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File: 2.92 MB, 4032x3024, spinal catastrophism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13285161 No.13285161 [Reply] [Original]

Send your best high-dosage autism (journals, charts, graphs, models, theories, etc.)

>> No.13285194

Clean your nails man

>> No.13285195
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>> No.13285287

It's very sad to think of how much time someone spent to make that spread appear neat, clean, and intelligent without actually managing to make it even remotely intelligible.

>> No.13285307

those are Nick Land's notes

>> No.13285322

Point proven I guess then.

>> No.13285339
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My dairy desu

>> No.13285386

it looks like a schematic to build a bomb

>> No.13285423
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>> No.13285425

Anything Christopher Lagan

>> No.13285467

reminds me of my notebook
I write English poetry by first working in an autistic mix of Latin, French, and Italian, and then translating it into English.

>> No.13285491
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>> No.13285495
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>> No.13285657

Was it autism?

>> No.13285796

I saw a pimply asian dude on the subway yesterday reading Infinite Jest, the page he was on had a shitton of annotations and highlights on various passages

which one of you fuckers was it?

>> No.13285807

r u a yogi?

>> No.13285885

Just my notes from sanskrit classes

>> No.13285937
File: 138 KB, 750x500, B61F1D81-C72C-4EDB-B1D3-3F57BDD0F597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for shit quality. I’m on mobile and had to black out my name using snapchat editor

>> No.13285944
File: 179 KB, 852x944, greenwizBAS2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

autism canon prince, you're still at it. how's it going?

>> No.13285956
File: 1.07 MB, 768x960, 53110608_543034599551648_8773138904501977088_n.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It goes ok. Yesterday was fairly non productive. I can't seem to do much of anything anymore desu

>> No.13285965

Have you considered using LaTeX, for the additional autism factor and to avoid certain typographical inconsistencies.

>> No.13285970
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I'd have to read up on using it, I never got around to learning it during my CS studies for whatever reason.

>> No.13286003

Personally I find it quite fun to use and it saves you from making certain errors, like inconsistent font and color usage inconsistent line spacing and indentation and so on plus some very nice features, for example a better way to include code, with syntax highlighting, optimal line numbers and such.

>> No.13286025

Ok, I will keep it in mind. Thanks!

>> No.13286045

why is this relatable

>> No.13286054

is there a name for this? autistic/schizophrenic notes on a paper, filled with obscure graphs and math. I have been trying to google search this a couple of weeks ago but couldn't find the correct wording

>> No.13287198


>> No.13287423
File: 179 KB, 852x944, greenwizBAS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stick with it...everything's going to be ok, fren.

>> No.13287437


>> No.13287478

Damn waste of a good paper

>> No.13287484
File: 73 KB, 728x666, WIN_20190612_22_47_47_Pro (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you guys think about this?

>> No.13287492

read it as body > mind > onions

>> No.13287493

Ur just jelly

>> No.13287498


>> No.13287499
File: 771 KB, 659x982, hermit BAS .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the tone and style is great. now write about murdering someone and hiding the body.

>> No.13287508
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>> No.13287512
File: 804 KB, 2592x1944, 101_0372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Err sorry, didn't mean to reply to you >>13287499

>> No.13287517
File: 1.09 MB, 1944x2592, 101_0373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now THIS is something I should probably use LaTeX for

>> No.13287533

use groff on a linux based system.

>> No.13287543

Based and redpilled

>> No.13287565

some next level house of leaves shit right here

>> No.13287570
File: 261 KB, 448x433, dualcolt45_BAS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13287613

Yeah. It's a mathemagical sophistry, not a mathematical proof, lol

>> No.13287705

maybe graphomania

>> No.13288232
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>> No.13288256
File: 85 KB, 640x480, pepsidog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody posted this yet?

>> No.13288364
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terrorist in training

>> No.13288440

Math teachers owned xDxD

>> No.13288451

How seriously would he take me if I responded to him directly?

>> No.13288454
File: 324 KB, 480x487, pepsi pup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pepsi galaxy
>pepsi universe

>> No.13288493

Enjoy your drink Pepsi Pup

>> No.13288503

Enjoy your drink Pepsi Pup

>> No.13288513

Neither do you need a Linux based system to use grof, not is it a viable alternative to LaTeX, the output is too garbage, especially for more complex formulas.

>> No.13288524

Enjoy your drink Pepsi pup

>> No.13288606
File: 83 KB, 340x411, snailrilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is an alien for a sci-fi fantasy.

>> No.13288729

Enjoy your drink Pepsi Pup

>> No.13288922

What you call a mind is a soul, and what you call a soul is Spirit.

>> No.13288961

Enjoy your drink Pepsi Pup

>> No.13289087

Enjoy your drink Pepsi Pup

>> No.13289098

enjoy your drink pepsi pup

>> No.13289108

Enjoy your drink Pepsi pup

>> No.13289109

Enjoy your drink Pepsi Pup

>> No.13289115

Fuck you, cocksucker. Those (you)s were rightfully mine.

>> No.13289176

Is selectful a word? Why not use selective?

>> No.13289197

Suck a dick Pepsi Pup!

>> No.13289241

pepsi pup will knot your girl!

>> No.13289517

I need context, fagfriend

>> No.13289870
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>> No.13290160

Enjoy your drink Pepsi Pup

>> No.13290180

if we get into this i should first let it be known that i've slept very little last night, only 3 hours, and i know that some of you will snicker maliciously at me mentioning sleeping only 3 hours as if it was anything special, but more important than the number of hours that I slept, were the circumstances that avoided me from sleeping more. To make it short, i was overwhelmed with worry about the future of my existance. I don't want to be dramatic, but i am fearing for my life, and even more so for what comes after, thus, lying there, being posessed by wakeful feverdreams and stuck in a bed too small for a massive figure as me, i was battling wakefulness for a full six hours, and it were these six hours which contribute to my current emotional state the most, much more than the lack of hours in sleep. Personally i think this fact goes unacknowledged too often, that even worse than bad sleep, is a bad leadup to sleep. It can be so bad that it exhausts all your capacities to somehow make it through the next day, and sleep, due to the obligations that force one to get up early in the morning, can not repair the damage that the soul has taken the previous night slash morning. Having hinted at the emotional state, in which i am, and in which i am determined to participate in this splendid multi-faceted conversation, i think it is appropriate to shed more light on the details of said emotional state. Firstly, it has to be considered what an emotional state is, and if i were to be asked spontaneously, i would describe it as the nature of the flow of energies within. This sounds obscure maybe, but it is the only think i can really perceive when paying attention to the kind of signals, torrents, and impacts that emerge from inside my body. If i were to listen at this moment to what is happening inside me, i would feel a certain uneasyness in my feet, i would notice them twitching, being stiff, even more so: extremely tense, with unnatural positions of my toes, i would also feel a certain pain in my breastcage, as if inflated, and an image rises up of rotten blood channels, fat congesting the stream et cetera, it is hard to really pin down, but my breastcage feels damaged and somewhat poisoned. Also at this very moment i have a stinging pain in my upper right leg, a pain that extends into my bones, to my own surprise. My anus and what lies close to it, also feels quite tense, as if were forced to draw it's muscles every now and then to avoid extreme discomfort. I feel anxious, i feel as if I may have a heart attack within the next 24 months, i feel doomed towards a death out of stress related reasons, but that's not all, because all of these factors do not per se determine my state to be, as i would say, depressed, sad, and fearful. The latter yes, i suppose, but the first two i sense in a sort of tightness of the throat and a feeling inside my stomach.

To be quite honest, i feel like i missed the nail here, because these are isolated perceptions, and

>> No.13290274

oh hai, should i scream HELP HELP HELP hahah, just kidding....................... no, i'm saying it because i feel similiar and readng what you write i feel like i have a friend in you, like we could maybe get along pretty well hhaha, just kiding................ but maybe you will finish your post because you only told us how you feel but i really wonder what you wanted to add to the convo, i bet it would be really inteligent lol, not kidding, i dont know, when you wrote about your upper left leg i really felt something and it made me acutely aware of how strange i often also feel inside my body is that weird lol? I hope i'm not too crazy for you........... when i think or speak i cant really control myself, its as if i was walking on pogo jumpers inside my head and suddely the street turns downwards and i hit the street on the wrong angle and the pogo jumpers catapult me diagonally 15 feet into the air, from whereon all movement becomes chaotic, with ever increasing inertia, high speed pogo jumping through san francisco and all the bystanders look at me in fear and crossing "buy pogo jumpers" with red liner in their soul list of things to get, to attain happiness, because seeing me jump erratically through the downward-sloping streets of the golden state city is a truly frightful sight. There are those people that do not fear for my safety, but rather wish to see me crash and get hurt and die - their souls are tense and eager with excitement. I scream HELP HELP FUCK HELP ME I SCREAM HELP but they smirk knowingly at me. ugh #toomuchinformation lol? Anyway this is how i feel when writing, especially when writing to somebody i really like, like you are, and also it would be SO cool if you were blond and had blue eyes, like you were this very patrician (noob attack) aryan guy who through the circumstances of his time was trapped in utter decadence, his body falling apart like you said yourself #repeatingmyself, ugh, i cant help it. I feel like such an idiot essentially just parroting your whole post and adding nothing interesting or significant to the discussion, and just rambling on and on, but anyway what i meant was that you were this decadent but proud creature of an older time, that was reduced and restricted to just the innermost perceptions and thus maybe what you call the streams and torrents of your emotional life was just the electrical outburst of your primordial aryan übermenschen energy. That would be so hot, as long as you aren't fat, but have a very ghosteish and slim appearance, and long dreamy hair... and not too much body hair, but rather hair like an angelic prince of some doomed kingdom perhaps? If not thats cool too lol, i'm way too demanding with my friendships and all i really want you to know is that i really #dig the way you express yourself and dare to put you out there. If you were like writing the continuation to your response please dont let this message interfere, as if the conversation had now moved on and

>> No.13290876

It Nick Land

>> No.13291476

im sensing some strong teenage angst senpai

>> No.13291631
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>> No.13291641

This is amazing. Why is no one commenting?

>> No.13291658

Enjoy your drink Pepsi Pup

>> No.13292352

Enjoy your drink Pepsi pup

>> No.13292417

Enjoy your drink Pepsi Pup

>> No.13293274
File: 1.04 MB, 2304x1728, DSCN1434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13293302

Enjoy your drink Pepsi Pup

>> No.13293330

Enjoy your drink Pepsi Pup

>> No.13293742
File: 1.23 MB, 1512x2688, IMG_20190613_204150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your drink bepis dog

>> No.13293833


Why the hell would I want my dreams come true for? My dreams are stupid.

>> No.13294007

are you an MD

>> No.13294059

I'm the only one that probably has things like yours, the other anons don't count since they are too orderly.. but won't take a picture of them

>> No.13294116

great thread
reminds me of Se7en opening
Who knew you guys were like John Doe?

>> No.13294736

Enjoy your drink Pepsi Pup

Had a nice meal today with a pretty girl and going to a pro-life protest tomorrow. Who knows, maybe it will be interesting.

>> No.13295065


>> No.13295103


>> No.13295117

Enjoy your drink Pepsi Pup

>> No.13295173

enjoy your drink Pepsi pup