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13301233 No.13301233 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13301251

The Color Out of Space
The King in Yellow
House of Leaves

>> No.13301275

The Terror, first half is scary, second half isn't because you get use to the monster walking around the ship and killing brits.

>> No.13301283

the pit and the pendulum by Poe

>> No.13301284

I have no mouth but I must scream,

Most stuff Ive read by lovecraft, Mountains of madness and Horror at Innsmouth to start

>> No.13301285

The Shadow over Innsmouth is my favourite Lovecraft story

>> No.13301722

Try expand your readings to other authors that Lovecraft knew, like Algernon Blackwood and Arthur Machen

>> No.13302475
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Is there anything similar to this in these horror stories?

>> No.13302514
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Seconding Blackwood

>> No.13302545


>> No.13302549

The colour out of space is terrible.

Don’t understand the hype at all

>> No.13302554

>shadow over innsmouth
>the dunwich horror

correct titles

>> No.13302692

The Yellow Wallpaper

>> No.13302712

Try Robert Aickman for some great short stories in the horror/strange fiction genre. Cold Hand In Mine, Tales of Love and Death, Painted Devils, all good collections.

>> No.13304568


>> No.13304637

Clark Ashton Smith's short horror stories are the most exemplary of their kind

>> No.13306329
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One of Koontz's darkest novels.

>> No.13306373

Seems like cheap genre fiction.

>> No.13306405

Believe it or not, his fiction helped me decide on the person I want to become.

>> No.13306445

Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer

>> No.13306450

Too bad i already saw the movie.

>> No.13306475

What type of person did you decide on becoming.

>> No.13306485
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I honestly can't express how much I fucking hate you.

>> No.13306494

The Ritual wasn't bad for current genre fiction.

>> No.13306547

I chose to become greater then what I suffered and become stronger from my struggles, to face it head on instead of shirking away.

>> No.13306554

That is inspiring anon.

>> No.13307051

Compared to his other works I don’t see why it’s held in such high regard

>> No.13307137
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MR James is great for short horror

>> No.13307192

The broadsword ( Occultation and Other Stories, Laird Barron )
there's no cat tho

>> No.13307198

Nice to see him mentioned on here, usually I'm the only one shilling him. What are some of your favorite stories?

>> No.13308063
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It's creepy, interesting, and has probably the most well-executed sense of surmounting doom. though I first heard The Whisperer in Darkness as an audiobook, while driving through a national forest at night, and it's the only time a written work has actually unnerved me like a movie might. I'd consider it a close 2nd.

>> No.13308786

He’s got some really shit stories and some really mediocre stories but I’d be lying if I said he didn’t have some really good novels, too. I haven’t read a lot of them, but “Ticktock” is a very good one as well as “Lightning.”

I haven’t personally read them but his “Frankenstein” novels, “By the Light of the Moon”, “Phantoms”, and the first two “Odd Thomas” novels are supposed to be good too

>> No.13308812

Anything by my man Brian Evenson

>> No.13308828

While looking up his books to make sure I didn’t miss one I stumbled across The Voice in the Night which sounds pretty good too

>> No.13308867

My bad, it was Life Expectancy not Ticktock. I got confused because the cover of the book is a cuckoo clock and one of the characters names is Jimmy Tock

>> No.13309104

Excellent choice

>> No.13309233

Mom found the poop sock

>> No.13309291

the southern reach trilogy is far from being a masterpiece, but the movie is just a bad adaptation of the first book

>> No.13310004

>The Color Out of Space
This is my comment
There are two things that distinguish it from other horror stories for me.
The first is the alienness of it. A monster, a portal into another world, etc. these are terrifying but I've been around a frightening animal or an unsafe place. This weird substance that cannot be contained, that can't even be accurate described, that's something unique and beyond my life experience.
Second I think you have to have experienced a severe illness or simply be older to appreciate what it means to have your body, your home, your life wasting away around you. When you're young you wake up and don't notice your body. It simply does what you ask of it. But if you've ever been truly incapacitated your body cannot do as you tell it to, as you are accustomed to, and you experience for the first time in your life your body failing you. And it is that horror that the The Color Out of Space captured for me.

>> No.13310564

any of y'all niggas actually scared by any book? be honest

>> No.13311816

I wouldn't be against reading it, but half the fun of horror is having absolutely no idea of what is coming next. I feel there are actual stakes in horror which is why I like it so much. If the movie deviates strongly from the source material then I would definitely give the books a chance, but if it is only changes here and there people are upset about, then I am not sure if I am interested.