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/lit/ - Literature

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13311380 No.13311380 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13311387

Ha ha. You made this post on Bloomsday. Clever, op. ha ha

>> No.13311397
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>tfw he doesn't have a lot of time left

Anyone read his newest books? The Shakespeare ones are basically just the whole play with his half-assed commentary taking up 2 sentences a page, and his Possessed by Memory "memoir" is a bunch of poems by friends of his who are dead now and him talking about missing them.

>> No.13311414
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>bunch of poems by friends of his who are dead now and him talking about missing them.
Oh God why no I didn't want these feels. Not tonight.

>> No.13311433
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>Anon, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to come help me around the house. When you get to be my age you'll find your strength leaves you, and help is needed. Could you please find and bring me my copy of Hart Crane's collected poetry? Strange... I used to be able to recite them all by memory, but lately I seem to be forgetting things easily.

>> No.13311436 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13311439

The ones protecting it are the anti-PC, anti-SJW crowd.

>> No.13311441

very dishonest of you. Bloom never said this

>> No.13311445

it's called trolling, pal

and you just got trolled

>> No.13311500

Harold "ZOG" Bloom

>> No.13311508

>It's a fake Jim Bloom quote

>> No.13311510
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Don't go Prof. Bloom

>> No.13311524

Valuing the western canon and thinking it needs to be "defended" is the true mark of a pseud. The western canon is just codeword for "shit whites have written", most of the works therein come from entirely different cultures, languages, time periods, and nationalities; and are only grouped together because the authors were huwhite.
Literally nothing will happen if the western canon disappears. The works will still be there for everybody to enjoy, only authors from around the world will be included instead of just white people. Isn't blooms canon list really long anyway? I doubt anyone on lit has read it cover to cover. Instead of defending it, anon, why don't you try reading it?

>> No.13311529

In all honesty his picks for the western canon are pretty based. Lots of great writers I wouldn't have heard of otherwise.

>> No.13311536

>The western canon is just codeword for "shit whites have written"
Wrong, pseud. Read "The Western Canon", he explains everything in there.

>> No.13311549
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>Isn't blooms canon list really long anyway? I doubt anyone on lit has read it cover to cover. Instead of defending it, anon, why don't you try reading it?
Why don't you instead of being a clueless retard?

>> No.13311554

The Western Canon includes Anglo and Latin America, many of whom aren't strictly "white". Sorry, SJW, but you have no power here.

>> No.13311559

>muh white men

>> No.13311660

It's absolutely right. Just because some nonwhite authors are included doesn't invalidate the fact that the West and consequently the Western Canon are nonsense concepts that will mysteriously group 19th century Russia with 21st century America with Ancient Greece etc. All of these cultures are so distinct that one has to wonder what the justification is for having them grouped together. Of course the only plausible and rather conspicuous common denominator is that they belong to what is today considered the White Race. Never mind the fact that Aristotle viewed Europeans as deficient in intelligence and inferior to greeks, he would be considered white today so let's just throw him in the western canon!
>Latin America
Latin America is like 50-60% white. Lmao.
What did I say that was false?

>> No.13311699

>nonsense concepts that will mysteriously group 19th century Russia with 21st century America with Ancient Greece
Do you really not understand how these are connected?

>> No.13311872

They're not connected in any meaningful way. It's purely a race thing.

>> No.13311882

Maybe consider concepts that have originated from Greece and where those concepts specifically spread too.

>> No.13311898

What concepts you retard? You realise the only reason we have the Greeks is because arabs translated and preserved them? They're not in the western canon though because their complexion is a little too swarthy for our likings.

>> No.13311907

Bro Christians totally didn't preserve the greeks... Augustine never wrote about Platonism! Such a retard bro

>> No.13311917

>It's purely a race thing.
Wrong. It's an ethinicity thing. Ethnicity means culture + race + language + history. All the West shares these, not only race. It's a big family. We don't share these with Asia nor with that shithole known as Africa. If you can't see this, that's on you. In your retarded SJW tier rant about muh whiteys you forgot this little thing called ethnicity which goes beyond race only.

>> No.13311919

Yeah I forgot writing about something is the same as copying the text down into a manuscript

>> No.13311955

Lmao you share a language with the Russians Germans Greeks and romans? Where is this intellectual paradise you're from where everybody knows all the languages associated with the west?
Ahaha hahahahah what culture? It's fucking hilarious that you think you share a culture with the ancient Greeks or romans. Damn man I love being a part of the west and waking up every day to a blowjob from my boy sex slave and then going down to the coliseum to watch gladiators fight to death and then we'll feed some Christians to lions while we're at it. WHAT FUCKING CULTURE YOU MONGOLOID?
?????? Explain retard
The only one left

>> No.13311985

>Where is this intellectual paradise you're from where everybody knows all the languages associated with the west?
All the languages from the West (save a few linguistic anomalies like Basque) derive from Proto-Indo-European, a common language ancestor. All the major ones: German, Spanish, Greek, French, English, Latin, Russian, etc. are all part of the same linguistic tree, called Indo-European. Unlike Japanese, Mandarin or Cantonese from Asia and whatever subhuman ape grunts they do in Africa, which belong to different linguistic trees.
>Ahaha hahahahah what culture?
Western culture. The culture that allows to form a Western canon in the first place.
>?????? Explain retard
Why even bother? You're most likely a nigger anyway.

>> No.13312045

What does it matter where your language derives from if you can't speak all the other western languages by virtue of speaking your own? If your language is not the same as another persons language you and that person do not share a language, therefore the claim that the west shares a language is not true. And even if we accept your bumpkin logic we would have to include Asian countries too not just white countries. Since you know it's INDO European.
>western culture
There is no such thing as western culture. The ancient romans did not have the same culture as us, nor did the ancient Greeks or the nordics or Baltics or Slavs etc etc etc. Even within countries you can have vast differences in culture.
>why even bother
You can't because you know the arabs and the Turks and the Persians and the Chinese have just as much if not more in common with, for example, Russia and Ancient Greece historically as France or Britain does. You know it's solely based on race.

>> No.13312118

>What does it matter where your language derives from
It matters insofar as grouping is concered. Why call it Western canon if you're going to include shit from Bumfuck, Niggeria written in some Mahalawhete bullshit? The cornerstone is the language family. You can downplay it all you want but that's the truth.
> The ancient romans did not have the same culture as us
Well the ancient Romans are ancient, retard. Of course they don't have the exact same culture as people in the 21st century. Are really this retarded? But they definitely influenced the many subsequent Western nations and their culture. That's history.
>Since you know it's INDO European.
Yeah but they don't share culture and big history with us. I believe they would've been included had their culture and history be closer to ours or influenced our canon.
>You know it's solely based on race.
Not really. It's only a part of the equation, but it's not always a requirement, there's various non-whites who wrote in Western languages and lived in Western cultures and thus, the influential or good ones are considered part of the Western canon. Anything of certain quality that influences Western canon, is part of it. You're only judging it from one simplistic SJW angle when it fact it's various angles that are at play.

>> No.13312133


>> No.13312267
File: 87 KB, 1024x537, proper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am glad to see that Men of Proper Literature still inhabit these Havens from the Rains of Decadence. It has been so long, my dear /lit/. About six Years, since we last spoke. I will have you all know, I have Rather Successfully moved out of my parent's domicile and relocated to a Humble Abode ten minutes away.

I have not gained employment in any field related to Literature. This is, of course, by choice. When the Literature of the day is not Proper, I am not Present. I work in the Highly Respected and Lucrative field of Medical Technology.

Accompanying me is my Loyal Beast, Rocko. Rocko is a Sight Hound--the same as Argos who recognized his Lord Ohdisseuss.

I am, naturally, on my 12th biannual read through of the Quijote. And just a few weeks ago I was even told by a lover that my penis is cute.

I suppose I merely wanted to demonstrate a slice of life for a Proper Man who learned to Live Happily Ever After.

As always, I bid you a do.

>> No.13312313

>it matters insofar as grouping is concerned
I don't see how the fact that our languages have a common root is relevant in the slightest. Language is a tool for conveying information; it is not important to me whether a Frenchman has the same root language as me if we cannot communicate with each other. My linguistic relation to him only extends so far as communication is possible between us; if it is not, we have no linguistic relation.
>Of course they don't have the same culture as people in the 21st century
Then why are we included in the western canon with them? Also I never said "exact same". Their culture is so wholly separated from ours that even those negroe countries you hate so much are closer to us in terms of morality and culture than the romans are. I'd really like to hear you justify how a Christian nation like Ethiopia is further away from the majority Christian west culturally than the romans who would have them both fed to lions. It's all so ridiculous considering the fact that a sizable portion of Africa was part of Rome (so how don't we share history with them?) and the fact that Rome regarded the majority of Europeans as savages and barbarians.
>they don't share culture
The west doesn't share culture either. I guess you could say American culture permeates Europe but you can't make this argument here because bloom includes Russia in his western canon and Russia has been relatively successful in staving off American culture.
>they don't share history
Asia shares a lot of history with Rome and Ancient Greece. Certainly more than America shares with Russia. Sorry bud.

>> No.13312378

>My linguistic relation to him only extends so far as communication is possible between us; if it is not, we have no linguistic relation.
Because it's an accumulative thing. It's not the "some jerksoffs who can perfectly understand each other" canon. It's the WESTERN CANON. Not every Westerner speaks every Western language. And it's not some national list, it's a huge list of works.
>Then why are we included in the western canon with them?
Again because it's an accumulative thing. It's not only works from this and that culture or from this and that period but rather the best works that have come out of the WESTERN CIVILIZATION (and its different eras and cultures) or have had an influence on it.
>Russia has been relatively successful in staving off American culture.
America is only a fragment of Western civilization, it isn't in any way its representative entirety. Russia is considered a European nation, both geographically (depending on the definition) and linguistically (part of the Indo-European tree). Bloom appropriately includes it in the canon.
>Asia shares a lot of history with Rome and Ancient Greece
Works from Asia that were relevant for the Western canon in either their aesthetics or philosophy are rightfully considered part of it. Mostly ancient works like the Mahabharata and the Epic of Gilgamesh, though. But external influence is recognized.
> Sorry bud.
No need to be sorry, you're just misguided in your approach and you're judging something from a racially resentful posture instead of looking at it from all its angles.

>> No.13312436

I was not attacking the idea that blooms canon is representative of the best works from the west, so I have no idea why you're even defending that view. My contentious was that western is simply codeword for white. You responded to this by saying, No, westerners have the same ethnicity which means they share language, race, culture, and history.

Language I disproved by simply pointing out that the west does not share the same language.

History I disproved by pointing out that Asia shares a lot of history with the west yet isn't reckoned among them. I will further disprove it by asking you what history Italians and Norwegians share, to which you will have no answer. Then I will point out that Italy shares a lot more history with Africa and Asia than they do with norway and your history argument goes kaput.

Culture I disproved by stating the fact that the west simply does not share the same culture. What culture does turkey share with the USA and what culture does the USA share with Russia? If you say turkey is not a part of the west you expose your flaws even further because I will point out that the battle of Troy upon which the illiad and Odyssey are based occurred in turkey and so it is absolutely foundational to the cannon.


>> No.13312481
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nigger detected

>> No.13312531

>My contentious was that western is simply codeword for white.
Well, the majority of the West have been "white" when the canon was being formed, whatever the fuck "white" means to you (Caucasian? Strictly Nordic type? Pale skin? Who knows), so it may be synonymous in your head with "white" but it isn't in any way a codeword and the inclusion of "non-whites" in the Western canon proves you WRONG.
>Language I disproved by simply pointing out that the west does not share the same language.
Jesus Christ. How many times are we going to go through this? They're part of the same linguistic tree, which is set apart from East Asian languages and Nigger ones. We're an oak tree, and they're pines and other trees. Different trees. And the Western canon is not based solely on ONE language but rather the various languages spoken in the West (for the most part).
>History I disproved by pointing out that Asia shares a lot of history with the west yet isn't reckoned among them.
I mean they're not a part of the West... why would you include them in the West when they're clearly considered the East? The fact that some of their works were influential or relevant for the Western canon, either by their aesthetics or philosophy, is a fundamentally different issue than Asia being a part of the West at all.
> Then I will point out that Italy shares a lot more history with Africa and Asia than they do with norway and your history argument goes kaput.
Again, you're looking at it from just a single angle, when I crearly told you it's many angles that are at play. This time you chose history. But the West is so huge and vast that the many cultures and nations that are somehow set apart can even then be part of the same family. Distant relatives are also relatives. And the Western canon is a big family after all.
>Culture I disproved by stating the fact that the west simply does not share the same culture.
Apart from other things, the Western civilization is a collection of cultures. It's not a single monolithic culture.
> you say turkey is not a part of the west you expose your flaws even further because I will point out that the battle of Troy upon which the illiad and Odyssey are based occurred in turkey and so it is absolutely foundational to the cannon.
Not necessarily. Many non-Western works have been included in the Western canon, like I mentioned before. And many Western works are set on non-Western locations. Turkey as it is today is still partially part of Europe, but after all it's an intercontinental nation like Russia.
Except your presumption is proven wrong by the fact non-whites have also been included in the canon multiple times. If it were a white exclusive club as you say, there wouldn't be any trace of non-whites in it, which isn't the case.

>> No.13312572

i like how the text isn't even the same colour lol

>> No.13313620

fuck, this one got me. Losing your memory is the saddest part of dying.

>> No.13314303

>why yes, of course the western canon should not be composed of the works of western authors
>why yes, of course the african canon should be composed of exclusively of black african authors

>> No.13315549


>> No.13315669

Bloom is a degenerate who already ruined the canon.

>> No.13315681


>> No.13315682

The monastics literally did copy the texts into manuscripts, and it is their copies which made up the bulk of Europe's treasury.

>> No.13315699

Read his intro to Leaves of Grass. If you find none of it disturbing, you are disturbed.

>> No.13315707


S-shut the fuck up, man! Don'T do this to me!

>> No.13315717

Why are Jews so based and why do they defend western civilization?