week while having a full time job is easily doable desu. Most people just fill the spare time with other things

>> No.13324098

yOu TuBe iS a JoB

>> No.13324104

good for him, what a nice influence to maybe get some viewers to see enjoyment in books

>> No.13324218

it was a clickbait title. he says he only read 72 if you watch the video.

>> No.13324336

This. He makes it way too obvious

>> No.13324343

I'm a NEET and I only managed 50-something in a year while trying hard

>> No.13324901

That's pretty good

>> No.13324934

That’s embarrassing

>> No.13325184

what's the point in reading that many books in one year? you won't absorb anything, it'd be like not having read any books at all

>> No.13325203

YouTube likes

>> No.13325208

You should only read one book a year

>> No.13325817

I like taking my time reading. Rushing through doesn't sound very fun.

>> No.13325895

Why do you think you wont absorb anything?

>> No.13325914

t. american
too much information
you need time to 'digest'

>> No.13325920

He doesn't have much time like the rest of us because he is always travelling. At least he has an excuse

>> No.13325931

whats with the random unrelated clips every couple sentence? jesus fuck

>> No.13325943

Why does everyone seem to think he's rushing through books? It's 6 books a month, and most of them are pretty short. He has a lot of free time and he probably can't stand playing videogames at this point. Seems perfectly reasonable that he would be able to read that much at a steady, enjoyable pace

>> No.13325945

I agree, you need some time to digest. But keep in mind, pewds doesn't have a normal job. He has a lot of free time. As long as you keep notes, and take some time to think about what you read, it is possible to read a 72 books in a year and still get a lot out of it.

>> No.13325961

Having too much time will make a man miserable. He'll spend it all on pleasure, depriving himself of future pleasures. What if one of those books was better to be read in his 40s? Its special purpose, having read it for the first time, has been wasted on a unclairified youthful pursuit. It's impressive he put his motivation towards something, but will it help him in the long-run?

>> No.13325982

i mean if you only read shitty self help book this isn't actually a bad idea, the thing is you probably shouldn't read those in the first place

>> No.13326792
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wow who knew that a coddled first world camera narcissist who has fans ship him free stuff for making silly noises would actually have the means of self improvement

>> No.13326830

cool story

>> No.13326843
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>Yes, anon, skim your 1000 page c++ programming book by Bjarne Stroustroup, it only has 1 or 2 useful ideas

>> No.13326853


>> No.13327229

He probably has those random clips to bump the vid past 10 mins and enable ads to get that skrilla