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/lit/ - Literature

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13315236 No.13315236 [Reply] [Original]

Why are audio books treated as if they aren't as good as reading?
Why do I feel dirty saying I've read a book when I've only listened to it?
We read to our kids. We listen to lectures. I don't get why it feels so wrong.

>> No.13315254

Your brain is less actively engaged when you listen to something than it is when you read. You're not comprehending and remembering as much as you would if you use audiobooks.

>> No.13315259

Because for a long time they were mostly children’s book on tape.

>> No.13315283

But even when reading, at least for me, there are different levels of speed and comprehension. I know that sometimes I go as fast as possible and I know my eyes hit every word, but I don't remember a thing. Sometimes, when I'm not aware, I'll read excruciatingly slowly, as if I was talking a stroll in the park, and then there's the nice middle ground where I'm actively trying to take in the information, and even then I don't remember parts of what I read.

>> No.13315291

I think you're legitimately retarded

>> No.13315298


sounds like crippling ADHD t b h

>> No.13315301

There's no way to prove you wrong I suppose.

>> No.13315395

I've tried addy a few times, 20% of the time It'll get me in the zone to do things for a long while. The other 80% it just makes me want to jerk off and drink coffee all day.

>> No.13315408

Why are you talking to me like I'm your fucking therapist?

>> No.13315428

Because you usually do something else while listening to an audiobook and end up paying less attention.

>> No.13315447
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Try listening to something in the background while reading. Podcasts or reviews or lets-plays you've already seen, or something similar.


>> No.13315450

Because you are now. What do you suggest to help me?

>> No.13315456

Because I don't have anyone else to talk to at the moment, and I thought you may be a wiser man then I.

>> No.13315458

Surely that will just distract me more

>> No.13315480

I'm too autistic to even listen to audiobooks, half of it goes through my head. How can anyone prefer that over actually reading?

>> No.13315481

not if you have ADHD.
also don't turn it up super loud.

>> No.13315489

sometimes a body wants to veg out and get a story read to them.

>> No.13315512

Well then maybe I'm just retarded like the other anon said. Fuck this doctorate degree I guess.

>> No.13315522

how about you try it out, since it'll take exactly zero effort on your part, and then go from there?

>> No.13315556
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>Reading literature and non-fiction
>Listening to genre fiction

>> No.13315558

>Why do I feel dirty saying I've read a book when I've only listened to it?

Because there's a specified meaning of what the word reading means and listening to a book is simply not the same as reading it. If someone tells you an anecdote you wouldn't go around saying you just read a short-story either.

>> No.13315621

Audiobooks require less attention, instead of comparing them in value to books compare them in properties.

Is a TV show worthless in comparison to a book? Is a podcast?
Audiobooks are just one more medium and it has its own rules and its own internal logic of what you get from them.
If you have time to read, please do, the question is whether you're lazy.

>> No.13315643
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It's because brainlets want to use reading books as some intellectual badge of honor and feel sad that someone else could knock out the same book to and from work. There's no functional difference between listening to something and reading it- the information is the same. The only significant difference is books with unique punctuation styles or pictures that can't be translated into books.

[citation needed]

>> No.13315644

>let's plays

Fucking scum

>> No.13315657

For a 2016 study, Rogowsky put her assumptions to the test. One group in her study listened to sections of Unbroken, a nonfiction book about World War II by Laura Hillenbrand, while a second group read the same parts on an e-reader. She included a third group that both read and listened at the same time. Afterward, everyone took a quiz designed to measure how well they had absorbed the material. “We found no significant differences in comprehension between reading, listening, or reading and listening simultaneously,” Rogowsky says.


>> No.13315664

This is what I do with the smallest handful of exceptions.

Works pretty well desu.

>> No.13315675

my english teacher told me that when i was a kid turns out i just read faster and remembered more than here

>> No.13315748

That's not true at all. Not only is the information not the same thing, reading is a very different experience.

Reading requires your own imagination(if you need to imagine characters in a novel) while audiobooks gives you voices.
You can trace yourself back to a sentence you didn't understand in a book easily, hard words can be searched more easily, the denser the book the less effective the audiobook will be.
Maintaining a logical argument is more difficult while listening to a book(philosophy books are often gibberish in audiobook format, mostly because they were originally written for slow reading)

Read pic related

>> No.13315752

>audio book
Pick one. Start reading.

>> No.13315755
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>> No.13315849

link data or GTFO

>> No.13316773

yeah that's why people familiar with Homer were all brainlets.

it's ironic that /lit/ is a place where you can see both "start with the greeks" and "audiobooks are for retards" in the same place. Do they think the Iliad was written down somewhere before it was recited?

>> No.13316794
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