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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 160 KB, 1184x1182, wrkwjehrk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13292117 No.13292117 [Reply] [Original]

Read women.
Cite women.
Credit women.

Teach women.
Publish women.
Present women.

Acknowledge women.
Award women.
Amplify women.

Hire women.
Support women.
Promote women.

Hear women.
Believe women.
Follow women.

Pay women.
Pay women.
Pay women.

>> No.13292120

Ignore women.
Fuck women.
Leave women.

>> No.13292125

Nah I'll just fuck them and have them bear my seed. Thanks though.

>> No.13292130

Eat women.
Wear women.
Bury women.

>> No.13292133

beat women
doubt women
disregard women

>> No.13292137
File: 392 KB, 1000x988, Despite making up 52% of the population, women only own 1.66% of the Fields Medals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>award women
maybe when you contribute

>> No.13292138

>not meritocratizing society by just spoonfeeding based on sex

>> No.13292139

Twitter was a mistake to mankind.

>> No.13292147

Suck my dick.
Suck my dick.
Suck my dick.

>> No.13292149

Are twitter screencap threads the worst /lit/ has to offer

>> No.13292150

I'm a woman and this makes me firmly believe women's rights were a mistake.

>> No.13292151

I asked a female college student recently whether she finds this kind of behavior cringy and self-worshiping, and she really really didn't get what I meant. It surprised me.

I used a specific example, I said, have you ever seen a little kid whose parents have spoiled the fuck out of it, and the kid says shit like "well MY mom says I'm the smartest bestest ever so I can have whatever I want" or some caricature like that, and it's just creepy and embarrassing? Like you feel really embarrassed for them vicariously, it's naive and childish in the worst possible way, that's why it's so horrible to spoil a kid like that.

She had no idea what I meant. I think women are maybe not so good.

>> No.13292153


>> No.13292158
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Wow... literally shaking... so powerful and brave...
Of course all of these alt-right incel cavemen on /lit/ are afraid of a powerful independent woman like this.

>> No.13292163

toe fungus

>> No.13292166

Unironically this. Planning a trip to SEA either later this year or next year for a breeding season

>> No.13292172

>Pay women

>> No.13292180

>Read women.
I already read plenty of women authors.

>Cite women.
>Credit women.
On what? I'm not in school anymore, and I don't write articles or anything.

>Teach women.
I'm not a fucking teacher.

>Publish women.
nor a fucking publisher

>Present women.
I give my mom presents for christmas, birthday, and mothers day.

>Acknowledge women.

>Award women.
I'm not a fucking award ceremony.

>Amplify women.
I'm not a fucking microphone what the fuck

>Hire women.
Maybe they should hire me first you bitches.

>Support women.
>Promote women.
>Hear women.
>Believe women.
>Follow women.
Fuck off

>Pay women.
>Pay women.
>Pay women.
I'm not giving away my fucking money

>> No.13292181

>even jews agree on this one

>> No.13292194

Why are femoids so useless when it comes to STEM fields?

>> No.13292195

Replace that with people and I can get behind it. If men or women predominantly rise to the more preferred so be it. This only leads one to think that woman are somehow incapable of playing on a fair field.

>> No.13292200

She might have understood what you meant, but because she felt attacked (and feelings are the most important thing to a woman), she decided (using instinct) to ignore the content of what you said.

>> No.13292211

I will do all those things for women, if they have sex with me.

>> No.13292225

Purchase women
Yoke women
Feed women

Fatten women
Balloon women
Tap women

Oil women
Scrub women
Hose women

Prune women
Shave women
Master women

Spank women
Cane women
Tribfight women

Suspend women
Shock women
Probe women

Creampie women
Yeet skeet women
Empty women

Punish women
Lecture women
Braplick women

Pummel women
Pin women
Pierce women

>> No.13292240

Have sex with women

>> No.13292254

>I give my mom presents for christmas, birthday, and mothers day.
You deserve headpats. Nice anon.

>> No.13292264

Well it's that time o' the year again lads, women are wearing open shoes and sandals and thongs on their sexy feets. No fap has never been harder. I have to keep my head up at all times in public or I run the risk of walking down the street with a boner. Then what? duck into a local fast food place and have a shameful JO session in a filthy bathroom. No, not this year, you harlots will not crush my purity with your painted toes and ankle bracelets. This year I will be strong.

>> No.13292269







>> No.13292280

>ankle bracelets
Stop trying to ruin my streak anon. https://youtu.be/O4irXQhgMqg

>> No.13292291
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holy shit absolutely based

>> No.13292386

oh come on
i realize pathetic fucks like you frequent this board but even you should realize this argument sucks

>> No.13292389

If it was worth doing, we would've been doing it already. We don't need to be commanded. How embarrassing.

>> No.13292391

Honestly, I'm rooting for Islam at this point.

>> No.13292397

>I'm not a fucking microphone what the fuck

>> No.13292402 [DELETED] 

y will the mods do nothing about shill threads

sage for not fucking literature related via social media personality proxy fixation

>> No.13292409

reported for announcing sage, enjoy your ban ;)

>> No.13292413

No. That would be the shit flinging between Reddit fedoras and /pol/cel Deus Vulters

>> No.13292415

>Pay women
>Pay women
>Pay women
Is this the 21st century Tommorow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow?

>> No.13292431

Please enlighten us as to why it sucks

>> No.13292458

youre probably used to not actually having to argue your point so you dont realize how retarded it is

>> No.13292465
File: 139 KB, 837x351, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do we care about this roastie_?

>> No.13292483

Why do people try to pass ankle bracelets as a lesbian thing? it's the hottest shit.
I can't draw characters without retards asking me if i'm doing a headcanon LGBT depiction of the girl

I need to post this on /ic/ later

>> No.13292501

That triple 'pay women' is so fucking obnoxious. They already get paid so wtf is she implying

>not buying used books
Dumb poo roastie

>> No.13292516

I don't know anon. I'd buy them all ankle bracelets, gay and straight alike, if I could. My high school religion studies teacher wore one and to this day I have no idea what that class was about.

>> No.13293129

>No for the first one
But anon Flannery O Connor is pretty good

>> No.13293382

>I'm not giving away my fucking money

Oh, silly boy, the welfare state will make sure that you do in fact pay them!

>> No.13293399

Probably has to do with social stigma surrounding women in STEM and women's inherent nature to be caring and artistic. If I can make such a coarse divide I would say the prosaic is masculine and the poetic is feminine.

>> No.13293409

women are here so i can feel manly.

>> No.13293415

>I already read plenty of women authors.

>> No.13293992

>Teach women.
uhm isn't that a little bit mansplanatory?

>> No.13294061

wasnt trying to argue my point there, was just going for a little insult
you are obviously too far gone to argue with and i got shit to do ;)

>> No.13294125

The grammatical structure of this post reveals its barely concealed sexism.
It is always the man acting upon the woman. The imperative mood, while ostensibly empowering, reveals that men are always acting upon women, imposing their will in invisible ways under patriarchy. The imperative is therefore not, as it would seem, a command, nor even a suggestion, but a plea. A plea that internalizes the violence that men have exerted over women throughout human herstory.
We need more empowering language and grammar if we are ever going to defeat patriarchy. Here are some thoughts on how to say this in a more wholistic, non-violent way:
> Of publishing women man for her do
> publishment woman we are
How would you say it, anon?

>> No.13294136

Fuck women
Pay women
Leave women

>> No.13294152
File: 210 KB, 1280x1152, tumblr_p2gpzfFaOa1w3xz4qo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing wrong with anything she said tbqh. Why are you guys so butthurt over anything pro-woman?

>> No.13294221

>and thongs on their sexy feets
Is that a thing now? Fucking GOD. How will I keep my dick on my pants?

>> No.13294237


Not him, but I think you're onto something. The narcissism of women has a tendency to bend all to its will to justify its existence.

>> No.13294252

I have no idea what you meant. That "real thing" you cited is a conjuring in your own head. No one lives a life so simple. I hope she gave you HPV.

>> No.13294267

That's not female-specific behavior. Human brains are prone to making instantaneous decisions before the rational parts have even had time to process the situation, at which point it tends to try and rationalize a justification for its emotional behavior rather, well, actually being rational. This is common in humans regardless of sex or gender. We're primarily feelers who happen to think, who think we're primarily thinkers who happen to feel. Welcome to humanity.

>> No.13294268

There wouldn't be as many threads on /lit/ though. Rude of you to imply Beckett would turn down some McNuggets with the kids, if only to study modern American culinary culture.

>> No.13294270
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>> No.13294276

Sure, I'll believe alleged rape survivors, but I won't fool myself into thinking I know their claims to be true.

>> No.13294283

No you aren’t

>> No.13294318

All intellectual and academic fields are traditionally dominated by man. Most writers, poets, sculptors, and painters were men.
Most philosophers were men. Most women philosophers do not actually philosophize about the deep questions in of themselves, or deliver new and unique philosophies on key problems, they mainly philosophize as it pertains to women, and advancing feminism. See Mary Wollstonecraft, Carol Gilligan, Simone de Beauvoir, and Martha Nussbaum. What do they say about epistemology, metaphysics, and the totality of ethics in ways that doesn't pertain to talking about women? How many female Heideggers can you name? How many female equivalents to Kant have you read? Or female Schopenhauers, or Kierkegards? As in, people who've completely changed the pace of philosophy, or have written soul stirring and thought provoking stuff? Not many.
Frankly, Ayn Rand is probably the greatest woman philosopher, because she actually founded a school of thought, contributed to the literary canon, and engaged in big questions and problems as they were.
In terms of literature, most luminaries and founders were men. Dante, Shakespeare, and Chaucer were the types that molded their language for generations.

There are a couple of exceptions worth their credit. But most women intellectuals do not do it for the sake of it, but do it to reinforce, glorify, and draw attention to the fact that they're women.

>> No.13294377

Are you seriously going to deny that the fact of millennia of systematic misogyny has nothing to do with this? Women weren't afforded the opportunities that men were. For much of human history they were forced to be housewives and were not allowed to receive a proper education.
They talk so much about women's issues because it still is a massive problem that shouldn't be ignored.

>> No.13294381

and now women arent oppressed and they still suck tbqh

>> No.13294403


>They talk so much about women's issues because it still is a massive problem that shouldn't be ignored.





>> No.13294418

You pseuds don'y even know who Szymborska is.

>> No.13294442
File: 108 KB, 700x523, uhuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still is a massive problem that shouldn't be ignored.
Reddit's that way. I don't take your "oppressed women" meme for its word, and I have no social pressure to, here.
>Are you seriously going to deny that the fact of millennia of systematic misogyny has nothing to do with this?
Yes. Consider this: Martha Nussbaum, Simone de Beauvoir, and Philippa Foot, three female philosophers, all received quality educations. Yet only one of them made even an attempt at a serious approach to philosophy.
> For much of human history they were forced to be housewives and were not allowed to receive a proper education.
This is a hilariously twisted distortion of history. For most of human history, everyone was stuck in one occupation and couldn't receive a proper education. Even powerful Kings and generals were uneducated men. And in fact, most people have been agrarian before the modern world, and women and children worked on the farm alongside men when needed, though men were the primary workers while women did a lot of the basic housework. Millions of women and children worked during the industrial revolution.
The feminist philosophers show their true nature, that of privileged and ignorant.
The age of the housewife and working man as the most popular standard was the easiest and best for both sexes.

>> No.13294522

or maybe women are just dumb bitches

>> No.13294526

she's been posted so much lately, who is she?

>> No.13294554

This onions-tier response is ridiculously disingenuous. It's like you were called out for being a compulsive liar and tried to justify by saying "well everyone lies haha welcome to humanity". Like no shit everyone gets emotional sometimes you stupid fucking faggot, that doesn't address the fact that a certain category of hormone-drenched people are significantly more prone to it than others.

>> No.13294563

>it still is a massive problem that shouldn't be ignored
If woman being behind men is still a massive problem then it's not because of society and we should return society to how it was before it went to shit for the sake of women's rights.

>> No.13294573
File: 880 KB, 1060x1394, 97DCF998-C3CF-482D-85DE-C1DA059E15F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rape women
Rape women
Rape women
Rape women
Rape women
Rape women
Rape women
Rape women
Rape women
Rape women
Rape women
Rape women
Rape women
Rape women
Rape women
Rape women
Rape women
Rape women
Rape women
Rape women
Rape women
Rape women
Rape women
Rape women
Rape women
Rape women
Rape women
Rape women
Rape women
Rape women

>> No.13294658

haha women are so dumb they think misogyny is real lol

>> No.13294659

Misogyny is real in the sense that women are retarded and despite the best efforts to brainwash the population people still notice that