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/lit/ - Literature

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1327568 No.1327568 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.1327574

>violence vs. huge dinners
wtf that doesn't even make sense


>> No.1327573

Truly /b/ worthy.

>> No.1327576

Go back to /b/

>> No.1327579

religion is a good basis for morality.
atheism is for the most part rebellious edgy teenagers.
fundamentalism is retarded. both religious and atheist fundamentalism.
the main problem is that religious fundamentalists believe in something that is clearly retarded, and atheists take that retarded belief and believe that that's the only possible deity that exists, and disregards every supernatural belief because of it.

>> No.1327580

there is no atheist fundamentalism, just moral nihilism

>> No.1327586

This with what >>1327580 said, I agree wholeheartedly.
Sage for agreement with other sager and troll thread.

>> No.1327615


You idiots have no idea what you are talking about.

Probably samefagging too

>> No.1327617
File: 26 KB, 393x411, 20071019-marcha_zapatista_subcomandante_marcos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice discourse bro, also not samefagging.

>> No.1327628

Yup, definately same fag

>> No.1327629

no, faggot. Get off this board.

>> No.1327638
File: 20 KB, 316x422, subcomandante-marcos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, for sake of argument, we're samefag, now engage in discourse and point out the flaws in our.. i mean my statement..

>> No.1327641

But...but...can't I choose to deconstruct traditional binary distinctions as inherently oversimplistic and inevitably biased?

>> No.1327654

No, YOU deconstruct nothing, it deconstructs itself, leaving its inherent contradictions laid bare.

>> No.1327657
File: 86 KB, 880x557, win.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1327664

What city is the one on the left?

>> No.1327667

a jewish city

>> No.1327678

What is this, /int/?
It's New York, pre-2001

>> No.1327681

How is New York atheist?

>> No.1327687
File: 321 KB, 1024x768, in_goat_we_thrust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a city built by ardently calvinist nederlanders, bought by the protestant nation of america and owned by jews.

>> No.1327688

I can see the connection. While New York is not athiest (St. Patrick's Cathedral), it played a big part in the revolution, and the founding fathers, many of who are from the area, formed the Constitution exclusively keeping religious ideals out. Sadly, most "patriotic" Americans don't know this (looking at you, red states).

>> No.1327696

The point is that the towers would still be standing in a world with only athiesm

>> No.1327699

But didn't they keep religion out on the basis of freedom of belief?

>> No.1327702

But with only atheism there wouldn't be any towers or planes.

>> No.1327703

Freedom of belief is part of the larger concept of freedom of expression, and they kept out religious ideals because they didn't want to impose any religious ideals on the citizens, leaving them free to follow their own.

>> No.1327705

>the Constitution exclusively keeping religious ideals out.
>We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
and i'm not even us-american, dear gringo bolshevik
>(looking at you, red states)
the only red states are those which venerate red jews as if they were Gods. I am looking at you, Marcuse and Adorno.

>> No.1327710
File: 65 KB, 469x417, eckhart tolle..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too busy living in eternal present to care! lol!

>> No.1327713

september 11th was a punishment for forsaking God, dear faggot enabling money-lender whores of satan.

>> No.1327716
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>> No.1327723

How the fuck did you deduce that?

>> No.1327725

What units is that graph in?

>> No.1327730




>> No.1327732

Early math was based around religious ritual.

>> No.1327741

By saying "Creator," they are making a point, that is, at the moment of creation all men are equal. Other than that, you're pants on head retarded.
Barbarians, do you know of them? The Christian church saved all of the Roman and Greek Literature we know of today (monasteries). You've proven >>1327579's point. Good work.

>> No.1327749

>implying we wouldn't have figured it faster if it weren't for religion
>implying religion didn't hold back scientific progress for centuries

>> No.1327752

>implying you know jack shit about history
normally, I'd ignore this troll thread, but there's some redeemable posts here.
Only /lit/ can make troll threads good.

sage anyway.

>> No.1327759

>By saying "Creator"
>We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men evolved equal, that they are endowed by Evolution with certain unalienable Organs, that among these are the endothalamus, the opposable thumb and the pursuit of Punani.
jewbolshevik, your shit makes no sense

>> No.1327783
File: 5 KB, 149x149, do not want chihuahua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Origin of Species, published 1859
Bitch, please. This is /lit/.

>> No.1327830

yes. but atheism was older:
>We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are machines, that they are endowed with 3 simple drives, lust, wrath and the pursuit of power.
all bourgeois philosophy is christendom paraphrased.

>> No.1327837
File: 83 KB, 500x346, Chinese-Dinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1327860
File: 45 KB, 450x338, chinese_dinner_in_atheist_PRC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1327868

really /lit?' you're going to fall for this sort of /r9k/esque shitstorm? I thought better of you.

>> No.1327898

what kind of riffraff are you? What we are dealing with here is the single most important question in the history of mankind!

>> No.1327908

my bad. if only all of such high philosphical discussions could be accommodated by trollbait x vs. y posters. if only.

>> No.1327917

>I thought

This is 4chan. Thinking was your first mistake. What did you think? That /lit/ was a special magical place of "people on 4chan who aren't dumbasses"?


The sucess of this thread should prove that to you if nothing else will: 4chan is FULL of dumbasses. And you're one of them.

>> No.1327935

agreed. /lit/ is like the bill o'reilly of 4chan. the proverbial Stewartian "skinniest kid at fat camp." At the moment at least. y u mad tho?

>> No.1327939
File: 101 KB, 900x726, I say.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to disagree, I found many posts to be educational and many trolls to be cruelly denounced.

>> No.1327946

surely. but i think it won't be long until it's all HELP ME WITH MY ENGLISH HOMEWORK and LOL ULYSSES HOUSE OF LEAVES AYN RAND ETC.

>> No.1327972

Indeed, indeed. For one, I would have never learnt that Nieuw Amsterdam was owned by the Hebrews alone through studies conducted in other areas.

>> No.1327989

>>/sci/ is the other way bro

>> No.1328062 [DELETED] 

but meh
it's so bland!

>> No.1328064


>> No.1328088


>implying it's not already