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13296847 No.13296847 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't anti-natalists kill themselves?

>> No.13296848

Because life isn't so ba-
Fuck you

>> No.13296883

Because it's scary

>> No.13296908

Nah, just afraid I might go to a terror dimension after being, a shit life is still preferable to that possibility

>> No.13296924

Because they are retarded

>> No.13296986

I hope frog posters kill themselves.

>> No.13296989

Theyre cowards like the rest of us

>> No.13297000

you probably frogpost like a joyless redditor attempting to give their post more weight

>> No.13297050

their pusys

>> No.13297089

Dicks, more like it.

>> No.13297105

Plotinus asked the same to Gnostics.
Since the Good supreme God didn't imprison them, but an evil one, then freeing themselves by dying should be obvious.

>> No.13297112

Being dead isn't enough. You need to convince others not to continue the species otherwise this twisted misery will only go on in our absence.

>> No.13297113
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My suicide will just add more suffering to the world, to myself and to my family. While I do not wish to create more life, I want to make the least harm with what I have now. Ideally I would not have been born in the first place (along with everyone in history), but alive now I wish to avoid suffering. This thought process is not illogical nor is it contradictory.

>> No.13297126
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silence tranny

>> No.13297185

because it's everyone else who should die

everyone is stupid but me mentality

>> No.13297188

Based huparxis poster

>> No.13297191

Cuz that's it. No more spring. No more books. No more pizza. No more anything.

>> No.13297298

pure cowardice.

>> No.13297327

Because they much preach their sermon to online forums for the "moral superiority" high they get

>> No.13297341

I presume it's because their death, they'd argue, might bring about more suffering to those near them - which is not their intent. The problem with anti-natalists is assuming shit when there is no reason to do so. Whichever way you look at it, the lack of experience/consciousness not entailing any 'badness' and therefore being better than any suffering attached to existence is simply not self-evident. Also the idea that 'non-sufferring', or happiness is static is sort of built into it. Assumptions. It is disconcerting though, how they trigger people to the point of attracting actual threats.

>> No.13297343

i love you

>> No.13297347

why should they?

>> No.13297348

Anti-natalists have not taken that crucial step, that leap of optimism. They fail to realize that it is man that overcomes; it is the human soul that transmutes suffering into power.

>> No.13297353

What if the souls of the unborn are trapped in a terror dimension until conception?

>> No.13297354


They're against birth, not against life.

>> No.13297361

All idiots attract threats

>> No.13297365

How do you stop animals from giving birth? They're way worse to each other in general.

>> No.13297366

Regardless, it's not intellectually sound and they seem to be making a knowledge claim.

>> No.13297375

You have to be a special kind of pussy with no interior monologue, not to have investigated anti-natalists' claims on any level to feel threatened by their speech to the extent of making threats. Absolute pussyclarts.

>> No.13297379

lmao I see your point, antinatalists are still dumb though.

>> No.13297386

But then life ceases... so theyre essentially against life.

>> No.13297395

They're sadbois with confirmation bias.

>> No.13297396

Obviously he means against birth and not intending to kill people, but seriously why does the philosophy not extend to animals? Surely they'll never accept it without force, radical action needs to be taken in their case.

Antinatalist, what are YOU doing to end all life on earth, today?

>> No.13297405

this question can't be understood by an idiotic, materialistic perspective. anti natalists stop at (not) reproducing which is obvious enough. their particular goal is to prevent possible suffering, which won't be prevented by suicidal ideation. it'll cause you to suffer even more.

furthermore, suicide except under extreme circumstance is cowardly, and does nothing to help the root cause of the problem. your soul will just end up transmigrating to another body, once again caught in a loop that you may not ever transcend.

>> No.13297408

because they are cowards, but at least they tend to admit this
many anti-natalists admire those that have the courage to kill themselves

>> No.13297428


plotinus knew that their souls would continue to transmigrate, he just said that because he held a grudge against gnostics for coopting neoplatonism in their apologetics, and he didn't seem to understand why it mattered anyway

>> No.13297433

It is precisely because I find life meaningful that I promote antinatalism. I won't kill myself because I know my life to be meaningful.

>> No.13297854

Reminder that your fear of death is the ultimate source of all your perceived suffering you anti-natal fags.

>> No.13298087

Im already here.

>> No.13298093


Hardcore antinatalist/efilist here

I would and I will but not until I've convinced everyone else this is our only hope.

>> No.13298109

Once you are alive, suicide will only cause more suffering to those around you.

>> No.13298112

This wouldn't be a valid critique if they'd stop droning on about how the rest of us are all just coping and too cowardous to accept their "truth"

>> No.13298220
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>> No.13298449

Why don't anti-natalists reject globalism and let all of Africa die? Most births are happening in Africa at this point, so they should desire to cut off all the aid that helps them explode in population.

>> No.13298516

You fucking moron

>> No.13298563
File: 92 KB, 634x425, 9B85CEB6-31A0-42E6-A5DC-609764BEF3C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you don’t like working in a coal mine all day and then stay in a shitty apartment with 20 people, then you must love beeing homeless

Breeders are low IQ morons