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/lit/ - Literature

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13313126 No.13313126 [Reply] [Original]

I've noticed that in the last few years I've been getting more and more bitter, being very judgemental of how people live their life and generally considering my way of living the right way of living.

What are some texts I can read to give me perspective and generally make me more considerate of others?

Pic related, a comically exaggerated illustration of how a bitter man might look like

>> No.13313129

most novels will do that, but internet echo chambers will make you bitter. Read and be out with people, it makes you better.

>> No.13313137

>I've noticed that in the last few years I've been getting more and more bitter, being very judgemental of how people live their life and generally considering my way of living the right way of living.
Same. It's been a chronic problem with me

My suggestion is to read a bunch of moral philosophy; even if you don't agree with it, it will give you insight on why others act the way they do. It helped me.

>> No.13313139

>my way of living
Self absorbed degenerate detected. Look around kid, society is getting worse and you're part of the problem.

>> No.13313198

I generally don't spend a lot of time in internet echochambers, but I study STEM and hang with people that generally consider themselves better than everyone else. I think that reading physics and seeing it in practice leads me to conflate my view of the world with how the world really is, and worse, how I act with how everyone should act.

Any works that particularly struck you?


>> No.13313233

Another STEManon here, I was spiralling into general anger at the world, self-loathing, and alcoholism that only started to get better when I cut the toxic people out of my life (that school and work had introduced) and refocused on connecting with family and church.
Things aren't perfect now, but they're a lot better than they were at the peak of the self-hatred a little over a year ago.
I don't know why STEM seems to attract that sort of attitude, but the people you're spending time with will have a bigger effect on your perceptions than the books you read.
That said, fun, uplifting books helped me when I was dragging myself out of the wreckage I'd created; things like Discworld or Burroughs' Barsoom series. It's not highbrow literature, but it's comfy and positive and good at getting one into a better headspace.

>> No.13313241
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Become a priest.

>> No.13313261
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Scratch this. I didn't read OP's post correctly and thought it said the inverse (don't tell people how to live their lives bro).
OP did nothing wrong. FUCK bugmen.

>> No.13313276

I'd rather be teaching a course on American literature or creative writing, but for now I can support myself working an IT job.
Whatever I do though, it doesn't preclude my ability to be a member of a church, and finding a good church home was a big part of getting things back on track for me after my own actions had brought me to a place where my life was a few seconds away from falling apart around me.

>> No.13313284

You're a good man anon.

>> No.13313299

>Any works that particularly struck you?
I can't name much off the top of my head just because the sort of thing I'm thinking of is mostly journal articles written by analytic philosophers or that sort of thing. I guess the natural place to start is Rawls' "A Theory of Justice" and then look up moral philosophy (particularly of the Rawlsian kind) on the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

I strongly disagree with Rawlsians, but I'll admit they (as well as other contemporary Kantians like Onora O'Neill) seem to capture how the average person thinks about morality well (which was previously totally alien to me, hence bitterness) and they also argue with a lot of nuance and patience - a combination that works well for your purposes.

>> No.13313642

Thanks, this seems like a good idea. I'll look into it.

>> No.13313649

No problem, I hope it helps.

>> No.13313722

Why do you care how other people live their lives? If you think your way of living is correct, don't you think every other person on the planet has the same opinion? You sound like you want people to be NPCs. People should have the freedom to do what they want as long as it doesn't physically hurt others.

>> No.13313746

>t. 19 year old faggot

>> No.13313774
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Read The Conspiracy Against the Human Race or The Denial of Death. These ULTIMATE black pills will make you see how trivial and sad your existence and everyone else's is, how our entire ways of thinking are structured around ignoring the horrible aspects of life and how the only thing it takes for people to get off their high horses is to remember that they will all die and nothing they thought or ever did mattered at all.

>> No.13313787


>> No.13313823

I have always had a deep interest in occult and spiritual matters.
The occult, its all about balance. You need to become one with all things. Because all in one.

Then comes the second part. You break the wheel. You break the cycle.

You realize you are the creator. That although all is one. You are still your own person. And it is you who creates your world. Good or bad.

>> No.13313867
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>Yeah oh yeah we will DIE one day, John. Can you imagine that? We will DIE and it will be as if this conversation never took part. Join me in a collective suffering! Bing bing wahoo!

>> No.13313884
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>> No.13313885

>believing in dying before dying yourself
clearly from this belief, your goal in life is to stop others around you from dying

>> No.13313897
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>You can't enjoy life because it's all a cope
There's a special ED room for you guys in hell

>> No.13313908
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>Onions wojaks are his only cope against existential dread
Boy you have it really bad, don't you

>> No.13314539

It is pretty pathetic that the revelation that we’re all going to die is all it takes to give you existential dread. Yes, we’ll all die in the end, and there is suffering in the world, but there’s also pleasure and joy in the world. The alternative is the nothingness of death, which is just nothingness without any joy.

The knowledge that we are all equal in death should give you license to enjoy life for it’s pleasures. Any suffering simply amplifies the effect of said pleasures.

>> No.13314550

Eh, getting religious just means you channel your shitiness into more subtle areas

>> No.13314639

What first post said is alright. I enjoy "Demian" and "Narcissus & Goldmund" both by Herman Hesse.

>> No.13315359

Just stop being a weak person. Nothing good comes out of bitterness. I tend to agree with your sentiment. A lot of people do a lot of very stupid stuff, and there is no rational reason not to try to force them to live better lives. You do this by using political, social or corporate structures, and not by being angry. Also, I disagree with your second statement. If you actually want others to live the way you do because it is the way that ultimately works out the best for everyone, then that is a form for consideration.

Have consideration for the people, not their useless beliefs or liberal dogma.

>> No.13315369

The Geneaology of Morals

>> No.13315385

>Any suffering simply amplifies the effect of said pleasures.
Ah, so your soul is broken. At least you still have spirit.

>> No.13315390

Read Jung and take it all to heart, do as much shadow integration as possible. You'll absolutely destroy your ego and realize how the bitterness and resentment you feel is actually directed to yourself. Make sure you have enough strength to withstand the amount of insecurity and self-loathing that'll temporary emerge from it