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File: 154 KB, 1040x678, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13284470 No.13284470 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this a thing. Is this a trend? Why do I keep seeings books where the cover doesn't extend all the way to the edge of the book.
What the fuck, can anyone explain?

>> No.13284475

wtf -___-

>> No.13284487

I know. I was given a free book a few years ago and the cover was like this. I assumed the book was a fuckup from the printer and that's why it was free.
But I've started seeing this more and more and I haven't found a reason why.

>> No.13284489

Fuck that human cuck

>> No.13284494

I think it's just stylistic. I hate it tho

>> No.13284500

It's just design, and it's probably more expensive to make, and it looks awful.

>> No.13284509

It's becoming more common but I still don't see people talking about how fucking dumb it is. I literally haven't found any other discussion on it.

>> No.13284520

Okay but why? Who likes this and what do they like about it?

>> No.13284530

young people today aren't super familiar with "books" so it's just a way of directly suggesting to them that it's an object filled with words

>> No.13284656

>publisher hired graphic designer millennial
>millennial gets book of paper and cutting option from publisher
>one of them is ‘we will cut your edge slightly short for $1.00 per copy
>millennial graphic artists are all competing to stand out due to over saturation of the market
>this is unique and stands out

The end.
Nothing here but a classic tale of Artists trying to be the most special unique. Ironically the artist probably didn’t read the book, just took an idea she/he had and used it

t. Married a graphic designer

>> No.13284664

Cutting options from PRINTER***

They also have many kickbacks for using the stupid shit like this.

>> No.13284818

Green should be broken on a wheel like a Swedish regicide. The man's attitudes are frankly criminal. I think slow, agonizing death is a just punishment for being left-wing.

>> No.13284925

This sounds legit, but I really don't want to believe such a dumb line of reasoning would make this.

>> No.13285211

If I ever finish my book the first fifty to a hundred pages will be cut out in layers to make a 3D model of the Bayeux Tapestry (it's related to the novel). John Green is a pioneer.

>> No.13285262

It's marketing. It makes the cover slimmer, which makes the book feel more approachable and digestible, like pocket classics. At the same time, it reveals a little bit of the inside spread, which will usually have a different printing treatment than the rest of the book. This encourages someone to pick up the book and see what's inside. That spread will then usually be essentially an advertisement for the book, in a literary way, and styled to feel more serious. Combined, it encourages young white women casual readers to pick up the book, because it's not >too< serious, while also reassuring them that it's a serious book that they can be proud to have read and with which they might even be able to impress their friends. In terms of self-image, it is very much like those new dress shoes for men that have brightly colored athletic-styled, cushiony soles instead of traditional hard soles.

>> No.13285337

>turtles all the way down
I also have read page 2 of a Hawking pop-science book. Truly we are intellectuals, he and I.

>> No.13286388

Great analysis

>> No.13286921
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>> No.13286924

Hello friends. I have created a language called Akrolaun. I’ve also created an organization called “Elephants Talk”. If you would like to join “Elephants Talk” and learn the wonderful language of Akrolaun, join our discord server. https://discord.gg/E4cGSVN

>> No.13286938
File: 870 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20190612-194836_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey op I was gonna post his fat head