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13297264 No.13297264 [Reply] [Original]

Books that unleashes the potentials of femininity, futility and carnal desires

>> No.13297280

my diary desu

>> No.13297289
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The only potential any of these things have is negative potential that will wreck and destroy your life.
Effeminacy is weakness.
Seek what is eternal; not what is futile.
Renounce carnal desires. No man is free who cannot alter his desire. He is a slave and will be for life. Desires can be fed and reinforced or starved, and destroyed. Cast the ring out and be free.

>> No.13297295

Its all fun man, but I didn't asked for that. The title
is clear.

>> No.13297299

Fun? Only the illusion of it. A temporal magic trick that offers delight in the moment at the cost of perpetual joy. I did not ask for this thread to exist and yet, here we are.

>> No.13297313

I think you are correct, but am I to scuttle all the human aspects that seem exceptionally alive in whatever carnal mode? I feel they have a restorative, healing role. There is profound connection to be had for sure, although it is perhaps as real as a Warcraft quest, being entirely conjured in the carnal moment. But still, I think it's wrong to jettison entirely these aspects. They can be and perhaps are in our era systematically corrupted, much the same as our appetites for food are conditioned by sugar and fat neurochemistries.

>> No.13297316


you don't even need a book for that shit, just raise them in the USA

matter of fact you don't even need to raise em

>> No.13297360


why do you foreign lads use the pluperfect in place of the perfect? ive heard germans do this

>> No.13297527

sissy hypno

>> No.13297622


>> No.13297682

For women

>> No.13297720

Still here at the bookstore, already got Camille paglia

>> No.13299458

Have them grow up raised only by single moms. Their natural state is destruction

>> No.13299633

this post will destroy incels

there is no reason NOT to fuck as many people as you please to. morality, demurity, chastity, virginity are all spooks. be smart and you won't get an std or unwanted pregnancy. there's literally no consequence. if you want a few extra years to slut around before getting a husband just keep in shape and take care of your skin. the majority of women are obese trash who age themselves 10+ years. a well kept 30 year old looks better than an absolute slob 22 year old. by the time he learns your real age he'll already be hooked and it won't matter. "ah baby you're perfect, god you're so hot and fuck so good, but this number on this piece of paper is too high so I'm afraid I have to leave you and be single, bitter, and miserably lonely for another 5 years, by which time i'll be fat and balding and no woman will want me." yeah, nah.

further. i've fucked tons of married men and their wives quite obviously don't know jack shit. you can cheat on your partner very easily. again, have safe sex, no stds or pregnancies, and there is no possible consequence.

men only know your "number" if you tell them.

reminder that if men were as desired as women, they'd be even bigger sluts than we are. anyone saying female promiscuity is "bad" is bitter grapes personified. if you COULD fuck, you would. the term is "incel" not "volcel." if incels could become chad tomorrow and fuck 1000 people they would in a heartbeat.

>m-muh roast
there's no difference taking one dick 200 times or 200 dicks one time, or even a dildo 200 times. either way, that's not how anything works, you retarded incel mongrels. my pussy is picture perfect.

>> No.13299635

the Bible

>> No.13299644

just to take it further
if fucking a lot causes pussy skin to lengthen, why do guys who masturbate with a deathgrip every day not have 3 feet of foreskin and a darkened roast beef penis?

oh, because that's not how skin works. but just so it's in terms you filthy incels might understand.

have sex

>> No.13299689

But sex is desirable for men because it's difficult. Not the same for women, they can get laid whenever they want. For men it's a story of conquest. For women it's only submission.

>> No.13299704

>because it's difficult
it feels good you fucking autist. it's not hard for chad to get laid and he still smashes every night while you jerk off into a sock.

>> No.13299727

>there is no reason NOT to fuck as many people as you please to
There's exactly one good reason. It could/will conflict with the values of someone you might fall in love with. Just like lying will.
>men only know your "number" if you tell them.
That's the problem. When everybody lives like you've described, no one believes what you say anymore, and instead just assume the reality is what you've described. It won't be consequence free, however. And I don't mean that in a christian moralizing way.

There's not even any point in one side persuading the other. It just is going to be as you've said. The only thing to do is get used to it.

>> No.13299735

To clarify, by consequences I mean that social bonds will get weaker and weaker as time goes on.

>> No.13299757

you killed your argument with this. i know exactly what /r9k/ memechart you got that from. go back.
>i fucking love science xDDD
since this is /lit/ why don't you read "how to lie with statistics".

>> No.13299768

What I meant to say is it's difficult for most men. If a man gets to fuck many girls - for him that's an achievement and stories of conquest. It grants him a higher social standing.
For girls it's not the same. If you open your legs to the wrong person that would be enough to wreck homes.

>> No.13299779

I've heard the pair bonding thing that I think you're referring to, but that's not what I meant. I don't post on /r9k/.

>> No.13299806

people screw because it's pleasurable. they don't keep a belt around to notch to jack themselves off--that's what the pussy is for.
social bonds don't "get weaker" from socializing more. if you want to use that argument, posting on 4chan is 9000x worse than screwing a random.

yall niggers have nothing. read stirner and liberate your poor little minds from their bondage.

>> No.13299812

>It grants him a higher social standing.
Yeah, among other douchebags who brag about the number of girls they've fucked to rise up the social ladder.

>> No.13299843

No one brags dude... this shit builds up an aura around yourself... your friends will see you are popular with girls and assume you are swimming with pussy... they won't know your specific number... people like that don't tally it up

now with social media everything is multiplied by a factor of 10 which is what I mean by "building up an aura"...

>> No.13299867

>i have sex with girls (in my mind) because I want my facebook friends to think i'm cool
good lord.

>> No.13299894

>facebook friends
Bahaha does your mind really operate on this level?
It's much more complicated. You will never understand. Have sex incelet.

>> No.13299910

not even sure if you're still just pretending to be retarded because this is a new level

>> No.13299990


>> No.13300036

"this post will destroy incels" lol
i like you anyway, its good to love yourself enough to be openly angry, unlike this repressed, snarky faggots

>> No.13300059

Sounds like the plot of the move The Bitc...The Witch.

>> No.13300086

Are women who have fucked 200 guys and are single at age 30 actually happy? I have doubts

>> No.13300097

>i've fucked tons
oh, good lord the loads of time.. the 'logistics,' the mutual hygiene and the frequent check-ups, the-- ...
but i get it: a professional, right?
if not then the glib resolving of what would in fact require the intelligence and the dispatch of an arthur wellesley in his mysore phase into a three bean salad recipe that absolutely anyone can make is I guess hilarious.
The book that comes to mind is Elizabeth Longford's insider classic Wellington: The Years of the Sword (Harper & Row, 1969). No one seems to like it all that much but it's great. Really!

>> No.13300236
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I can't even laugh at this. I want out of this fucking hell.

>> No.13300293

My favourite (:

>> No.13301646


>> No.13301656

FFS, this kind of post shows how much os a virgins /lit/ is.
Just give the man what he wants and stop talking so much bullshit

>> No.13301665

t. cumbrain without agency over its life and slave to the next sexual distraction. Living life lower than an animal.

>> No.13301672


bass and pills

>> No.13301691


y'all need a little redemption through sin

>> No.13301695

There's nothing immoral about being a slut--it's only disgusting. But it is immoral to lie to someone who asks "the number" if you're planning on having a sex with that person, or even worse, a relationship. To hide it is to create a situation of non-consent; non-consensual sloppy 200ths; and there's a big difference between one dick 200 times and 200 dicks one time.

>> No.13301838

What do you think of a lock that can be opened by anyone?
What do you think of a key that can open any functional lock?

>> No.13301932

>further. i've fucked tons of married men
Not an achievement.

>> No.13302038

>m-muh lock
max spooked. i fuck who i please, and you can't. i turn down about 98% of the men interested in me because they aren't good enough.

i can afford to have exactly what i want, when i want. you take whatever drops on the floor in front of you.
>a big difference
what, genius? physically speaking, what is the difference? most dicks are concentrated around an average. they're essentially the same. or does eating 200 different apples chip away at your teeth? wearing 20 different shoes deform your feet?

i'll wait while you come up with a reason incels who deathgrip wank 3x a day for 20 years don't have 3 feet of trailing darkened dickskin hanging off their shaft.
I do what I please, when I please. I don't jump when chad knocks because I have access to a hundred chads. You will never be the top 5% of women in your peergroup and understand this feel.

>> No.13302045

also for janny, we're discussing the applications of stirner's philosophical works.

>> No.13302683

pics or fake

>> No.13302703

One day you will want to settle.
But no man can truly love a whore.
What a conundrum!

>> No.13302706

Do you not know where the "in" comes from in incel?

>> No.13302739

I wanna thank you for this post.

>> No.13302924

Interesting question. Are you looking for fiction or non-fiction?

Somewhat related fiction:

Pauline Réage – Story of O

A BDSM classic. Not necessarily slut training, but submissiveness and carnal desires certainly.

Quite related non-fiction:

Dossie Easton, Janet Hardy – The Ethical Slut

The book specifically explores and encourages sexual promiscuity; redefining (or reclaiming) the word 'slut' in a sex-positive way.

>> No.13302936

theyre not

>> No.13302940

he can only know you fucked 50+ guys if you tell him. there's no neon sign over my head.
the guy four guys back i fucked honestly thought i was a virgin and kept asking me if i was. it was hilarious.
incelibate aka can't get laid
have sex

>> No.13302975

incel INvoluntary CELibacy
(that guy that threatened to blow up some folk because he's not getting any)

volcel VOLuntary CELibay
(priests? people into orgasm denial)

>> No.13303150

okay brah thanks for citing what we all already know
does your autism have a point or did your mom just put you on formula because she didn't want a retarded ugly incel sucking her tits?

>> No.13303164
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why the fuck did you make this post you bitch ass nigger

>> No.13303171

to kill the /r9k/ cancer that is killing /lit/
this is not your safe space. we're here to discuss books and book accessories.

>> No.13303186

>larping as a woman on /lit/ in hopes of killing off what he thinks is /r9k/
lmao, what a retard

>> No.13303189
File: 14 KB, 303x296, 6482736423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't belong here

most chanculture is """"""/r9k/"""""" you normie faggot

>> No.13303196

I can confirm that being a virgin 30 year old woman isn't fun either. I voluntarily opted out of the clock carousel, but now it's too late to have sex even once.
I'll spend the rest of my life knitting for orphans.

>> No.13303220

you're like an annoying rich kid on the playground bragging about how many toys she has

>> No.13303258

for real? lol. i have no regrets at all.
>lmao bro just keep yourself """pure""" for a marriage that may or may not even happen
>oh and your man is probably used goods, so even if you get married, you abstained for nothing
what a great deal. as long as he wasn't a fag or niggerfucker and doesn't have a disease i wouldn't care how many women a guy has slept with, probably because, unlike pointy elbows 2/10 incel dweebs, I'm not insecure.
the best authors were all promiscuous. the worst authors were disgusting incels like k*nt. sister you got memed hard.
that's right, incel. stay jealous.
it is not and i know you don't browse other boards, quite obviously. not everyone here is a pathetic ugly virgin with mommy issues.

>> No.13303309

>lmao bro just keep yourself """pure""" for a marriage that may or may not even happen
>oh and your man is probably used goods, so even if you get married, you abstained for nothing
You're right, I bought this meme. It just never felt right to have sex with someone I don't truly love and want to spend the rest of my life with. The thing is, not a lot of guys are okay with this. And now here I am, single and virgin at 30 years old, knitting for orphans. I don't doubt that you are happier than I am.

>> No.13303373
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Pic actually related to OP's question.

>but now it's too late to have sex even once.

Only if you are really fat (fixable with effort) or really ugly (ditto, go see a beauty specialist). Women on the whole are just a Tinder-swipe away from getting laid, and 30 is young.

What's stopping you now?

>[not being able to follow a simple comment thread on 4chan]

>> No.13303392

weird cope

>> No.13303394
File: 18 KB, 249x350, 73596-004-FFBBE061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm shocked at the level of inexperience in this thread but then am sadly reminded that I've been on this board in fits and starts since its beginning so am probably now way too old to be here. What renders pic FEManon's uncle are not the facts with which 'she' is here bludgeoning the virgin hordes (all are facts) but with both her arrogance and displayed want of time management skills- she is either Belle du Jour (and exceedingly pleased about it) or doesn't exist at all except as a figment of virgin anon's thoroughly warped (all but nipped in the bud and therefore 'nightmare') sexual imagination. Her position is otherwise all but unassailable because whenever she chooses she can easily claim that she's just trying to help (yes YOU, anon)- why else in fact would a woman with so little time on her hands choose to be here, if not, for instance? Ah, good question blah blah blah.
Fwiw pussies do vary in size shape color savor and depth of well, but these measures are what a woman begins with; pussies even after the birth of many children tend to snap quickly back into shape as quickly as the woman herself does, counter intuitive as perhaps that seems, it is a fact. Also women as they age become not harder but easier to please than 19 yr old cheerleader Stacy at the peak of her physicality but near the nadir of her sexuality. Sure an older practiced woman will know better what she wants and may not tell one with her mouth, but she will with her body if anon deigns to take the time.
Book for the virgin hordes: Ray Bradbury's Something Wicked this way Comes.

>> No.13303426
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we will never leave, not sure why you think outing yourself as a whore would prove incels wrong.

>> No.13303466

Marriage is a contract. It doesn't matter if you succeed in deception - both parties will fall to misfortune.
Fucking a lot of people warps your ability to bond - and as for women, diminishes your self-esteem.

If you are a woman and rode the carousel, you will never respect a guy that marries you. For no self-respecting man will give his time and resources to someone that gives theirs away freely. And if you deceive him on such a vital characteristic, he clearly isn't worth anything to you. Dumb, docile, unsuspecting.

No one can love a whore, no one of value.

Frankly, most of us are doomed to be alone. Even in company.

>> No.13303494


>> No.13303511

It’s not fun. That’s the point. You will understand that one day when you realize that “the moment” is extended forever behind you and in front of you. Keep deluding yourself into thinking that you are “just interested in having fun”. You are interested in living out what you think are your dreams, they are only the shadows of a great evil that lurk unquestioned in the hearts of the ignorant.

>> No.13303551



>> No.13303641

>there is no reason NOT to fuck as many people as you please to.

Ah, ya there is. I don’t want to.
Now fuck off parking lot 237

>> No.13303682
File: 19 KB, 460x345, 0F0DAAE2-80E5-42B7-BCC2-307A26AF5151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You poor girl

>> No.13303717

>he can only know you fucked 50+ guys if you tell him. there's no neon sign over my head.

You will have a conversation with him about values and your disgusting little secrets will poke their head out like maggots on a rotting corpse and if he is worth anything he will be through your bullshit and drop you like a bad habit and never look back. Your only hope is by getting with a dunce who doesn’t want to know the “real you”, and congrats on that trade. You whored yourself out to a bunch of beta men and settled with an idiot. What a legacy. RIP.

>> No.13303755

this isn't even remotely fair; femanon (who hardly requires my or any defense) is not an idiot. True or false *her* characterization is thoroughly logical, true if ideal and therefore helpful, even brilliant, and has become the hub of what was otherwise becoming a flat but now an interesting thread. This in itself either marks (fem)anon as an exceptionally good thinker (if not writer) or a thoroughly interesting woman, perhaps both. Give credit where it's due. If (you) cannot detect a certain je ne sais quoi in [her] texts youre not alive. I don't particularly like her, but I would perhaps buy her book or the one in which she -like a painted shadow- appears.
Dickens: Bleak House

>> No.13303784

involuntarily embarrassing

>> No.13303809

Except that I'm not embarassed, anon. Care to make some actual point?

>> No.13303811

We don’t envy the miserable
Dickens: Great Expectations

>> No.13303827

Unfortunately this. Maybe some people are programmed to live in a harem or gangbang factory but most likely we need a much more structure, there being much more to being human than sexuality, impossible though it may seem. There's very much a vast die-off in cultivation and knowledge and I think any service against those trends transcend even reproductive imperatives, at least in the short term where it seems we depend upon way too precarious a complexity.

>> No.13303867

That’s not what he’s saying. The good life, the life of fun, of happiness, of pleasure, sexual and platonic, are only reserved for those cultivated in virtue. Knowledge doesn’t restrict, it releases you. You are meant to be happy, if only you knew how good things could really be

>> No.13303895
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Open your mind to true fun, pain, or at least the conquering of it, through self discipline, you rebel against God with your desires. show Him you can train oneself to be better, show yourself you can be better.

>> No.13303955

I copped the painted shadow image from book related, or so my memory

>> No.13303977

>if you succeed in deception - both parties will fall to misfortune.
If I succeed in deception, exactly HOW will it "fall to misfortune"? Because you think life is a storybook?
>outing myself
that's right, a WHORE posts amongst you every day. You've probably taken recs from a WHORE and had discussions with a WHORE and called this WHORE's post based on more than one occasion.
fun things are fun
I'd let you plow me if you wanted.
in other words: incels have still failed to provide a counterargument. So far they have wishful thinking out of a fairytale book (you'll have a bad life if you lie, because, ummmmm..... a fairy will curse you) or vague shit about "a moment extending before and behind forever", one sour grapes (you're wrong, I didn't want to have sex! y-yeah, that's right!)

Now look everyone, i'll put it in plainer terms. having sex is nice. you fuck a hot girl, you feel nice, you feel good. sluts have a net positive value on society. we create love and happiness and good feelings. whereas, all incels contribute is seething asspain on an autism awareness forum.

sluts are better for society than incels, better than volcels, better than k*ntians and their pitiful ilk.
>bubbutbut sex is bad because...uh....duhhhhh....
There has yet to be a logically valid counterargument. Face it, you guys are nothing but sour grapes. have sex.

>> No.13304007

have kids

>> No.13304008


>> No.13304015

kids inarguably provide benefit to society, but what benefit do they provide to ME? read stirner.

>> No.13304035

>we create love and happiness and good feelings
I'm honestly not trying to be antagonistic, but your posts in this thread actually make you sound angry and unhappy.

>> No.13304065

t. projecting
have sex

>> No.13304078

I'm not projecting, I'm reading what you wrote, expressing yourself. You're pretty hostile.

>> No.13304117
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>> No.13304137
File: 46 KB, 550x239, B710F522-A8F0-44BA-8CF1-18A7649BFA93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“The greatest gift of righteousness is peace of mind”- Epicurus

The distinction Epicurus makes between kinetic vs static pleasures is the crown jewel of his brilliant analysis of pleasure, and no one should call themselves an Epicurean if they fail to understand this. Ataraxia, literally "unperturbedness", generally translated as "imperturbability", "equanimity", or "tranquillity", was for Epicurus the highest form of pleasure and life, and it was impossible for the person who lived solely for the sake of pleasure because they are never truly at peace. Prudence and chastity are built into Epicurus’s idea of the good life. That’s one thing I found wrong in this thread. Just like people who eat themselves into obesity, people are fucking themselves into misery. Acknowledge the tone of this anons post >>13299633
Despite how much “pleasure” they claim to be receiving in their life, does this individual seem like a genuinely happy person?
Look at their reasoning capability here >>13302940
>he can only know you fucked 50+ guys if you tell him
Does this sound like a person who can secure a happy life for themselves? Can you imagine this person ever reaching a state of equanimity, having to constantly put on a facade, hiding who they really are and what they really think from the person who they’ve chose to spend their life with? This person will never find real peace, and therefore pleasure, and therefore freedom. I find it unfortunate people read De Sade without understanding that he was in prison when he wrote those works that speak to your unrelenting life of passion. You are reading the Bastille speak, those are the thoughts and feelings of a prison cell. Epicurus invited women, slaves , and free men alike into his school because he believed, down to his metaphysics, that we were born to be free. Free from unjust requirements from without but also caprice from within. His school’s flourished from coast to coast for centuries. And when the Roman Empire crumbled and Christianity came those communes naturally turned into churches, thy remain so today, because the lives they lived then was essentially the same as that of the early christians. Peaceful living, simple pleasures, a life of knowledge towards the greater good of the community being the freedom of all people’s from all evils. Epicurus wasn’t an idiot.

>> No.13304204
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>>bubbutbut sex is bad because...uh....duhhhhh....
>There has yet to be a logically valid counterargument
Casual sex is objectifying. It breaks the second formulation of the Categorical Imperative, and is therefore immoral.

>> No.13304212
File: 179 KB, 400x564, tumblr_pc7x2sJnti1u0dfb3o1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your argument boils down to, having sex = happiness. This is a huge spook, following your own line of reasoning.

>> No.13304250

>judging someone by their 4chan post style
no matter how verbose an ad hominem is, it's still an ad hominem.
>muh peaceful, simple life
all the christians I know are either kidfuckers, wifebeaters, alcoholics, or porn addicts. all the ruralites i know have teen pregnancies and use some sort of drug, usually weed or meth. so much for a simple life bringing happiness. the entire xtian religion is bitter grapes. if happiness was so easily had, no one would put themselves through hells like medical college, grad school, or other endeavors which are the very ambitions that brought forth man out of scraping in the mud for subsistence. epicurian thought is fundamentally anti-human.
k*nt was a gremlin with massive COPE for his inceldom. his mother should have smothered him at birth for being so ugly. so much for the fruits of mercy.
to the extent a random guy is "objectifying" me, I would be objectifying him and his penis. it's mutually consensual, therefore not immoral. in either case you've clearly never had sex. i've never felt objectified by any man. i'm more honest with randoms than with guys i'm looking to seriously date and far less judged. i've also had friends with benefits, where we were friends for years first before fucking. where exactly does that involve objectification?

have sex.

>> No.13304261

cummies feel pretty good to me bruh
here's what it boils down to:
you can live your life, and also enjoy sex
or you can live your life and cower in fear of christian-imposed false morality, and feel miserable and ashamed of your own natural mindscape. which is bad, again?

unspook yourself.

>> No.13304270

>epicurian thought is fundamentally anti-human
>thinking of humans as commodities with a net positive value

Imagine being this stupid

>> No.13304284

Why is everyone falling for the low-level bait going on in this thread?

>> No.13304290
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Consent does not preclude objectification. You would know this if you got into any deeper Kant scholarship. Check out Kierkegaard or MacKinnon, for example.
>i'm more honest with randoms
You are contradicting yourself from earlier, where you said that you regularly lie to randoms (e.g. about your phone number). Breaks the first formulation, and is also indicative of how little you think of these people as ends in themselves.

>> No.13304293

It’s high quality secret thoughts and I enjoy btfo of ignorance when I see it

>> No.13304298

*Korsgaard, not Kierkegaard

>> No.13304304

> What is good for me, is good for you.

Do you hear yourself? What if sex is better if it's with someone you care about and have chemistry with? What if sex is better if you savor it with one person instead of multiple people? What If?

You are constantly imposing values on to me, you are really no better than incels who preach that the maxim of life is to have sex as many times as possible. You are no better than Christians who say sex before marriage is bad, according to your own line of logic.

>> No.13304305

based foucaultposter

>> No.13304334

How do you get rid of your desires though?
Ignore them for a very long time?

>> No.13304340
File: 9 KB, 220x301, honk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See picrelated.

>> No.13304352
File: 58 KB, 450x629, FFD4EC56-C9DF-46D8-80F1-CADACD92C959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Desires are meant to be developed

>> No.13304354
File: 200 KB, 671x590, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no consequences

>> No.13304361
File: 20 KB, 220x278, 6B46D7C8-DA3B-4558-B55F-7C155EC9C93E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See pic related

>> No.13304363

What about self-destructive desires?

>> No.13304373

>kids inarguably provide benefit to society, but what benefit do they provide to ME? read stirner.
literally kys roastie.

>> No.13304377
File: 148 KB, 640x860, 66C07995-72F7-4926-AA48-A48D77109E19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this


>> No.13304383

Death drive is just a word godless people use to describe the utter futility of knowledge without the divine source. Compare Freud and Jung

>> No.13304392

That's because (she's) being attacked ad hominem whereas her arguments are being completely ignored. One, ad hominem attacks on an anonymous image board are not only exercises in futility (*who* is being attacked?) but an indication that pan-anon entirely forgets where he is: a board dedicated to literature. Has femanon forgotten this? No. What she presents is an argument BY WAY OF characterization (a literary argument) its being true or not utterly besides the point. 2. What youre detecting as anger I see as frustration- she really wants (I believe) some legitimate answer but at this point knows that she's not going to get one..
The way this thread ends is that she herself supplies the answer(s) inceldom itself lacks, or so my money
I of course could give one, but why bother? I like the idea of her. And so should (you).

>> No.13304410

No she’s not she came into it like a bloody cunt>>13299633

>> No.13304429
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>You will never be the top 5%

I would PAY to see this whores comeuppance

>> No.13304434

>How do you get rid of your desires though?
How about you have desires that come from you, instead of those injected into your brain?

>> No.13304444

Listen you psychotic bitch you’re not making an argument your just a frustrated old worn out unlovable zombie on an anonymous imageboard that keeps you safe to play smoke and mirrors and you’re still getting btfo lmao literally just an hero

>> No.13304447
File: 12 KB, 300x134, nagash mujers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No she’s not she came into it like a bloody cunt>>13299633
>there is no reason NOT to fuck as many people as you please to. morality, demurity, chastity, virginity are all spooks. be smart and you won't get an std or unwanted pregnancy.
>there is no reason NOT to fuck as many people as you please to
>There is no reason
>no reason
There is also no reason not to hit women.

>> No.13304454

i lie to guys i date. why would i lie to a random? there's nothing to be gained
>k*nt is shit
>non no anon just read even more of this tasty shit ohhh the shit taste in my mouth ohhh

>> No.13304459

kino bait

>> No.13304464

Bloody cunt's right but it's nonetheless a characterization; in other words except by way of argument it can't be real. The reality I called out here


and for the sake of her argument had to be ignored.

>> No.13304473


>> No.13304479

>what, genius? physically speaking, what is the difference? most dicks are concentrated around an average. they're essentially the same. or does eating 200 different apples chip away at your teeth?

I guess because we’re sacks of meat without minds or emotions we should, as you say, limit any discussion about the differences between 200 1 time vs. 1 200 times to physical issues. Because when you’re desperately trying to fool yourself into thinking that those are the only issues worth considering, so that you’re able to look at what you are and think about your past without barfing, what else is there to discuss? As long as a woman isn’t physically harmed during a rape there’s no problem. As long as a soldier isn’t physically wounded during a violent war there’s no problem. What’s the difference, physically speaking, between a gentle rape and rough sex? Stop crying, sweetie; most dicks are concentrated around an average.

You contrived the “... physically speaking” condition to support your slut theory, but it’s obvious to anyone who’s not legitimately psychopathic that there’s more to it and more to us than the physical condition of our dick or vag even if you’re too dishonest or afraid to admit it.
Dicks aren't apples and minds aren't teeth.

>> No.13304501

that's someone who wanted kids and couldn't get them due to partythotting and bad planning.
mine is a premeditated avoidance. because you still haven't clarified how having children benefits me personally.
you've yet to prove me wrong, faggot
exactly. i've yet to hear any response that explains how being a (condom-using) slut is detrimental. i've received memes, retardation, k*ntposting, strawmen, and ad hominems.
just repeating "categorical imperitive" is not an argument because all kantian thought is just a thought exercise as to what a retard might believe and does not, in any way, represent the end all be all answered question of morality. i'll say that, fundamentally, all of morality is a massive spook. they can whine all day saying how bad it is, but they can't come up with a concrete reason why it's supposedly bad.

stirner already blasted that little gremlin k*nt the fuck out ages ago
life isn't a storybook set to assuage your sense of victimization. you will live and die utterly disappointed, telling yourself, just one more day, just one more day and reality will prove me right.
>ugg not like girl anon's words
>ugg hit girl
>that proves ugg right!
woooow i'm so impreeeeeesed

>> No.13304510

>having children benefits me personally
Having children is its own reward even if it can be a pain.

>> No.13304539

>Having children is its own reward
nice empty platitude you massive window licking shallowbrain. how is it beneficial to waste my time and resources to personally have a kid, when the condition for my benefit from kids, in general, is that as long as society-wide everyone has enough to carry the show on, it's satisfactory? i gain no benefit from taking on a personal share of that burden.

it might be different if i liked kids, but i don't. i also don't like edm or craft beer. why should i partake?

>> No.13304556

You are doing what you want, and what you want is good(to you) only because it alligns itself with what others want.

Everything else you've said to justify doing what you want is bullshit because you can say whatever you want , (you) will do what (you) want.
You just want to avoid responsability.
>be slut
no biggie
>dont want kids
no biggie
>tempt married men to fuck
no biggie

It all revolves around your own actions which are based on your emotions.
So we have already proved you wrong by literally not approving of your emotional behaviour.

>> No.13304578

I disapprove of your lifestyle, but not because you have lots of sex. I could even abide the adultery, but only if both partners agree beforehand. But your breed of promiscuity is irreverent.
I bet you're a college-educated feminist.

>> No.13304579

how does your "not approving" prove me wrong? why should i give a tenth of a shit what you think? your argument is adherence to social acceptance, same thing the keeping up with the joneses shit is based on, same instathotting and social media whoreing is based on. i don't take action to gain social acceptance. i take action because I want to take that action.

again, you're spooked. you're drowning in spooks and mistake the sea for the sky.

>> No.13304587

to what? your feelings? your personal spookmaster?

>> No.13304595

to sex. the act of sex. the importance of that physical intimacy.

>> No.13304603

i assure you i very much adore and enjoy sex, sir.

>> No.13304612

So basically >>13299633,
couldn't come up with any argument against kant poster and foucualt poster and is now dealing with incel posters. Sounds about right, the only reason feminists attack incels is because their arguments are not very good. It's lowest common denominator attacking lowest common denominator, how great.

>> No.13304623

I'm sure you do. but you don't respect it. you're like a spoiled teenager. you feel like you deserve your new car, your big vacation, but you don't appreciate it properly. you might drive that car well, you might love that exotic holiday, but ultimately you just crave the next thing.

>> No.13304634

Burger King doesn't accept EBT in the first place.

>> No.13304639


>> No.13304642

you've yet to debunk stirner
kant was never correct to begin with, there's nothing to argue against. do i need to disprove the world-on-the-back-of-a-tortoise theory first, too?
i've kept fuckbuddies around for extended periods of time. when i want to secure a longterm bf, i'll take one. that's the power of having means. i can get what i want. i own the vineyard.

>> No.13304657

>it's mutually consensual, therefore not immoral.
Fallacious and low IQ. Consensual ethics are not ethics but the scatterbrained plots of brainlets who think mutual unanimity in their misdeeds somehow alone justifies them.

>> No.13304659

I can't stop you. It's your life.
But I must ask; when you finally secure your longterm bf, how would you feel about him cheating on you behind your back?

>> No.13304662
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>i've kept fuckbuddies around for extended periods of time. when i want to secure a longterm bf, i'll take one. that's the power of having means. i can get what i want. i own the vineyard.

>> No.13304680
File: 186 KB, 952x717, 1558547967438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: lechers, demimondaines and cumbrains all getting blown the fuck out.

>> No.13304713

You've confused an analysis of the true unhappiness that is the harvest of your behavior with an ad hominem. Revealing your misery is not to discredit your argument, but to demonstrate that you aren't what you think you are, and that your experiential narrative is incorrect.

>> No.13304731

if he wants it and i want it, what misdeed is there? why should you and your personal asspain have impact on two independent persons engaging in a mutually consented act?

your conniption over sex being a supposed sin is fallacious from its foundation.
i'd ask for a threesome

>> No.13304739

just go ahead and do so tell me what i think and feel, eh?

>> No.13304773

>ask for a threesome
omg youre relentless! what if..
what if he had had sex with another man and that other man by whatever means discerned proved to be one of the incels arguing stupidly with you now, right here, in this thread..
Would (you) still desire participation and, if not, what then?

>> No.13304798
File: 158 KB, 900x1096, wilted rose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen up, you silly girl.

I'm guessing you're pretty young and getting a lot of male attention due to your youthful good looks. However, those will fade. Women are given this window of youth and beauty for the purpose of attracting a man; the most fertile years of your life are designed for you to be having children. Your beauty will fade, but a good man will not. If you think you can slut it up through your most beautiful and fertile years and then settle down when you hit 30 or 35, then you are mistaken. Having children past the age of 35 makes you--and this is a medical term--a geriatric mother. Furthermore, the best men will want someone in the prime of their youth. Would you choose a wilted rose over a blooming one?

Consensual casual sex is still objectifying and therefore dehumanizing--to both you and your partner. Sex in a loving relationship (and especially sex without birth control) means something--it means letting sex be at its full potential. Yes, casual sex may feel good, but it lacks *meaning.* You can have orgasms, but will that ever bring you the same sense of fulfillment as making a man who loves you happy? Will it bring the fulfillment that your mother and grandmother knew when they raised their children and were taken care of by them when they were old and grey?

There will always be whores. That does not mean you should strive to be one.

>> No.13304832

>if he wants it and i want it, what misdeed is there?
Are you incapable of reading?
Consent alone does not justify nor excuse an action.
>why should you and your personal asspain have impact on two independent persons engaging in a mutually consented act?
Ad hominem, and very poor jump for the direction of the argument.
>your conniption over sex being a supposed sin is fallacious from its foundation.
I don't believe in God.

>> No.13304837

>Would you choose a wilted rose over a blooming one?
I was 31 when I met my husband, who is easily the greatest man I have ever interacted with. I now live a comfortable life (he is an engineer and makes a large salary). We just bought our first home and are raising a beautiful daughter. We go on vacations a few times a year. No health problems. No financial worries. Life is wonderful.

Don't listen to this anon ladies, enjoy your 20s as much as you like.

>> No.13304845

homosexuality is disgusting so i'd divorce-rape him in that case. unless he let me watch.

jokes aside if i loved someone enough to marry them i'd be able to forgive just about anything so long as they loved me as well. sorry you're petty i guess. sex is far less a sin than, say, murder, or even just being a mean old bastard spreading misery around. a slut is infinitely preferable to a grumpy unpleasant ass.
>the wall argument
tiresome. you can't meme me on that when milf porn is one of the most popular categories, dummy head. i'll simply become a cougar and pounce on a barely legal

>> No.13304855

I’m not an incel I have sex twice a day you weirdo

>> No.13304862
File: 3.30 MB, 697x458, 896.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ taking the bait so easily

So this is the power of reading... Huh...

>> No.13304870

First piece of good girl behavior you've demonstrated in this thread.

>> No.13304892

>milf porn is one of the most popular categories, dummy head. i'll simply become a cougar and pounce on a barely legal
You silly slut. My point is that there is something greater and more fulfilling than momentary physical pleasure. I know we live in a hedonistic age, but that can never take away your search for meaning unless you refuse to fight back. It's not too late; I recommend you take some time to consider this point rather than turning hostile when somebody points out that things don't have to be this way.

>> No.13304941

your hand doesn't count and you don't even know how i know you're full of it
i can be a very good girl you know
you yet misunderstand
it is not a choice betwen "momentary pleasure" and lifelong fulfillment. you CAN have both. there's absolutely a time before a woman is ready to find a life partner, during which she doesn't know what she wants yet. extremely young age marraiges get dirvorced a lot. sorry drunk. during that period you shouldn't commit yourself to a nunnery, it derives no benefit to do so. women go crazy later in marriage because they keep expecting to find some reward for that volcelling and instead find it thankless. self deprivation does NOT lead to any reward. it's taking a wonderful gift of opportunity and throwing it in the trash out of misplaced moral aspirations that, in the end, resovle to nothing, bring about no sense of accomplishment, and build nothing.

>> No.13304943

This gets me every time.

>> No.13304962

>petty I guess
I'm fully capable of that, sure, like anyone else
That said my favorite classic virtue's hands down magnanimity..
Folks want love so badly that theyre willing to pretend that they have it without really knowing what it is. Dismissing the perhaps unfortunate fact that for being an abstract noun it's necessarily going to be a spook (your term) in your opinion is it, love, more a something one is 'ready for' or more like an illness? Dismiss the either/or for a flat out response (if you have one) or not.

>> No.13304975

ramblings of a virgin

>> No.13304993

Punish yourself with responsibility.

>> No.13304999

Remember ladies, incels make posts like >>13304837 in hopes that you'll fuck up your life, so they can get some pathetic last laugh.

>> No.13305009

abstract nouns are not what spooks are. read ego and its own, crossboarder.
>is it like an illness or is it something you become ready for
neither of those make sense and you're forcing the scope of the matter into an either-or question that you yourself predefine. objection, your honor, this man is a midwit!

love is love. sex can be love or it can just be sex, but either way, it's spreading a good thing, like handing out free cookies or holding doors for people. there's a lot worse one could do with ones time than commit gentle sins in a bedroom. having sex does not preclude later finding love, does not damage the participants, and does not detriment anyone in society. that incels rage over the slut is hilarious. the slut is a saint.

>> No.13305047


>> No.13305057
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>> No.13305058
File: 411 KB, 923x673, whichone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trips of truth. Men, which one would you rather have?

>> No.13305068

> Spooks
> Sluts are saints
> Sex is good

Sex is neither good nor bad, and to say if it was anything but is a spook.

>> No.13305075


>> No.13305080


>> No.13305099
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>> No.13305113

una refrigeradora..

>> No.13305114

>Please just ignore my psychotic rambling


>> No.13305133

>a slut is infinitely preferable to a grumpy unpleasant ass.

Definitely didn’t read Stirner.

>> No.13305193

>this post will destroy incels
>few hours later

>> No.13305239
File: 356 KB, 1600x2812, 1559040678935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can get some pathetic last laugh.
No, that'd be the first ones to laugh.

>> No.13305258


>I married a oblivious stem fag
>now Im raising his daughter
>enjoy your 20s=be a whore

I feel sorry for your husband. Your raising his daughter to be fucked by guys who aren’t like him, and then to cuck a guy who is. Full circle. What a legacy. What a waste of life

>> No.13305269


>> No.13305277

>it derives no benefit to do so. women go crazy later in marriage because they keep expecting to find some reward for that volcelling and instead find it thankless. self deprivation does NOT lead to any reward. it's taking a wonderful gift of opportunity and throwing it in the trash out of misplaced moral aspirations that, in the end, resovle to nothing, bring about no sense of accomplishment, and build nothing.

How do you know that?

>> No.13305285


>> No.13305290
File: 89 KB, 730x494, jews in porn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men, do not blame this slut for being a slut. Women's values are shaped almost entirely by the dominant culture's values and we live in a culture where the Jews have subverted our values.

This woman is a victim of the subversive Jewish idea that hedonistic sex is the best thing. It is the virtue of a decaying society.

When we rise up and take back our birthright, she will see our strength and she will fall in line. She is not the enemy. Do not waver from the goal.


>> No.13305296
File: 10 KB, 250x250, 40D51CF3-ED15-44C4-985B-5F8CB81A9355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13305302

Based no-soul poster

>> No.13305411

incel cope is sex = happiness.

>> No.13305430

BASED and Kantpilled

>> No.13305435


>> No.13305446

Yes but does he know how many partners you've had? Are you reluctant to tell him? If you are, why?
Even if not, things are changing, and men aren't going to keep agreeing to this as the status quo for much longer

>> No.13305458

Based af

>> No.13305469
File: 26 KB, 479x640, C2402BAE-1BA8-43FE-B9C3-DA1955A1A2FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You unironically need him, child

>> No.13305500

>Jews are the the reason I'm a whore guys
kys roastie

>> No.13305517
File: 23 KB, 1294x189, Women social shaming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i take action because I want to take that action.
And that's exactly what I said.
You (all women really) are so irrational you've replied with my same conclusion but still say I am wrong because you reduce everything to what your emotion wants to be fulfilled(as I stated), which in the case of your last reply to me, is just to not give me any credance.

Your own wish (emotion) is the basis of your justification
>Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi
and like you already exposed, any concept we throw around to "prove you wrong" can't because the use of your wishes as an axiom make our arguments inconsecuential ( it's all social constructs lmao) as a critique to your actions.
Women only think of their actions through emotional concepts; that doesn't make you less intelligent or capable than men(though most of you are) but dangerously influenced to act socially against your own interest at heart.
Your emotional attitude would not be possible if you recieved a negative emotional reaction from society around you to act as a counter balance to emotional imput being inserted into your cognition by third parties.

Your whole emotional attitude is a consecuence of the Cultural and Societal degeneration and destruction that promotes itself through the influence of those in the position to steer Culture to their whim for their private interests( Hollywood, CIA, Trilateral Comission, International Adverstisement Holdings, etc).
Western Society is no longer in control of what Culture (we)society produces, consumes and/or critiques.

>> No.13305539

is this BurgerPunk?

>> No.13305621

now that the dust has settled, can you admit that you're a male and were just larping to troll?

>> No.13305665
File: 20 KB, 359x240, 4D7D32E5-4167-4709-8B48-B2D4AE41FAA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13305667
File: 42 KB, 750x699, 1544310685589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>milf porn is one of the most popular categories
with precisely the type of people you don't want to be involved with; incel losers with mommy issues. Even then, the percentage of women who age well is incredibly small. Normal men do not find hags attractive. Pic related.

>> No.13305678
File: 320 KB, 1170x820, womenage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that graph


>> No.13305688


>> No.13305689
File: 300 KB, 763x1144, 3FBC047D-0B0E-44F9-AA7B-2B44350B0FFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I stay home and don’t interact with people

>> No.13305695

This is as based as it gets.

>> No.13305696
File: 111 KB, 1200x800, F4EAB6D9-C617-4DBD-ACE8-76686D569326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13305730

imagine that frightening fake personality she puts up in order not to come off as a blackhole. Can u imagine sitting with a person like this as she pretends to be human all the while having these kinds of thoughts. Truly fucking frightening. Imagine the poor smuck who actually kisses this whore on the lips like it’s something romantic she will like. Nightmarish

>> No.13305768

There's this facial abuse video where two guys go at it with this young woman named Hellga. She made the mistake of telling them she has a boyfriend and they constantly ask her about what he must think of this while they take turns and dp her. She's obviously peeved when they ask, all "porn and my relationship are two totally different things!" At the end, her asshole doesn't even look like an anus.

Anyways, that's who I think of when I think of OP: someone who thinks they can get dp'd and puke on dicks on camera—and then go on to have a healthy relationship. Bitch, there are lines you can't uncross.

>> No.13305778

>y'all need a little redemption through sin
t. Frankist-Sabbatean cultist degenerate.

>> No.13305797


Have sex

>> No.13305853

Truly horrifying

>> No.13305921

Western Civilization is dead.

>> No.13305941
File: 678 KB, 715x507, what happened to civ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Western Civilization is dead.

>> No.13305990
File: 99 KB, 1299x309, Epicurus based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based & screencap'd

>> No.13306079


>> No.13306097

>the pluperfect in place of the perfect
and mangled too because "do" cannot form that tense the way they do it.
truly bizzare yet depressingly rampant

>> No.13306408

wrapped up in masters
they cover you in plasters
they spit in your mouth and then say I love you
is this supposed to save us?
is this supposed to break us?
into the toilet with our faces removed
you are a liar
you are a liar
and you are a lie

>> No.13306415

kant will set you free

>> No.13306440

My forthcoming novel centered on the National Prostitution Service

>> No.13306444

you sound like a well balanced individual

>> No.13306453

>sluts are better for society than incels, better than volcels, better than k*ntians and their pitiful ilk.
>Is a slut
>can't tell that fact to hes husband because he divorces her ASAP.

>> No.13306461

I met a girl on Omegle a long time ago, we did that sexting thing for around four years, she was obsessed with me and I with her, I'd make her do increasingly fetishy stuff, making her shove a deodorant up her pussy, finger up her ass, I'd make her make videos of herself stripping, dancing in just pantyhose, masturbating and calling my name begging to fuck her. Eventually she "fell in love" so there was a lot of tension, now she's in a relationship, but whenever she's in between relationships or something is going wrong with her emotional life she'd contact me for a video call and watch me masturbate.

>> No.13306466

the person who wrote that post was a male and yall niggas got trolled

>> No.13306476

Sounds extremely based anon
She sounds like a fine catch
>while she’s juggling dudes she hits me up to watch me master bate

>> No.13306480

Stirner is a dumb faggot who has nothing to offer but an infinite pit of darkness to jump into. If you really wish to discard reality as a linear combination of spooks, go for it, but it won't bring you any long term happiness, and is very likely to bring you significant misery.

>> No.13306498

Just wanted to share that story Anon.

>> No.13306504
File: 232 KB, 1080x1072, C6A61F51-AD9E-48E3-8B3D-B7C46F21D966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he can only know you fucked 50+ guys if you tell him. there's no neon sign over my head. the guy four guys back i fucked honestly thought i was a virgin and kept asking me if i was. it was hilarious.

That’s a very funny story. My niggas and I gotta go soon so let’s wrap this up quick

>> No.13306511


>> No.13306561

Try Octave Mirabeau: The Torture Garden

How are so many people hung up on casual sex being a terrible spooky thing like it’s gonna make you some materialistic prole or condemned to be somehow inferior for the rest of your life.

Thanks femanons for revealing how many retards visit this website, hope we all have sex soon. Sometimes I feel kind of apathetic toward it though, I haven’t had it in over a year and if a hot girl was on my bed, sure I’d fuck her. I don’t actively crave it, but I wank a lot. It’s just a lot of effort I don’t have much of an inclination to change my lifestyle around enough to the extent that having sex wouldn’t be an inconvenience, but I wouldn’t know if it’s doing future me a disservice or not. It probably is somehow.

Holding inflated judgment and hatefulness towards those that fuck all the time is unwarranted, deal with your inner bullshit, but it’s true young females have high standards compared to previous generations and go for the best looking dudes or the emotionally/spiritually/physically/intellectually superior 5-10%. But again, not everyone wants sex all the time either.

>> No.13306574

Sex debases and lowers man to animal controlled by passion. You're not going to make it.

>> No.13306578

You incorrectly devalue irrationality

>> No.13306579

>condemned to be somehow inferior for the rest of your life

That’s exactly what it does. Faggot.

>if a hot girl was on my bed, sure I’d fuck her

I’d throw that bitch out like garbage anon. It’s called standards

>> No.13306587

Imagine being this stupid.
>dude being irrational, it’s not so bad
Wow that’s incredible, I am enlightened

>> No.13306590

You're welcome buddy

>> No.13306600

Don't waste you time anon.
Donkey wants to be a donkey
can't rationalise the irrationals.

>> No.13306610
File: 1.26 MB, 371x209, 79B99E64-773A-4D0C-A862-86F9B319C94A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Donkey wants to be a donkey

>> No.13306630
File: 783 KB, 3220x1884, Women Dark Triad personalities.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have sex
Have bonds and make babies.

>> No.13306642

Today the only way to come close to ensuring that you've met a decent girl is to spy on them and trick them into divulging info. And then they get mad at you for it, even when you catch them. Rude. And after all that there's still a good chance that some guy(s) owns pictures or videos of her.

Weather's not good today; lookin' real gloomy, and I don't know when it's gonna clear up.

>> No.13306652

>Rot away in jail and take comfort that you inspire hundreds of worthless femanons to support your despicable existence by sending you “love” letters and making diagrams to describe themselves as a collective of idiots who just don’t realize how stupid and worthless they really are


>> No.13306659

>muh dark triad
>it’s cool the lady’s love me
>I’m also looking at death sentence


>> No.13306660

posting for satanic trips of the passions

>> No.13306673
File: 35 KB, 533x575, images_75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No reason to worry about it Anon, just take care of the things that can be controlled, eventually you'll grow stronger and those things will increase in number.

>> No.13306680

the guy four guys back i fucked honestly thought i was a virgin and kept asking me if i was. it was hilarious.

>> No.13306789

We don’t deserve you anon

>> No.13306908

there's no way you're fucking as many people as you say while spending literally all day on 4chan (i've seen your posts pop up across the day). the act's over, give up

>> No.13307088

have them read philosophy in the bedroom

>> No.13307091

t. Low IQ cumbrain.

>> No.13307097

t. cringe and christpilled. nothing is more natural than being a "cumbrain". read sade

>> No.13308590

>here we are
here [we] are, indeed..

>> No.13308617


>> No.13308763


>> No.13308847

Wanting to have sex is a spook.

>> No.13308858

This. It isn't you but programming inside you. It's NPC executable file. Fuck that.

>> No.13308998

>30 years old
>Knitting for orphans
You sound cute and I want to talk to you.

>> No.13309515

You are my literal worst relationship fear

>> No.13309635

I have a small dick.

>> No.13310664

that's a hot way to live
wish i had the same but with a domme chick or something

>> No.13311128

The graph of no meaning

>> No.13312148
File: 137 KB, 838x600, nocturne web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this still here?
>abstract nouns are not what spooks are
I could ask 'prove the contrary' but this cannot be done
>read ego
Did a long time ago. Prolix, tiresome, as literature, inferior
>forcing the scope of the matter into an either/or
impossible if neither proposition 'makes sense' --but really, I alerted anon to my being aware of the format, the doormat, the either/ormat, etc.
>love is love
is a tautology but the rest of the sentence is even worse than an opinion: it's nostalgia
>like handing out free cookies or holding doors
yeah, with gloves on
>then commit gentle sins
>finding love
Okay. To [you] love is less like an illness or an obsession (lovesick) less like a making of preperations for a party or something (ready for love) because MORE LIKE a thing one finds: a heads up penny, a roughed up diamond, a treasure, gold! some cash in an old purse....
>having sex does not preclude
well, it hasn't to this point
But seriously
Sex in a vacuum like the definition of sex isn't really sex because sex ALWAYS involves more than just itself. Therefore a non-argument's success pends its being mistaken for one (via a goading vulgarity) and that's the game.

>> No.13312788

>will destroy incels
>write an incel rant, only from the roastie perspective
What did anon mean by this?

>> No.13312802

Npc have very high degree of identification of the self with their passions. They are not minds with sexuality passively imposed on them.

>> No.13313005

>tfw no 30 year old litposting bigamist gf to slap around

>> No.13313076

You can only fuck one of the girls in OP's pic. Which do you choose?

I go with right, reluctantly.

>> No.13313109
File: 27 KB, 340x340, d3a67f7675cc0f0eef45907bada15132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ive heard germans do this
a french lie, the only people that are unable and unwilling to speak a foreign tongue are frogs and bongs

>> No.13313114

Neither. Sexual release is unhealthy and only justifiable for procreation. Even lusting is self defeating. Instead focus on better things and read.

>> No.13313115

t. never been in a loving relationship

>> No.13313116

>Seek what is eternal
What did he mean by this?

>> No.13313124

I think this post wins 4chan - please make more, people need them

>> No.13313131


>> No.13313143

in your heart of hearts, you know exactly what he means. it lies at the foot of the cross.

>> No.13313146

lol no

>> No.13313150
File: 16 KB, 480x360, ba913f9cbe7f6b6c1585f3b472300db7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Cicero.

>> No.13313207

And uses the incel philosopher par excellence to justify 'her' 'excesses'

>> No.13313253

>have sex.
This is who has been doing this. Makes sense.

>> No.13313771

will just leave this here
>The lover's a liar
>To himself he lies
>The truthful are loveless
>Like oysters their eyes
Funny that atheists leave human love in its false guise of 'romantic love' alone, kek
And scientists as well

>> No.13314440

nice numbers

>> No.13314724

thanks bro

>> No.13314733

Same, that's why i'm a gay bottom now

>> No.13315930

No one's happy unless of course [they] stay busy; die in harness
>The journey's the reward
and such like
>keep on keepin on!
to quote the Nobel laureate, on at least two occasions

>> No.13315939

same here