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File: 119 KB, 1280x720, philosophytube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13285147 No.13285147[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>being a pseudo-intellectual cretin is cool if you do funny lighting

>> No.13285156

This fag is worse off than contrapoints and that's saying something. Cuck Philosphy is a sensible one tho, not depending upon theatrics and implied ad-hominems

>> No.13285163

>Cuck Philosphy
too bad his content still sucks and he's wrong about most things.

>> No.13285169

I don't disagree with him but he presents his arguments better than anyone on the left.

>> No.13285178

stop shilling your shitty channel here

>> No.13285182
File: 100 KB, 615x678, 1559624108508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this retard, destiny, and that transgender everyone talks about are the new wave of dipshits like right-wing skeptics were 2-3 years ago

>> No.13285185


>> No.13285191

pure ideology

>> No.13285199

Whats an example of something he is wrong about? As leftists go he seems pretty educated and he btfo Sam Harris

>> No.13285206

Lel I'm not a leftie but leftube content is recommended a lot to me. CP gets to the point the quickest, and usually he has a point unlike the other two. The quality of their (leftube retards') arguments is another issue

>> No.13285219

I don't think I ever watched this guy's video, but I've seen his face posted before and it's the most repulsive and punchable face I've seen in a long time.
What's the science behind this?
And how do I just know he's an effeminate soifag without even hearing him speak?

>> No.13285220

lol he's not a cretin just cause you disagree with him. name one (1) thing he's gotten wrong

>> No.13285256

I've only seen one video of his in which he tried to convince me that the monarchy was bad because they're all white (or were at the time). He seemed oblivious to the fact that people have made cogent defences of monarchy before and spent the whole video talking about how people could get over their emotions and so do away with monarchy. I wonder if he's ever been outside of the M25.

>> No.13285278

He said in a q+a once that he didnt read Heidegger because he was a nazi.

>> No.13285303

he "debunked" evola by very obviously not reading anything by him and just calling him a nazi rapist based on what's written in recent versions of his wiki article.

>> No.13285536

The crypto gay spastic Shakespearean actor wannabe, I'd smash his fucking teeth with a brick.
The damned $oy nurtered rodent.

>> No.13285565

>This fag is worse off than contrapoints and that's saying something.

Contrapoints seems like someone who just wants to share her experiences being transgender while having fun with make-up and video production. Philosophy Tube just feels dishonest, another youtube idea-prostitute riding the lefty meme.

>> No.13285574

Yeah, kids these days don't even know it's about ethics in games journalism.

>> No.13285589

The absolute state of the modern left

>> No.13285590

Oh and don't let me get to that scaredy maggot.
I would pay to see him do a video without a script, the incompetent know nothing reading his undergraduate pop culture 2 pages analysis ""inspired"" by Fisher/Jameson whenever he's not riding Peterson's dick for views.
Take him out of his safe space and he's nothing but a gibbering tool.

>> No.13285601

It's like his points are fine and it seems he does at least a bit of research, but his whole persona of thespian turned proselytizer is disingenuous to the extreme. In one of his videos he even parodies this idea that a clip of him explaining something and crying took 7 takes and that the actor's feelings show a truth that is the truth but may not be the reality truth. I'd be fine with this if his actual acting of it wasn't so blatantly tryhard. There's this specific tone that these youtube types seem to use where they slow down their voice... and they pause... staying something that... really sticks... and makes ya tink huh? And it jsut drives me fucking mad. I swear to god, there are so many other ways of making someone feel an emotion other than the blatant vocal appeal. It's like those porn ads where the girl is like "OH YEAH I WANT UR COCK" Its so forced, even if the content itself is fine. Its an insult to acting. Speak the speech, I pray you, as I pronounced it to you, trippingly on the tongue: but if you mouth it, as many of your players do, I had as lief the town-crier spoke my lines.

>> No.13285646


That suicide video was such bullshit. He talks about the actual philosophy for 2 sentences and then spends the rest crying about (supposedly) attempting suicide. That whole cosmonaut thing is so forced and conveniently "poetic". I've seen more compelling talks about mental illness on /r9k/.

>> No.13285942

That video on witches and capitalism or whatever presented a view from dubious feminist writer as fact. Not his greatest sin, but the sheer ridiculousness of the presented viewpoint is pure cringe.

Found it:

>> No.13286010

He did an entire review of Carl Schmitt's Political Theology where he repeatedly talked about how Schmitt was arguing for Nazism in the text even though the book was written more than a decade before Schmitt had any involvement with German national socialism and totally ignoring the fact that Schmitt used his influence in the final days of the Weimar Republic to argue against giving power to Adolf Hitler and in favour of outlawing undemocratic parties of the left and right.

He also claimed it was an easy read because it was "short" even though the second chapter is a dense refutation of ninteenth and early-twentieth century neo-Kantian German legal positivism that he could not have possibily understood the meaning of, whatsoever, without extensive external study.

>> No.13286587

Contrapoints is just as bad. Just look at her twitter feed; nothing but progressive venom.

>> No.13286660

So I might be able to ask this guy a question in a few months and I want to ask him something that really makes him look like a shit, but wont get me kicked out of a PC institution.

Im taking suggestions.

>> No.13286704

> the book club
what other youtube eceleb faggots are running dedicated shillops on lit bent on commodifying our subculture?

>> No.13286713

Ask him about the assimilation of the left by liberalism; why seemingly grassroots leftist phenomena (such as his very own "leftube") are affirmed by institutional powers.

>> No.13286725

He's from the North East you charlatan. Do you even know what London accents sound like?

>> No.13286726

how many pushups can he do?

>> No.13286738

other two?

>> No.13286754

He's the left wing Stefan Molyneux, basically an actor who thinks he's a philosopher. He clearly doesn't read primary literature and relies heavily on secondary literature and twitter leftists for his "insights".

>> No.13286766

except that molyneux actually does have a solid foundation in primary literature.

>> No.13286778

Thats a nice one.

>> No.13286786

He does research for his videos. What I mean is that he doesn't read the primary literature on poststructuralists, feminists and marxists etc.

>> No.13286787

I think he acknowledges that as problematic.

>> No.13286812

how would you know? he has a degree in history after all.

>> No.13286815

Does he acknowledge that the left would cease to exist if it weren't for that institutional support? Does he question as to why institutional powers are even interested in supporting leftist discourse? Other questions to ask.

>> No.13286818

Ask him about the Cathedral. He seems to think that the left wins because its a community of empathetic loving victims and right wingers are all meany heads rather than it just dominating all the institutions of society.

>> No.13286820

anarcho syndicalism

>> No.13286855

>Power acts against its best interest
Yeah, unfourtanetly for the anarchists that's not how power works

>> No.13286871

The more Contra's production values go up the less interested i am in her videos on an aesthetic level. There was something initially charming about the DIY aesthetic that gave her videos an air of unpretention while still maintaining personality. I know her videos are still technically DIY but now I feel like I'm being fed content by a "channel" rather than a person. Which is ironic because I feel like this is the opposite of her intended effect. Anyone know what I mean?

>> No.13286892

no i don't know what you mean, sweatie

>> No.13286901

>feel like I'm being fed content by a "channel"
Because you are. She's being bankrolled by establishment press and is in the process of recruiting a team of journalists and researchers.

>> No.13288143

His old videos from like a decade ago when he was just a floppy haired homo sat in his bedroom talking into a webcam were way better

>> No.13288167

unbelievably based

>> No.13288207

>steals contrapoint's style and is not remotely interesting to what since he's a fat, gay British male
Why does he exist?

>> No.13288213

What do you picture when you imagine a philosophytube or contrapoints donor?

>> No.13288235

I don't get this.
Have you read heidegger? It completely makes sense to skip heidegger specificially because he is a nazi. In fact he is one of the only philosophers were a good reason to skip their work is because of their politics

>> No.13288236

A chiselled hunk with bulging biceps, a six pack, and fourteen nipples

>> No.13288243

Heidegger was a committed Nazi activist for maybe six months. His real “crime” was refusing to cringe and cower to liberals after the war and wring his hands about being a bad man.

>> No.13288247

On one hand molyneux probably reads more, but on the other philosophytube does not nearly have as many stupid or laughably disingenuous blabble

>> No.13288249
File: 460 KB, 1089x416, Screenshot_2019-06-13 The Philosophy of Antifa Philosophy Tube - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything he says about Mill. Here's an amusing example:
In his video on Antifa Thorn (The guy behind Philosophy Tube) says:
>Despite what classical liberals like John Stuart Mill said about truth always defeating error and falsehood in open rational debate, the historical evidence sadly just doesn't support that idea when it comes to fascism.”

Anyone who has actually read Mill knows that he thinks the opposite. Here's a quotation from On Liberty that directly and totally contradicts Thorn:
>the dictum that truth always triumphs over persecution, is one of those pleasant falsehoods which men repeat after one another till they pass into commonplaces, but which all experience refutes

In fact, all throughout the video on Antifa Thorn misunderstand the most basic ideas of liberty. This is embarrassing for a person who claims that his videos are a replacement for university courses. He even has an entire video on Mill's On Liberty. Tell me, is it a good idea to give lessons on Mill when you haven't even read him?

>> No.13288251

He wasn't really an outspoken nazi, he just took an oath to them as was the nation's policy at the time.

>> No.13288254

one day these people will be gone

>> No.13288258

Heidegger ended up rejecting the NSDAP because he realised that it would just continue along the same path. He had this idea of the 'other beginning' which would bring us closer to Beyng.

>> No.13288269

his ilk does not belong in this world, like Dracula he must drain the life of innocents or he will fade from existence

>> No.13288351

Eyy, while Thorn is clearly wrong in that quote there, I wonder if you're giving a fair comparison. I presume Mill was speaking generally: out in society, lots of untruths hold sway, and truth doesn't tend to win out, despite little adages to the contrary. But Thorn's reference to "open rational debate" seems to invoke Mill's ideal situation (so different from the general) where the two sides of a debate approach the truth by understanding one another and airing their opinions without fear of reprisal. That's not anything from the realm of common experience, the realm of Mill's quote. Again, I agree Thorn's misunderstanding Mill here, since there's no way J. S. Mill believed in "truth *always* defeating error in open rational debate."

More questions: Does Thorn believe there was an idealized, "open rational debate" in Germany/Italy in the years leading up to fascism? Seems crazy. Would Mill have been at all surprised to see people abandoning their reason en masse? Not at all.

(By the way, I've never seen Thorn's videos myself. I hadn't heard of him until this thread.)

>> No.13288380

Just read Mill.

>“Secondly, though the silenced opinion be an error, it may, and very commonly does, contain a portion of truth; and since the general or prevailing opinion on any subject is rarely or never the whole truth, it is only by the collision of adverse opinions that the remainder of the truth has any chance of being supplied.”

Mill doesn't think his "ideal situation" results in the truth (although he does think that the lack of open and free debate precludes in most cases true knowledge)

>> No.13288411


>> No.13288415 [DELETED] 

nah you make good points

>> No.13288418

>being this insecure about your beliefs

>> No.13288481

You made me think so thanks for that. If we read the full paragraph from which the quotation is taken we see that Mill is arguing that truth itself has no particular power in debate that error does not also have. "Men are not more zealous for truth than they often are for error" he says. Therefore Mill does not think that truth always triumphs in any debate between men. Truth's "real advantage" is that it can be continuously rediscovered until it takes hold.

>> No.13288499

CP consistently gets statistics wrong, thinking she's right, and acts all smug about it. Wouldn't call that "just having fun".

>> No.13288511

Her? Where did you mention a girl?

>> No.13288525


I'm more annoyed by this pseud, personally. Why do they all look alike, sound alike, and talk alike, anyway?

>> No.13288539

>being this confident in your beliefs

>> No.13288552

Thank you for the kind reply. I have a better understanding of Mill now, and find this especially persuasive:
>Truth's "real advantage" is that it can be continuously rediscovered until it takes hold.

>> No.13288597

If it's not RP I don't want to hear it, anon.

>> No.13288599

Modern mass culture is basically a bugman factory. They come out identical because that's the goal.

>> No.13289092

So i just looked this guy up and he literally advocates for abolishing people owning houses and property. He literally wants to seize all property and distribute it equally somehow because he thinks all people deserve every kind of property equally. He thinks this is viable because in the UK healthcare is 'free'

I thought you guys were memeing but what the actual fuck. I can only imagine what other literal communist ideas he has.

>> No.13289125

He takes great care to suspend all questions of ethics/politics in Being and Time

>> No.13289133

Most of his videos are based on false or incomplete premises which he makes worse by taking them into hyperbole. It's too cushy and not enough actual thought.

>> No.13289152

How is that bad? You hate getting a free house?

>> No.13289155

That said, he's several levels above any other 'leftuber'. Pretty much nothing is worth watching though because it's easy to bullshit on camera, academics and pop intellectuals are just as guilty. You're better off reading a book instead of watching an ideologue ultimately hostile towards reading books and thinking, and who has done neither, 'educated' you.

>> No.13289163

I can't stand all the theatrics of all these lefty channels. The only lefty youtubers I watch are destiny, vaush, Shaun, and three arrows.

>> No.13289195

Hbomberguy is the most insufferable (I won't go into it, just watch 15 seconds of any video). I like how ContraPoints went from being anti-academia and anti-psychiatry to making fun of how retardedly repetitive e-tankies are to being just literally a woman. PhilosophyTube's most recent video about sex work convinced me that all these guys do is take the most recent neoliberal/DSA vanguard belief and make it palatable for left-leaning normies. Also they are all psyops committed to 'de-radicalising' any brainwave that goes against the hyperwoke agenda.

Just read a book, or like listen to a podcast, YouTube is not and I doubt will ever be a place for intelligent minds to flourish.

>> No.13289255


Someone in this thread mentioned leftist media being supported by the establishment, where can I find out more about that? Google has been a bit wonky with its results.

>> No.13289263

You could try pol if you like fiction so much.

>> No.13289272

Check out Mencius Moldbug or just look at every gay advertisement in the past two weeks that shows their product next to a rainbow flag

>> No.13289280

Even if you're coming at it from a leftist perspective Debord knew the establishment co-opted leftist beliefs/imagery to soften serious causes

>> No.13289283

That's just capitalist appealing to the zeitgeist.

>> No.13289285

take the soros pill

>> No.13289318

I disagree with almost everything he says, but fuck me if the intro to this video isn't pure kino.

>> No.13289323

Contrapoints got shilled by VICE recently.

>> No.13289325

>big corporations trying to rapidly expand into new markets isn't at all capitalism it's 100% socialism
do you people even think before you write?

>> No.13289333

Moldbug is anti-capitalist

>> No.13289342

>this literal who is anti capitalist
oh of course that means apple, microsoft, sony, starbucks, wall street, halliburton and whoever else changed their fb to a rainbow must all be anti capitalist too

>> No.13289349

Huge mega-corporations stopped being primarily motivated by money a long, long time ago.

>> No.13289360

what are they motivated by then if not profit?

>> No.13289373


>> No.13289398

it is not kino

>> No.13289417


Power is just a tool to obtain and secure your money.

>> No.13289483

If you have power you don't need money.

>> No.13289486

This was more significant because it was in a story about right wing radicalisation. A guy claimed to have fallen into alt-right circles and also claims never to have been an anti-semite or believed there should be a white ethnostate. So really, he's talking about normie to slightly edgy right wing beliefs as radical and then they present Contrapoints as the non-radical alternative.

>> No.13289542

you've lost it mate

>> No.13289562

It is 2007-11 youtube atheism all over again. I think we have to come to terms with the fact that we have entered an aged where cultural production is defined by 3 to 5 year waves of youtube trends.

>> No.13289594

>How is that bad? You hate getting a free house?
I hate mine getting taken from me. I don't want another house. I don't need another house.

>> No.13289598

He seems to deliberately be ripping off her.

>> No.13289630

These people try to paint everyone to the right of PewDiePie as persona non grata because in their ideal universe everyone watches lefttube (ie their videos). That kid is like their ideal viewer because he was just vaguely enough right-wing to say "I believed that stuff once" before realizing it was Evil and getting proselytized to their cause which is just a higher viewcount.

>> No.13289671


>> No.13289766

>funded Tibetan separatists
>helped cause Yugoslavian civil war
>running a propaganda campaign to oust Maduro
For real, fuck Soros.

>> No.13289796


>> No.13289811


>> No.13289835

Imagine being this triggered over someone else's use of pronouns. It's not enough for you to be a bigot and purposefully misgender somebody, no, others have to do it as well.

>> No.13289889
File: 131 KB, 1024x510, trannies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disgusting people

>> No.13289911

It's basically immoral to be rich. Unless you're a based leftist. P.S. my name is Nathan Robinson from Current Affairs, it's such a pleasure to meet you guys!

>> No.13289936

Huh sweetie, have you heard of the distinction between personal property and private property? Get educated, right wing buffoon

>> No.13289960

His video on antinatalism, regardless of your opinions on it, is entirely dismissive and he barely goes into what Benatars asymmetry theory really is. I doubt he even read the book. He just gets this huge smug grin on his face when he mentions how some random feminist writer owned Benatar because non-existence is not comparable to existence. Something that if he read the book he would know that Benatar talks about a lot.

>> No.13289998
File: 448 KB, 843x607, 1_WrSpS_JicoHhMIJ06rNtvQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say what you want about that fag

But I'd motorboat Angie's big black titties anyday. Shes also the only left tube creator with any decent content

>> No.13290008

He does this weird aside in a video about Steve Bannon to take a shit on Survive the Jive and Evola, and STJ responds and demonstrates that he doesnt know shit about Evola. He basically just read the wikipedia page.

>> No.13290014

for me, it's lindsay ellis

>> No.13290017

Is he an anarchist though? I know hes left wing as fuck.

>> No.13290030

Yeah I think so. Hes very much the 'cis' English version of Contrapoints and they both go like 'BP having a rainbow pride symbol is just a symbol and a way to keep capitalism going by adapting'. Thats basically the point they make. I really want to get him checkmated, so I dont want to just give him something that he will have the answer for.

>> No.13290040

You'll have to expand this a bit. Youre point isnt obvious to me.

>> No.13290050

Got any sources on this? Would love it to be true, these fucks being assimilated into the establishment.

>> No.13290075

I really dont give a fuck, but apparently his notebooks which are gradually being published show he was more into the NSDAP agenda for longer than has previously been thought. But I really dont fucking care. Good for him for wanting to defend his country.

>> No.13290209

the first minute of that video is a strawman, i dont understand who is watching this stuff

>> No.13290225

Came to post rhis

>> No.13290303

>claims never to have been an anti-semite or believed there should be a white ethnostate
Even more ridiculous he claims to have never have believed in race realism, which is pretty much impossible to believe.

>> No.13290495

Sure is a lot of kneejerk reactions in here.

Maybe I'd be more inclined to listen to you if you didn't sound like dogs licking their hurt egos while engaging in petty tribalism.

>> No.13290662


>> No.13290666

They aren't anticapitalists when they coopt those ideas because those ideas are not anticapitalists in the first place, they might claim they are but obviously they aren't otherwise big companies wouldn't be able to make them their own

>> No.13290692

Gotta admit, you sound like a faggot here

>> No.13290734

Imagine getting upset by a simple fact being pointed out.

get out

>> No.13290838

How do solve the tranny problem?

>> No.13290856

Imagine being an enabler for those with horrific mental issues.

>> No.13291270

Give a man a free house and he'll break all the windows.

>> No.13291899

The state of right wingers

>> No.13291924

i have only watched on of these types videos and i just don't get it. who gets home from work or school or whatever and wants to be lectured by these wealthy and pedantic people. who lives their day to day life and feels the need to be told something like "steve bannon is a racist" why is this important to people?

>> No.13291947

That state of right wingers? I don't get it. I said I already had a house and I would hate mine getting taken from me. Wouldn't you..?

>> No.13291958

The state of house owners

>> No.13292001


>> No.13292528

>still enabling people with severe mental illness

You should be the one who commits suicide, not them.

>> No.13292550


>> No.13292712

Does he really claim his videos are a replacement for university? This is molymeme tier.

>> No.13293156

>Makes a video claiming leftism is inevitable, as sappy and melodramatic as you can imagine.
>Makes a video defending Antifa, as if gangs of barely-literate hoodlums attacking randos is a politically viable alternative to mobilizing voters.
>Defines fascism as being mainly defined by racial politics, which disqualifies 99% of Antifa's actions as actually protesting fascism.
>Rips off Contrapoints
Why is Olly so bad, guys? Why is he so, so bad?

>> No.13293272

He's a bugman. Look at his gay little goatee.

>> No.13294420

Remember his older content when he was a nu-athiest?

>> No.13294541


>> No.13294605

>Just read a book, or like listen to a podcast, YouTube is not and I doubt will ever be a place for intelligent minds to flourish.
I really don't get the appeal of these videos. No discourse occurs, nor are any ideas developed. Talking points are disseminated in a way which pats the viewer on the back for agree with them. You don't get anything out of these videos other than some new phrases to own your ideological opponents. It's just so lame and so self-congratulatory that I can't stand it.

>> No.13294632


I try to get a number of viewpoints on things, I'll watch a new philosophytube video just to see what that type of person thinks about that topic. He as a person seems to be the obnoxious drama type with the worst sense of humour.
Contrapoints makes genuinely good and reasonable videos that address many points of interest about transgender shit. I don't know anyone personally that has changed gender and even then I wouldn't start questioning them about it to the degree contra does unless I knew them really well. If she also has a shit personality it doesn't come through in the videos. They are well reasoned and written which makes it more tolerable than many of the videos from people on the right.

In my daily life I care very little about most of the stuff they talk about, certainly not enough to read a book on it.

>> No.13294711


Is it worth tasting shit just to know that it tastes like shit? Is it worth your energy and time?

>> No.13294773

How much energy is expended watching a YouTube video while I eat lunch or take a shit, at the very least I've been exposed to these ideas so I'm prepared if I bump in to someone like that at a party. Which has happened before, a big fat guy wanted to fight me once because I was loudly saying America banning trannies from the army was good, but that they should also ban women, gays are fine and male sexual bonding should be encouraged if anything. Anyway the point is that these people exist, it's not as limited to the internet like the "alt right".

>> No.13294820

misrepresenting what he actually said
Just watched this video. He didn't say the text argued for Nazism. He said the text argued for ideals "Us vs. Them" and Schmitt used later on to justify his support of the Nazi Party.
This is a good example, have more?
Just watched this video but I haven't read Benatar. Would love if you could tell me what Benatar says about nonexistence and existence.

>> No.13294842

Google "Bertrand de Jouvenel high/low vs. middle". The high recruits the low (the left, the herd) unawares to secure power against the middle.

>> No.13294977

I saw contrapoints on the cover of the NYT paper edition a few days ago.

>> No.13294979

Perhaps try to get his opinion on the probable "disappearance" of the Ainu people in the not too distant future. For some context, The Ainu are an ethnically distinct minority in Japan, however due to a rapidly falling birth rate and already dwindling numbers along with high inter-ethnic marriage, it is very likely that the Ainu will cease to exist as a distinct group/population. I suspect he will claim to be indifferent on the matter, but nonetheless it would be interesting to see what he says.

>> No.13294980


>> No.13294995

his teeth look yellow

>> No.13294999
File: 524 KB, 1109x428, Screenshot_2019-06-14 The Philosophy of Antifa Philosophy Tube - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is a good example, have more?
There are countless examples of Thorn being wrong. I honestly do not believe he holds truth as having any particular value.

Again in his video on Antifa, Thorn argues that not violently suppressing fascist movements is a form of appeasement. (I advise listening to the section starting 38:06 to understand exactly Thorn's point.) Appeasement means, in the sense that he brings up, roughly "a diplomatic policy of making political or material concessions to an aggressive power in order to avoid conflict".

Is affording fascists the exact same rights we afford everyone else a political concession? Is it a material concession? No? Then it's ridiculous to call it a form of appeasement.

>> No.13295002

Ask him about what he thinks about the legalization of marijuana and what it did to exasperate the opiate crisis and make it worse tangentially, ask him if he thinks an analogy can be drawn between that and his beliefs on "Sex Work", it will make you seem like a feminist or a conservative, when you ask the question go for a feminist angle

>> No.13295068

After the section on appeasement he starts talking about the Battle of Cable Street and he demonstrates a truly impressive lack of understanding of liberty. It really shocked me how totally absurd his points were when I first watched it.

>> No.13295172

What points of interest are there re trannies? It’s illogical at its root and nothing more than a form of mental illness at worst and attention seeking at best.

Men are men and women are women. These are simple and irreducible statements of identity. As such it is epistemically impossible for a man - who is identifiably a man and whose entire experience of the world is that of a man - to turn around and claim he is really a woman. It is a barefaced lie. The subject has no knowledge of what the world is like, phenomenologically, for a woman and no right to take that leap and absurd something so absurd.

They should be told to fuck off and never humoured. If they want to mutilate themselves they should be allowed, but doctors should be prosecuted for GBH if they participate. If they choose to live as the other sex, we as a society should be free to shun them (as we of course naturally would, if not for the threat of sanction and punishment from our cosmopolitan governments, run by people with er shallow roots in the community, who quite like seeing the majority population fuck themselves up with insanity and internalised acquiescence in this filth)

>> No.13295178

*assert something so absurd
**never be humoured

>> No.13295273
File: 15 KB, 700x507, 1551227444608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If one truly cared about the homosexual or the crossdresser, they would warn them about the serious damage they could render to their minds and bodies.

>> No.13295431

so did he or didn't he refer to himself as a super-fascist?
because that shit was wild

>> No.13295444

i'm super annoyed everytime he offhandedly suggests we take home away from home owners. nigger if you are proposing to throw something out, at least be clear about the alternative.

still way more coherent than shapiro and peterson (though peterson has the value of actually motivating you to do something with your life)

>> No.13295456

yeah, i totally get it.
some of the charm is lost.

>> No.13295472


>> No.13295525

I'm not a religious person but taking any form of advice or education from a person LARPing as a gay demon is just stupid.

>> No.13295528

How is error not able to be rediscovered? There's an adage "history repeats itself," and usually this happens when an error is rediscovered, which is quite common I think. I don't see the evidence that truth has an advantage in being rediscovered over error.

>> No.13295577

Truth once properly realised by a society is not going to be let go easily. We have realised women and blacks should not be subjugated. I think Mill would give these as examples of truths that have taken hold. So Mill would think that history won't repeat itself, that blacks and women won't go back into subjugation unless our current society falls. Do you truly disagree?

>> No.13295612

i.e. you shouldn't read truth's advantage just as being that it can be continuously rediscovered, but rather that it can be continuously rediscovered *until it takes hold*.
Actually I just opened up my book the the relevant passage and I'll repeat it for you:
>The real advantage which truth has, consists in this, that when an opinion is true, it may be extinguished once, twice, or many times, but in the course of ages there will generally be found persons to rediscover it, until some one of its reappearances falls on a time when from favourable circumstances it escapes persecution until it has made such head as to withstand all subsequent attempts to suppress it.
So Mill thinks that truth, once it has properly been accepted, has the quality of being able to "withstand all subsequent attempts to suppress it".

>> No.13295616

kek, have a (you)

>> No.13295619

That's only recently. Many things change over time. New minds, new ideas, major events, disasters, these will change everything in society. Imagine a nuclear world war or the sea levels rising and destroying the world's coasts or the collapse of the United States or China creating an AI giving them the opportunity to take over the globe and oppress everyone.

>> No.13295639

he looks like a shrek character

>> No.13295648

Sure, if American society collapsed or was radically altered by an outside force then all kinds of things could change.
But we're not talking about truths outlasting our society itself, rather that truth won't be overcome within the society in which it is realised.

>> No.13296579

He looks like a piece of human garbage

>> No.13296732

There was an editorial in my newspaper the other day concerned with a local church being kicked from their larger synod for performing gay marriages against the wishes of the greater church. The person arguing for the church to stay wouldn't stop glabbling about how it was a matter of love versus bigotry and that Jesus would have been gay or something. I'm an deist and even I can see how much these people don't even understand the beliefs they are forcing down people's throats. He made no mention of Grace, forgiveness, total depravity, eternity, hell; it's all muckmuck globalist liberalism. I'm not even Christian and I was massively insulted by the letter

>> No.13296789

>You cant fight for your freedom against a communist dictatorship, that's baadddddd

It's kinda hard to get an education in engineering from a retard.

>> No.13296928

>the obnoxious drama type
>tfw you realise all those leftists youtubers are just the drama kid faggots from high school, tripping on newfound moral superiority

face it these people are not creating a glorious new socialist utopia, they aren't even intellectually honest, they are narcissists who just want total cultural control over you. Wonder why they talk so much about 'deradicalisation'? they are aware they are for the status quo, that they are admitting they are reactive and the right is proactive and radical. Notice how they never talk about economics or make any effort to differentiate themselves from the liberal establishment, their only discernible goal: it have their cluster b personality disorders become the ruling principle of society. why do all trannies have mental illnesses I am not saying transgenderism itself is a mental illness, but even if it isn't the rate of comorbidity is practically 100%.

>> No.13297091

more than u

>> No.13297213

Comparing people to dogs? A bit boring, isn't it? Try some other animals next time. How about scorpions?

>> No.13297351
File: 18 KB, 338x338, (b)eter 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cuck Philosphy is a sensible one tho

the guy who said that leftists are the modern heir of neetzche philosophy? how laughable

>> No.13297372

Assuming that's Phislophytube, he put out a very stupid video on Evola, calling him a fascist. They guy had no idea what traditionalism is.


>> No.13297419

Why is this a thread mods? It's a youtuber. It's like going to McDonalds and saying the food is shit. What the fuck were you expecting? If you want nuanced thought READ A FUCKING BOOK

>> No.13297443

Why do you faggots whine about everything that isn't strictly on topic? Just piss off you fucking weirdo.

>> No.13297468

>Why do you faggots whine about everything that isn't strictly on topic?
Because this place used to have rules before the actual faggots like you came in just to whinge about fucking everything related to shitty pop culture. This place is for BOOKS. That man makes YOUTUBE videos FOR RETARDS. See the difference?

>Just piss off you fucking weirdo
pure reddit. "you're ruining the circlejerk also you dont fit in!" like anyone but redditors care about fitting in on an ANONYMOUS internet forum

>> No.13297482


>> No.13297507

Fascist is just a leftist euphemism for “groups which violence can be used against in a non-revolutionary setting.” It’s not a specific ideology to them.

>> No.13297509

I don't give a shit if it's about books. Nobody appointed you the content police. This has nothing to do with fitting in, you're a fucking weirdo for being an aspiring janitor and people like you are the reason so many threads get deleted. Stop being a whiny cunt and move on if you don't want to take part in a thread.

>> No.13297524

"Affirmative action is morally compelling"

>> No.13297550

>the right is bad because I'm a victim

>> No.13297569

>commodifying our subculture?
Not sure if b8 or retard

>> No.13297582


>> No.13297591

Shut up, fag

>> No.13297623

It's not so much that I personally hate you fro being transgender, I merely consider you as an acceptable casualty on my personal crusade against theater kids, leftube, the staff of the nyt, rose emoji faggots on twitter, the ZOG machine in full force etc.

>> No.13297640
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>this freak is spending his gullible goy and soros patreon bucks intended to BTFO THE ALT RIGHT AND GABIDALISM on bogging his face
breh these "people" lmao

>> No.13297645

I'm not interested in playing pretend with you fucking mutants.

>> No.13297667

>Despite what classical liberals like John Stuart Mill said about truth always defeating error and falsehood in open rational debate, the historical evidence sadly just doesn't support that idea when it comes to fascism.”
Or maybe fascism is the truth?

>> No.13297678

>dude the world is matter lmao
>also witchcraft is real lmao
I'll honest to God take Evola-fags over this fucking bullshit. At least they dont have to butcher their ontological basis.

>> No.13297702

He makes YouTube videos about books you insufferable spastic

>> No.13297711

political yootoobers belong to the generation who grew up with epic atheist ownage videos and but has never read a book.

>> No.13297721

To paraphrase it, Benatar recognizes that you cant comprehend what non existence is, but this doesnt mean you cant compare it reliably in relation to existence in terms of weighing suffering. So non existence is not better for no one specifically, as there is no one to experience it, It is less bad than existence is as a whole because existence implies suffering.

Olly probably didnt even read it.

>> No.13297724

its a form of social control by people with cluster b personality disorders, give them an inch and they will take a mile. These people actively relish victimhood, they will not be satisfied even when leftists give them full license to rape children in the open street.

>> No.13297748

I've only seen the video on "hegel and incels" or whatever but he fucking butchered it

>> No.13297758
File: 188 KB, 782x1000, 66IGoSA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look how cool I am I'm upset about a YouTuber

Okay faggot. You obviously haven't come to terms with being so much smarter than everyone else that everything they do is trivial. So either you aren't very smart or you are a very clever 13 year old with a wicked sense of humor. Either way you aren't very high up on the intellectual dominance hierarchy. Bet you can't say anything like this about a heavy weight public intellectual such as Sam Harris

>> No.13297769

How arent they?

>> No.13297784

>He said the text argued for ideals "Us vs. Them"
Schmitt argued that the friend enemy distinction is the ontological basis of politics, that all law is ultimately based on an arbitrary existential decision. Many leftist philosophers have built upon Schmitt's theories. You can tell leftubers are pseuds because they don't understand existential conflict, if we make bad nazi thoughts go away and put a more stringent cop inside our heads, if we could just get the alt right to watch more captain marvel, then it would all be good. Freud's civilisation and its discontents explains why Political Correctness can't be a winning move. The more pc, the more pushback, when leftists get pushback they double down, the enemy must submit, they must be suffocated, see >>13296928, they must understand resistance is futile and be assimilated.People are increasingly atomised, local knowledges and codes of conduct have replaced by panopticist power an impersonal bureaucratic mechanisms. The right is at an advantage, because like the new left in the 1960s, it sides with the id and the repressed against social constraints.

>> No.13297793

they are the continuation of christian slave morality obviously

>> No.13297834

stopped reading at the imgur filename

fuck off and then kill yourself

>> No.13297849

Oh no I downloaded a meme from Google images.
Sorry I'm a cuck

>> No.13297883

>from google images
by typing in what did you happen upon this eric maymay?
go back to rebbit you're not welcome

>> No.13297907

"Bro you just posted cringe"
It's a meme from this patrician app called iFunny, normies wouldn't even understand.
Apparently you know that imager filenames mean Reddit and know how to recognize one, so you obviously you know more about Reddit than me, fake 4channeler

>> No.13297920
File: 101 KB, 600x600, 1449459276639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

christ alive how audacious must you be to have not killed yourself right this minute

>> No.13297931

Obviously a newfag. Take your memewar faggotry back to / b/ or /v/ or whatever cancerboard you wandered in from.
Ifunny has the best content on the entire internet

>> No.13298359

It's pure tranny narcissism