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13286166 No.13286166 [Reply] [Original]

Can any books cure depression?

>> No.13286169

The Bible

>> No.13286176
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>> No.13286191
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Yes, I belive so. But then again, I've never had depression so I wouldn't really know though..

>> No.13286192

Apathy by Paul nielan if you're looking for a funny

>> No.13286197
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>> No.13286209

why are they mad at the kid its not his fault

>> No.13286212
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No. Though self help books can sometimes give you just enough false hope to motivate you and make you believe "it gets better" for a couple weeks.

>> No.13286244

he is a frogposter

>> No.13286458

oddly, Nietzsche helped me a lot in my depressive states

>> No.13286464

Only death can cure the sickness of life

There is no God
There is no afterlife

>> No.13286472

prove it

>> No.13286482
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this one might

>> No.13286484

There is NO God
There is NO afterlife
When you die, you WILL disappear

>> No.13286487

prove it

>> No.13286495

True but unhelpful.

>> No.13286497

prove it

>> No.13286536
File: 786 KB, 1524x2339, 91DYwfWejsL-napoleon-the-great.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As one French sergeant-major wrote, 'No-one who has not experienced it can have any idea of the enthusiasm that burst forth among the half-starved, exhausted soldiers when the Emperor was there in person. If all were demoralised and he appeared, his presence was like an electric shock. All shouted 'Vive l'Empereur!' and everyone charged blindly into the fire.' The reader of this biography will understand why this was so.

>> No.13286609

pic brings back good memories :,) thx anon

>> No.13286623

I went through an incel type phase in high school. I grew out of it my 2/4 in my senior year and there were two girls who expressed interest in me. I didn't go through with it and realized my depression would have lingered whether I had a gf or not. I unironically think regressing somewhat into our natural stage can cure depression. Doing what our cavemen ancestors did like walking in nature and hunting and gathering and worshiping what's around us. If you're European that would mean Odin worship, asian then heaven worship. American then whatever's akin to what natives worship. Get in tune with nature.

>> No.13286682
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The American cover/title are way better. Just because it's pop history doesn't mean the cover has to look embarrassing.

>> No.13286693

Finnegans Wake

>> No.13287012

What does the OP have to do with women?

>> No.13287413

“The Happiness Trap” is the pop-psych book about ACT therapy, so if you can’t afford/attention an actual CBT or ACT therapist you could always try pop psychology. If you mean something so amazing it makes you feel better, I definitely got that feeling finishing “Cry, the Beloved Country”

>> No.13287503

I posted it in case some incel posts about their lack of gf causing their depression.

>> No.13287949

No, but a real and sincere friendship can.

>> No.13287962

Depressed people should let go of their pride and at least give it a try.

>> No.13288047

Can't be proven but experiments using drugs like barbiturates & other CNS depressants highly suggest that. We lose senses that evolved last, lost first at lower doses of general CNS depressants. Take alcohol. Disinhibition when you first start drinking, restraint, one of the higher more processed forms of concioussness gets lessened / lost. Then we lose our coordination. Then movements. Then vision & basic concioussness. Then we lose our basic reflexes and literally forget how to breathe during an overdose. Having waken up in the hospital after a few too many I can tell you that the sweet nothingness I felt is what I imagine death to be

>> No.13288073
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To expand on this, I'd recommend starting off with the Book of Matthew. It's my favourite of the Gospels, and easy to get into.

>> No.13288097
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The book that leads you out of depression can in its roundabout way