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13280408 No.13280408 [Reply] [Original]

Why are you a Christian? Not bullying, just curious

>> No.13280700

One day I felt the weight of all my sin and couldn't take it anymore. I went home and prayed crying, and asked God to forgive me. I got out the bible my Grandma bought me as a kid and starting reading and praying everyday. Now I feel guilty when I go out and willfully sin.

I'd like to find a church to attend soon.

>> No.13280731

Because God loved us first

>> No.13280737

Because God is real

>> No.13280859

It is the religious tradition with which I was raised, and with which I am most familiar. It has been with me since birth. Even if I were to doubt God's existence, or consider changing belief systems, the tradition is too deeply inculcated in me to ever really fade. My entire mind is built around the trinity - belief is no longer a choice as much as it is an axiom.

>> No.13280868
File: 29 KB, 680x596, g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because I'm a g

>> No.13280887

because faith is the only thing that makes sense in this world

>> No.13280910

I started reading a lot and I began to gradually sense more of a divine presence in my life.

>> No.13280983

Not a very good one.

>> No.13280985

>Because I'm a pussy and correcting being disgusted with myself fees fees better with god
As long as it works I guess, but pretty gay and ugly
Homosexual and fedora-pilled. Also pretty disgusting to say deepak shit in public with no context
Wholesome and honest-pilled. Not sure how true the claims about inescapability from doctrine are though.
keeping it light. further inquiry about your path from a seeker would reveal you true character though. Cringe if you continue like that
Liar. Bad Christian.
Potentially schizoid

Wew. Non 4chan Christians do better. The affectations on everyone here, wew. Except the indoctrinated one ironically.

>> No.13280997

look mom I replied to everyone

>> No.13281002

I was Christian because I believe in the God of Abraham. Now I'm in the process of converting to Islam because I believe in the God of Abraham.

>> No.13281013

white ginger albino pilled

>> No.13281015

suffering led me to it. stopped suffering while on it. now and then I still suffer but Jesus's words are not only comforting but true. Schopenhauer's doctrine is aligned with true Christianity (read TWAWAR), but also Jesus's words by themselves are just GOOD. His new commandments besides love God and love thy neighbor are good, but then there is the 1) make peace with your brother even if it takes a long time; 2) do not admire the beauty of women but live with the one to whom you have become united and do not leave her; 3) swear not at all (DON'T MAKE PROMISES!) 4; Do not resist evil, do not judge, do not go to court for it will make things worse; and 5) love people from foreign nations. All of these make me happier, as well as seeing Jesus as someone real and something that happened. I occasionally grapple with Nietzsche saying it's only because we are weak that we turn to it (and God I feel like a poser for typing out that last clause because it's what people chalk Nietzsche up to when he's much, much more), but I also can see Nietzsche as a martyr, a palate cleanser, and my faith in Jesus as my own meaning. Pascal and Epictetus also helped me on my way.

>> No.13281091

Jesus makes me feel good. It gives me a reason to keep destroying myself, because to sacrifice yourself for those you love is the greatest thing there is. I am not a saint, I will pay for my sins like everyone else, but I try to do my best. God is the only one I fear as well, which is very releasing. Nothing scares me anymore, I know we will all have our reward and punishment, I believe there is justice but it doesn't belong to this world. Jesus gave me a reason to love everyone, and every time I sense hate inside me I remember his words. He has made life more beautiful for me. I can now appreciate beauty in most things, even though I don't always see life as beautiful. Sometimes I think about becoming a nun, but maybe I want that for selfish reasons and not to help others. I will still try to do my best no matter what.

>> No.13281128

>Not sure how true the claims about inescapability from doctrine are though
I would consider myself a special case. Early in my life, I began to use worship as a coping mechanism. This continued. As an adult, I still feel a very strong impetus to "worship" things, or at least view them religiously, when they become a significant part of my life: I did well in my studies because I would pretend that my textbooks contained revealed truths from God, for example. I believe that some people's theistic inclinations are stronger than others - for these outliers, the act of worship is almost a necessary bodily function.

I view God much more amorphously these days, however. I do not pretend to understand or be party to its nature. I do not proselytize. I do not imprecate. I also place fewer doctrinaire constraints on the whole concept, as many seem arbitrary. Still, speaking to a higher power in my mind is soothing and edifying habit which has vastly improved my life. I don't think I'll give it up any time soon.