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/lit/ - Literature

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13287842 No.13287842 [Reply] [Original]

I was at a party a week ago and struck up a conversation with a girl. She seemed into it and told me she wanted to be an author. I said that was interesting and we got to the topic of books for a while and I said my favorite author was
She said "well that's pretentious" and immediately lost interest, before making an excuse to break the conversation off.

Who are some good, normie-friendly, relatively a-political authors I can cite at a party like that?

>> No.13287844

Victor Hugo.

>> No.13287852

John Katzenbach, Stephen King, Nora Roberts. All those shitty authors.

>> No.13287857

Yuri Mamleev

>> No.13287865

Keep saying Dostoevsky, fuck her.
If he is your favorite author, then he is your favorite author.

>> No.13287941

I'm not going to change who my favorite author is, I'm just going to say someone that the normies would react in revulsion towards when asked.

>> No.13287951

Tell her Brandon Jones

>> No.13288120

but weird cuz thots usually love to pretend to love russian lit

>> No.13288127

>She said "well that's pretentious" and immediately lost interest
no, she wasnt interested with you to begin with

>> No.13288186


>> No.13288194

>She said "well that's pretentious" and immediately lost interest
Good riddance!

>> No.13288421

Just say Hitler or Mao and spin it into a joke, most normalfags won't know half the edgy authors this board likes.

>> No.13288450

Mao is truly based tho

>> No.13288486

Paulo Coelho is peak thot lit

>> No.13288907

Charles Dickens or Jane Austen
desu though if you just say "Oh I'm really into Russian lit right now, I appreciate it's not the bravest statement but I really like Dostoevsky" then anyone who isn't a shitter won't immediately assume you're pretentious.

>> No.13288935

the way this is written makes me think you aren’t really going to parties

>> No.13288950
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Just say Eustace Mullins. Only redpilled people who he is because they don't want us to read his books.

>> No.13288955

why is that pretentious, dostoyevsky is like entry-level 'good literature'

>> No.13288964

yeah the whole thing doesn’t ring true

>> No.13289089

Buddhist and anarchism is something people actually keep in their pocket, and lose?

>> No.13289132

this. dostoevsky is good and she is pretentious

>> No.13289135


Aren't they supposed to be LSD stamps?

>> No.13289137

It's more pseudy than pretentious. The girl in OPs story sounded like she wasn't smart enough to know the difference though

>> No.13289145

they're tab of acid

>> No.13289150

If you'd said Robert Munsch you'd be golden.

>> No.13289162


buddhism is like atheism with acid & weed xdddddd

>> No.13289169


this but not this. OP you were at a party (allegedly). This is not the time to be serious in mood. Be light, spontaneous, and crack a joke. Was your goal to discuss literature or get in her (allegedly) pants?

>> No.13289173

anyone who thinks psychs are spiritual is a moron honestly they can be very useful but people who straight up think it makes you communicate with aliens or god even after they've sobered up are brainlets

>> No.13289174

Anon you gotta flip this scenario on its head. Dostoevsky isn't hindering you, hes protecting you. Dostoevsky is clearly a thot repellent.

>> No.13289175

>get in her (allegedly) pants?
you don't think she was wearing pants?

>> No.13289180

fuck that bitch

>> No.13289183

Do not say Hitler, are you stupid?
That is the single, easiest way to make everybody around you avoid you.
"He reads books by Hitler" is comedic shorthand for "this guy is crazy and violent"

>> No.13289191

This, OP. Don’t listen to anything else. Dosto is great and if someone likes you they will want to listen to the things your passionate about. If you had said a different “normie-friendly” author (whatever that is) you would not have suddenly hit it off with her, why would you think so?

>> No.13289193

if you're good looking you can say anything with no consequence I was at the pub once and the holocaust got brought up and I went on about a 20 tangent talking about how holocaust numbers are greatly inflated and how the jews are actively trying to destroy white people

no one cared they either assumed I was joking or assumed I was credible just because I'm attractive

>> No.13289199


Sure, I just thought I'd poke fun at these hipster-types and their commodified spiritualism. I don't believe in spirituality but I find the way it's commercialized disgusting.

>> No.13289205

yeah I get that, I've taken psychs quite a lot and they've honestly been life changing for me but unfortunately whenever anyone talks about them they have to put some huge meaning on them it has to be more than just chemicals in your brain, can't just talk about it without someone talking about auras or energy or some shite

>> No.13289211

Look at this bitch nigga. A few brain chemicals talking shit.

>> No.13289221


Kinda like weed, huh? These substances tend to evoke the illusion of an ocean even in a puddle. I never used psychs ( didn't really have the opportunity and don't have the connections ), but I imagine it's better used for seeing something from a different perspective rather than thinking you see that object from 2 dimensions above.

>> No.13289223

they just ignored you because your an autistic loony

>> No.13289253

yep thats femoids for ya

>> No.13289266

>Mao is truly based tho
Based on what?

>> No.13289267


Guess how I know you're unattractive.

>> No.13289273

They're basically chemically induced trance. It can be spiritual or not, based on your mindset.

>> No.13289274

>Oh I'm really into Russian lit right now, I appreciate it's not the bravest statement but I really like Dostoevsky"

That sounds 100x times as pretentious as simply saying your favorite author is Dosto

>> No.13289284

I have no idea. enlighten me

>> No.13289289

Anon you're supposed to ask her her favourite book/author first. If she cites some literary author then you can reveal your true tastes. However if she cites a normie YA author then you have to cite one in turn.

>> No.13289291

this, so much this

>> No.13289292


Because when it comes to attractive or very popular people, whenever they say something offensive it is automatically assumed to be a joke and funny. Its perfectly possible to get away with saying Hitler is your favorite author.

>> No.13289293

You read hitler and other alt right shit.

>> No.13289301


>> No.13289307

absolutely based

>> No.13289311

Dan Brown, Stephen King, J.K. Rowling.

>> No.13289315

Eh. Valid. But how many of us are that hot and popular? It's just best to assume you don't qualify.

this is the most offensive thing anybody has ever said to me

>> No.13289320

How the fuck is Dostoyevski pretentious

>> No.13289335

Doestoevsky is incredibly accessible literature

>> No.13289337
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>dan brown

>> No.13289348

fucking based

>> No.13289352

>long turgid books about russian people being polite to each other with a few gold moments interspersed

>> No.13289357


>> No.13289358

>literate women
Found your problem. Women were, are, and always will be a mistake

>> No.13289377

OP, one possibility you may want to consider is that the girl you were talking to might have been feigning interest in you with the explicit purpose of getting you to open up about something that is important to you and make you feel insecure about it, just because it makes her feel superior to know that she has that kind of power.

>> No.13289380
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>> No.13289383

I don't see how. Perhaps you have autism?

>> No.13289392

i can't get girls interested!
hm i'll ask lit

>> No.13289493

>letting your principles stand in the way of pussy

>> No.13289541

hmmm say Palahniuk or Murakami they are surprisingly roastie-approved authors.

>> No.13289568

you are cringe

>> No.13289574

Gravity's Rainbow is full of goofs and gags to appeal to the lowest common denominator

>> No.13289619

It is pretentious.

>> No.13289648

poast feet

>> No.13289915

Is the last image LSD?

>> No.13289921


>> No.13289942

Alright faggot

>> No.13289946

Fuck you.

>> No.13289956


>> No.13289974

can confirm
I fucking loved Palahniuk until I got sick of him. Didn't pace myself. Now I cannot return to those simple fields of bizzaro social commentary.

>> No.13289980

don't be mean, anon-onii-chan

>> No.13290011

That's exactly the kind of thing Nastasya Filippovna would do

>> No.13290027

The only thing pretentious here is OP's character and the character of the people in this thread playing along

>> No.13290045

haha, never forget this op. Uncle Fyodor is protecting you.

>> No.13290058


Found the zoomerfaggot

>> No.13290060

Anon, if you degrade yourself to fit in with normies, you'll become one of them. You don't need to impress these people, they're fucking dumb.

>> No.13290238

I hate this board.