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File: 428 KB, 1400x2100, 81GpcDXuHyL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13301792 No.13301792 [Reply] [Original]

wtf i love socialism now

>> No.13302396

welcome home comrade
now read the conquest of bread

>> No.13302670

fuck off

>> No.13302784

Yeah, I've got hooked on their sub for some hot takes and quickly drifted left from being a lib.

Mind that I was born in the USSR but still consider the current red scare dumb, especially in the US. Billionaires are scared and they shill the narrative about higher taxes on wealth instantly producing bread lines and Vuvuzela. A dozen of countries are in crisis (Yemen, anyone? Haiti?) but media is preoccupied with the only "socialist" one.

>> No.13302798
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>> No.13302889
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>he thinks SocLibs/Democrats aren't corporate stooges
Reminder that SocLibs promote every plan that fucking tanks the ability for the American native male to have a proper wage and run a family, and then tries to sugarcoat it with artificial band-aids like minimum wage ideas and welfare.
Go outsource more jobs to child slaves and then make your website banner a rainbow, champagne Socialist nigger.

>> No.13302895

*minimum wage increases

>> No.13302906

I don't understand their worldview and sensibilities.

>> No.13302910

do you really believe a single word you just said?

>> No.13302918
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>> No.13302921 [DELETED] 


>> No.13302938

You are right about reformers being generally useless at doing anything productive or changing anything. I would reccomend reading some of the communist left's literature to get an idea of left criticisms of succdems and other retards. Even just Reform or Revoluton by Luxemburg would be a good start.

>> No.13302944
File: 1.06 MB, 1427x790, Chapo_Trap_House,_Live_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, what a sensible group of young people who understand my incessant irony and self-loathing.

>> No.13302947

Onions, BMWF porn, trannies, etc.

>> No.13302954

The west is allied with Saudi Arabia so nothing will ever be done about Yemen.

>> No.13302959

do you think that braphog sits on their faces one by one every morning as compensation for male domination throughout histiry?

>> No.13302964 [DELETED] 
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It gets me wet just thinking about that

>> No.13302985
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Chapo was fun when they were exposing the coastal media caste for the hacks they are. But after a time it got stale and it's clear they're just coasting on the patreonbux at this point.

>> No.13303070
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Woke capitalism's useful idiots.

>> No.13303073

umm sweetie those are liberals

>> No.13303081

I'm not hearing out anyone in this thread before Butterfly weighs in.

>> No.13303088

>open chapo's booklet
>ctrl-f: gay
>26 hits
I guess Chapo are liberals then.

>> No.13303109 [DELETED] 

Look up nazi pls. how many hits?

>> No.13303132


>> No.13303187

Look up poop please

>> No.13303410

why do they all look like living antisemetic caricatures?

>> No.13303440

Fuck off back to pol you piece of shit. You sound like one of those alt-right types that thinks Trump "fairly" won the election (whatever that could even mean considering he was a wealthy white racist man facing against a soft spoken, straightforward middle class women). Don't pretend you support the left, and then go spewing of racist poltard talking point and Donald Trump apologetic. You can't claim to be fighting for leftists values and the oppressed if your also agreeing white white supremacists.

>> No.13303459 [DELETED] 
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COPE. Go back to CTH you seething tranny.

>> No.13303577

The left does not need white male Europeans, least of all slavs or anyone from Eastern Europe pretending to be on our side. I would rather have one genuine POC or LGBTQ comrade at my side than 100 white cis men pretending they support minority rights. If you really want to help us, shut up, stop talking, decolonize the US, and go back to Europe where you belong.

>> No.13303618
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kek, true

The best way to find a sincere socialist these days is to find a right-wing socialist.

>> No.13303687
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>> No.13303732

>jewish capitalism
Is that like corporatism or are you saying capitalism itself is jewy?

>> No.13303820

Daily reminder stonetoss is a neo-nazi.

>> No.13303831 [DELETED] 
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no one cares, tranny

>> No.13303915

this. antifa are literally just foot soldiers for the oligarchs

>> No.13303925

wtf i love stone toss now.

>> No.13303928

>the ability for the American native male to have a proper wage and run a family,
extremely problematic perspirationy

>> No.13303932

what is that sticker they all have on their stomachs? I'm guessing it's some form of estrogen poisoning?

>> No.13303940
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Don't be insulting.

>> No.13303942

This. No one should take him seriously

>> No.13303948

>this guy is le epithet so he's disqualified

>> No.13303954 [DELETED] 
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Cringe. Fuck off you tranny freak

>> No.13303972
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Not an argument

>> No.13303982 [DELETED] 

Saying Nazi isn't an argument either

>> No.13304002

The central point is you being a tranny, group notorious for being the mortal enemy of my tribe( the white man). Long ago i understood we are in fact at war with the left, and the sad truth is in this dirty struggle the prize will go to he who is the dirtiest

>> No.13304032

Only if you promise to read Celines trifles for a massacre SIEGE by James Mason Esoteric Hitlerism by Serrano and the MDE book

>> No.13304081
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How do we purge trannies from the dirtbag left?

I never bought into the trannydiscord /pol/ meme, but seeing posts on reddit getting -40 score in a matter of minutes when the post only questions some of the assertions about puberty blockers, made me realise that these freaks truly spend their waking hours refreshing their shitty sites and coordinate with eachother to censor the slightest of dissenting opinion.

>inb4 gb2reddit

>> No.13304087

Why? Let them be, trannies nowhere affect any of our lives as much as capitalists.

I’m skeptical about some of there claims but identity wars is a neolib plot to distract people from true leftist ideas.

>> No.13304098

What if Marxist theories of class are a plot to distract us from the tranny menace?

>> No.13304105

I've read all those but the MDE book which I suppose I could do.

>> No.13304113

What if you haven’t taken your pills today?

>> No.13304130

I'm a reactionary white man, nothing right of me but the fucking wall, but i cant, despite my own better instincts, figure out a way to stop being attracted to trannies, the fact they are disgusting and rather pitiful just makes them more attractive. Like its always obvious they are effeminate spergs on female hormones but that gets me hard for a reason . At its most primal sexual attraction is always mixed with disgust.

>> No.13304219

This label loses its sting with each passing year, especially as it's misapplied

>> No.13304247

because they're just bandwagonging the left because we don't feel a need to execute them on the streets. give it 20 years for the overtone window to shift and we'll have conservative trannie talking heads ala dave rubin shilling for capitalism.

Also follow the money trail.. who funds all the studies and think tanks? It's all funded by pharma giants that produce tittyskittles and puberty blockers.

Also the ftm transgender community is basically everything that the OG feminists were agains, and now you're gonna be branded as a TERF when you call out their perversion.

>> No.13304330

Too much porn.

But the presumptions of things like Labor Theory of Value and Dialect Materialism make the foundations of Marxism and I'm not convinced

>> No.13304378

Its not so much the porn, i find porn of any kind rather dull, but the eroticism in the way they talk move and think, how they are fucked up freaks in more ways than just having penises . I am above average in terms of looks but only feel like fucking women or "women" who are in some way freaks

>> No.13304511

Obvious b8

>> No.13304563

this this this!!!!

>> No.13304905
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Wait till you see their friend and guest on the podcast

>> No.13304916


>> No.13305337

What a fucking bug.

>> No.13305409
File: 974 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of human capital in this picture is breathtaking. Sadly, right wingers will never be able to look that good. We should study these people carefully and learn their ways.

>> No.13305584


>> No.13305618

>I never bought into the trannydiscord /pol/ meme

I'm guessing most of you are zoomers but you know that this trap/tranny shit is largely 4chan's fault right? Jailhouse faggotry, porn addiction and the vacuum left by camgirls who were chased off 4chan somewhere around 2011-2014 allowed the tranny menace to happen. Many of the new tranny pornstars use 4chan as base of fans.

Fun fact: The tranny porn awards promoted bad dragon dildos. This shit all 4chan's fault.

>> No.13305635

I’ll look into this issue when capitalism stops destroying the fabric of my society and the planet itself.

>> No.13305784


>> No.13305830
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>> No.13307107


>> No.13307342



>> No.13307400


>> No.13307682

Cum Town & Red Scare are both much better podcasts.

>> No.13307694
File: 206 KB, 1002x1342, sjwvseconomicwarrior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chapo got famous precisely because they criticised (or "dunked" to use the hip terminology) those woke liberals.

that's literally their USP

>> No.13307726

Funnily enough, there are figures on the alt-right that would agree with every point on the right. Except, of course, they realize that "billionaires" or "oligarchs" is just a euphemism for Jews.

>> No.13307742

So why is everything associated with Chapo the exact same "fuck whitey" rhetoric I find among all the Social Liberals?

>> No.13307768

They just pay lip service while still praising the social upheaval pushed by capitalism, it's fake and gay. Call me when they call for gays to be stoned and borders closed.

>> No.13307785

And you won't have a single intellectual conversation out of either of them (the alt-right or SJWs) :3

>> No.13307796

This passive aggressive 'kill the rich' trend is only slightly better than having actual commies out for blood in the streets. At least all that snark will render them impotent physically as they are already mentally.

>> No.13307799

Define the "alt-right"

>> No.13307800


And what are they doing about it? Creating podcasts and drowning in Patreon bux? Will they call for redistributing wealth of the person who owns Patreon?

>> No.13307813

Obsession with gays is a thing of Christians and Muslims. Lenin abolished tsarist laws that punished homosexuality.

Going for people having weird consensual sex does not align with socialism at all.

>> No.13307848

Homosexuality should be outlawed until it can be conclusively proved gayness is completely due to generic factors

>> No.13307855

You have no idea what you are talking about, Lenin blanket abolished all tsarist laws, which included laws on sexuality. Homosexuality was almost immediately recriminalized in the Soviet Union

>> No.13307867

Homosexuality is a vice of the upper class who can indulge themselves in all the purposeless perversions that come with excess

>> No.13307877

why do they all look like cripples?

>> No.13307898


i'm unironically an anarchist and think all "anarcho capitalists" should hang for being retard fascists

>> No.13307900


>> No.13307918

>left wing capitalists
how about actually reading marx and engels

>> No.13307977

Their subreddit is full of literal unironic SJWs. Maybe it's not fair to judge something by it's fanbase, but the Chapo guys post there too AFAIK.
Look at the Chapo manifesto and see how often they mention fetishists (gays) or minorities and "muh racism". They're uncritically adopting the liberal talking points.

>> No.13308030
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>the systemic problems with capitalism are caused by one ethnic group
>surely no Christian could make billions through greed, conniving and depravity

>> No.13308034
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>> No.13308042

Amber looks like she has higher test than the rest of based-people

>> No.13308060

And nearly all of these megapastors shill for Israel. Really makes you think...

>> No.13308062

The image you're replying to says anti-semitism is not a racial issue.

>> No.13308084
File: 71 KB, 655x496, 0C0D06B8-1107-44E4-8DB6-8E1E451DA294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ once again confusing socialism with lefty libs

How is it /pol/ knows this but /lit/ doesn’t? Most socialists/communists/anarchists/whatever brand of left you have DESPISE liberals with a passion that could make the right wing blush

>> No.13308086 [DELETED] 

if the aut-right could organize as well as the trannies, we'd have our own reich by now

>> No.13308090

Fuck off. Its not bait. Literally since the 60s whire people, primarily white men, have appropriated resistance movements to serve their own socioeconomic goals. The movement was co-opted by whites who felt threatened by the disemmination and growth of socioeconomic and political power in marginalised communities. It started in the 60s with priviliged rich whites parasitizing the black panthers and other black revolutionary groups and has continued since then. Whites along with mainstream media have continued to try redirect the course of radical political movents and have continuously attempted to redefine the revolutionary narrative and contort the movement into a device for preserving white supremacy under the guise of "economic" and "class" issues.

Of course the notion of a "class" issue is just an abstract ideological fiction created by white philosophers in order to internally destabilize the the radical left by introducing inconsistent narrative elements (namely, the possibility of abstract "bourgoisie" supremacy over and above the actual concrete white supremacy of live POC experience).

The point is not that aall whites are bad or "evil" or some simplistic and reductionist view like that. The point is that all whites even "woke" whites have deeply internalize white supremacy and racism. They all so to speak wear a hood, even if they dont realize it. But some of them have, and some of them are trying to remove that hood. As a leftist its your job to help them whether you're white, black, or whatever. But no one quite has their hood off yet, and as long as they still have them on, the role of whites/cis in the movement has to be fundamentally different from the of POC/marginalised peoples. PoC need to be out their spreading the word, campaigning for office, seeking positions in media and the corporate world, educating whites etc. Of course white people have role too, and its important, but that role is not to "make their voice heard" or to use the movent as a tool to pursue their interests. The role of whites at this point should be in re-educating themselves first, and then re-educating other whites. They can also help with monetary and logistical support at meetings, putting up posters and handing out fliers. However, ut is not your place to raide ypur voice at a meeting. It is not your play to "speak up" or some idealistic nonsense like that because when you do you're speaking over a black man, youre speaking over a hispanic women, your speaking over a trans individual who has to walk home in fear. In short, you are perpetuating their oppression.

I hope this calrifies things a little. The tone of my first post sounded a little more hostile than intended, but I hope you get the idea. Whites and POC have fmdifferent rolees in any revolutionary movement, but theyre both crucial.

>> No.13308091
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>I cancelled my vacation plans...I’d rather be at work!

What kind of sociopath thinks that anyone would do this of their free will and enjoy it

>> No.13308112 [DELETED] 

>Of course the notion of a "class" issue is just an abstract ideological fiction
i actually agree with this. in modern liberal society, everyone is truly equal, they weren't lying when they said this. we live in a culture of death, and in death, all are equal. everything else you said was bullshit though

>> No.13308124

I didn’t say racial group, I said ethnic group. The zest to explore and exploit, however thoughless its agents may be, has clear survival value. It is not restricted to any one nation or ethnic group. It is an endowment that all members of the human species hold in common.

>> No.13308126
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Truly, we're all exactly alike.

>> No.13308130

Israeli here. Just fuck off

>> No.13308134

That is the problem with capitalism. When given the option to treat fellow humans as a mere means, someone will take that option.

>> No.13308152 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 1200x630, adam-smith-quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

treating humans as means to an end is not optional in capitalism, its what the entire system is literally based on.

>> No.13308190

Thats not capitalism. Thats just biological life. The unfortunate realities of game theory, probability, and the nature of competition for resources are the cause of most of the inequalities we see in the world, not capitalism. This criticism reflects a fundamental misunderstanding and ignorance of biology and economics.

Thats not to say there arent legitimate criticisms of capitalism and that things cant be radically improved. But most of the problems springing forth from resources scarcity, greed, and inequality will still exist. Scarcity, greed, inequality, explotlitation, and competition are not primarily the result of capitalism, but rather biology, geography, and psychology.

>> No.13308226

>Israeli here
This gives you some higher command?

>> No.13308232 [DELETED] 
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>man has a fallen nature which can easily be overcome (to the point where you at least stop screwing others over) with minimal effort
>nope, better just make a system that embraces "nature!"
>entire world decays into total sodomy within 200 years

>> No.13308299

Thats misrepresenting my point. Just based on that fact alone youve demonstrated that either (1) your motivations are purely ideological, or (2) you're a brainlet and you don't actually read or study in any academic capacity even though your attempting to implicate in a discussion about such topics.

Anyway, my point is simply that it is inaccurate to describe these faults as being purely a result if capitalism. I literally said that things can certainly be made better. At that point, I thereby avoid the nirvana fallacy and premptively refute your criticisms, since at this point I yave thereby pointed (1) that capitalism is not categorically responsible for the hardships face by the masses, (2) that capitalism is nevertheless responsible for serious social ills, (3) that we should therefore seek to change capitalism and rectify these shortcomings, and (4) after all that there will still be problems in this world resulting from greed, exploitation, and competition.

So if you dont agree with these points why are you even on a literature board? I really dont want to sound autistic (and I know I will to some extent), but the sheer stupidity and willful bad faith misreprestentation of your post are clearly indicative of the fact that you dont even have a basic level of familiarity with any academic subject. There are literally dozens of well known philosophers you havent heard of, basic theorems in mathematics that you dont understand, fundamental deatures of logic and human communication of which you are ignorant, well known scientist and writes whose names are entirely unfamiliar to you. The funniest thing is that you dont even know basic topics or concepts in political science and economics, which is precisely what we're talking about.

>> No.13308306

i've never listened to chapo and going on their subreddit makes me not want to. too many fucking tankies on there, and tankies are just red fash.

>> No.13308316
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>red fash.


>> No.13308347

>and tankies are just red fash.
Seems based.

>> No.13308366 [DELETED] 

capitalism is pure sin. it isn't corrupted, it is corruption itself.

>> No.13308414

So is regular fucking then. Even damn animals do gay fucking and they don’t have excesses.

Having time to write bs on reeeeddit and 4chan is much more petit bourgeois than having a homie to suck your dick instead of a grill.

>> No.13308437

>Thats not capitalism. Thats just biological life.
*sniff* pure, etc.

>> No.13308438

oh you're a socialist? so you would prefer it if donald trump would make more of your economic decisions for you?

>> No.13308459
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I for one, welcome our burger overlords

>> No.13308639 [DELETED] 
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holy shit, my sides