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13302512 No.13302512 [Reply] [Original]

I had enough of miserable Blackpilled literature. Enough. FUCKING ENOUGH. My comprehension of human nature is repulsive. I don't know what to read if not this kind of bullshit. Any advice to recover my purity? Spanish if possible.

>> No.13302589

Read The Confidence-Man by Melville.

>> No.13302637

Whitman - Leaves of Grass
And Emerson, anything by Emerson

>> No.13302667

Obviously something religious

>> No.13302704

only the memed read 'blackpilled' stuff and only result in a misanthropic view of the world. pity..

>> No.13302742

Only the retards judge anonymous people in the internet.

>> No.13302754

All the big ones were kind of misanthropes.

>> No.13302819

oh no im a retard.
does that mean you as a reader are truly misanthropic? no. people become misanthropic because they get cucked by the authors 'misanthropy' he was branded as. mostly. if youve experienced real dismay irl, reading it becomes the plain plains like passive am radio with good prose. you then see through the pidgeon holed genre of 'misanthropy' and you then truly understand what you are reading. which is not sad or anything the memed might identify it with.

>> No.13302898 [DELETED] 
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The pessimism in the authors I've been reading it was almost coincidental. I didn't choosed that way, it was almost a aleatory correlation and now, when I look back, almost everything I've read lastly is charged with despair. I won't say it affected my conception of humankind but It probably will if I keep reading this ldesperate prosists. At the begining, the misery was an interesting aesthetic but I simply got tired of it. I'm asking for recommendations to take the bitter taste off my mouth. Does that make me a memed?

>> No.13302913

is this any good? i've heard Melville's short stuff is a bit hit and miss. I loved Bartleby though. Billy Bud was meh

>> No.13302914

The pessimism in the authors I've been reading it was almost coincidental. I didn't choose it that way, it was almost an aleatory correlation and now, when I look back, almost everything I've read lastly is charged with despair. I won't say it affected my conception of humankind but It probably will if I keep reading this ldesperate prosists. At the begining, the misery was an interesting aesthetic but I simply got tired of it. I'm asking for recommendations to take the bitter taste off my mouth. Does that make me a memed?

>> No.13302961

yes if you cant separate what the author thinks and what you know to have experienced. it doesnt matter if those thoughts are the happiest or the hellish. 'take the pill' shit was funny years ago but you could bet people really eat that shit up, literally. with that gullible of self insight you definitely are miserably memed.

>> No.13302988

mods deleting apu now?

>> No.13302999


Not the world, but of the masses we call 'people,' who are not really people at all, but animals in the shape of men. The only humans out there are individuals.

>> No.13303103

I t was me fixing some grammatical mistakes, aidsbag

>> No.13303114

Or you could read a lighthearted black pill, like Gulliver's Travels

>> No.13303127

Look pal, I wrote the 'blackpill' concept just to be precise and clear. It's not like if I looked a chart or something, actually you probably have never heard about most of the authors I was referring to.

>> No.13303167

proves muh point. hows it feel to be the 'misanthropiest' of the board?

>> No.13303233
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I'm not even a misanthrope wtf

>> No.13303249

now yer learnin

>> No.13303262

Simone Weil, Ernst Jünger, would do. You're never going to be pure again; you might as well do something with this lucidity. These authors will help you to go beyond.

>> No.13303283

>recover my purity
im sorry anon , its gone

>> No.13303322

and/or Sapolsky et al

>> No.13304814


>> No.13305019

You don't "recover"

>> No.13305059

Opio en las nubes, de Rafael Chaparro es un libro al estilo Beat, colombiano. Llore despues de leerlo, es en mi opinion el unico libro que vale la pena leer, despues del mio por supuesto. El unico libro que me hizo tener ganas de escribir.

>> No.13305069

read Leaves of Grass. even if you're not American. whitman's concept of america is borderless and was not confined to the contiguous united states. Whitman's America is an ideal in which all life is connected in spirit and sensuality, regardless of whether you're American, Chinese, Irish, German, negro, or otherwise. Whitman's America was a conglomeration of love for your neighbor, and everyone was your neighbor. America was built on the backs of non-americans to become a land of freedom and democracy for all (shame how it turned out), Leaves of Grass is a book that seeks to exemplify the unity that was present amongst idealistic America. It's a book that really lets you appreciate life in general. Please give it a try

>> No.13305170

Read "I Was A Slave In Russia" something to turn your brain off for awhile too.

>> No.13305362

Suena muy interesante. Estoy arto del fatalismo rioplatense, que es realmente hermoso y necesario en cierta medida. Le voy a dar una ojeada anónimo, gracias.

>> No.13305377


>> No.13305417
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pick up the audio book version, great performance.

>> No.13305432

Su español es pobre.

>> No.13305433
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Read Northanger Abbey, it is delightful

>> No.13305540

Its very comfy but I don't think anon wanted comfyness

>> No.13305606

Mi intención no es negarlo, sino buscar consuelo en el transporte público en el que escribí eso. Una lancha dando tumbos en el periférico asfalto de Buenos Aires no es el mejor lugar para confirmar ortografía. En especial si apenas podes digitar en el display del celular.

>> No.13305775

>Mi intención no es negarlo
That's a cum town bit

>> No.13305889

I don't follow you

>> No.13305919

this post will destroy incels

there is no reason NOT to fuck as many people as you please to. morality, demurity, chastity, virginity are all spooks. be smart and you won't get an std or unwanted pregnancy. there's literally no consequence. if you want a few extra years to slut around before getting a husband just keep in shape and take care of your skin. the majority of women are obese trash who age themselves 10+ years. a well kept 30 year old looks better than an absolute slob 22 year old. by the time he learns your real age he'll already be hooked and it won't matter. "ah baby you're perfect, god you're so hot and fuck so good, but this number on this piece of paper is too high so I'm afraid I have to leave you and be single, bitter, and miserably lonely for another 5 years, by which time i'll be fat and balding and no woman will want me." yeah, nah.

further. i've fucked tons of married men and their wives quite obviously don't know jack shit. you can cheat on your partner very easily. again, have safe sex, no stds or pregnancies, and there is no possible consequence.

men only know your "number" if you tell them.

reminder that if men were as desired as women, they'd be even bigger sluts than we are. anyone saying female promiscuity is "bad" is bitter grapes personified. if you COULD fuck, you would. the term is "incel" not "volcel." if incels could become chad tomorrow and fuck 1000 people they would in a heartbeat.

>m-muh roast
there's no difference taking one dick 200 times or 200 dicks one time, or even a dildo 200 times. either way, that's not how anything works, you retarded incel mongrels. my pussy is picture perfect.

>> No.13305984

how do i recover from reading dostoevsky all his stories are about sick people and now i feel sick all the time myself
pls help

>> No.13306017

Motivos de Proteo. Está disponible en internet.

>> No.13306075

En serio, eh. Si superás la aparente ingenuidad con la que comienza, se te va a abrir un mundo nuevo. Además de su prosa, la cual es de los mejores casos de prosa castiza que conozco, y de su ejemplar uso de la parábola, su obra es la recuperación del sentido práctico de la filosofía; abandona el academicismo y reformula postulados occidentales (con el mundo griego como claro norte) y orientales (con los gimnosofistas personificando la filosofía como askesis) y los ejecuta en algo que, si bien es claro producto de la literatura modernista de su época, es originalísimo en la región.

>> No.13306102

Muy interesante ciertamente. Gracias por la recomendación, le voy a dar una oportunidad próximamente. Lo anoto.