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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 498 KB, 1365x2048, 1560363658080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13286783 No.13286783[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Honestly the only reason I've never read Anne Frank's Diary was because she's kinda my type (dark hair, eyes etc) and I didn't want to fantasize about a dead girl every day

>> No.13286799

But fantasising about a 13 year old is fair game? That's a solid moral compass you've got there lad.

>> No.13286825 [SPOILER] 
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Old enough to bleed...

>> No.13286840


Also talking more specific about high school period, what's about fair game

>> No.13286907

>she's kinda my type (dark hair, eyes etc)
If that's what you like then why don't you masturbate to something less repulsive than a Jew, like a Japanese girl?

>> No.13287079

>something less repulsive than a Jew, like a Japanese girl?
Interesting that in your hierarchy of attraction, an insect ranks higher than a rat.

>> No.13287795
File: 1.86 MB, 430x215, Rhh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like a Japanese girl?

>> No.13287963

A good two years ago when this image was circulating a lot in /lit/, my childhood crush on Anne Frank had resurfaced. The crush had subsided after months of pouring over her diary, imagining myself as a savior sometimes. Other times, I would be a nazi, or a soviet soldier come to take her away for myself. The most predominant one was of me being Peter. A boy trapped with the most beautiful girl in the world,in the most dangerous place we could be. Watching her across the room, slowly falling for her, becoming her best friend, and her mine, having to muffle her moans as experimented at night without waking our parents who were mere feet from us. I still think about the first time we kissed in my fantasies. We had already seen one another naked, just to see. It had been awkward for days around the room, but it was hard to avoid one another. I didn't want to though. She had seemed apprehensive since then, so I didn't want to cause any sort of scene, or upset her. One night, though, as I lie there thinking about her. Her enchanting smile, her dark, silk-like hair that only lightly touched her shoulders...but just as I had started to remember the rest of her, I heard movement in the compartment. Then I saw her eyes. Her beautiful, dark eyes gazing at me, sadly. I asked her what was wrong, and I started to apologize, but she stopped me. She then told me, that she'd been embarrassed. She didn't think I had liked what she looked like. She never told me why. Before an elaboration, I had already tucked my hand under her chin and brought my lips to hers. Every time I see this picture I think about that. What could be. What is impossible. All I know is I want is to turn and see someone open the door, everybody walk the dinosaur.

>> No.13288004


>> No.13288136

anne frank was my first waifu

>> No.13288157

You're not allowed in the ethno state you fucking degenerate

>> No.13288198

He's 100% correct. Jews are far more repulsive than Japs

>> No.13288473

Philip Roth wrote a whole book about the fantasy so it's clearly a common enough instinct.

>> No.13288494

My grandpa was born on the same day as Anne. Today would have been his 90th birthday but he died back in January. Weirdly, it was never something anyone in the family noticed and it was never brought up until his funeral. His family was also dutch but grew up in the U.S.

I once visited the Anne Frank house in Amsterdam. I went there after drinking a bunch over at the Heineken factory. I'm not really one to lament about dead jews, but the whole spectacle at the house was fairly disgusting in the way that they've commodified a dead girl. I decided to not go in.

>> No.13288572
File: 392 KB, 2048x1536, anne frank gay.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only is she dead, she was 100% gay when she was alive

>> No.13288908


>> No.13288972
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>> No.13288984

took you long enough

>> No.13289999
File: 201 KB, 1280x1280, 5E9E4643-5DB6-4E41-BF13-724946651640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her so much

>> No.13290009

Gross. Maybe this hitler guy wasn’t so bad after all.

>> No.13290034


>> No.13290037

Don't say that about my wife

>> No.13290063


>> No.13290116

Would Anne be an e-girl costhot if she was born today?

>> No.13290170

On like the very first page she describes how she has to constantly deal with boys who can't take a hint.

>> No.13290192

>Since we five Ping-Pong players like ice cream, especially in the summer, and since you get hot playing Ping-Pong, our games usually end with a visit to the nearest ice-cream parlor that allows Jews: either Oasis or Delphi. We've long since stopped hunting around for our purses or money — most of the time it's so busy in Oasis that we manage to find a few generous young men of our acquaintance or an admirer to offer us more ice cream than we could eat in a week. You're probably a little surprised to hear me talking about admirers at such a tender age. Unfortunately, or not, as the case may be, this vice seems to be rampant at our school.
>As soon as a boy asks if he can bicycle home with me and we get to talking, nine times out of ten I can be sure he'll become enamored on the spot and won't let me out of his sight for a second. His ardor eventually cools, especially since I ignore his passionate glances and pedal blithely on my way. If it gets so bad that they start rambling on about "asking Father's permission," I swerve slightly on my bike, my schoolbag falls, and the young man feels obliged to get off his bike and hand me the bag, by which time I've switched the conversation to another topic. These are the most innocent types. Of course, there are those who blow you kisses or try to take hold of your arm, but they're definitely knocking on the wrong door. I get off my bike and either refuse to make further use of their company or act as if I'm insulted and tell them in no uncertain terms to go on home without me.

>> No.13290228

Gud job

>> No.13290328

based anne shitting on orbiters 77 years ahead of the trend

>> No.13290387
File: 88 KB, 639x628, z-berg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that awkward feel; my high school girlfriend looked like a D-cup version of Anne Frank God I miss those days Susie Zuckerberg No relation to Mark (I think)

>> No.13290409

Is that what being female is like?

>> No.13290487

Women's lives are easy.

>> No.13290797


>> No.13290879


>> No.13290959
File: 259 KB, 647x535, 5c36cc914e1383b3e399e68dc8cc2b2c9b3647563f9416b9265e3cf987b23932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were at least two of them popular in /r9k/

>> No.13291010

Not gf but knew a weeb girl in high school who looked like a mix between Anne Frank and Alexandra Daddario. She also had quite large milkers (didn't really notice those back then, not sure why)

Should I post pics?

>> No.13291087

You mean Aggie and Natalie?

>> No.13291101


>> No.13291141
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>> No.13291284
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Blue eyes

>> No.13291293

Also original pic

>> No.13291302
File: 17 KB, 300x300, suspicious .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you say you knew her?

>> No.13291348
File: 44 KB, 283x641, 1506589522969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted here before

>> No.13291373


>> No.13291389

she killed herself over some gay retard in AZ grooming her then pumping and dumping. crazy shit

>> No.13291411
File: 85 KB, 252x566, 20190614_030056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way her nickname was Snow White

>> No.13291418

She faked her own death

>> No.13291438

Anne Frank (real) - yes. She was in the safe arms of Jeff Mangum. Anne Frank (Clone) - no. Abused and driven to suicide.

>> No.13291443

name? please?

>> No.13291471
File: 682 KB, 960x670, FUCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this ought to be enough.

>> No.13291499


>> No.13291508
File: 66 KB, 462x796, fucking hell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit, forgot the image

>> No.13291516

who are those fags

>> No.13291523

doesn't matter. just for context.

>> No.13291829

Hmm this makes me think, within a couple of years, there will be kids coming to 4chan that were born after I started using it. Then, in a couple more years, there will be people that were born, became efamous on 4chan, and were driven to suicide all while I've been sitting here.

>> No.13291839

no one cares for context, kill your stupid chatroom faggot friends

>> No.13292063
File: 302 KB, 480x1024, 809612124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was 16, her husband was 38 and nobody questioned it.

>> No.13292079

So /lit/ is a jewish board propaganda?
why can't you stop sucking this girl's cock?

>> No.13292478
File: 85 KB, 1280x960, 1494776909990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still enjoyed reading it

>> No.13293530
File: 60 KB, 399x600, 3rd Missouri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn live in a timeline where the South won the Civil War
>the Confederate States Army will never field a modernized version of the famed Columbus Depot Jacket (five/six rows of buttons, gray/jean wool, blue service cuffs and collar)
>the South will never declare war on Nazi Germany after Ribbentrop's repeated insults and lies
>ywn be a Confederate paratrooper fighting in Holland 1945-errr I mean '44 as part of Operation Market Garden
>ywn ambush a German transport truck one morning on a dusty Dutch road
>ywn laugh as you easily slaughter the SS with your BAR, forged by legendary Mormon gunsmiths in Utah, who flee in terror at the sight of Southern valor
>ywn hear banging on the truck door and cautiously open it with weapon at the ready
>ywn be immediately greeted by a nine month pregnant and very horny Anne Frank, who was locked up inside
>Anne will never instantly become enamored with with your Columbus Depot jacket, gray like her eyes, beautiful, yet simple, lacking any of the haughty and frivolous decorations of German uniforms
>Anne will never claim to know a good sniper's spot and offer to lead you to it
>ywn accept, oblivious to what she actually has planned
>Anne will never lead you inside an abandoned windmill and lock the door, saying she's not going to let you out until she's had her way with you
>Anne will never tear open her comically small dress
>ywn become instantly hard at the sight of her massive tits, naked swollen belly, popped navel, and gnarly muff, unshaved for nine whole months
>Anne will never push you down before you have a chance to unbutton your jacket, saying she wants to fuck you with it on
>Anne will never mount you like a pony
>ywn fuck like crazy for what seems hours
>ywn feel the exhiliation of popping your load inside Anne's tight pussy
>Anne will never squeal with joy as you fill her with your hot goo
>Anne will never get get off you, only to climb her way up to your mouth and proceed to face fuck you and until you suck her dry
>ywn get driplets of cum and breastmilk all over your Columbus Depot jacket

It hurts bros.

>> No.13294193


>> No.13295109

These never fail to get me.

>> No.13295123

>you will never have to get your arm sawn off without painkillers just to die 3 days later after shitting out your colon with dysentary

>> No.13295564

more like bi

>> No.13295627

Were kids just obscenely better educated back then or is this shit fake?

>> No.13295659

Jewish culture is /lit/ while Japanese is not. Kawaii makes your brain mush.

>> No.13295693


>> No.13295696
File: 36 KB, 324x586, Boner why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13297532

>why can't you stop sucking this girl's cock?

>> No.13297542


>> No.13298050

way ahead of you kiddo, I've been here since 2004 (and it sucks as bad as ever)

>> No.13298057

you would waste all day on the 1944 version of 4chan, accomplish nothing, and die alone